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侯倩男 吴金荣



侯倩男, 吴金荣

Simplification of roughness bottom backscattering model at small grazing angle in shallow-water

Hou Qian-Nan, Wu Jin-Rong
  • 在浅海, 尤其是负梯度声速剖面和海面较为平静的浅海波导, 海底界面反向散射是浅海混响的主要来源. 经验散射模型只适用于分析浅海混响平均强度衰减特性, 而基于物理机理建立的反向散射模型克服了这一缺陷, 但同时也引入了其受地声模型约束的问题. 本文结合了海底反射系数的三参数模型, 对浅海远场海底反向散射模型进行了简化, 以减少地声模型的输入参数. 理论分析了海底反射系数的相移参数可以描述海底对声场的散射作用, 无需任何海底地声参数的先验知识. 通过对海底反向散射模型近似简化, 结果表明在临界角附近和甚小掠射角范围内的海底粗糙界面反向散射模型的角度特性和强度特性受海底沉积层的影响不同: 在临界角附近, 海底反向散射的角度特性受海底反射系数的相移参数加权,而其散射系数则近似与相移参数无关; 对于甚小掠射角, 海底反向散射的角度特性近似与海底反射系数的相移参数无关, 其散射系数则近似与相移参数的4次方成正比.
    Bottom backscattering due to roughness seafloor is the main source of shallow water reverberation, especially in the waveguide with downward reflection profile or a calm sea-surface. Empirical backscattering models with a simple form has an important limitation to analyzing other characteristics of reverberation except for the intensity characteristics, which originates from optics and describes the relationship between the bottom backscattering strength and scattering grazing angle of plane-wave in half-infinite space. In the shallow water, such a plane-wave backscattering model cannot be used due to frequency dispersion. The model of bottom backscattering based on physical scattering principle is made to relieve such a limitation, but thereby bringing about another restraint by a geoacoustics model. The bottom backscattering model, which is formulated during modeling the full-wave reverberation theory at small grazing angle in range-independent shallow water waveguide, is simplified by combining with bottom reflection coefficient model which is independent of the geoacoustics model. The bottom reflection coefficient model as referred to the proposed phase parameter P in this paper is equivalent to velocity and density of sediment to describe sound field interacted with sea-bottom. Therefore simplification of bottom backscattering model can be handled by the phase parameter without any knowledge of bottom geoacoustic parameters. The angular dependency and intensity dependency of bottom backscattering due to roughness seafloor at small grazing angle are studied more in depth through such a simplified model. Marking 2/P as the cut-off point, the grazing angle is divided into two stages. Near the critical angle, as grazing angle is greater than 2/P and less than critical grazing angle, the angular dependency of bottom backscattering due to roughness seafloor is weighted by phase parameter of bottom reflection coefficient, while the intensity dependency is independent of phase parameter. At each small grazing angle, as grazing angle is less than 2/P, the angular dependency of bottom backscattering due to roughness seafloor is proportional to incident and scattering grazing angle squared and irrespective of phase parameter of bottom reflection coefficient which is like the empirical bottom backscattering model, while the intensity dependency is proportional to the fourth power of phase parameter. So the bottom has different influences on the angular dependency and intensity dependency of bottom backscattering in different stages of grazing angle.
      通信作者: 吴金荣, wujinrong@mail.ioa.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11374323, 11774375)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wu Jin-Rong, wujinrong@mail.ioa.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11374323, 11774375).

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  • 图 1  浅海波导环境

    Fig. 1.  Shallow water waveguide environment.

    图 2  $\zeta $P参数的变化

    Fig. 2.  $\zeta $ varied with P parameters near critical angle.

    图 3  海底甚小掠射角反向散射系数对P参数的依赖

    Fig. 3.  Relationship between P and bottom backscattering coefficient at very low grazing angle.

    图 4  海底反向散射模型的比较

    Fig. 4.  Compare with bottom backscattering model with different approximate.

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    张仁和, 李文华, 裘辛方, 金国亮 1995 声学学报 20 417

    Zhang R H, Li W H, Qiu X F, Jin G L 1995 Acta Acoust. 20 417


    刘建军, 李风华, 张仁和 2006 声学学报 31 173Google Scholar

    Liu J J, Li F H, Zhang R H 2006 Acta Acoust. 31 173Google Scholar


    姚万军, 蔡志明, 卫红凯 2009 声学学报 34 223Google Scholar

    Yao W J, Cai Z M, Wei H K 2009 Acta Acoust. 34 223Google Scholar


    Zhou J X, Zhang X Z 2012 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 131 2611Google Scholar


    Isakson M J, Chotiros N P 2011 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129 1237


    彭朝晖, 周纪浔, 张仁和 2004 中国科学G辑 物理学 力学 天文学 34 378

    Peng Z H, Zhou J X, Zhang R H 2004 Sci. China (Series G) 34 378


    Ivakin A N 1998 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 103 827Google Scholar


    Ivakin A N 2016 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140 657Google Scholar


    Moe J E, Jackson D R 1994 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 96 1748Google Scholar


    Tang D J, Jackson D R 2017 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 142 2968Google Scholar


    Shang E C, Gao T F, Wu J R 2008 IEEE J. Ocean Eng. 33 451Google Scholar


    高天赋 1989 声学学报 14 126

    Gao T F 1989 Acta Acoust. 14 126


    Tang D J 1997 Internal Conference on Shallow-Water Acoustics Beijing, China, April 21-25, 1997 p323


    Gao T F, Shang E C, Tang D J 2001 Theoretical and Computational Acoustics Beijing, China, May 21-25, 2001 p67


    Wu J R, Shang E C, Gao T F 2010 AIP Conf. Proc. 1272 314


    Wu J R, Shang E C, Gao T F 2010 J. Comput. Acous. 18 209Google Scholar


    尚尔昌 1979 海洋学报 1 58

    Shang E C 1979 Acta Ocean. Sin. 1 58


    Zhao Z D, Ma L, Shang E C 2014 J. Comput. Acoust. 22 1440005Google Scholar


    赵振东 2014 博士学位论文 (北京: 中国科学院大学)

    Zhao Z D 2007 Ph. D. Dissertation (Beijing: The University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) (in Chinese)


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  • 收稿日期:  2018-08-02
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