在微小水滴撞击深水液池运动中, 水滴在下降过程中产生的外形振荡对后续空腔产生及气泡夹带有极大影响. 因此, 本文假定5种不同宽高比(AR)的微小变形水滴, 采用自适应网格技术和体积函数方法对其运动过程进行数值模拟, 并详细探究不同撞击速度和水滴形变对撞击后空腔变形坍缩过程、涡环的发展以及气泡夹带的影响. 研究结果表明, 在较高撞击速度下(Fr = 112.5, We = 145, Re = 1740, Vi = 6 m/s), AR = 1.33下的长椭圆形变水滴与液池聚合并产生大型气泡夹带. 大型气泡截留过程主要由水滴撞击时颈部自由面下产生的涡环控制, 涡环裹挟自由界面形成滚动射流, 最终射流接触夹带大型气泡. 在气泡截留后期, 腔内气旋推动侧壁向外拓展, 有效增大了气泡体积. 在撞击初期阶段, 液滴形状越扁, 水滴与液池颈部射流曲率越大, 生成涡环强度越大. 但扁椭圆水滴生成涡环距离自由面过近, 界面的早期拉动破坏了涡环强度, 因此涡环衰减也相对较快.Water droplet impacting into a deep liquid pool is one of the most well-known flow phenomena in fluid mechanics. As a ubiquitous natural aeration process, the coalescence of water droplets in lakes and ponds and the subsequent bubble entrapment are one of the most notable ways of gas-liquid exchange in nature, and it is of great significance for underwater sound transmission, aquatic ecosystems and chemical process. The shape of an oscillating droplet in impact under different surrounding medium and initial condition is a key factor for the subsequent cavity formation and bubble entrapment. In this study, the adaptive mesh refinement technique and volume of fluid (VOF) method are applied to the study of the water droplet impact phenomena. Five kinds of deformed micron water droplets with different aspect ratios and impact velocities of 4 m/s and 6 m/s are selected to investigate the influences of drop deformation and impact velocity on the bubble entrapment, capillary wave propagation, and vortex ring evolution. The results show that at low impact velocities (Fr = 75, We = 64.4, Re = 1160, Vi = 4 m/s), the shape of water droplet does not cause the cavity formation and bubble entrapment to change significantly. However, under higher impact velocity (Fr = 112.5, We = 145, Re = 1740, Vi = 6 m/s), deformed droplet with an aspect ratio of 1.33 coalesces with the pool, and large bubble entrainment occurs. The large bubble entrapment is affected mainly by the vortex ring generated under the free surface at the neck between the droplet and the pool. The vortex ring penetrates more deeply before it pulls the free surface to generate a rolling jet at the upper interface of the cavity. The rolling jets then contact the center of the cavity and collapse to entrain a large bubble. At the end of the bubble entrapment phenomenon, the cyclone inside the cavity pushes the sidewall of the cavity continuously, and effectively increases the lateral volume of the bubble, which plays a vital role in the bubble entrainment process. In the initial stage of the impact, the flatter the shape of the droplet, the greater the curvature of the jet generated on the neck between the droplet and the pool, the greater the strength of the vortex ring generated under the free surface. However, the vortex ring formed by the oblate-shaped water droplet is generated too close to the free surface, and the early free surface pulling reduces the strength of the vortex ring, thus the vorticity maximum value decays relatively fast.
- water droplet /
- deep water pool /
- bubble entrapment
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图 6 不同工况下自由液面随时间的运动过程 (Fr = 112.5, We = 145, Re = 1740, Vi = 6 m/s) (a) AR = 1.33; (b) AR = 1.16; (c) AR = 1.00; (d) AR = 0.84; (e) AR = 0.67
Fig. 6. Free surface profiles simulated at selected times (Fr = 112.5, We = 145, Re = 1740, Vi = 6 m/s): (a) AR = 1.33; (b) AR = 1.16; (c) AR = 1.00; (d) AR = 0.84; (e) AR = 0.67.
[1] Yarin A L 2006 Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 38 159
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