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杨璇 王胤 王登龙 丁建文



杨璇, 王胤, 王登龙, 丁建文

Controlling collision properties of solitons in five-level M-type triple quantum dot electromagnetically induced transparency medium by inter-dot tunneling coupling

Yang Xuan, Wang Yin, Wang Deng-Long, Ding Jian-Wen
  • 基于现有实验, 本文构建一束弱线性偏振光在平行于传播方向的磁场作用下分裂为两正交偏振光, 当其与三角形三量子点相互作用后形成五能级M型三量子点电磁感应透明介质模型. 随后, 利用多重尺度结合傅里叶积分方法研究体系中的光孤子传播及两孤子间的碰撞特性, 结果发现孤子间的碰撞方式是由其初始相位差所决定. 当孤子间初相位差为0时, 孤子间的碰撞为周期性弹性碰撞; 当初相位差为$\text{π} /4$, $ \text{π} /2$$ \text{π} $时, 孤子间会产生排斥作用力而使两孤子分离. 有趣的是, 孤子间的碰撞特征受量子点间的隧穿强度的调控. 当点间隧穿强度的增加, 初相位差为0的孤子间的碰撞周期减小; 而初相位差为$ \text{π} /4$, $ \text{π} /2$$ \text{π} $时孤子间的排斥力增大. 这为实验上如何操控半导体量子点器件中的孤子动力学提供了一定的理论依据.
    Experimentally, the triple-quantum-dots system can be produced on a GaAs $ \left[ {001} \right]$ substrate by molecular beam epitaxy or in-situ atomic layer precise etching, thus enabling a triangle triple quantum dot (QD) aligned along the $ \left[ {1\bar 10} \right]$ direction. According to this, we first propose a five-level M-type triple QD electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) model which consists of a triple QD molecule interacting with a weakly linearly polarized probe field with two orthogonal polarization components under the action of a magnetic field parallel to the light propagation direction. Subsequently, by using the multiple-scale method combined with the Fourier integration method, the propagation characteristics of the optical solitons and the collision characteristics of two solitons in the system are studied. It is shown that the optical solitons can form and propagate stably in this system under the action of quantum inter-dot tunneling coupling whose formation mechanism is different from the soliton-forming mechanism in ultra-cold atomic, single QD, and double QD EIT system. This is because the necessary condition for forming a soliton is to use a strong light beam to modulate a weak light beam, whether it is in an ultra-cold atom system, or a single quantum dot EIT medium or a double quantum dot EIT medium. In a word, the formation of soliton in previous EIT systems needs an additional strong controlling field, while the five-level M-type triple QD EIT system is dependent on the inter-dot tunneling.Since the solitons can propagate stably, the collision properties of the solitons may be studied in this system. Finally, by applying Fourier integration method, it is found that the collision behaviors of two solitons are determined by their initial phase difference. When their initial phase difference is 0, the collision behavior between the solitons is periodic elastic collision. While their initial phase difference is separately $ {\rm{\pi }}/4$, $ \text{π}/2$, and $ \text{π}$, the collision behaviors exhibit separation phenomenon due to repulsive effect. Interestingly, the collision characteristics of two solitons are controlled by the inter-dot tunneling strength. With the increase of inter-dot tunneling strength, the collision period of two solitons with the initial phase difference of 0 decreases, and the repulsive force of two solitons with the initial phase difference being separately π/4, π/2 and π increases. This provides some theoretical basis for experimentally controlling the soliton dynamical properties in semiconductor quantum dot devices.
      通信作者: 王登龙, dlwang@xtu.edu.cn
      Corresponding author: Wang Deng-Long, dlwang@xtu.edu.cn

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    Badraoui N, Berceli T, Singh S 2017 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) Girona, Spain, July 2–6, 2017 p1


    Li Z D, He P B, Li L, Liang J Q, Liu W M 2005 Phys. Rev. A 71 053611Google Scholar


    Li L, Li Z D, Malomed B A, Mihalache D, Liu W M 2005 Phys. Rev. A 72 033611Google Scholar


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    Hau L V, Harris S E, Zachary D, Cyrus H B 1999 Nature 397 594Google Scholar


    唐宏, 王登龙, 张蔚曦, 丁建文, 肖思国 2017 物理学报 66 034202Google Scholar

    Tang H, Wang D L, Zhang W X, Ding J W, Xiao S G 2017 Acta. Phys. Sin. 66 034202Google Scholar


    Wu Y, Deng L 2004 Opt. Lett. 29 2064Google Scholar


    Wu Y, Deng L 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 143904Google Scholar


