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戴震飞 姜文帆 王玲 陈明阳 高永锋 任乃飞



戴震飞, 姜文帆, 王玲, 陈明阳, 高永锋, 任乃飞

Tunable mode-selective characteristics of a mode-filter petal-fiber with liquid rods

Dai Zhen-Fei, Jiang Wen-Fan, Wang Ling, Chen Ming-Yang, Gao Yong-Feng, Ren Nai-Fei
  • 提出一种新型的可调滤模光纤结构, 利用纤芯模式与微结构包层形成的超模群之间的耦合实现选择性滤模, 采用花瓣形包层结构使包层中传输的模式更容易产生高的泄漏损耗; 提出以液体填充包层介质柱, 使包层形成的超模群有效折射率区间可以通过环境温度来调节, 从而达到可调选择性滤模目的. 利用液体柱的LP11模所形成的超模群, 有效增大了其工作带宽和温度调谐范围. 数值模拟结果表明, 采用长度仅为71.4 mm的滤模光纤, 可以使特定的抑制模式损耗达到20 dB以上, 而其他模式损耗均在1 dB以下. 提出的光纤可以在少模光纤传输系统中作为滤模器使用, 以降低模式转换器、复用器/解复用器以及光开关和光路由等的模式串扰.
    In this paper, a novel tunable mode-filter optical fiber consisting of a high-index core and petal-shaped cladding surrounded by a high-index outer ring is proposed. The cladding of the fiber is formed with periodically arranged liquid rods that support cladding modes with effective indexes. These cladding modes form a two-super-mode group. The mode-selection is realized by the coupling between the core mode and the super-mode group. With the petal-shaped cladding, cladding mode can be transmitted at high loss. With the liquid rods, the index-band of super-mode group can be adjusted by external temperature field, thereby achieving the purpose of tunable mode-selective. The super-mode group formed by the LP11 mode of the liquid rods effectively increases its operating bandwidth and temperature tuning range. The numerical simulation results show that the mode-filter fiber with a length of only 71.4 mm can achieve a particular mode loss more than 20 dB, while other modes’ losses are below 1 dB. This special fiber can be used as a mode-filter in the few-mode fiber transmission system to reduce mode crosstalk of converters, multiplexer/demultiplexer, optical switch and optical routing.
      通信作者: 陈明阳, miniyoung@163.com
    • 基金项目: 镇江市重点研发计划(产业前瞻与共性关键技术)(批准号: GY2015033)和江苏大学镇江市先进感知材料与器件高技术研究重点实验室(批准号: SS2018001)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Chen Ming-Yang, miniyoung@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the Key Research and Development Projects (Industry Foresight and Common Key Technologies) of Zhenjiang, China (Grant No. GY2015033) and the Zhenjiang Key Laboratory of Advanced Sensing Materials and Devices, Jiangsu University, China (Grant No. SS2018001).

    Turukhin A, Sinkin O V, Batshon H G, Zhang H, Sun Y, Mazurczyk M, Davidson C R, Cai J X, Bolshtyansky M A, Foursa D G, Pilipetskii A 2016 Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC 2016) Anaheim, California, USA. March 20−24, 2016


    Hong X, Zeng X, Li Y, Mo Q, Tian Y, Li W, Liu Z, Wu J 2016 Appl. Opt. 55 9360Google Scholar


    姚殊畅, 张敏明, 唐明, 沈平, 刘德明 2013 物理学报 62 144215Google Scholar

    Yao X C, Zhang M M, Tang M, Sheng P, Liu D M 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 144215Google Scholar


    Koebele C, Salsi M, Sperti D, Tran P, Brindel P, Mardoyan H, Bigo S, Boutin A, Verluise F, Sillard P, Astruc M, Provost L, Cerou F, Charlet G 2011 Opt. Express 19 16593Google Scholar


    Sarmiento S, Altabas J A, Izquierdo D, Garces I, Spadaro S, Lazaro J A 2017 J. Opt. Commun. Netw. 9 1116Google Scholar


    Ramachandran S, Fini J M, Mermelstein M, Nicholson J W, Ghalmi S, Yan M F 2008 Laser Photon. Rev. 2 429Google Scholar


    Driscoll J B, Grote R R, Souhan B, Dadap J I, Lu M, Osgood R M 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 1854Google Scholar


