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倒置四结(IMM4J)太阳电池中InGaAs(1.0 eV)和InGaAs(0.7 eV)子电池高能电子辐照退火效应

张延清 齐春华 周佳明 刘超铭 马国亮 蔡勖升 王天琦 霍明学


倒置四结(IMM4J)太阳电池中InGaAs(1.0 eV)和InGaAs(0.7 eV)子电池高能电子辐照退火效应

张延清, 齐春华, 周佳明, 刘超铭, 马国亮, 蔡勖升, 王天琦, 霍明学

Thermal annealing effects of InGaAs (1.0 eV) and InGaAs (0.7 eV) sub-cells of inverted metamorphic four junction (IMM4J) solar cells under 1 MeV electron irradiation

Zhang Yan-Qing, Qi Chun-Hua, Zhou Jia-Ming, Liu Chao-Ming, Ma Guo-Liang, Tsai Hsu-Sheng, Wang Tian-Qi, Huo Ming-Xue
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 本文为研究1 MeV电子辐照倒置四结(IMM4J)太阳电池InGaAs(1.0 eV)和 InGaAs(0.7 eV)关键子电池的退火效应, 将辐照后的两种子电池在60—180 ℃温度范围累计退火180 min, 并对不同退火温度、退火时间下的两种子电池进行了光IV测试、暗IV测试和光谱响应测试. 实验结果表明两种子电池的开路电压Voc、短路电流Isc和最大输出功率Pmax随着退火时间的延长逐渐恢复, 温度越高, 恢复程度越大. 在相同的退火条件下, InGaAs(1.0 eV)子电池的恢复程度比InGaAs(0.7 eV)子电池小. 本文通过对暗特性曲线进行双指数模型拟合, 得到不同退火条件下两种子电池的串联电阻Rs、并联电阻Rsh、扩散电流Is1、复合电流Is2. 结果表明在退火过程中两种子电池的Rsh逐渐增大, Rs, Is1Is2逐渐减小. 温度越高, 退火时间越长, 恢复程度越大. 在退火60 min后两种子电池的Voc, IscPmax恢复程度均可达到整体恢复程度的85%以上. InGaAs(1.0 eV)子电池的Is1Is2的恢复程度远大于InGaAs(0.7 eV). 本文建立了短路电流密度Jsc和缺陷浓度N的等效模型, 以此计算得到InGaAs(1.0 eV)和InGaAs(0.7 eV)两种子电池的热退火激活能分别为0.38 eV和0.26 eV.
    In this work, thermal annealing effects of InGaAs (1.0 eV) and InGaAs (0.7 eV) sub-cells for inverted metamorphic four junction (IMM4J) solar cells after being irradiated by 1 MeV electrons are investigated by using light I-V characteristic, dark I-V characteristic and spectral response. Annealing temperature range is 60–180 ℃ and annealing time is 0-180 min. The results indicate that the open-circuit voltage Voc, short-circuit current Isc, and maximum power Pmax of two sub-cells are gradually recovered with annealing time increasing, and the rate of recovery increases with annealing temperature increasing. Besides, the recovery rate of InGaAs (1.0 eV) sub-cell is less than that of InGaAs (0.7 eV) sub-cell under the same annealing temperature and time. Double exponential model is used to fit the dark I-V curve for the key parameters (the serial resistant Rs, the parallel resistant Rsh, the diffusion current Is1 and the recombination current Is2). It is found that Rs, Is1 and Is2 of two sub-cells decrease gradually and Rsh increases during annealing and the rate of recovery increases with annealing temperature rising. However, the recovery of Is1 and Is2 of InGaAs(1.0 eV) are much greater than that of InGaAs(0.7 eV). The equivalent model between short-circuit current density (Jsc) and defect concentration (N) induced by irradiation and annealing is established. N changes follow the first reaction kinetics, and the rate constant follows the Arrhenius equation with the annealing temperature. Therefore, the thermal annealing activation energy of InGaAs(1.0 eV) and InGaAs(0.7 eV) sub-cells are 0.38 eV and 0.26 eV, respectively. These efforts will contribute to the IMM4J solar cells, in particular, to space-based applications.
      通信作者: 齐春华, qichunhua@hit.edu.cn ; 刘超铭, cmliu@hit.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11805045, 61704039, 61771167和11775061)、强脉冲辐射环境模拟与效应国家重点实验室(批准号: SKLIPR2015, SKLIPR1912)和哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金(批准号: HIT.NSRIF.2019007, HIT.NSRIF.20190028)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Qi Chun-Hua, qichunhua@hit.edu.cn ; Liu Chao-Ming, cmliu@hit.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11805045, 61704039, 61771167, 11775061), the State Key Laboratory for Environmental Simulation and Effects of Intense Pulsed Radiation, China (Grant Nos. SKLIPR2015, SKLIPR1912), and the Research and Innovation Fund of Harbin Institute of Technology, China (Grant Nos. HIT.NSRIF.2019007, HIT.NSRIF.20190028)

