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李志鹏 李晶 孙静 刘阳 方进勇



李志鹏, 李晶, 孙静, 刘阳, 方进勇

High power microwave damage mechanism on high electron mobility transistor

Li Zhi-Peng, Li Jing, Sun Jing, Liu Yang, Fang Jin-Yong
  • 本文针对高电子迁移率晶体管在高功率微波注入条件下的损伤过程和机理进行了研究,借助Sentaurus-TCAD仿真软件建立了晶体管的二维电热模型,并仿真了高功率微波注入下的器件响应. 探索了器件内部电流密度、电场强度、温度分布以及端电流随微波作用时间的变化规律. 研究结果表明,当幅值为20 V,频率为14.9 GHz的微波信号由栅极注入后,器件正半周电流密度远大于负半周电流密度,而负半周电场强度高于正半周电场. 在强电场和大电流的共同作用下,器件内部的升温过程同时发生在信号的正、负半周内. 又因栅极下靠近源极侧既是电场最强处,也是电流最密集之处,使得温度峰值出现在该处. 最后,对微波信号损伤的高电子迁移率晶体管进行表面形貌失效分析,表明仿真与实验结果符合良好.
    In this paper, the damage process and mechanism of the typical high electron mobility transistor by injecting high power microwave signals are studied by simulation and experiment methods. By using the device simulator software Sentaurus-TCAD, a typical two-dimensional electro-thermal model of high electron mobility transistor is established with considering the high-field saturation mobility, Shockley-Read-Hall generation-recombination and avalanche breakdown. The simulation is carried out by injecting the 14.9 GHz, 20 V equivalent voltage signals into the gate electrode. Then, the distributions of the space charge density, electric field, current density and temperature with time are analyzed. During the positive half cycle, a conduction channel appears beneath the gate electrode near the source side within device. It is found that the electric field is extremely strong and the current density is very large. Therefore, the temperature increases mainly occurs beneath the gate electrode near the source side. During the negative half cycle, because of the concentration of the large number of carriers induced by avalanche breakdown, the electric field is stronger than that in the positive half cycle. But the current density is lower than that in positive half cycle. Therefore, the increase of temperature is dominated by the electric field. With the effects of both strong electric field and high current density, the temperature of the transistor rises in the whole signal cycle. In addition, temperature in the positive half-cycle rises faster than that in the negative half-cycle.Furthermore, the peak temperature appears at the location beneath gate electrode near the source side because the electric field and current density are strongest in this area. When the temperature within the device is higher than 750 K, intrinsic breakdown occurs in GaAs material, so the heating process becomes quicker. With the temperature increases, the GaAs reaches its melting point, and the device fails permanently. Furthermore, taking the original phase of 0 and for example, we discuss the influences of different original phases on damage process. It is shown that when original phase is zero, the temperature increase rate is faster, and the burn-out time is shorter.Failure analysis of high electron mobility transistor devices damaged by microwaves is carried out with scanning electron microscope, and the simulation results are well consistent with the experimental results. The conclusion may provide guidance for studying high power microwave defense of low noise amplifier and rugged design of high electron mobility transistor in fabrication technology.
      通信作者: 刘阳, lliu_yang@163.com
      Corresponding author: Liu Yang, lliu_yang@163.com

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    Ren Z, Yin W Y, Shi Y B, Liu Q H 2010 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 57 345


    Chen X, Du Z W, Gong K 2007 High Power Laser Part. Beams 19 449 (in Chinese) [陈曦, 杜正伟, 龚克 2007 强激光与粒子束 19 449]


    You H L, Lan J C, Fan J P, Jia X Z, Zha W 2012 Acta Phys. Sin. 61 108501 (in Chinese) [游海龙, 蓝建春, 范菊平, 贾新章, 查薇 2012 物理学报 61 108501]


    Ren X R, Chai C C, Ma Z Y, Yang Y T 2013 J. Xidian Univ. 40 36 (in Chinese) [任兴荣, 柴常春, 马振洋, 杨银堂 2013 西安电子科技大学学报 40 36]


    Fan J P, Zhang L, Jia X Z 2010 High Power Laser Part. Beams 22 1319 (in Chinese) [范菊平, 张玲, 贾新章 2010 强激光与粒子束 22 1319]


    Chai C C, Yang Y T, Zhang B, Leng P, Yang Y, Rao W 2008 J. Semicond. 29 2403 (in Chinese) [柴常春, 杨银堂, 张冰, 冷鹏, 杨杨, 饶伟 2008 半导体学报 29 2403]


    Zhang C B, Wang H G, Zhang J D 2014 High Power Laser Part. Beams 26 063014 (in Chinese) [张存波, 王弘刚, 张建德 2014 强激光与粒子束 26 063014]


    Zhou H A, Du Z W, Gong K 2005 High Power Laser Part. Beams 17 689 (in Chinese) [周怀安, 杜正伟, 龚克 2005 强激光与粒子束 17 689]


    Zhang B, Chai C C, Yang Y T 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8063 (in Chinese) [张冰, 柴长春, 杨银堂 2010 物理学报 59 8063]

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-04-20
  • 修回日期:  2016-05-11
  • 刊出日期:  2016-08-05

