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姜磊 赖莉 蔚涛 罗懋康



姜磊, 赖莉, 蔚涛, 罗懋康

Collective behaviors of globally coupled harmonic oscillators driven by different frequency fluctuations

Jiang Lei, Lai Li, Yu Tao, Luo Mao-Kang
  • 对多粒子耦合系统而言, 环境涨落对各粒子的作用在实际情况中往往是互异的, 为此, 本文研究不同频率涨落驱动下全局耦合过阻尼谐振子系统中的集体动力学行为, 包括稳定、同步和随机共振. 通过随机平均法推导得出粒子行为的统计同步性, 进而得到了系统平均场与单粒子行为在统计意义下的等价性. 并且, 利用该同步性进一步求解得到了输出幅值增益和系统稳定的充要条件. 前者为分析系统随机共振行为奠定了理论基础, 后者给出了本文所得结论的适应范围. 仿真表明, 耦合强度$\varepsilon$的增加或系统规模N的增大会带来两方面的影响: 首先, 稳定区域逐渐增大, 同步时间逐渐缩短; 其次, 系统的有序性增强, 需要更大的噪声强度提供更强的随机性来与之实现最优匹配, 从而关于噪声强度$\sigma$的随机共振峰逐渐右移, 反之亦然.
    For multi-particle coupled systems, the effects of environmental fluctuations on each particle are often different in actual situations. To this end, this paper studies the collective dynamic behaviors in globally coupled harmonic oscillators driven by different frequency fluctuations, including synchronization, stability and stochastic resonance (SR). The statistical synchronicity between particles' behaviors is derived by reasonably grouping variables and using random average method, and then the statistical equivalence between behaviors of mean field and behaviors of single particle is obtained. Therefore, the characteristics of mean field's behaviors (that is, collective behaviors) can be obtained by studying behaviors of any single particle. Moreover, the output amplitude gain and the necessary and sufficient condition for the system stability are obtained by using this synchronization. The former lays a theoretical foundation for analyzing the stochastic resonance behavior of the system, and the latter gives the scope of adaptation of the conclusions in this paper. In terms of numerical simulation, the research is mainly carried out through the stochastic Taylor expansion algorithm. Firstly, the influence of system size N and coupling strength $\varepsilon$ on the stability area and synchronization time is analyzed. The results show that with the increase of the coupling strength $\varepsilon$ or the increase of the system size N, the coupling force between particles increases, and the orderliness of the system increases, so that the stable region gradually increases and the synchronization time gradually decreases. Secondly, the stochastic resonance behavior of the system is studied. Noises provide randomness for the system, and coupling forces provide orderliness for the system. The two compete with each other, so that the system outputs about the noise intensity $\sigma$, the coupling strength $\varepsilon$ and the system size N exhibit stochastic resonance behavior. As the coupling strength increases or the system size increases, the orderliness of the system increases, and greater noise intensity is required to provide stronger randomness to achieve optimal matching with it, so as to the resonance of the noise intensity $\sigma$, the peak gradually shifts to the right. Conversely, as the noise intensity $\sigma$ increases, the resonance peak of the coupling strength $\varepsilon$ and the system size N will also shift to the right.
      通信作者: 蔚涛, scuyutao@163.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年基金(批准号: 11501385, 11801385)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Yu Tao, scuyutao@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11501385, 11801385)

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    Dorf R C, Bishop R H 2010 Modern Control Systems (12th Ed.) (Pearson: Prentice Hall) p387


    Watts D J, Strogatz S H 1998 Nature 339 440


    Pikovsky A, Rosenblum M, Kurths J 2001 Synchronization: A Universal Concept in Nonlinear Sciences (New York: Cambridge University Press) pp1−7


    郑志刚 2019 复杂系统的涌现动力学—从同步到集体输运(上卷) (北京: 科学出版社) 第107页

    Zheng Z G 2019 Emergence Dynamics in Complex System: from Synchronization to Collective Transport (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Science Press) p107 (in Chinese)


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    Jiang L, Lai L, Yu T, Luo M K 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 060502Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  粒子平均位移及对应频域值的数值仿真结果, 其中$ \varepsilon=1 $, $ A_0=1 $, $ \sigma=1.3, N=10 $, $ \omega=0.5 $, $ \lambda=1 $, $\varOmega= $$ \pi/4$, $ \Delta t=10^{-3} $, $ K=10^4, T=120 $

    Fig. 1.  The average realization and the corresponding frequency domain representation with $ \varepsilon=1 $, $ A_0=1 $, $\sigma=1.3, $$ N=10$, $ \omega=0.5 $, $ \lambda=1 $, $\varOmega=\pi/4$, $ \Delta t=10^{-3} $, $K=10^4, $$ T=120$.