    Asim N, Sopian K, Ahmadi S, Saeedfar K, Alghoul M A, Saadatian O, Zaidi S H 2012 Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 16 5834Google Scholar


    Imaizumi M, Kawakita S, Sumita T, Takamoto T, Ohshima T Yamaguchi M 2005 Prog. Photovoltaics 13 529Google Scholar


    France R M, Geisz J F, García I, Steiner M A, McMahon W E, Friedman D J, Moriarty T E, Osterwald C, Ward J S, Duda A, Young M, Olavarria W J 2015 IEEE J. Photovoltaics 5 432Google Scholar


    宋明辉, 王笃祥, 毕京锋, 陈文浚, 李明阳, 李森林, 刘冠洲, 吴超瑜 2017 物理学报 66 188801Google Scholar

    Song M H, Wang D X, Bi J F, Chen W J, Li M Y, Li S L, Liu G Z, Wu C Y 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 188801Google Scholar


    Tatavarti R, Wibowo A, Martin G, Tuminello F, Youtsey C, Hillier G, Pan N 2010 IEEE 35 th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 20−25, 2010 p2125


    卢建娅, 谭明, 杨文献, 陆书龙, 张玮, 黄健 2016 半导体光电 37 688

    Lu J Y, Tan M, Yang W X, Lu S L, Zhang W, Huang J 2016 Semicond. Optoelectron. 37 688


    Boisvert J, Law D, King R, Rehder E, Chiu P, Bhusari D, Fetzer C, Liu X, Hong W, Mesropian S, Woo R, Edmondson K, Cotal H, Krut D, Singer S, Wierman S, Karam N H 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Tampa, Florida, USA, Jun 16−21, 2013 p2790


    Zhang Y Q, Huo M X, Wu Y Y, Sun C Y, Zhao H J, Geng H B, Wang S, Liu R B, Sun Q 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 088801Google Scholar


    Loo R, Knechtli R C, Kamath G S 1978 IEEE 13th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Washington DC, USA, Jun 5, 1978 p562


    Loo R Y, Kamath G S, Li S S 1990 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 37 485Google Scholar


    Loo R Y, Kamath G S 1980 IEEE 14th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference San Diego, California, USA, January 7−10, 1980 p1087


    Heinbockel J H, Conway E J, Walker G H 1980 IEEE 14th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference San Diego, California, USA, January 7−10, 1980 p1085


    Walker G H, Conway E J 1978 J. Electrochem. Soc. 125 676Google Scholar


    齐佳红, 胡建民, 盛延辉, 吴宜勇, 徐建文, 王月媛, 杨晓明, 张子锐, 周扬 2015 物理学报 64 108802Google Scholar

    Qi J H, Hu J M, Sheng Y H, Wu Y Y, Xu J W, Wang Y Y, Yang X M, Zhang Z R, Zhou Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 108802Google Scholar