    Huang G X, Hang C, Deng L 2008 Phys. Rev. A 77 011803Google Scholar


    Kumar V R, Radha R, Wadati M 2008 Phys. Rev. A 78 041803Google Scholar


    Chen Y, Bai Z, Huang G X 2014 Phys. Rev. A 89 023835Google Scholar


    Gammon D, Snow E S, Shanabrook B V, Katzer D S, Park D, 1996 Science 273 87Google Scholar


    Borr P, Langbein W, Schneider S, Woggon U, Sellin R L, Ouyang D, Bimberg D 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 157401Google Scholar


    Guo R H, Shi H Y, Sun X D 2005 Photonics Asia 2004; Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotech Beijing, China, November 8–11, 2004 p313


    Borges H S, Sanz L, Villas-Bôas J M, Alcalde A M 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 075322Google Scholar


    Högele A, Seidl S, Kroner M, Karrai K, Warburton R J, Gerardot B D, Petroff P M 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 217401Google Scholar


    Yang W X, Chen A X, Lee R K, Wu Y 2011 Phys. Rev. A 84 013835Google Scholar


    Kuo D M T, Guo G Y, Chang Y C 2001 Appl. Phys. Lett. 79 3851Google Scholar


    Kouklin N, Menon L, Bandyopadhyay S 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 1649Google Scholar


    Borges H S, Sanz L, Villas-Bôas J M, Diniz Neto O O, Alcalde A M 2012 Phys. Rev. B 85 115425Google Scholar


    Yuan C H, Zhu K D 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 052115Google Scholar


    She Y C, Zheng X J, Wang D L, Zhang W X 2013 Opt. Express 21 17392Google Scholar


    Tian S C, Wan R G, Tong C Z, Fu X H, Cao J S, Ning Y Q 2015 Laser Phys. Lett. 12 125203Google Scholar


    Wang J Y, Huang S, Huang G Y, Pan D, Zhao J, Xu H Q 2017 Nano Lett. 17 4158Google Scholar


    Grove-Rasmussen K, Jørgensen H I, Hayashi T, Lindelof P E, Fujisawa T 2008 Nano Lett. 8 1055Google Scholar


    Saraga D S, Loss D 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 166803Google Scholar


    Fafard S, Spanner M, McCaffrey J P, Wasilewski Z R 2000 Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 2268Google Scholar


    Beirne G J, Hermannstädter C, Wang L, Rastelli A, Schmidt O G, Michler P 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 137401Google Scholar


    Krause B, Metzger T H, Rastelli A, Songmuang R, Kiravittaya S, Schmidt O G 2005 Phys. Rev. B 72 085339Google Scholar


    Hang C, Huang G X 2008 Phys. Rev. A 77 033830Google Scholar


    佘艳超, 张蔚曦, 王登龙 2011 物理学报 60 064205Google Scholar

    She Y C, Zhang W X, Wang D L 2011 Acta. Phys. Sin. 60 064205Google Scholar


    Si L G, Yang W X, Lü X Y, Li J H, Yang X X 2009 Eur. Phys. J. D 55 161Google Scholar

  • 图 1  五能级M型三量子点电磁感应透明介质能级结构图. $ \left| 0 \right\rangle $表示基态, $ \left| 1 \right\rangle $$ \left| 2 \right\rangle $表示直接激子态, $ \left| 3 \right\rangle $$ \left| 4 \right\rangle $是间接激子态, $ T{e_1}$$ T{e_2}$分别表示中间量子点与左、右量子点间的点间隧穿耦合强度

    Fig. 1.  Energy level structure diagram of a five-level M-type three-quantum-dot electromagnetically induced transparent medium. Here $ \left| 0 \right\rangle $ is the ground state, $ \left| 1 \right\rangle $ and $ \left| 2 \right\rangle $ are the direct exciton state, $ \left| 3 \right\rangle $ and $ \left| 4 \right\rangle $ represent the indirect exciton state, and $ T{e_1}$ and $ T{e_2}$ represent the strength of tunneling coupling between the intermediate quantum dot and the left and right quantum dot, respectively.

    图 2  (a) 色散系数和 (b) 非线性系数的虚部与实部的比值随量子点间隧穿强度的变化关系. 图中所选参数已在正文中给出

    Fig. 2.  The ratio of the imaginary part to the real part of (a) dispersion coefficient and (b) nonlinear coefficient as a function of tunneling strength of the quantum inter-dot. The parameters used are given in the text.

