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常晓阳 尧舜 张奇灵 张杨 吴波 占荣 杨翠柏 王智勇



常晓阳, 尧舜, 张奇灵, 张杨, 吴波, 占荣, 杨翠柏, 王智勇

Anti-radiation of space triple-junction solar cell based on distributed Bragg reflector structure

Chang Xiao-Yang, Yao Shun, Zhang Qi-Ling, Zhang Yang, Wu Bo, Zhan Rong, Yang Cui-Bai, Wang Zhi-Yong
  • 根据电子辐照条件下的常规三结砷化镓太阳能电池光谱响应以及电池电流的损伤特征, 确定电池衰减的物理机理: 中电池在电子辐照后形成的辐照损伤缺陷, 使得基区少子扩散长度被大幅缩短, 影响了光生载流子的收集. 针对中电池衰减的物理机理, 设计不同的基区厚度, 验证辐照后扩散长度缩短至1.5 m左右. 为提升中电池抗辐照性能, 消除辐照后扩散长度缩减带来的影响, 对中电池外延结构进行设计, 将中电池基区减薄至1.5 m, 并在其下方嵌入分布式布拉格反射器, 对特定波段光反射进行二次吸收, 弥补中电池减薄的影响. 通过TFCalc光学模系设计软件模拟出的中心波长为850 nm, 15对Al0.9Ga0.1As/Al0.1Ga0.9As的分布式布拉格反射器, 实际测试最高反射率大于97%, 高反带宽94 nm, 能够满足设计要求. 此基础上进行了新结构电池的外延生长与辐照测试对比. 实验结果表明: 新结构太阳能电池辐照后短路电流衰减比原结构降低了50%, 效率的剩余因子提升2.3%.
    At present, solar cells are the main sources for spacecrafts. For a long time the bulk of the space power installations has been the solar arrays based on single junction silicon and gallium arsenide solar cells. In recent years a trend has been the active use of triple-junction GaAs solar cell with higher efficiency instead of single junction solar cells. One of the most important characteristics of solar cells used in spacecrafts is the resistance to radiation damages caused by high energy particles of the near-Earth space. According to the spectral response of triple-junction GaAs solar cell and the damage characteristics of the current under the condition of electron irradiation, the physical mechanism of cell attenuation can be determined: the current degradation originates mainly from the GaInAs subcells. These damages form additional centers of nonradiative recombination, which results in the reduction of the minority charge carrier diffusion lengths and in degradation of the solar cells photocurrent.The radiation damage caused by the electron irradiation will shorten the diffusion length of the base region and affect the collection of photo generated carriers. The ways of improving absorption of long wavelength light in GaInAs subcells with a thin base in using the distributed Bragg reflector can be investigated by the mathematical simulation method based on calculating the light propagation in a multilayer structure by means of the TFCalc software which can design optical structure. To estimate the validity of these methods for solar cells structures with distributed Bragg reflector, the spectral dependences of the photoresponse and the reflection coefficient with different base thickness values are calculated and compared with experimental results. Based on the physical mechanism of the degradation, the thickness of middle subcell base layer is reduced, and an appropriate structure of the distributed Bragg reflector is simulated by the TFCalc software. As a result, the new structure solar cells are that the thickness of the base layer is 1.5 m compared with the different middle subcell thickness values, and the distributed Bragg reflector structure with 15 paris of the Al0.1Ga0.9As/Al0.9Ga0.1As with 850 nm central wavelength is embedded in the middle subcell of the base layer, the distributed Bragg reflector has a highest reflectivity of more than 97% in the actual test, and a bandwidth of 94 nm, which can satisfy design requirement. After irradiating the new structure of solar cells, the decay of its short-circuited current is reduced by 50% compared with that of the original structure, and the remaining efficiency factor is increased by 2.3%.
      通信作者: 尧舜, yaoshun@bjut.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 中山市科技强企支撑计划(批准号:2013A3FC0192)和中山市战略性新兴产业项目基金(批准号:ZSEI-2013468008)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Yao Shun, yaoshun@bjut.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Zhongshan City Supporting Science and Technology for Company, China (Grant No. 2013A3FC0192) and the Strategic Emerging Industries Foundation of Zhongshan City, China (Grant No. ZSEI-2013468008).