    Xiang X B, Du W H, Liao X B, Chang X L 2001 Chin. J. Semicond. 22 710


    Yamaguchi M, Okuda T, Taylor S J, Takamoto T, Ikeda E, Kurita H 1997 Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 1566Google Scholar


    Sasaki T, Arafune K, Metzger W, Romero M J, Jones K, Tassim M A, Ohshita Y, Yamaguchi M 2009 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 93 936Google Scholar


    Angelis N D, Bourgoin J C, Takamoto T, Khan A, Yamaguchi M 2001 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 66 495Google Scholar


    Bourgoin J C, Zazoui M 2002 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 17 453Google Scholar


    Bourgoin J C, Angelis N D 2001 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 66 467Google Scholar


    Amekura H, Kishimoto N, Saito T 1995 J. Appl. Phys. 77 4984Google Scholar


    Kaminski A, Marchand J J, Fave A, Laugier A 1997 IEEE 26th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Anaheim, California, USA, September 29−October 3, 1997 p203

  • 图 1  InGaAs (1.0 eV)和InGaAs (0.7 eV) 子电池结构示意图 (a) InGaAs (1.0 eV); (b) InGaAs (0.7 eV)

    Fig. 1.  Configurations of the InGaAs (1.0 eV) and InGaAs (0.7 eV) sub-cells: (a) InGaAs (1.0 eV); (b) InGaAs (0.7 eV).

    图 2  InGaAs(1.0 eV)和InGaAs(0.7 eV)子电池I-V特性曲线 (a) InGaAs (1.0 eV); (b) InGaAs (0.7 eV)

    Fig. 2.  IV curves of the InGaAs(1.0 eV) and InGaAs (0.7 eV) sub-cells: (a) InGaAs(1.0 eV); (b) InGaAs (0.7 eV).

    图 3  1 MeV电子在InGaAs (1.0 eV)和InGaAs (0.7 eV)子电池中运动轨迹 (a) InGaAs (1.0 eV); (b) InGaAs(0.7 eV)

    Fig. 3.  The trajectory of 1 MeV electron in InGaAs (1.0 eV) and InGaAs (0.7 eV) sub cells: (a) InGaAs(1.0 eV) ; (b) InGaAs (0.7 eV).

    图 4  AFM测试1 MeV电子辐照InGaAs子电池前后表面形貌及横向剖面对比图 (a)未辐照子电池; (b)辐照1 × 1015 cm–2后子电池; (c)横向剖面图

    Fig. 4.  Surface morphology and cross section of InGaAs sub-cell before and after 1 MeV electron irradiation by AFM: (a) The unirradiated sub-cell; (b) the sub-cell after 1 × 1015 cm–2 electron irradiation; (c) the cross section comparison.

    图 5  不同温度退火不同时间下两种InGaAs子电池Voc, IscPmax变化曲线

    Fig. 5.  Normalized Voc, Isc and Pmax curves of InGaAs sub-cells anneal at different annealing temperatures for different times.

    图 6  InGaAs (1.0 eV)子电池不同温度退火不同时间的EQE曲线

    Fig. 6.  EQE curves of InGaAs (1.0 eV) sub-cells anneal at different annealing temperatures for different times.

    图 7  不同温度退火不同时间的InGaAs (0.7 eV)子电池EQE曲线

    Fig. 7.  EQE curves of InGaAs (0.7 eV) sub-cells anneal at different annealing temperatures for different times.

    图 8  两种InGaAs子电池退火不同时间拟合所得Rs, Rsh, Is1Is2的变化曲线图

    Fig. 8.  Rs, Rsh, Is1 and Is2 curves of InGaAs sub-cells annealing at different temperatures.

