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范黎明 包景东



范黎明, 包景东

Diffusion enhancement of the particle in disorder medium by biased force

Fan Li-Ming, Bao Jing-Dong
  • 研究了偏压控制下的粒子在破缺媒介中的扩散动力学. 基于平均首次通过时间理论导出了粒子在偏压破缺势场中的有效扩散系数的近似表达式. 结果显示粒子的有效扩散系数被显著地增大, 用粒子概率密度分布函数的波包展宽对此机制给出了解释. 进一步, 本文提出有效动力学温度和有效阻尼相结合的概念, 对爱因斯坦扩散关系进行了推广.
    The diffusion dynamics of a particle in the biased disorder medium is investigated in this paper. Based on the mean first passage time (MFPT) theory, the analytical approximate expression of effective diffusion coefficient of a particle in the biased disorder potential is obtained. The results show that the effective diffusion of a particle in the biased disorder potential is significantly enhanced. We explain the enhancement mechanism by using the wave packet broadening of probability density distribution function. In addition, we propose the concepts of effective kinetic temperature and effective friction, and further find that the effective diffusion behavior of a particle strongly depends on the biased force.
      通信作者: 包景东, jdbao@bnu.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重点项目(批准号: 11735005)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Bao Jing-Dong, jdbao@bnu.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11735005)

    Su Y, Ma X G, Lai P, Tong P 2017 Soft Matter 13 4773Google Scholar


    Lindenberg K, Sancho J M, Khoury M, Lacasta A M 2012 Fluctuation Noise Lett. 11 1240004Google Scholar


    Zwanzig R 1988 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85 2029Google Scholar


    Lifson S, Jackson J L 1962 J. Chem. Phys. 36 2410Google Scholar


    Longobardi L, Massarotti D, Rotoli G, Stornaiuolo D, Papari G, Kawakami A, Pepe G P, Barone A, Tafuri F 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 184504Google Scholar


    Fulde P, Pietronero L, Schneider W R, Strässler S 1975 Phys. Rev. Lett. 35 1776Google Scholar


    Kurrer C, Schulten K 1995 Phys. Rev. E 51 6213Google Scholar


    Reimann P 2002 Phys. Rep. 361 57Google Scholar


    Lee S H, Grier D G 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 190601Google Scholar


    Blickle V, Speck T, Seifert U, Bechinger C 2007 Phys. Rev. E 75 060101Google Scholar


    Schiavoni M, Sanchez-Palencia L, Renzoni F, Grynberg G 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 094101Google Scholar


    Lü K, Bao J D 2007 Phys. Rev. E 76 061119Google Scholar


    Shi X Y, Bao J D 2019 Physica A 514 203Google Scholar


    Gleeson J P, Sancho J M, Lacasta A M, Lindenberg K 2006 Phys. Rev. E 73 041102Google Scholar


    Khoury M, Lacasta A M, Sancho J M, Lindenber K 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 090602Google Scholar


    Slutsky M, Kardar M, Mirny L A 2004 Phys. Rev. E 69 061903Google Scholar


    Bouchaud J P, Georges A 1990 Phys. Rep. 195 127Google Scholar


    Hänggi P, Talkner P, Borkovec M 1990 Rev. Mod. Phys. 62 251Google Scholar


    Hanes R D L, Dalle-Ferrier C, Schmiedeberg M, Jenkins M C, Egelhaaf S U 2012 Soft Matter 8 2714Google Scholar


    Harris S J, Timmons A, Baker D R, Monroe C 2010 Chem. Phys. Lett. 485 265Google Scholar


    Sieminskas L, Ferguson M, Zerda T W, Couch E 1997 J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 8 1105Google Scholar


    Kafri K, Lubensky D K, Nelson D R 2004 Biophys. J. 86 3373Google Scholar


    Smith P, Morrison I E G, Wilson K M, Fernandez N, Cherry R J 1999 Biophys. J. 76 3331Google Scholar


    Hyeon C, Thirumalai D 2003 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100 10249Google Scholar


    Reimann P, Van den Broeck C, Linke H, Hänggi P, Rub J M, Perez-Madrid A 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 010602Google Scholar


    Reimann P, Van den Broeck C, Linke H, Hänggi P, Rub J M, Perez-Madrid A 2002 Phys. Rev. E 65 031104Google Scholar


    Evstigneev M, Zvyagolskaya O, Bleil S, Eichhorn R, Bechinger C, Reimann P 2008 Phys. Rev. E 77 041107Google Scholar


    Lindner B 2010 New J. Phys. 12 063026Google Scholar


    Simon M S, Sancho J M, Lacasta A M 2012 Fluctuation Noise Lett. 11 1250026Google Scholar


    Simon M S, Sancho J M, Lindenberg K 2013 Phys. Rev. E 88 062105Google Scholar


    包景东 2009 经典和量子耗散系统的随机模拟方法 (北京: 科学出版社) 第111页

    Bao J D 2009 Random Simulation Method of Classical and Quantum Dissipation System (Beijing: Science Press) p111 (in Chinese)