    图 2  仿真结果与理论结果对比图, 其中$\varOmega=\pi/4,\; \omega=0.5,\; $$ \lambda=1,\; \varepsilon=1, \;A_0=1, \;\sigma=2$  (a) $K=10000, \;T=120$; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ $\Delta t=0.001,\; T=120$; $ {\rm{(c)}} $ $K=10000, \;\Delta t=0.001$

    Fig. 2.  Comparison of theoretical and simulation results with $\varOmega=\pi/4, \;\omega=0.5, \;\lambda=1, \;\varepsilon=1,\; A_0=1,\; \sigma=2$: $ {\rm{(a)}} $ $K= 10000,\; T=120$; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ $\Delta t=0.001,\; T=120$; $ {\rm{(c)}} $ $K= 10000, \;\Delta t=0.001$.

    图 3  $ {\rm{(a)}} $ 不同的N所对应的系统稳定性区域, 其中$ \omega=0.5, \lambda=1 $; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ 系统稳定性区域边界随N的变化曲线, 其中$ \varepsilon=1 $, 其他参数同图$ {\rm{(a)}} $

    Fig. 3.  $ {\rm{(a)}} $ System stability region corresponding to different N with $ \omega=0.5,\; \lambda=1 $; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ curve of the boundary of the system stability region with N with $ \varepsilon=1 $, other parameters are the same as panel $ {\rm{(a)}} $

    图 4  粒子平均位移实现, 其中$\omega=0.5,\; \lambda=1,\; \varOmega=\pi/4, \; $$ \varepsilon=1, \;A_0=1,\; N=10$ $ {\rm{(a)}} $ $ \sigma=1.5 $ $ {\rm{(b)}} $ $ \sigma=2 $

    Fig. 4.  The average displacements of particles with $\omega=0.5,\; \lambda=1,\; \varOmega=\pi/4,\; \varepsilon=1,\; A_0=1,\; N=10$: $ {\rm{(a)}} $ $\sigma= $$ 1.5$; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ $ \sigma=2 $.

    图 5  系统(2)在不同参数条件下的仿真实现和所对应的方差, 其中$\omega=0.5,\; \lambda=1, \;\sigma=0.7, \;A_0=1,\; \varOmega=\pi/4$ $ {\rm{(a)}} $ $\varepsilon=1, $$ \; N=2$; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ $\varepsilon=4, \;N=2$; $ {\rm{(c)}} $ $\varepsilon=1,\; N=10$. 三幅子图的顶部图中不同颜色的实线代表不同粒子的平均位移

    Fig. 5.  The realization of the system (2) under different parameter conditions and the corresponding variance with $\omega=0.5,\; \lambda=1,\;\sigma=0.7,\; A_0=1,\; \varOmega=\pi/4$: $ {\rm{(a)}} $ $\varepsilon=1,\; N=2$; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ $\varepsilon=4,\; N=2$; $ {\rm{(c)}} $ $\varepsilon=1,\; N=10$. The solid lines in different colors in the first panel of the three subfigure represent the average displacement of different particles.

    图 6  同步时间$ t_0 $随群体规模N的变化曲线, 所选系统参数与图5相同

    Fig. 6.  The change curve of synchronization time $ t_0 $ with system size N. The selected system parameters are the same as the Fig. 5.

    图 7  不同的$ \sigma $, N$ G(\varepsilon) $的变化曲线, 其中$\omega=0.5, \; $$ \lambda=1,\; A_0=1, \;\varOmega=\pi/4$ $ {\rm{(a)}} $ $ N=10 $; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ $ \sigma=0.7 $

    Fig. 7.  The curve of $ G(\varepsilon) $ under different $ \sigma $ and N with $\omega \!= \!0.5,\; \lambda \!= \!1,\; A_0 \!= \!1,\; \varOmega=\pi/4$: $ {\rm{(a)}} $ $ N \!= \!10 $; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ $ \sigma \!= \!0.7 $

    图 8  不同的$ \sigma $, $ \varepsilon $$ G(N) $的变化曲线, 其中$\omega=0.5,\; $$ \lambda=1, \;A_0=1,\; \varOmega=\pi/4$ $ {\rm{(a)}} $ $ \sigma=0.7 $; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ $ \varepsilon=1 $