    图 9  缺陷浓度变化系数对数ln(α)与温度倒数(1/T)的关系曲线

    Fig. 9.  Curve of logarithm of the defect concentration change coefficient (ln(α)) with reciprocal of temperature (1/T).

    表 1  1 MeV辐照前后InGaAs(1.0 eV)子电池的Voc, IscPmax

    Table 1.  Voc, Isc and Pmax of InGaAs(1.0 eV) sub-cells before and after electron irradiated.

    InGaAs (1.0 eV)Voc/VIsc/mAPmax/mW
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 2  1 MeV辐照前后InGaAs (0.7 eV)子电池的Voc, IscPmax

    Table 2.  Voc, Isc and Pmax of InGaAs (0.7 eV) sub-cells before and after electron irradiated.

    InGaAs (0.7 eV)Voc/VIsc/mAPmax/mW
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 3  辐照前后InGaAs (1.0 eV)子电池Rs, Rsh, Is1Is2

    Table 3.  Rs, Rsh, Is1 and Is2 of InGaAs (1.0 eV) sub-cells before and after electron irradiated.

    InGaAs (1.0 eV)RsRshIs1/AIs2/A
    未辐照1.54.3 × 1043.6 × 10–74.2 × 10–7
    辐照后6.25.3 × 1036.4 × 10–56.5 × 10–5
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    表 4  辐照前后InGaAs (0.7 eV)子电池的Rs, Rsh, Is1Is2

    Table 4.  Rs, Rsh, Is1 and Is2 of InGaAs (0.7 eV) sub-cells before and after electron irradiated.

    InGaAs (0.7 eV)RsRshIs1/AIs2/A
    未辐照2.91.3 × 1042.7 × 10–53.3 × 10–5
    辐照后7.51.4 × 1031.4 × 10–41.9 × 10–4
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    表 5  辐照及热退火过程中InGaAs (1.0 eV)子电池Jsc变化

    Table 5.  Jsc of InGaAs (1.0 eV) sub-cell in irradiation and thermal annealing.

    InGaAs (1.0 eV) 退火温度未辐照Jsc/mA)退火时间 Jsc/min·mA–1
    60 ℃13.5710.2610.2610.2810.2910.3110.3810.4110.4810.53
    90 ℃13.3110.1910.2110.2310.2810.3010.3410.3910.4110.46
    120 ℃13.7510.4110.4610.4910.5710.6510.7810.7910.8110.84
    150 ℃13.5110.3110.4310.5910.8411.0711.6811.7311.8311.98
    180 ℃13.5510.3810.7210.9611.4611.9012.5012.6712.8512.88
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    表 6  辐照及热退火过程中InGaAs (0.7 eV)子电池Jsc变化

    Table 6.  Jsc of InGaAs (0.7 eV) sub-cell in irradiation and thermal annealing.

    InGaAs (0.7 eV) 退火温度未辐照 Jsc/mA退火时间 Jsc/min·mA–1
    60 ℃
    90 ℃8.336.466.476.486.536.536.556.596.636.67
    120 ℃
    150 ℃
    180 ℃
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    表 7  不同退火温度下InGaAs (1.0 eV)和InGaAs (0.7 eV)子电池缺陷浓度变化系数α拟合值

    Table 7.  Fitting value of the variation defect concentration coefficient(α) of InGaAs sub-cell at different annealing temperatures.

    退火温度α[InGaAs (1.0 eV)/s–1]α[InGaAs (0.7 eV)/s–1]
    60 ℃1.74 × 10–31.47 × 10–3
    90 ℃4.09 × 10–32.43 × 10–3
    120 ℃7.33 × 10–34.70 × 10–3
    150 ℃2.52 × 10–27.38 × 10–3
    180 ℃5.72 × 10–21.82 × 10–2
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    Asim N, Sopian K, Ahmadi S, Saeedfar K, Alghoul M A, Saadatian O, Zaidi S H 2012 Renewable Sustainable Energy Rev. 16 5834Google Scholar


