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史晨阳 林燕丹



史晨阳, 林燕丹

Objective image quality assessment based on image color appearance and gradient features

Shi Chen-Yang, Lin Yan-Dan
科大讯飞全文翻译 (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 图像质量评价(IQA)方法需要考虑如何从主观视觉度量结果出发, 设计出符合该结果的客观图像质量评价方法, 应用到相关实际问题中. 本文从视觉感知特性出发, 量化色度和结构特征信息, 提出了基于色貌和梯度两个图像特征的图像质量客观评价模型. 两个色貌新指标(vividness和depth)是色度特征信息提取算子; 梯度算子用来提取结构特征信息. 其中, vividness相似图一方面作为特征提取算子计算失真图像局部质量分数, 另一方面作为图像全局权重系数反应每个像素的重要程度. 为了量化所提模型的主要参数, 根据通用模型性能评价指标, 使用Taguchi实验设计方法进行优化. 为了验证该模型的性能, 使用4个常用图像质量数据库中的94幅参考图像和4830幅失真图像进行对比测试, 从预测精度、计算复杂度和泛化性进行分析. 结果表明, 所提模型的精度PLCC值在4给数据库中最低实现0.8455, 最高可以达到0.9640, 综合性能优于10个典型和近期发表的图像质量评估(IQA)模型. 研究结果表明, 所提模型是有效的、可行的, 是一个性能优异的IQA模型.
    With the rapid development of color image contents and imaging devices in various kinds of multimedia communication systems, conventional grayscale counterparts are replaced by chromatic ones. Under such a transition, the image quality assessment (IQA) model needs to be built by subjective visual measurement, designed in accordance with the results, and applied to the related practical problems. Based on the visual perception characteristics, chromaticity and the structure feature information are quantified, and an objective IQA model combining the color appearance and the gradient image features is proposed in this paper, namely color appearance and gradient similarity(CAGS) model. Two new color appearance indices, vividness and depth, are selected to build the chromatic similarity map. The structure information is characterized by gradient similarity map. Vividness map plays two roles in the proposed model. One is utilized as feature extractor to compute the local quality of distorted image, and the other is as a weight part to reflect the importance of local domain. To quantify the specific parameters of CAGS, Taguchi method is used and four main parameters, i.e., KV, KD, KG and α, of this model are determined based on the statistical correlation indices. The optimal parameters of CAGS are KV = KD = 0.02, KG = 50, and α = 0.1. Furthermore, the CAGS is tested by utilizing 94 reference images and 4830 distorted images from the four open image databases (LIVE, CSIQ, TID2013 and IVC). Additionally, the influences of the 35 distortion types on IQA are analyzed. Massive experiments are performed on four publicly available benchmark databases between CAGS and other 10 state-of-the-art and recently published IQA models, for the accuracy, complexity and generalization performance of IQA. The experimental results show that the accuracy PLCC of the CAGS model can achieve 0.8455 at lowest and 0.9640 at most in the four databases, and the results about commonly evaluation criteria prove that the CAGS performs higher consistency with the subjective evaluations. Among the 35 distortion types, the two distortion types, namely contrast change and change of color saturation, CAGS and mostly IQA models have the worst influence on IQA, and the CAGS yields the highest top three rank number. Moreover, the SROCC values of CAGS for other distortion types are all larger than 0.6 and the number of SROCC value larger than 0.95 is 14 times. Besides, the CAGS maintains a moderate computational complexity. These results of test and comparison above show that the CAGS model is effective and feasible, and the corresponding model has an excellent performance.
      通信作者: 林燕丹, ydlin@fudan.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(批准号: 2017YFB0403700)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Lin Yan-Dan, ydlin@fudan.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2017YFB0403700)

    姚军财, 刘贵忠 2018 物理学报 67 108702Google Scholar

    Yao J C, Liu G Z 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 108702Google Scholar


    Athar S, Wang Z 2019 IEEE Access 7 140030Google Scholar


    Lin W S, Kuo C C J 2011 J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 22 297Google Scholar


    Chang H W, Zhang Q W, Wu Q G, Gan Y 2015 Neurocomputing 151 1142Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Bovik A C, Sheikh H R, Simoncelli E P 2004 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 13 600Google Scholar


    Sheikh H R, Bovik A C 2006 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 15 430Google Scholar


    Sheikh H R, Bovik A C, de Veciana G 2005 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 14 2117Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Simoncelli E P, Bovik A C 2003 37th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computer PacificGrove, CA, November 9−12, 2003 pp1398−1402


    Wang Z, Li Q 2011 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 20 1185Google Scholar


    Larson E C, Chandler D M 2010 J. Electron. Imaging 19 011006Google Scholar


    Zhang L, Zhang L, Mou X Q 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Hong Kong, Peoples of China, September 26−29, 2010 pp321−324


    Zhang L, Zhang L, Mou X Q, Zhang D 2011 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 20 2378Google Scholar


    Liu A M, Lin W S, Narwaria M 2012 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 21 1500Google Scholar


