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苑佳华 张恒利 毛叶飞 郝相龙 邢冀川 辛建国



苑佳华, 张恒利, 毛叶飞, 郝相龙, 邢冀川, 辛建国

160 W laser-diode end-pumped Nd:YVO4 slab laser with positive branch hybrid resonator

Yuan Jia-Hua, Zhang Heng-Li, Mao Ye-Fei, Hao Xiang-Long, Xing Ji-Chuan, Xin Jian-Guo
  • 研究了LD端面抽运Nd:YVO4板条晶体正支混合腔Innoslab结构的激光器.利用Innoslab激光器的功率升级简单的优点,采用尺寸为22 mm10 mm1 mm的大块Nd:YVO4晶体,最终在抽运功率为462 W时,获得最大功率为160 W的连续激光输出,功率波动为2.6%,光-光转换效率和斜效率分别为41.5%和47.7%.在输出功率为145 W时,测得光束质量在稳腔和非稳腔方向上分别为2.21和1.37.
    In this paper, we present an experiment on a continuous-wave Nd:YVO4 Innoslab laser diode-pumped at 808 nm. The LD stack is composed of six bars, with the central wavelength fixed at 808 nm by adjusting the cooling water temperature. The emission from each diode laser bar is individually collimated by micro lens, which is coupled into a coupling system. The coupling system includes a planar waveguide, four cylindrical lenses and a spherical lens. The planar waveguide is used to shape the emitting beams of LD to obtain uniform distribution. The coupling system leads to a pump power loss of ~12%. By the coupling system, we obtain a homogeneous pumping line of ~0.4 mm22 mm coupled into the 0.3 at. % Nd:YVO4 (22 mm10 mm1 mm) crystal. The Nd:YVO4 crystal is a-cut with c axis along 22 mm direction. Indium foil is used for uniform thermal contact and cooling. The laser crystal is mounted between two water-cooled copper heat sinks with two large faces 22 mm10 mm. The heat conduction inside the laser crystal is quasionedimensional. The two 22 mm1 mm surfaces are polished and antireflectioncoated for the pump light and the laser light. Temperature of LD stack and laser crystal are controlled by cooling circulating water. The resonator consists of the input mirror (M1) and the output mirror (M2). M1 is a concave mirror with a radius of R1=500 mm, which is coated for high refection (HR) at 1064 nm and high transmission (HT) at 808 nm. The output mirror (M2) is a cylindrical mirror with a radius of R2=-350 mm, which is coated for HR at 1064 nm. M2 is cut and polished at one edge where the large beam exits. M1 and M2 constitute a stable resonator in vertical direction and off-axis unstable positive confocal resonator in the horizontal direction. In theory, the length of the resonator is L=(R1+R2)/2=75 mm. In fact, the length of the resonator is the same as the theoretical value. The equivalent transmission of the resonator is T=1-|R2/R1|=30%. At a pumping power of 462 W, a maximum power of 160 W continuous wave laser output is obtained, with the stability being 2.6%. Considering 88% of the coupling efficiency and 95% of absorbed efficiency, the optical-to-optical efficiency and slope efficiency are 41.5% and 47.7%, respectively. When the output power is 145 W, the beam quality M2 factors in the stable direction and unstable direction are 2.21 and 1.37, respectively. With the help of the ANSYS software, the temperature distribution in the crystal at the pumped power of 462 W is demonstrated. The temperature distributions are analogous to exponential decays in the Z-direction and parabola decay in the Y-direction, respectively. The maximum temperature difference is 71.6 K in our experiment. The thermal lens is negligible in the unstable direction because the temperature distribution is uniform. That is why the Innoslab laser is beneficial to the power scaling, as it keeps the power density constant, and enlarges the size of gain medium in the unstable direction to inject bigger power to obtain a higher power output, and maintain the constant beam quality.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Heng-Li, zhl040325@bit.edu.cn

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    Mao Y F, Zhang H L, Cui L, Xu L, Xing J C, Xin J G 2015 Laser Phys. 25 075002

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    Zhou S H, Zhao H, Tang X J 2009 Chin. J. Lasers 36 1605 (in Chinese) [周寿恒, 赵鸿, 唐小军2009中国激光36 1605]


    Minassian A, Thompson B A, Damzen M J 2003 Appl. Phys. B 76 341


    Zhang T L, Yao J Q, Wang P, Zhu X Y, Cai Z Q, Zhang B G 2007 Chinese J. Lasers 34 1194 (in Chinese) [张铁犁, 姚建铨, 王鹏, 朱雪玉, 蔡志强, 张百钢2007中国激光34 1194]


    Du K M, Wu N L, Xu J D, Giesekus J, Loosen P, Poprawe R 1998 Opt. Lett. 23 370


    Poprawe R, Scchulz W 2003 Riken Rev. 50 3


    Shi P, Zhang H L, Wang Y J, Robert D, D U K M 2004 Acta Opt. Sin. 24 641 (in Chinese) [石鹏, 张恒利, 汪永东, Robert Diart, 杜可明2004光学学报24 641]


    Zhu P, Li D J, Qi B S, Alexander S, Shi P, Claus H, Fu S J, Wu N l, D U K M 2008 Opt. Lett. 33 2248


    Liu X M, Li D J, Shi P, Claus R H, Alexander S, Wu N, Du K M 2007 Opt. Commun. 272 192


    Shi P, Li D J, Zhang H L, Wang Y D, Du K M 2004 Opt. Commun. 229 349


    Cui L, Zhang H L, X U L, Li J, Yan Y, Duan C, Sha P F, Xin J G 2010 Chin. Phys. Lett. 27 114204


    Mao Y F, Zhang H L, Xu L, He J L, Sun X, Xing J C, Xin J G 2012 Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology 32 1162 (in Chinese) [毛叶飞, 张恒利, 徐浏, 何京良, 孙肖, 邢冀川, 辛建国2012北京理工大学学报32 1162]


    Mao Y F, Zhang H L, Cui L, Xu L, Xing J C, Xin J G 2015 Laser Phys. 25 075002

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-03-22
  • 修回日期:  2016-07-11
  • 刊出日期:  2016-10-05