    Hu M, Bao J D 2018 Phys. Rev. E 97 062143Google Scholar


    Bao J D, Liu J 2013 Phys. Rev. E 88 022153Google Scholar


    Reimann P, Eichhorn R 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 180601Google Scholar


    Nixon G I, Slater G W 1996 Phys. Rev. E 53 4969Google Scholar


    Yeh D C, Huntington H B 1984 Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 1469Google Scholar


    Coh S, Gannett W, Zettl A, Cohen M L, Louie S G 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 185901Google Scholar


    Berkovich R, Garcia-Manes S, Urbakh M, Klafter J, Fernandez J M 2010 Biophys. J. 98 2692Google Scholar


    Smith S B, Cui Y J, Bustamante C 1996 Science 271 795Google Scholar


    Liphardt J, Onoa B, Smith S B, Tinoco Jr. I, Bustamante C 2001 Science 292 733Google Scholar

  • 图 1  偏压OU-RCP及OU的空间导数RCP示意图. 参数选取为$ \tilde{\lambda} = 0.5 $, $ \tilde{D} = 0.1 $, $ \tilde{F} = 0.8 $

    Fig. 1.  The schematic diagram of the biased OU-RCP and the derivative of OU-RCP. The parameters used are $ \tilde{\lambda} = 0.5 $, $ \tilde{D} = 0.1 $, $ \tilde{F} = 0.8 $.

    图 2  偏压随机势中粒子的有效扩散系数$ D_{\rm eff} $$ \tilde{F} $的变化. 这里比较了OU-RCP和OU的导数RCP中的结果. 内图: 继续增大$ \tilde{F} $, OU的导数RCP对应的绿色方块曲线的变化趋势. 参数选取为$ \tilde{\lambda} = 0.5 $, $ \tilde{D} = 0.1 $

    Fig. 2.  Dependence of the effective diffusion coefficient $ D_{\rm eff} $ on the biased force $ \tilde{F} $ in $ \tilde{V}_{\rm br} $. Here, the results of OU-RCP and OU’s derivative RCP are compared. Illustration: The trend of the green square curve when continuing to increase $ \tilde{F} $. The parameters used are $ \tilde{\lambda} = 0.5 $, $ \tilde{D} = 0.1 $.

    图 3  分别叠加OU-RCP, OU的导数RCP的偏压随机势中粒子的概率密度分布函数. 内图: 叠加OU-RCP, OU的导数RCP的偏压随机势$ V_{\rm br} $的示意图. 参数选取为$ \tilde{\lambda} = 0.5 $, $ \tilde{D} = 0.1 $, $ \tilde{F} = 10.0 $

    Fig. 3.  The PDF of a particle in $ V_{\rm br} $, the OU-RCP and OU’s derivative RCP are considered. Illustration: the schematic diagram of $ V_{\rm br} $. The parameters used are $\tilde{\lambda} = $$ 0.5$, $ \tilde{D} = 0.1 $, $ \tilde{F} = 10.0 $

    图 4  3种势$ \tilde{V}_{\rm br} $, $ \tilde{V}_{\rm bpr} $$ \tilde{V}_{\rm bp} $中粒子的有效扩散系数$ D_{\rm eff} $作为偏压力$ \tilde{F} $的函数. 比较了解析和模拟结果. 参数选取为$ \tilde{\lambda} = 0.5 $, $ \tilde{D} = 0.1 $

    Fig. 4.  The effective diffusion coefficient $ D_{\rm eff} $ of a particle as a function of the biased force $ \tilde{F} $ in $ \tilde{V}_{\rm br} $, $ \tilde{V}_{\rm bpr} $ and $ \tilde{V}_{\rm bp} $. The analytical result and simulation result are compared. The parameters used are $ \tilde{\lambda} = 0.5 $, $ \tilde{D} = 0.1 $.

    图 5  $ \tilde{F} = 1.0 $时, $ \tilde{V}_{\rm bp} $, $ \tilde{V}_{\rm br} $$ \tilde{V}_{\rm bpr} $中粒子的概率密度分布函数($(\rm a)—(\rm c)$); (d) $ \tilde{F} = 1.7 $(图4的红线加三角形曲线的最大值对应的偏压力)时, $ \tilde{V}_{\rm bpr} $中粒子的概率密度分布函数. 内图: $ \tilde{F} = 1.0 $时的$ \tilde{V}_{\rm br} $, $ \tilde{V}_{\rm bpr} $示意图. 参数选取为$ \tilde{\lambda} = 0.5 $, $ \tilde{D} = 0.1 $

    Fig. 5.  The PDF corresponding to $ \tilde{V}_{\rm bp} $, $ \tilde{V}_{\rm br} $ and $ \tilde{V}_{\rm bpr} $ for $ \tilde{F} = 1.0 $ ((a)–(c)); (d) the PDF of particle in $ \tilde{V}_{\rm bpr} $ for $ \tilde{F} = 1.7 $ (the optimal biased force for $ \tilde{V}_{\rm bpr} $ in Fig. 4). Illustration: the schematic diagram of $ \tilde{V}_{\rm br} $, $ \tilde{V}_{\rm bpr} $ for $ \tilde{F} = 1.0 $. The parameters used are $ \tilde{\lambda} = 0.5 $, $ \tilde{D} = 0.1 $.