    Jia H Z, Zhang L, Wang T H 2018 IEEE Access 6 65885Google Scholar


    姚军财, 申静 2020 物理学报 69 148702Google Scholar

    Yao J C, Shen J 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 148702Google Scholar


    Robertson A R 1990 Color Res. Appl. 15 167Google Scholar


    Mahny M, Vaneycken L, Oosterlinck A 1994 Color Res. Appl. 19 105


    Lee D, Plataniotis K N 2015 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 24 3950Google Scholar


    Lee D, Plataniotis K N 2014 2014 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Florence, Italy, May 4−9, 2014 pp166−170


    Berns R S 2014 Color Res. Appl. 39 322Google Scholar


    Zhang L, Shen Y, Li H Y 2014 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 23 4270Google Scholar


    Jain R C, Kasturi R, Schunck B G 1995 Machine Vision (New York: McGraw-Hill) pp140–185


    Sonka M, Hlavac V, Boyle R 2008 Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision (3rd Ed.) (Stanford: Cengage Learning) p77


    Xue W F, Zhang L, Mou X Q, Bovik A C 2014 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 23 684Google Scholar


    Kim D O, Han H S, Park R H 2010 IEEE Trans. Consum. Electr. 56 930Google Scholar


    Nafchi H Z, Shahkolaei A, Hedjam R, Cheriet M 2016 IEEE Access 4 5579Google Scholar


    Taguchi G, Yokoyama Y, Wu Y 1993 Taguchi Methods, Design of experiments (Dearbon, MI: ASI Press) pp59−63


    Ponomarenko N, Jin L, Ieremeiev O, Lukin V, Egiazarian K, Astola J, Vozel B, Chehdi K, Carli M, Battisti F, Kuo C C J 2015 Signal Process. Image Commun. 30 57Google Scholar


    Larson E C, Chandler D M http://vision.eng.shizuoka.ac.jp/mod/page/view.php?id=23[2020-7-13]


    Sheikh H R, Sabir M F, Bovik A C 2006 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 15 3440Google Scholar


    Ninassi A, Le Callet P, Autrusseau F 2006 Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Ⅺ San Jose, CA, USA, January 16–18, 2006 p1


    Wang S Q, Gu K, Zeng K, Wang Z, Lin W S 2016 Proc. SPIE 6057 Comput. Graph. Appl. 38 47Google Scholar


    Lin C H, Wu C C, Yang P H, Kuo T Y 2009 J. Disp. Technol. 5 323Google Scholar


    Preiss J, Fernandes F, Urban P 2014 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 23 1366Google Scholar

  • 图 1  颜色1和2的vividness($ V_{ab}^* $)和depth($ D_{ab}^* $)维度表征, 线段长度定义对应属性[20]

    Fig. 1.  Dimensions of vividness, $ V_{ab}^* $, and depth, $ D_{ab}^* $ for colors 1 and 2. Line lengths define each attribute[20].

    图 2  从LIVE数据库中提取的典型图像 (a)为参考图像; (b)为高斯模糊畸变类型的失真图像; (c)和(e)分别是参考图像的Vividness和Depth图; (d)和(f)分别是失真图像的Vividness和Depth图; (g)是色貌相似图; (h)为梯度相似图

    Fig. 2.  Typical images extracted from LIVE: (a) The reference image;(b) the distorted vision of it by Gaussian blur distortion type; (c) and (e) are the vividness and depth map of the reference image, respectively; (d) and (f) are the vividness and depth map of the distorted image; (g) the color appearance similarity map by connecting the vividness and depth similarity map; (h) the gradient similarity map.

    图 3  本文提出的IQA模型CAGS的计算过程

    Fig. 3.  Illustration for the computational process of the proposed IQA model CAGS.

    图 4  SROCC和RMSE对应的不同水准的S/N

    Fig. 4.  S/N ratio of different levels for SROCC and RMSE.

    图 5  不同KG值对模型性能的影响

    Fig. 5.  Performance of different KG values.

    图 6  基于TID2013数据库的主观MOS与IQA模型计算结果拟合对比 (a) IW-SSIM; (b) IFC; (c) VIF; (d) MAD; (e) RFSIM; (f) FSIMc; (g) GSM; (h) CVSS; (i) CAGS

    Fig. 6.  Scatter plots of subjective MOS against scores calculated by IQA models’ prediction for TID2013 databases: (a) IW-SSIM; (b) IFC; (c) VIF; (d) MAD; (e) RFSIM; (f) FSIMc; (g) GSM; (h) CVSS; (i) CAGS.

    图 7  CAGS与MPCC在TID2013数据库种不同失真类型PLCC值对比

    Fig. 7.  PLCC comparison of different distortion types between CAGS and MPCC on TID2013.

    表 1  IQA数据库基本信息

    Table 1.  Benchmark test databases for IQA.

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    表 2  变量参数及其控制水准

    Table 2.  Influence factors and level setting for CAGS.

