采用晶体相场法模拟了纳米尺度下小角度对称倾斜晶界的结构和位错运动, 针对弛豫过程和附加外应力过程, 观察了晶界上位错运动的位置变化和体系自由能变化, 分析了温度对小角度对称倾斜晶界的结构和晶界上位错运动的影响规律. 研究表明, 弛豫过程中体系温度越低, 体系自由能下降速率越大, 原子规则排列速率增加, 体系自由能达到稳定状态所需的时间越短, 晶界达到稳定状态时位错对排列愈发整齐, 呈现直线规则排列. 外应力作用下, 温度越低, 晶体位错对首次相遇时间越长, 晶体形成单个晶粒时间越长, 位错对首次相遇到晶体内位错对完全消失过程时间越长; 随着温度的降低, 体系自由能出现多段上升下降, 位错对反应也愈加复杂, 趋向于逐对抵消.For crystal materials, the grain boundary structure is complex, which is usually the place in which stress concentration and impurity accumulate. Grain boundary structure and movement have a great influence on the macroscopic properties of crystal materials, therefore, it is of great significance to study the microstructure of grain boundary. With the phase filed crystal approach, the structure of low-angle symmetric tilt grain boundary and dislocation motion at nanoscale are studied. The low-angle symmetric tilt grain boundary structure can be described by a dislocation model, in which the grain boundary can be regarded as consisting of a series of edge dislocations at a certain distance. For a relaxation process and applied stress process, the position change of dislocation motion at grain boundaries and the change of free energy density of the system are observed. Furthermore, we also analyze the influence of temperature on the grain boundary structure and the dislocation motion. In the relaxation process, the free energy of the crystal system is higher under high temperature conditions. The results show that the motion of dislocation pairs in the grains can consume the internal energy and release the distortion energy stored at the grain boundary, and thus making the system more stable and the energy reach the lowest value earlier. Simulation results show that the lower the temperature of the system, the faster the free energy density decreases, the faster the regular arrangement rate of atoms increases, the shorter the time required for the free energy density to reach a stable state becomes. And when the grain boundary reaches a steady state, the arrangement of the dislocations becomes more and more regular and arranges in a straight line. For an applied stress process, with the decrease of temperature, the time required for the first encounter of dislocation pairs and the time required for the formation of single crystal become longer, and it takes more time for the first encounter of dislocation pairs in crystals to disappear completely. Further studies also show that with the decrease of temperature, the free energy density exhibits a multi-stage ascending and descending process. The rising process of energy curve corresponds to the stage of dislocation climbing along the grain boundary, and the decline process corresponds to the stage of dislocation decomposition and encounter annihilation. At the same time, the dislocation pairs’ reaction becomes more complex. Finally, the dislocations annihilate with each other.
- phase field crystal /
- temperature /
- grain boundary /
- dislocation
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Zhao Y H 2010 Simulation for the Materials Microstructure Evolution in Phase Transformation Process (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) p139 (in Chinese)
[18] 孙远洋, 赵宇宏, 侯华, 靳玉春, 郑晓娟 2018 中国有色金属学报 28 71
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图 7 应力作用下r = –0.25时晶界位错运动模拟图 (a) n = 11100; (b) n = 11550; (c) n = 13600; (d) n = 13850; (e) n = 14100; (f) n = 25150
Fig. 7. Simulation diagram of grain boundary dislocation motion under stress with r = –0.25: (a) n = 11100; (b) n = 11550; (c) n = 13600; (d) n = 13850; (e) n = 14100; (f) n = 25150.
图 9 应力作用下r = –0.30时晶界位错运动模拟图 (a) n = 11300; (b) n = 12100; (c) n = 12500; (d) n = 39550; (e) n = 40100; (f) n = 76500
Fig. 9. Simulation diagram of grain boundary dislocation motion under stress with r = –0.30: (a) n = 11300; (b) n = 12100; (c) n = 12500; (d) n = 39550; (e) n = 40100; (f) n = 76500.
图 8 应力作用下r = –0.28时晶界位错运动模拟图 (a) n = 11800; (b) n = 12050; (c) n = 13800; (d) n = 29050; (e) n = 33450; (f) n = 33700
Fig. 8. Simulation diagram of grain boundary dislocation motion under stress with r = –0.28: (a) n = 11800; (b) n = 12050; (c) n = 13800; (d) n = 29050; (e) n = 33450; (f) n = 33700.
表 1 模拟所采用的参数
Table 1. Parameters used in the simulation.
方案 初始原子密度ρ0 位向差θ 温度相关参量r A 0.285 2.8° –0.23 B 0.285 2.8° –0.25 C 0.285 2.8° –0.28 D 0.285 2.8° –0.30 -
[1] Paul S K 2018 Comput. Mater. Sci. 150 24
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[2] Bobylev S V, Gutkin M Y, Ovid'Ko I A 2006 Phys. Solid State 48 1495
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[3] Caturla M, Nieh T G, Stolken J S 2004 Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 598
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[4] Peter S, Mikko H, Nikolas P 2009 Phys. Rev. E 80 046107
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[5] Li X H, Wen X, Zhao H H, Ma Z Q, Yu L M, Li C, Liu C X, Guo Q Y, Liu Y C 2019 J. Alloys Compd. 779 175
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[6] Chen Y Y, Hu Z P, Xu Y F, Wang J Y, Schützendübe P, Huang Y, Liu Y C, Wang Z M 2019 J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 35 512
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[7] Elder K R, Katakowski M, Haataja M, Grant M 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 88 245701
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[12] 郑晓娟, 赵宇宏, 侯华, 靳玉春, 马庆爽, 田晋忠 2017 中国有色金属学报 27 2098
Zheng X J, Zhao Y H, Hou H, Jin Y C, Ma Q S, Tian J Z 2017 Chin. J. Nonferrous Met. 27 2098
[13] Fan D, Chen L Q 1997 Acta Mater. 45 611
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[14] 孙远洋, 赵宇宏, 侯华, 郑晓娟, 郭慧俊 2018 稀有金属材料与工程 47 3000
Sun Y Y, Zhao Y H, Hou H, Zheng X J, Guo H J 2018 Rare Metal. Mater. Eng. 47 3000
[15] 康永生, 赵宇宏, 侯华, 靳玉春, 陈利文 2016 物理学报 65 188102
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Kang Y S, Zhao Y H, Hou H, Jin Y C, Chen L W 2016 Acta Phys. Sin. 65 188102
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[16] 王锟, 赵宇宏, 杨东然, 侯华, 王欣然, 田园 2015 稀有金属材料与工程 44 939
Wang K, Zhao Y H, Yang D R, Hou H, Wang X R, Tian Y 2015 Rare Metal. Mater. Eng. 44 939
[17] 赵宇宏 2010 材料相变过程微观组织模拟 (北京: 国防工业出版社) 第139页
Zhao Y H 2010 Simulation for the Materials Microstructure Evolution in Phase Transformation Process (Beijing: National Defense Industry Press) p139 (in Chinese)
[18] 孙远洋, 赵宇宏, 侯华, 靳玉春, 郑晓娟 2018 中国有色金属学报 28 71
Sun Y Y, Zhao Y H, Hou H, Jin Y C, Zheng X J 2018 Chin. J. Nonferrous Metal. 28 71
[19] 田晓林, 赵宇宏, 田晋忠, 侯华 2018 物理学报 67 230201
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Tian X L, Zhao Y H, Tian J Z, Hou H 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 230201
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Gu J W, Wang J C, Wang Z J, Li J J, Guo C, Tang S 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 216101
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