    表 1  3种势结构下粒子的有效动力学温度$k_{\rm B}T^*$及有效阻尼$\gamma^*$随偏压力的变化

    Table 1.  The effective kinetic temperature $k_{\rm B}T^*$ and effective friction $\gamma^*$ of a particle under the three potential structures change with the biased force.

    $\tilde F=0$ 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
    偏压周期势 $k_{\rm B}T^*$
    偏压周期随机势 $k_{\rm B}T^*$
    偏压随机势 $k_{\rm B}T^*$
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    Su Y, Ma X G, Lai P, Tong P 2017 Soft Matter 13 4773Google Scholar


    Lindenberg K, Sancho J M, Khoury M, Lacasta A M 2012 Fluctuation Noise Lett. 11 1240004Google Scholar


    Zwanzig R 1988 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85 2029Google Scholar


    Lifson S, Jackson J L 1962 J. Chem. Phys. 36 2410Google Scholar


    Longobardi L, Massarotti D, Rotoli G, Stornaiuolo D, Papari G, Kawakami A, Pepe G P, Barone A, Tafuri F 2011 Phys. Rev. B 84 184504Google Scholar


    Fulde P, Pietronero L, Schneider W R, Strässler S 1975 Phys. Rev. Lett. 35 1776Google Scholar


    Kurrer C, Schulten K 1995 Phys. Rev. E 51 6213Google Scholar


    Reimann P 2002 Phys. Rep. 361 57Google Scholar


    Lee S H, Grier D G 2006 Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 190601Google Scholar


    Blickle V, Speck T, Seifert U, Bechinger C 2007 Phys. Rev. E 75 060101Google Scholar


    Schiavoni M, Sanchez-Palencia L, Renzoni F, Grynberg G 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 094101Google Scholar


    Lü K, Bao J D 2007 Phys. Rev. E 76 061119Google Scholar


    Shi X Y, Bao J D 2019 Physica A 514 203Google Scholar


    Gleeson J P, Sancho J M, Lacasta A M, Lindenberg K 2006 Phys. Rev. E 73 041102Google Scholar


    Khoury M, Lacasta A M, Sancho J M, Lindenber K 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 106 090602Google Scholar


    Slutsky M, Kardar M, Mirny L A 2004 Phys. Rev. E 69 061903Google Scholar


    Bouchaud J P, Georges A 1990 Phys. Rep. 195 127Google Scholar


    Hänggi P, Talkner P, Borkovec M 1990 Rev. Mod. Phys. 62 251Google Scholar


    Hanes R D L, Dalle-Ferrier C, Schmiedeberg M, Jenkins M C, Egelhaaf S U 2012 Soft Matter 8 2714Google Scholar


    Harris S J, Timmons A, Baker D R, Monroe C 2010 Chem. Phys. Lett. 485 265Google Scholar


    Sieminskas L, Ferguson M, Zerda T W, Couch E 1997 J. Sol-Gel Sci. Technol. 8 1105Google Scholar


    Kafri K, Lubensky D K, Nelson D R 2004 Biophys. J. 86 3373Google Scholar


    Smith P, Morrison I E G, Wilson K M, Fernandez N, Cherry R J 1999 Biophys. J. 76 3331Google Scholar


    Hyeon C, Thirumalai D 2003 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 100 10249Google Scholar


    Reimann P, Van den Broeck C, Linke H, Hänggi P, Rub J M, Perez-Madrid A 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 010602Google Scholar


    Reimann P, Van den Broeck C, Linke H, Hänggi P, Rub J M, Perez-Madrid A 2002 Phys. Rev. E 65 031104Google Scholar


    Evstigneev M, Zvyagolskaya O, Bleil S, Eichhorn R, Bechinger C, Reimann P 2008 Phys. Rev. E 77 041107Google Scholar


    Lindner B 2010 New J. Phys. 12 063026Google Scholar


    Simon M S, Sancho J M, Lacasta A M 2012 Fluctuation Noise Lett. 11 1250026Google Scholar


    Simon M S, Sancho J M, Lindenberg K 2013 Phys. Rev. E 88 062105Google Scholar


    包景东 2009 经典和量子耗散系统的随机模拟方法 (北京: 科学出版社) 第111页

    Bao J D 2009 Random Simulation Method of Classical and Quantum Dissipation System (Beijing: Science Press) p111 (in Chinese)


    Hu M, Bao J D 2018 Phys. Rev. E 97 062143Google Scholar


    Bao J D, Liu J 2013 Phys. Rev. E 88 022153Google Scholar


    Reimann P, Eichhorn R 2008 Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 180601Google Scholar


    Nixon G I, Slater G W 1996 Phys. Rev. E 53 4969Google Scholar


    Yeh D C, Huntington H B 1984 Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 1469Google Scholar


    Coh S, Gannett W, Zettl A, Cohen M L, Louie S G 2013 Phys. Rev. Lett. 110 185901Google Scholar


    Berkovich R, Garcia-Manes S, Urbakh M, Klafter J, Fernandez J M 2010 Biophys. J. 98 2692Google Scholar


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