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    表 3  采用L9(34)直交表的实验设计及IVC数据库测试结果

    Table 3.  Design with a L9(34) orthogonal array for IVC database.

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    表 4  对比不同IQA模型的4个数据库性能

    Table 4.  Performance comparison of IQA models on four databases.

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    表 5  IQA模型的不同失真类型SROCC值对比

    Table 5.  SROCC values of IQA models for different types of distortions.

    JP2 K0.94680.95060.90780.95160.95110.95180.95890.96020.95870.91600.9620
    J2 TE0.88280.86560.77690.87610.87880.90610.89190.91820.88510.84090.9250
    JP2 K0.96050.96830.92520.96720.97520.96430.97040.96480.97770.96300.9545
    LIVEJP2 K0.96140.96490.91130.96960.96760.93230.97240.97000.97190.96080.9822
    下载: 导出CSV

    表 6  计算复杂度对比

    Table 6.  Time cost comparisons.

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    姚军财, 刘贵忠 2018 物理学报 67 108702Google Scholar

    Yao J C, Liu G Z 2018 Acta Phys. Sin. 67 108702Google Scholar


    Athar S, Wang Z 2019 IEEE Access 7 140030Google Scholar


    Lin W S, Kuo C C J 2011 J. Vis. Commun. Image R. 22 297Google Scholar


    Chang H W, Zhang Q W, Wu Q G, Gan Y 2015 Neurocomputing 151 1142Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Bovik A C, Sheikh H R, Simoncelli E P 2004 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 13 600Google Scholar


    Sheikh H R, Bovik A C 2006 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 15 430Google Scholar


    Sheikh H R, Bovik A C, de Veciana G 2005 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 14 2117Google Scholar


    Wang Z, Simoncelli E P, Bovik A C 2003 37th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computer PacificGrove, CA, November 9−12, 2003 pp1398−1402


    Wang Z, Li Q 2011 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 20 1185Google Scholar


    Larson E C, Chandler D M 2010 J. Electron. Imaging 19 011006Google Scholar


    Zhang L, Zhang L, Mou X Q 2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing Hong Kong, Peoples of China, September 26−29, 2010 pp321−324


    Zhang L, Zhang L, Mou X Q, Zhang D 2011 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 20 2378Google Scholar


    Liu A M, Lin W S, Narwaria M 2012 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 21 1500Google Scholar


    Jia H Z, Zhang L, Wang T H 2018 IEEE Access 6 65885Google Scholar


    姚军财, 申静 2020 物理学报 69 148702Google Scholar

    Yao J C, Shen J 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 148702Google Scholar


    Robertson A R 1990 Color Res. Appl. 15 167Google Scholar


    Mahny M, Vaneycken L, Oosterlinck A 1994 Color Res. Appl. 19 105


    Lee D, Plataniotis K N 2015 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 24 3950Google Scholar


    Lee D, Plataniotis K N 2014 2014 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) Florence, Italy, May 4−9, 2014 pp166−170


    Berns R S 2014 Color Res. Appl. 39 322Google Scholar


    Zhang L, Shen Y, Li H Y 2014 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 23 4270Google Scholar


    Jain R C, Kasturi R, Schunck B G 1995 Machine Vision (New York: McGraw-Hill) pp140–185


    Sonka M, Hlavac V, Boyle R 2008 Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision (3rd Ed.) (Stanford: Cengage Learning) p77


    Xue W F, Zhang L, Mou X Q, Bovik A C 2014 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 23 684Google Scholar


    Kim D O, Han H S, Park R H 2010 IEEE Trans. Consum. Electr. 56 930Google Scholar


    Nafchi H Z, Shahkolaei A, Hedjam R, Cheriet M 2016 IEEE Access 4 5579Google Scholar


    Taguchi G, Yokoyama Y, Wu Y 1993 Taguchi Methods, Design of experiments (Dearbon, MI: ASI Press) pp59−63


    Ponomarenko N, Jin L, Ieremeiev O, Lukin V, Egiazarian K, Astola J, Vozel B, Chehdi K, Carli M, Battisti F, Kuo C C J 2015 Signal Process. Image Commun. 30 57Google Scholar


    Larson E C, Chandler D M http://vision.eng.shizuoka.ac.jp/mod/page/view.php?id=23[2020-7-13]


    Sheikh H R, Sabir M F, Bovik A C 2006 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 15 3440Google Scholar


    Ninassi A, Le Callet P, Autrusseau F 2006 Conference on Human Vision and Electronic Imaging Ⅺ San Jose, CA, USA, January 16–18, 2006 p1


    Wang S Q, Gu K, Zeng K, Wang Z, Lin W S 2016 Proc. SPIE 6057 Comput. Graph. Appl. 38 47Google Scholar


    Lin C H, Wu C C, Yang P H, Kuo T Y 2009 J. Disp. Technol. 5 323Google Scholar


    Preiss J, Fernandes F, Urban P 2014 IEEE Trans. Image Process. 23 1366Google Scholar

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