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尹媛 李玲 尹万健



尹媛, 李玲, 尹万健

Theoretical and computational study on defects of solar cell materials

Yin Yuan, Li Ling, Yin Wan-Jian
  • 缺陷调控是影响半导体太阳能电池光电转换效率的关键因素. 缺陷与掺杂直接决定半导体中载流子的类型、浓度、传输以及光生载流子的非辐射复合. 真实半导体中存在的缺陷种类繁多, 浓度各异, 使得缺陷, 特别是单个点缺陷性质的实验表征非常困难, 因而理论与计算在缺陷研究中起到了重要的作用. 本文首先介绍了基于第一性原理的缺陷计算方法, 然后以典型太阳能电池材料CdTe, Cu(In, Ga)Se2, Cu2ZnSnS(Se)4和CH3NH3PbI3为例, 详细介绍了如何从理论计算角度认识和调控太阳能电池材料的缺陷性质.
    Defect control of semiconductors is critical to the photoelectric conversion efficiency of solar cells, because the defect and doping directly determine the carrier distribution, concentration, charge transfer and non-radiative recombination of photogenerated carriers. The defect types, structures and properties are complicated in the real semiconductors, which makes experimental characterization difficult, especially for the point defects. In this review, we firstly introduce the approaches of defect calculation based on the first-principles calculations, and take a series of typical solar cell materials for example, including CdTe, Cu(In/Ga)Se2, Cu2ZnSnS(Se)4 and CH3NH3PbI3. The elucidating of computations is also conducible to understanding and controlling the defect properties of solar cell materials in practical ways. The comparative study of these solar cell materials indicates that their efficiency bottlenecks are closely related to their defect properties. Unlike the traditional four-coordination semiconductor, the unique “defect tolerance” characteristic shown in the six-coordination perovskite materials enables the battery to have a high photoelectric conversion efficiency even when it is prepared not under harsh experimental conditions. Based on the first principles, the defect calculation plays an increasingly important role in understanding the material properties of solar cells and the bottleneck of device efficiency. At present, the calculation of defects based on the first principle mainly focuses on the formation energy and transition energy levels of defects. However, there is still a lack of researches on the dynamic behavior of carriers, especially on the non-radiative recombination of carriers, which directly affects the photoelectric conversion efficiency. Recently, with the improvement of computing power and the development of algorithms, it is possible to quantitatively calculate the electron-ion interaction, then quantitatively calculate the carriers captured by defect state. These methods have been used to study the defects of solar cells, especially perovskite solar cells. In this direction, how to combine these theoretical calculation results with experimental results to provide a more in-depth understanding of experimental results and further guide experiments in improving the efficiency of solar cells is worthy of further in-depth research.
      通信作者: 尹万健, wjyin@suda.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 11674237, 11974257, 51902005)和陕西省青年人才托举计划(批准号: 20180507)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Yin Wan-Jian, wjyin@suda.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11674237, 11974257, 51902005) and Young Talent Fund of University Association for Science and Technology in Shaanxi Province of China (Grant No. 20180507)

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  • 图 1  中性氧空位的(a)浅能级和(b)深能级缺陷态示意图, 图中虚线表示超胞计算中所采用的特殊k[10]

    Fig. 1.  Schematic diagram of shallow (a) and deep (b) level defect states of neutral oxygen vacancy. The dotted lines in the figure represent the special k points used in supercell computation[10]

    图 2  采用HSE06计算VCd在不同价态下的形成能随费米能级的变化趋势及结构对称性[31]

    Fig. 2.  Formation energy of VCd, calculated with HSE06, at different valence states with the variation of Fermi energy levels and the structural symmetry[31].

    图 3  HSE06计算CdTe本征缺陷的形成能和电荷转变能级[32]

    Fig. 3.  Formation energy and charge transition levels of CdTe eigendefects calculated with HSE06[32]

    图 4  CdTe的费米能级、载流子密度以及缺陷浓度随温度和化学势的变化[37]

    Fig. 4.  Variations of the Fermi level, carrier density, and defect concentration of CdTe with temperature and chemical potential[37].

    图 5  PTe和AsTe分别在富Cd (a)和富Te (b)条件下的形成能随费米能级变化趋势; (c)形成AX中心时晶格的扭转情况[31]

    Fig. 5.  The formation energies of PTe and AsTe under rich Cd (a) and rich Te (b) conditions with the Fermi energy levels; (c) the lattice torsion when AX center is formed[31].

    图 6  Na掺入CdTe中形成的相关缺陷的形成能在富Cd和富Te条件下随费米能级的变化趋势[31]

    Fig. 6.  The formation of related defects formed by Na incorporation into CdTe vs. the Fermi energy level under the conditions of rich Cd and rich Te[31].