    Nobutomo H, Kuimasa S, Taiji S, Takashi M, Kyozo T, Masanori K, Fumihiko 2013 Opt. Express 21 25752Google Scholar


    Riesen N, Love J D 2012 Appl. Opt. 51 2778Google Scholar


    Saitoh F, Saitoh K, Koshiba M 2010 Opt. Express 18 4709Google Scholar


    Yu C P, Liou J H, Chiu Y J, Taga 2011 Opt. Express 19 12673Google Scholar


    Tsekrekos C P, Syvridis, 2012 IEEE Photonic Tech. L. 24 1638Google Scholar


    Chang S H, Chung H S, Ryf R, Fontaine N K, Han C, Park K J, Kim K, Lee J C, Lee J H, Kim B Y, Kim Y K 2015 Opt. Express 23 7164Google Scholar


    Chang S H, Moon S R, Chen H, Fontaine N K, Park K J, Kim K, Lee J K 2017 Opt. Express 25 5734Google Scholar


    Pureur V, Knight J C, Kuhlmey B T 2010 Opt. Express 18 8906Google Scholar


    Park K J, Song K Y, Kim Y K, Lee J H, Kim B Y 2016 Opt. Express 24 3543Google Scholar


    Yerolatsitis S, Harrington K, Thomson R R, Birks T A 2017 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (Ofc 2017) Los Angeles, California, USA. March 19−23


    Velazquez-Benitez A M, Alvarado J C, Lopez-Galmiche G, Antonio-Lopez J E, Hernandez-Cordero J, Sanchez-Mondragon J, Sillard P, Okonkwo C M, Amezcua-Correa R 2015 Opt. Lett. 40 1663Google Scholar


    Sai X, Li Y, Yang C, Li W, Qiu J, Hong X, Zuo Y, Guo H, Tong W, Wu J 2017 Opt. Lett. 42 4355Google Scholar


    Chen M Y, Chiang K S 2016 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. 22 4900307


    姚建铨, 王然, 苗银萍, 陆颖, 赵晓蕾, 景磊 2013 中国激光 40 0101002

    Yao J Q, Wang R, Miao Y P, Lu Y, Zhao X L, Jin L 2013 Chinese J. Lasers 40 0101002


    吴倩, 郭晓晨, 施伟华 2018 物理学报 67 184212Google Scholar

    Wu Q, Guo X C, Shi W H 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 184212Google Scholar


    Qi T, Jung Y, Xiao L, Wang J, Xiao S, Lu C, Tam H Y, Peacock A C 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 4763Google Scholar


    程兰, 罗兴, 韦会峰, 李海清, 彭景刚, 戴能利, 李进延 2014 物理学报 63 074210Google Scholar

    Cheng L, Luo X, Wei H F, Li H Q, Peng J G, Dai N L, Li J Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 074210Google Scholar


    Stone J M, Pearce G J, Luan F, Birks T A, Knight J C, George A K, Bird D M 2006 Opt. Express 14 6291Google Scholar


    Argyros A, Birks T A, Leon-Saval S G, Cordeiro C M B, Russell P S 2005 Opt. Express 13 2503Google Scholar


    Park J, Kang D E, Paulson B, Nazari T, Oh K 2014 Opt. Express 22 17320Google Scholar


    Dimitropoulos D, Houshmand B, Claps R, Jalali B 2003 Opt. Lett. 28 1954Google Scholar


    Poon J, Istrate E, Allard M, Sargent E H 2003 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. 39 778Google Scholar


    Samoc A 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 94 6167Google Scholar


    Zhang R, Teipel J, Giessen H 2006 Opt. Express 14 6800Google Scholar


    Couris S, Renard M, Faucher O, Lavorel B, Chaux R, Koudoumas E, Michaut X 2003 Chem. Phys. Lett. 369 318Google Scholar


    Liu Y Q, Guo Z Y, Zhang Y, Chiang K S, Dong X Y 2000 Electron. Lett. 36 56

  • 图 1  花瓣形MOF结构

    Fig. 1.  Petal-shape structure of MOF.

    图 2  ${n_{{\rm{core}}}} = 1.464$时, 图1中MOF的纤芯4种模式和2个包层超模群区间的色散特性

    Fig. 2.  Dispersion characteristics of the two cladding super-mode band and the four core modes for the MOF shown in Fig.1, when ${n_{{\rm{core}}}} = 1.464$.