    Messenger S R, Jackson E M, Warner J H, Walters R J 2010 Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Honolulu, Hi, USA, June 20-25, 2010 p1106


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  • [1]

    Messenger S R, Jackson E M, Warner J H, Walters R J 2010 Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Honolulu, Hi, USA, June 20-25, 2010 p1106


    Summers G P, Messenger S A, Walters R J, Burke E A 2001 Progr. Photovoltaics Res. Applicat. 9 103


    Takamoto T, Agui T, Kamimura K, Kaneiwa M 2003 3rd World Conference on Phorovolfaic Energy Conversion Osaka, Japan, May 11-18, 2003 p581


    Wu Y Y, Yue L, Hu J M, Lan M J, Xiao J D, Yang D Z, He S Y, Zhang Z W, Wang X C, Qian Y, Chen M B 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 098110 (in Chinese) [吴宜勇, 岳龙, 胡建民, 蓝慕杰, 肖景东, 杨德庄, 何世禹, 张忠卫, 王训春, 钱勇, 陈鸣波 2011 物理学报 60 098110]


    Wu Y Y, Yue L, Hu J M, Xiao J D, Chen M B, Qian Y, Yang D Z, He S Y 2011 Spacecraft Environment Engineering 28 329 (in Chinese) [吴宜勇, 岳龙, 胡建民, 肖景东, 陈鸣波, 钱勇, 杨德庄, 何世禹 2011 航天器环境工程 28 329]


    Yue L, Wu Y Y, Zhang Y Q, Hu J M, Sun C Y, Hao M M, Lan M J 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 188101 (in Chinese) [岳龙, 吴宜勇, 张延清, 胡建民, 孙承月, 郝明明, 蓝慕杰 2014 物理学报 63 188101]


    Hu J M, Wu Y Y, He S, Qian Y, Chen M B, Yang D Z 2010 Acta Energiae Sol. Sin. 31 1568 (in Chinese) [胡建民, 吴宜勇, 何松, 钱勇, 陈鸣波, 杨德庄 2010 太阳能学报 31 1568]


    Qi J H, Hu J M, Sheng Y H, Wu Y Y, Xu J W, Wang Y Y, Yang X M, Zhang Z R, Zhou Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 108802 (in Chinese) [齐佳红, 胡建民, 盛延辉, 吴宜勇, 徐建文, 王月媛, 杨晓明, 张子锐, 周扬 2015 物理学报 64 108802]


    Lantratov V, Emelyanov V, Kalyuzhnyy N, Mintairov S, Shvarts M 2010 Adv. Sci.Technol. 74 225


    Gao W, Gao H, Xu J, Zhang B, Liu C X, Wang B M, Mu J 2014 Chinese Journal of Power Sources 5 841 (in Chinese) [高伟, 高慧, 许军, 张宝, 刘长喜, 王保民, 穆杰 2014 电源技术 5 841]


    Hu J M, Wu Y Y, Yang D Z, He S Y 2008 Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B 266 3577


    Hu J M 2009 Ph. D. Dissertation (Haerbin: Harbin Institute of Technology) (in Chinese) [胡建民 2009 博士学位论文(哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学)]


    Sato S I, Ohshima T, Imaizumi M 2009 J. Appl.Phys. 105 044504


    An Q L, Cao Q S, Li G X, Liu B Y, Zhang Z K 1984 The Principle and Technology of Solar Cell (Shanghai: Science and Technology of China Press) pp91-94 (in Chinese) [安其霖, 曹国琛, 李国欣, 刘宝元, 张忠奎 1984 太阳电池原理与工艺 (上海:科学技术出版社) 第91-94页]


    Bahrami A, Mohammadnejad S, Abkena N J 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 28803

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  • 收稿日期:  2015-12-07
  • 修回日期:  2016-02-04
  • 刊出日期:  2016-05-05