    图 3  不同时刻线性探测光的两偏振分量(a) $ {\left| {{\varOmega _{{\rm{p}}1}}/{U_0}} \right|^2}$和(b)$ {\left| {{\varOmega _{{\rm{p}}2}}/{U_0}} \right|^2}$的传播情况, 图中所用参数为$ {C_1} = 1$, $ T{e_1} = T{e_2} = 2.16\;{\rm{meV}}$, 其他的参数已在文中给出

    Fig. 3.  The propagation behaviors of two polarized components (a) $ {\left| {{\varOmega _{{\rm{p}}1}}/{U_0}} \right|^2}$ and (b) $ {\left| {{\varOmega _{{\rm{p}}2}}/{U_0}} \right|^2}$ of the linear probe field under the different time. The parameters used are $ {C_1} = 1$, $ T{e_1} = T{e_2} = 2.16\;{\rm{meV}}$. Other parameters used are given in the text.

    图 4  当两点间隧穿强度均为2.16 meV时, 孤子对在不同初相位差时的碰撞行为 (a) $ {\theta _1} = 0$; (b) $ {\theta _1} = {{\text{π}} / 4}$; (c) $ {\theta _1} = {{\text{π}} / 2}$; (d) $ {\theta _1} = {{\text{π}} }$

    Fig. 4.  The collision behaviors of two solitons with the different initial phase differences under the condition that both tunneling strengths are 2.16 meV: (a) $ {\theta _1} = 0$; (b) $ {\theta _1} = {{\text{π}} / 4}$; (c) $ {\theta _1} = {{\text{π}} / 2}$; (d) $ {\theta _1} = {{\text{π}} }$.

    图 5  左旋偏振光的振幅随着点间隧穿强度变化关系. 图中所用各参数已在文中给出

    Fig. 5.  The amplitude of the left-handed polarized light as a function of the tunneling strength of the inter-dot. The parameters used are given in the text.

    图 6  当隧穿强度为4.32 meV时, 孤子对在不同初相位差时的碰撞行为 (a) $ {\theta _1} = 0$; (b) $ {\theta _1} = {{\text{π}} / 4}$; (c) $ {\theta _1} = {{\text{π}} / 2}$; (d) $ {\theta _1} = {{\text{π}} }$

    Fig. 6.  When the tunneling strength is 4.32 meV, the collision behaviors of two solitons with the different initial phase: (a) $ {\theta _1} = 0$; (b) $ {\theta _1} = {{\text{π}} / 4}$; (c) $ {\theta _1} = {{\text{π}} / 2}$; (d) $ {\theta _1} = {{\text{π}} }$.

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    Scott A C, Chu F Y F, McLaughlin D W 1973 P IEEE 61 1443Google Scholar


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    Badraoui N, Berceli T, Singh S 2017 19th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) Girona, Spain, July 2–6, 2017 p1


    Li Z D, He P B, Li L, Liang J Q, Liu W M 2005 Phys. Rev. A 71 053611Google Scholar


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    Zhang X F, Yang Q, Zhang J F, Chen X Z, Liu W M 2008 Phys. Rev. A 77 023613Google Scholar


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    唐宏, 王登龙, 张蔚曦, 丁建文, 肖思国 2017 物理学报 66 034202Google Scholar

    Tang H, Wang D L, Zhang W X, Ding J W, Xiao S G 2017 Acta. Phys. Sin. 66 034202Google Scholar


    Wu Y, Deng L 2004 Opt. Lett. 29 2064Google Scholar


    Wu Y, Deng L 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 143904Google Scholar


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    Kumar V R, Radha R, Wadati M 2008 Phys. Rev. A 78 041803Google Scholar


    Chen Y, Bai Z, Huang G X 2014 Phys. Rev. A 89 023835Google Scholar


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    Guo R H, Shi H Y, Sun X D 2005 Photonics Asia 2004; Optoelectronics, Microelectronics, and Nanotech Beijing, China, November 8–11, 2004 p313


    Borges H S, Sanz L, Villas-Bôas J M, Alcalde A M 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 075322Google Scholar


    Högele A, Seidl S, Kroner M, Karrai K, Warburton R J, Gerardot B D, Petroff P M 2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 93 217401Google Scholar


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    She Y C, Zheng X J, Wang D L, Zhang W X 2013 Opt. Express 21 17392Google Scholar


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    Wang J Y, Huang S, Huang G Y, Pan D, Zhao J, Xu H Q 2017 Nano Lett. 17 4158Google Scholar


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    佘艳超, 张蔚曦, 王登龙 2011 物理学报 60 064205Google Scholar

    She Y C, Zhang W X, Wang D L 2011 Acta. Phys. Sin. 60 064205Google Scholar


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