    Imaizumi M, Kawakita S, Sumita T, Takamoto T, Ohshima T Yamaguchi M 2005 Prog. Photovoltaics 13 529Google Scholar


    France R M, Geisz J F, García I, Steiner M A, McMahon W E, Friedman D J, Moriarty T E, Osterwald C, Ward J S, Duda A, Young M, Olavarria W J 2015 IEEE J. Photovoltaics 5 432Google Scholar


    宋明辉, 王笃祥, 毕京锋, 陈文浚, 李明阳, 李森林, 刘冠洲, 吴超瑜 2017 物理学报 66 188801Google Scholar

    Song M H, Wang D X, Bi J F, Chen W J, Li M Y, Li S L, Liu G Z, Wu C Y 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 188801Google Scholar


    Tatavarti R, Wibowo A, Martin G, Tuminello F, Youtsey C, Hillier G, Pan N 2010 IEEE 35 th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 20−25, 2010 p2125


    卢建娅, 谭明, 杨文献, 陆书龙, 张玮, 黄健 2016 半导体光电 37 688

    Lu J Y, Tan M, Yang W X, Lu S L, Zhang W, Huang J 2016 Semicond. Optoelectron. 37 688


    Boisvert J, Law D, King R, Rehder E, Chiu P, Bhusari D, Fetzer C, Liu X, Hong W, Mesropian S, Woo R, Edmondson K, Cotal H, Krut D, Singer S, Wierman S, Karam N H 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Tampa, Florida, USA, Jun 16−21, 2013 p2790


    Zhang Y Q, Huo M X, Wu Y Y, Sun C Y, Zhao H J, Geng H B, Wang S, Liu R B, Sun Q 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 088801Google Scholar


    Loo R, Knechtli R C, Kamath G S 1978 IEEE 13th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Washington DC, USA, Jun 5, 1978 p562


    Loo R Y, Kamath G S, Li S S 1990 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 37 485Google Scholar


    Loo R Y, Kamath G S 1980 IEEE 14th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference San Diego, California, USA, January 7−10, 1980 p1087


    Heinbockel J H, Conway E J, Walker G H 1980 IEEE 14th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference San Diego, California, USA, January 7−10, 1980 p1085


    Walker G H, Conway E J 1978 J. Electrochem. Soc. 125 676Google Scholar


    齐佳红, 胡建民, 盛延辉, 吴宜勇, 徐建文, 王月媛, 杨晓明, 张子锐, 周扬 2015 物理学报 64 108802Google Scholar

    Qi J H, Hu J M, Sheng Y H, Wu Y Y, Xu J W, Wang Y Y, Yang X M, Zhang Z R, Zhou Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 108802Google Scholar


    Xiang X B, Du W H, Liao X B, Chang X L 2001 Chin. J. Semicond. 22 710


    Yamaguchi M, Okuda T, Taylor S J, Takamoto T, Ikeda E, Kurita H 1997 Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 1566Google Scholar


    Sasaki T, Arafune K, Metzger W, Romero M J, Jones K, Tassim M A, Ohshita Y, Yamaguchi M 2009 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 93 936Google Scholar


    Angelis N D, Bourgoin J C, Takamoto T, Khan A, Yamaguchi M 2001 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 66 495Google Scholar


    Bourgoin J C, Zazoui M 2002 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 17 453Google Scholar


    Bourgoin J C, Angelis N D 2001 Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells 66 467Google Scholar


    Amekura H, Kishimoto N, Saito T 1995 J. Appl. Phys. 77 4984Google Scholar


    Kaminski A, Marchand J J, Fave A, Laugier A 1997 IEEE 26th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference Anaheim, California, USA, September 29−October 3, 1997 p203

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  • 收稿日期:  2020-04-15
  • 修回日期:  2020-07-07
  • 上网日期:  2020-11-09
  • 刊出日期:  2020-11-20