    图 7  CdTe中常见的两种晶界 (a) $ \sum 3\left(111\right) $; (b) Te为中心的$ \sum 3\left(112\right) $[64]

    Fig. 7.  Two common grain boundaries in CdTe: (a) $ \sum 3\left(111\right) $; (b) $ \sum 3\left(112\right) $ centered on Te[64]

    图 8  CuInSe2的本征缺陷形成能随费米能级的变化趋势[77]

    Fig. 8.  The intrinsic defect formation energy of CuInSe2 with the Fermi energy level[77].

    图 9  CuInSe2本征缺陷的转变能级[77]

    Fig. 9.  The transition level of the intrinsic defect of CuInSe2[77].

    图 10  CuInSe2和CuGaSe2中本征缺陷的形成能随费米能级的变化

    Fig. 10.  The formation energy of intrinsic defects in CuInSe2 and CuGaSe2 vs. the Fermi energy level.

    图 11  CuIn1–xGaxSe2的光电转换效率和开路电压随带隙值变化趋势

    Fig. 11.  The photoelectric conversion efficiency and open circuit voltage of CuIn1–xGaxSe2 vs. the bandgap value[80].

    图 12  CuInSe2$ \sum 3\left(114\right) $晶界 (a)超胞结构; (b)晶界处的局域原子结构; (c)晶界处的态密度、能带结构和差分电荷密度; (d)晶界处错键形成缺陷带的过程[91]

    Fig. 12.  $ \sum 3\left(114\right) $ of CuInSe2 grain boundary: (a) Supercell structure; (b) local atomic structures at grain boundaries; (c) state density, energy band structure and differential charge density at the grain boundary; (d) the process of forming a defect band by a wrong bond at the grain boundary[91].

    图 13  CZTS在$ {\mu }_{\rm{Cu}}=0 $$ {\mu }_{\rm{Cu}}=\rm{-0.55}\;\rm{eV} $平面内的化学势范围[111]

    Fig. 13.  The chemical potential range of CZTS in the plane $ {\mu }_{\rm{Cu}}=0 $ and ${\mu }_{\rm{Cu}}=\rm{-0.55}\;\rm{eV}$[111].

    图 14  CZTS本征缺陷在化学势不同点A, B, C, D, E, FG点的形成能[111]

    Fig. 14.  The formation energy of CZTS intrinsic defect at chemical potential points A, B, C, D, E, F and G[111].

    图 15  CZTS和CZTSe本征缺陷的形成能在A点化学势条件下随费米能级的变化[110]

    Fig. 15.  The formation energy of CZTS and CZTSe intrinsic defects vs. the Fermi energy level at A[110].

    图 16  CZTS和CZTSe本征缺陷的转变能级[110]

    Fig. 16.  The transition energy levels of CZTS and CZTSe intrinsic defects[110].

    图 17  CZTS和CZTSe中复合缺陷对其带边的影响[110]

    Fig. 17.  The effect of composite defects in CZTS and CZTSe on the band edge[110]

    图 18  CZTSe晶界处的错键和对应缺陷态[126]

    Fig. 18.  Wrong bond and the corresponding defect state at CZTSe grain boundary[126].

    图 19  CH3NH3PbI3的CBM和VBM差分电荷密度、能带结构和态密度[11]

    Fig. 19.  The CBM and VBM differential charge density, band structure and state density of CH3NH3PbI3[11].

    图 20  各类太阳能电池材料的跃迁机理[127]

    Fig. 20.  Transition mechanism of various solar cell mate-rials[127].

    图 21  (a) CH3NH3PbI3平衡生长时的化学势; (b)—(d) CH3NH3PbI3的本征点缺陷形成能随化学势的变化[11]

    Fig. 21.  (a) The chemical potential of CH3NH3PbI3 at equilibrium growth; (b)—(d) the defect formation energy at the intrinsic point of CH3NH3PbI3 vs. the chemical potential[11].

    图 22  CH3NH3PbI3本征点缺陷的转变能级[11]

    Fig. 22.  The transition energy level of the eigenpoint defect of CH3NH3PbI3[11].

    图 23  (a) 本征缺陷VI中的Pb二聚体; (b) 本征缺陷IMA0中的I三聚体[144]

    Fig. 23.  (a) Pb dimer in intrinsic defect VI; (b) I trimer in IMA0 of the intrinsic defect[144].

    图 24  (a) 非二聚体的局部结构示意图; (b) VI的二聚体结构示意图; (c) CH3NH3PbI3中DX中心缺陷能级的形成机制

    Fig. 24.  The partial structure diagrams of non-dimer (a) and the dimer structure diagrams of VI (b); (c) formation mecha-nism of DX central defect energy level in CH3NH3PbI3.

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