    Fig. 8.  The curve of $ G(N) $ under different $ \sigma $ and $ \varepsilon $ with $\omega=0.5,\; \lambda=1,\; A_0=1,\; \varOmega=\pi/4$: $ {\rm{(a)}} $ $ \sigma=0.7 $; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ $ \varepsilon=1 $

    图 9  不同的$ \varepsilon $, N$ G(\sigma) $的变化曲线, 其中$\omega=0.5, \; $$ \lambda=1,\; A_0=1,\; \varOmega=\pi/4$ $ {\rm{(a)}} $ $ N=10 $; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ $ \varepsilon=1 $

    Fig. 9.  The curve of $ G(\sigma) $ under different $ \varepsilon $ and N with $\omega=0.5,\; \lambda=1,\; A_0=1, \;\varOmega=\pi/4$: $ {\rm{(a)}} $ $ N=10 $; $ {\rm{(b)}} $ $ \varepsilon=1 $.

    表 1  变量表

    Table 1.  Variable table

    乘因子 变量
    1 $ \left\langle x_1\right\rangle $ $ \cdots $ $ \left\langle x_i\right\rangle $ $ \cdots $ $ \left\langle x_N\right\rangle $
    $ \xi_1 $ $ \left\langle \xi_1 x_1\right\rangle $ $ \cdots $ $ \left\langle \xi_1 x_i\right\rangle $ $ \cdots $ $ \left\langle \xi_1 x_N\right\rangle $
    $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $
    $ \xi_{i_1}\xi_{i_2}\cdots\xi_{i_k} $ $ \left\langle \xi_{i_1}\xi_{i_2}\cdots\xi_{i_k}x_1\right\rangle $ $ \cdots $ $ \left\langle \xi_{i_1}\xi_{i_2}\cdots\xi_{i_k}x_i\right\rangle $ $ \cdots $ $ \left\langle \xi_{i_1}\xi_{i_2}\cdots\xi_{i_k}x_N\right\rangle $
    $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $
    $ \xi_{1}\xi_{2}\cdots\xi_{N} $ $ \left\langle \xi_{1}\xi_{2}\cdots\xi_{N}x_1\right\rangle $ $ \cdots $ $ \left\langle\xi_{1}\xi_{2}\cdots\xi_{N}x_i\right\rangle $ $ \cdots $ $ \left\langle \xi_{1}\xi_{2}\cdots\xi_{N}x_N\right\rangle $
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    Boccaletti S, Latora V, Moreno Y, Chavez M, Hwang D U 2006 Phys. Rep. 424 175Google Scholar


    He W, Cao J 2010 IEEE Trans. Neural Networks 21 571Google Scholar


    Yang B, Zhang X, Zhang L, Luo M K 2016 Phys. Rev. E 94 022119


    Ioannou P J, Farrell B F 2006 Application of Generalized Stability Theory to Deterministic and Statistical Prediction (New York: Cambridge University Press) pp113−126


    Dorf R C, Bishop R H 2010 Modern Control Systems (12th Ed.) (Pearson: Prentice Hall) p387


    Watts D J, Strogatz S H 1998 Nature 339 440


    Pikovsky A, Rosenblum M, Kurths J 2001 Synchronization: A Universal Concept in Nonlinear Sciences (New York: Cambridge University Press) pp1−7


    郑志刚 2019 复杂系统的涌现动力学—从同步到集体输运(上卷) (北京: 科学出版社) 第107页

    Zheng Z G 2019 Emergence Dynamics in Complex System: from Synchronization to Collective Transport (Vol. 1) (Beijing: Science Press) p107 (in Chinese)


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    Gammaitoni L, Hänggi P, Jung P, Marchesoni F 1998 Rev. Mod. Phys. 70 223


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    Fox R F 1989 Phys. Rev. A 39 4148Google Scholar


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    Atsumi Y, Hata H, Nakao H 2013 Phys. Rev. E 88 052806Google Scholar


    Tang Y, Zou W, Lu J, Kurths J 2012 Phys. Rev. E 85 046207Google Scholar


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    Cubero D 2008 Phys. Rev. E 77 021112Google Scholar


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    Yu T, Zhang L, Luo M K 2013 Phys. Scr. 88 045008Google Scholar


    He G T, Tian Y, Luo M K 2014 J. Stat. Mech. 2014 P05018Google Scholar


    Zhong S C, Ma H, Peng H, Zhang L 2015 Nonlinear Dyn. 82 535Google Scholar


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  • 收稿日期:  2021-01-24
  • 修回日期:  2021-02-13
  • 上网日期:  2021-06-23
  • 刊出日期:  2021-07-05

