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鹿博 韩成银 庄敏 柯勇贯 黄嘉豪 李朝红



鹿博, 韩成银, 庄敏, 柯勇贯, 黄嘉豪, 李朝红

Non-Gaussian entangled states and quantum metrology with ultracold atomic ensemble

Lu Bo, Han Cheng-Yin, Zhuang Min, Ke Yong-Guan, Huang Jia-Hao, Lee Chao-Hong
  • 量子精密测量是基于量子力学的基本原理对特定物理量实施测量, 并利用量子效应提高测量精度的交叉科学. 随着超冷原子实验技术的发展, 超冷原子为量子精密测量提供了一个优异的研究平台. 利用发展成熟的量子调控技术, 人们可以基于超冷原子系综制备一些新奇的非高斯多粒子纠缠态. 基于多体量子干涉, 利用这些非高斯纠缠态作为输入, 可以实现超越标准量子极限的高精度测量. 本文简要综述这一研究领域的进展.
    Quantum metrology is the interdisciplinary of investigating how to utilize the principles of quantum mechanics to perform parameter estimation and improve the measurement precision by quantum effects. With the experimental developments of ultracold atoms, ultracold atomic ensemble provides an excellent platform for implementing quantum metrology. Attributed to well-developed techniques of quantum control, one can prepare several exotic non-Gaussian multi-particle entangled states in the ensembles of ultracold atoms. Based on many-body quanum interferometry, and using these non-Gaussian entangled states as probe, the high-precision measurement beyond the standard quantum limit can be realized. This article introduces the background and advancement of this field.
      通信作者: 李朝红, lichaoh2@mail.sysu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11874434, 11574405, 11704420)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Lee Chao-Hong, lichaoh2@mail.sysu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11874434, 11574405, 11704420).

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    Lücke B, Scherer M, Kruse J, Pezzé L, Deuretzbacher F, Hyllus P, Topic O, Peise J, Ertmer W, Arlt J, Santos L, Smerzi A, Klempt C 2011 Science 334 773Google Scholar


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    Huang J, Qin X, Zhong H, Ke Y, Lee C 2015 Sci. Rep. 5 17894


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    Helm J, Billam T, Rakonjac A, Cornish S, Gardiner S 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 063201Google Scholar


    Nolan S, Sabbatini J, Bromley M, Davis M, Haine S 2016 Phys. Rev. A 93 023616Google Scholar


    Kessler E, Kómár P, Bishof M, Jiang L, Sørensen A, Ye J, Lukin M 2014 Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 190403Google Scholar


    Dorner U 2012 New J. Phys. 14 043011Google Scholar


    Weinstein J, Beloy K, Derevianko A 2010 Phys. Rev. A 81 030302(R)Google Scholar

  • 图 1  自旋相干态(左)与自旋压缩态(右)在广义Bloch球上的Husimi分布(摘自文献[39])

    Fig. 1.  The Husimi distribution of spin coherent state (left) and spin squeezed state (right) on the generalized Bloch sphere. Adapted from Ref. [39].

    图 2  上图为不同自旋猫态在广义Bloch球上的Husimi分布; 下图为不同自旋猫态在有原子数损失($\eta $为原子的损失率)情况下的相位测量精度极限(摘自文献[55])

    Fig. 2.  Top: The Husimi distribution of different spin cat states on the generalized Bloch sphere. Bottom: The ultimate phase measurement precision with different spin cat states under atomic loss ($\eta $ denotes the ratio of atom loss). Adapted from Ref. [55].

    图 3  基于量子相变和多体量子干涉的相位测量方案示意图( 摘自文献[61])

    Fig. 3.  Schematic of precision phase measurement based on driving through quantum phase transitions and many-body quantum interferometry. Adapted from Ref. [61].

    图 4  (a)旋量BEC的基态由单原子内态的二阶塞曼效应和BEC中自旋交换作用强度的大小决定, 会出现两个相变点, 将相图分为三个区域, 分别为P, BA和TF相; (b)线性扫描q时, 通过吸收成像观察到的BEC在各个内态上的分布随时间的变化(摘自文献[35])

    Fig. 4.  (a) The thick black solid line denotes the gap $\Delta $ between the first excited and the ground state of Hamiltonian, which together with the two minima at q = ±2|c2| defines three quantum phases, illustrated by their atom distributions in the three spin components, the first-order Zeeman shifts are not shown because they are inconsequential for a system with zero magnetization; (b) absorption images of atoms in the three spin components after Stern-Gerlach separation, showing efficient conversion of a condensate from a polar state into a TFS by sweeping q linearly from 3|c2| to –3|c2| in 3 s. Adapted from Ref. [35].

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  • 收稿日期:  2019-01-26
  • 修回日期:  2019-02-20
  • 上网日期:  2019-02-19
  • 刊出日期:  2019-02-20

