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Synchronization transition with coexistence of attractors in coupled discontinuous system

Yang Ke-Li
  • 本文研究了耦合不连续系统的同步转换过程中的动力学行为, 发现由混沌非同步到混沌同步的转换过程中特殊的多吸引子共存现象. 通过计算耦合不连续系统的同步序参量和最大李雅普诺夫指数随耦合强度的变化, 发现了较复杂的同步转换过程: 临界耦合强度之后出现周期非同步态(周期性窗口); 分析了系统周期态的迭代轨道,发现其具有两类不同的迭代轨道: 对称周期轨道和非对称周期轨道, 这两类周期吸引子和同步吸引子同时存在, 系统表现出对初值敏感的多吸引子共存现象. 分析表明, 耦合不连续系统中的周期轨道是由于局部动力学的不连续特性和耦合动力学相互作用的结果. 最后, 对耦合不连续系统的同步转换过程进行了详细的分析, 结果表明其同步呈现出较复杂的转换过程.
    The studies of extended dynamics systems are relevant to the understanding of spatiotemporal patterns observed in diverse fields. One of the well-established models for such complex systems is the coupled map lattices, and several features of pattern formation including synchronization, unsynchronization, traveling waves and clustering synchronization are found. Among the above-mentioned patterns, chaotic synchronization has been intensively investigated in recent years. It has been demonstrated that two or more chaotic systems can be synchronized by linking them with mutual coupling or a common signal or some signals. Over the last decade, a number of theoretical methods have been presented to deal with this problem, such as the methods of master stability functions and eigenvalue analysis. While much effort has been devoted to the networks with different topological structures in continuous systems. The coupled discontinuous maps have been investigated with increasing interest in recent years, they showed that the complete synchronization in coupled discontinuous systems is more complicated than in coupled continuous systems. However, a similar problem of synchronization transition in coupled discontinuous systems is much less known.The synchronization transition in coupled discontinuous map lattices is studied. The average order parameter and maximal Lyapunov exponent are calculated to diagnose the synchronization of coupled piecewise maps. The results indicate that there exist the periodic clusters and the synchronization state, and a new transition style from periodic cluster states to complete synchronization states is found. The periodic cluster states consist of two kinds of periodic orbits: symmetric periodic orbits and asymmetric periodic orbits.Based on the pattern analysis, the common features of the patterns are constructed by the two periodic attractors, and the periodic orbit is an unstable periodic orbit of the isolate map. The discontinuities in a system can divide the phase space into individual zones of different dynamical features. The interactions between the local nonlinearity and the spatial coupling confine orbit into certain spaces and form a dynamic balance between two periodic clusters. The system can reach complete synchronization states when the balance is off. It is shown that synchronization transition of the coupled discontinuous map can exhibit the different processes, which depends on coupling strength. Four transition modes are found in coupled discontinuous map: 1) the transition, from the coexistence of chaotic synchronization and chaotic un-synchronization states to the coexistence of chaotic synchronization, chaotic un-synchronization, symmetric periodic orbits and asymmetric periodic orbits; 2) the transition from the coexistence of chaotic synchronization, chaotic un-synchronization, symmetric periodic orbits and asymmetric periodic orbits to the coexistence of chaotic synchronization, symmetric periodic orbits and asymmetric periodic orbits; 3) the transition from the coexistence of chaotic synchronization, symmetric periodic orbits and asymmetric periodic orbits to the coexistence of chaotic synchronization and symmetric periodic orbits; 4) the transition from the coexistence of chaotic synchronization and symmetric periodic orbits to the chaotic synchronization. Because the local dynamics has discontinuous points, the coupled system shows a riddle basin characteristic in the phase space, and the synchronization transition of coupled piecewise maps looks more complex than continuous system.
      通信作者: 杨科利, klyang@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11547247)、陕西省教育厅科研计划项目(批准号:15JK1045)和宝鸡文理学院重点科研项目(批准号:ZK15028)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Yang Ke-Li, klyang@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11547247), the Science Foundation of the Education Bureau of Shaanxi Province of China (Grant No. 15JK1045), and the Science Foundation of Baoji University of Arts and Science of China (Grant No. ZK15028).

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  • 收稿日期:  2015-12-09
  • 修回日期:  2016-02-19
  • 刊出日期:  2016-05-05