    图 3  波长$\lambda = 1550\;{\rm{ nm}}$时, 纤芯模式的模场分布图 (a) LP01模; (b) LP11模; (c) LP11模; (d) LP02

    Fig. 3.  Field distributions of the core-mode at the wavelength $\lambda = 1550\;{\rm{ nm}}$: (a) The LP01 mode; (b) the LP11 mode; (c) the LP21 mode; (d) the LP02 mode.

    图 4  波长1550 nm时, 超模群区间随液体介质柱折射率(温度)变化曲线

    Fig. 4.  Variation of super-mode band with liquid-rod index change at the wavelength 1550 nm.

    图 5  考虑和不考虑液体吸收损耗两种情况下的纤芯LP01模和LP11模损耗曲线

    Fig. 5.  Variation of the core-mode LP01 mode and LP11 mode loss with and without liquid absorption loss.

    图 6  纤芯四种模式单独处于超模群区间时损耗曲线 (a) LP01模; (b) LP11模; (c) LP21模; (d) LP02

    Fig. 6.  The loss of single core-mode on the super-mode band: (a) The LP01 mode; (b) the LP11 mode; (c) the LP21 mode; (d) the LP02 mode.

    图 7  不同液体折射率时, 四种纤芯模式的损耗曲线 (a) ${n_{{\rm{liquid}}}} = {\rm{1}}{\rm{.4937}}$; (b) ${n_{{\rm{liquid}}}} = {\rm{1}}{\rm{.4892}}$; (c) ${n_{{\rm{liquid}}}} = {\rm{1}}{\rm{.486}}$; (d)${n_{{\rm{liquid}}}}$ = 1.4812

    Fig. 7.  The loss of four core-mode with various liquid index: (a) ${n_{{\rm{liquid}}}} = {\rm{1}}{\rm{.4937}}$; (b) ${n_{{\rm{liquid}}}} = {\rm{1}}{\rm{.4892}}$; (c) ${n_{{\rm{liquid}}}} = {\rm{1}}{\rm{.486}}$; (d) ${n_{{\rm{liquid}}}} = {\rm{1}}{\rm{.4812}}$.

    图 8  不同结构光纤的LP01模的模场分布 (a)圆形结构; (b)花瓣结构

    Fig. 8.  Field distributions of LP01 mode with various circle structures: (a) Circle structure; ( b) petal-shape structure.

    图 9  两种MOF的模式损耗对比 (a) LP01模和LP11模损耗曲线; (b) LP21模和LP02模曲线

    Fig. 9.  Loss of two MOF: (a) Loss band of the LP01 mode and LP11 mode; (b) loss band of the LP21 mode and LP02 mode.

    图 10  纤芯 LP01模式在双超模群时的两种超模群区间LP01模损耗 (a)波长为1550 nm, 温度改变量相同; (b)温度相同, 波长改变

    Fig. 10.  Dependence of the loss of the core LP01 mode locating in different two super-mode region: (a) With same temperature variation at wavelength 1550 nm; (b) with various wavelength at the same temperature.

  • [1]

    Turukhin A, Sinkin O V, Batshon H G, Zhang H, Sun Y, Mazurczyk M, Davidson C R, Cai J X, Bolshtyansky M A, Foursa D G, Pilipetskii A 2016 Proceedings of Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (OFC 2016) Anaheim, California, USA. March 20−24, 2016


    Hong X, Zeng X, Li Y, Mo Q, Tian Y, Li W, Liu Z, Wu J 2016 Appl. Opt. 55 9360Google Scholar


    姚殊畅, 张敏明, 唐明, 沈平, 刘德明 2013 物理学报 62 144215Google Scholar

    Yao X C, Zhang M M, Tang M, Sheng P, Liu D M 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 144215Google Scholar


    Koebele C, Salsi M, Sperti D, Tran P, Brindel P, Mardoyan H, Bigo S, Boutin A, Verluise F, Sillard P, Astruc M, Provost L, Cerou F, Charlet G 2011 Opt. Express 19 16593Google Scholar


    Sarmiento S, Altabas J A, Izquierdo D, Garces I, Spadaro S, Lazaro J A 2017 J. Opt. Commun. Netw. 9 1116Google Scholar


    Ramachandran S, Fini J M, Mermelstein M, Nicholson J W, Ghalmi S, Yan M F 2008 Laser Photon. Rev. 2 429Google Scholar


