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杜浩 倪玉山



杜浩, 倪玉山

Multiscale simulations and ductile-brittle analyses of the atomistic cracks in BCC Ta, Fe and W

Du Hao, Ni Yu-Shan
  • 采用多尺度准连续介质法计算模拟了钽、铁、钨三种体心立方(body-centered-cubic,BCC)金属的I型裂纹断裂过程.观察了加载过程中裂纹尖端区域原子的位错、孪晶等塑性变形现象,以及裂纹的脆性开裂和扩展现象.模拟结果表明,不同BCC金属材料的裂纹在相同的加载下有不同韧脆性表现.在一定变形范围内,钽裂纹主要表现出的是裂纹尖端附近区域原子的位错和形变孪晶等塑性变形现象;铁裂纹在变形过程中先后表现出了塑性变形和脆性扩展现象,与实验结果吻合;钨裂纹在变形过程中则主要变现出脆性扩展现象.计算了三种金属材料的广义层错能曲线,得到其不稳定层错能;并分别用两种不同的韧脆性准则,对三种材料断裂模型的韧脆性行为进行分析,计算分析结果与模拟结果一致,从而验证了模拟结果的正确性.
    In order to better understand the fracture mechanism of body-centered-cubic (BCC) metal, the multiscale quasi-continuum method (QC) is employed to analyze the nano-sized mode I cracks of three kinds of BCC metal materials, i.e., Ta, Fe and W. The plastic deformation near the crack tip and the brittle cleavage process are both investigated. The simulation result shows that there are different ductile-brittle behaviors in the cracks of different BCC materials. In the same loading range, the plastic deformation, such as dislocation nucleation and emission, stacking faults and twinning, is the main phenomenon for the crack of BCC-Ta. For the crack of BCC-Fe, plastic deformation and brittle cleavage are observed successively. At the initial stage, plastic deformation is dominant, which is similar to the crack of Ta. As loading increases, the crack begins to propagate, which differs from the crack of Ta. At first, the crack propagates along the initial direction [001], but then turns to [01] as the surface energy of {110} is lower than that of {01}. With the crack propagating, the crack tip is blunted by the plastic deformation, which is consistent with experimental results. As for BCC-W, the crack is found to propagate as brittle cleavage without plastic deformation at first. And the brittle cleavage is dominant all the time, which is a significant difference between W and the other two materials. In addition to the atomistic simulation, some theoretical calculations are also performed to analyze the ductile-brittle behaviors of the cracks. By an atomic slip model, the generalized stacking fault curves of BCC Ta, Fe and W are generated, which exhibit the unstable stacking fault energies of these materials. Based on the unstable stacking fault energy, two theoretical ductile-brittle criterions are analyzed. For the Rice-criterion, the result shows that the dislocation condition is met before cleavage for Ta and Fe, while for W the cleavage occurs before dislocation. For the ductile-brittle-parameter criterion, the result shows that Ta is the most ductile one in the three materials, followed by Fe, and W is the least ductile but the most brittle one. The analysis results of the two theoretical criterions both coincide well with the atomic simulation result, which well validates the simulation and fracture mechanisms.
      通信作者: 倪玉山, niyushan@fudan.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11572090)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Ni Yu-Shan, niyushan@fudan.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11572090).

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    Miller R, Ortiz M, Phillips R 1998 Engineer. Fract. Mech. 61 427


    Cui C B, Beom H G 2014 Mater. Sci. Engineer. A 609 102


    Liu X B, Xu Q J, Liu J 2014 The Chinese J. Nonferrous Metals 24 1408 (in Chinese) [刘晓波, 徐庆军, 刘剑2014中国有色金属学报24 1408]


    Inga R V, Erling O, Christian T, Diana F 2011 Mater. Sci. Engineer. A 528 5122


    Wu Y F, Wang C Y, Guo Y F 2005 Prog. Nat. Sci. 15 206 (in Chinese) [吴映飞, 王崇愚, 郭雅芳2005自然科学进展15 206]


    Tadmor E B 1996 The Quasicontinuum Method (Rhode: Brown University Press) pp8-20


    Li Y, Siegel D J, Adams J B 2003 Phys. Rev. B 67 125101


    Mendelev M I, Han S, Srolovitz D J, Ackland G J, Sun D Y, Asta M 2003 Philosophical Magazine 83 3977


    Finnis M, Sinclair E 1984 Philosophical Magazine A 50 45


    Featherston F H, Neighbours J R 1963 Phys. Rev. 130 1324


    Michal L, Anna M, Alena U, Jaroslav P, Pavel L 2016 Int. J. Fatigue 87 63


    Rice J R, Beltz G E 1994 J. Mech. Phys. Solids 42 333


    Tadmor E B, Hai S 2003 Mech. Phys. Solids 51 765


    Vitek V 1968 Philosophical Magazine 18 773


    Zimmerman J A, Gao H J, Abraham F F 2000 Model. Simul. Mater. Sci. Engineer. 8 103


    Lu G, Kioussis 2000 Phys. Rev. B 62 3099


    Rice J R 1992 Mech. Phys. Solids 40 239


    Wang S G, Tian E K, Lung C W 2000 J. Phys. Chem. Solids 61 1295


    Mei J F, Ni Y S, Li J W 2011 Int. J. Solids Struct. 48 3054


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