    Driscoll J B, Grote R R, Souhan B, Dadap J I, Lu M, Osgood R M 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 1854Google Scholar


    Nobutomo H, Kuimasa S, Taiji S, Takashi M, Kyozo T, Masanori K, Fumihiko 2013 Opt. Express 21 25752Google Scholar


    Riesen N, Love J D 2012 Appl. Opt. 51 2778Google Scholar


    Saitoh F, Saitoh K, Koshiba M 2010 Opt. Express 18 4709Google Scholar


    Yu C P, Liou J H, Chiu Y J, Taga 2011 Opt. Express 19 12673Google Scholar


    Tsekrekos C P, Syvridis, 2012 IEEE Photonic Tech. L. 24 1638Google Scholar


    Chang S H, Chung H S, Ryf R, Fontaine N K, Han C, Park K J, Kim K, Lee J C, Lee J H, Kim B Y, Kim Y K 2015 Opt. Express 23 7164Google Scholar


    Chang S H, Moon S R, Chen H, Fontaine N K, Park K J, Kim K, Lee J K 2017 Opt. Express 25 5734Google Scholar


    Pureur V, Knight J C, Kuhlmey B T 2010 Opt. Express 18 8906Google Scholar


    Park K J, Song K Y, Kim Y K, Lee J H, Kim B Y 2016 Opt. Express 24 3543Google Scholar


    Yerolatsitis S, Harrington K, Thomson R R, Birks T A 2017 Optical Fiber Communications Conference and Exhibition (Ofc 2017) Los Angeles, California, USA. March 19−23


    Velazquez-Benitez A M, Alvarado J C, Lopez-Galmiche G, Antonio-Lopez J E, Hernandez-Cordero J, Sanchez-Mondragon J, Sillard P, Okonkwo C M, Amezcua-Correa R 2015 Opt. Lett. 40 1663Google Scholar


    Sai X, Li Y, Yang C, Li W, Qiu J, Hong X, Zuo Y, Guo H, Tong W, Wu J 2017 Opt. Lett. 42 4355Google Scholar


    Chen M Y, Chiang K S 2016 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. 22 4900307


    姚建铨, 王然, 苗银萍, 陆颖, 赵晓蕾, 景磊 2013 中国激光 40 0101002

    Yao J Q, Wang R, Miao Y P, Lu Y, Zhao X L, Jin L 2013 Chinese J. Lasers 40 0101002


    吴倩, 郭晓晨, 施伟华 2018 物理学报 67 184212Google Scholar

    Wu Q, Guo X C, Shi W H 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 184212Google Scholar


    Qi T, Jung Y, Xiao L, Wang J, Xiao S, Lu C, Tam H Y, Peacock A C 2016 Opt. Lett. 41 4763Google Scholar


    程兰, 罗兴, 韦会峰, 李海清, 彭景刚, 戴能利, 李进延 2014 物理学报 63 074210Google Scholar

    Cheng L, Luo X, Wei H F, Li H Q, Peng J G, Dai N L, Li J Y 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 074210Google Scholar


    Stone J M, Pearce G J, Luan F, Birks T A, Knight J C, George A K, Bird D M 2006 Opt. Express 14 6291Google Scholar


    Argyros A, Birks T A, Leon-Saval S G, Cordeiro C M B, Russell P S 2005 Opt. Express 13 2503Google Scholar


    Park J, Kang D E, Paulson B, Nazari T, Oh K 2014 Opt. Express 22 17320Google Scholar


    Dimitropoulos D, Houshmand B, Claps R, Jalali B 2003 Opt. Lett. 28 1954Google Scholar


    Poon J, Istrate E, Allard M, Sargent E H 2003 IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. 39 778Google Scholar


    Samoc A 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 94 6167Google Scholar


    Zhang R, Teipel J, Giessen H 2006 Opt. Express 14 6800Google Scholar


    Couris S, Renard M, Faucher O, Lavorel B, Chaux R, Koudoumas E, Michaut X 2003 Chem. Phys. Lett. 369 318Google Scholar


    Liu Y Q, Guo Z Y, Zhang Y, Chiang K S, Dong X Y 2000 Electron. Lett. 36 56

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  • 收稿日期:  2018-10-23
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  • 上网日期:  2019-04-01
  • 刊出日期:  2019-04-20

