基于二维流体模型, 研究了大气压下预电离对短间隙和长间隙直流辉光放电的影响. 对于两种放电, 随着预电离的增强, 带电粒子分布沿着放电方向逐渐向阴极偏移, 使得阴极位降区不断收缩. 从垂直放电方向来看, 正柱区、负辉区和阴极位降区的宽度都不断增大, 电子、离子密度的分布更加均匀. 对于电场而言, 随着预电离的增强, 阴极位降区电场的纵向分量分布逐渐向阴极收缩, 阴极附近的电场整体降低且分布更加均匀. 电场的纵向分量分布逐渐减小, 同时电场区域逐渐向壁面收缩. 维持电压和放电功率都明显地降低. 此外, 随预电离的增加, 短间隙放电中的压降始终集中在阴极位降区, 而在长间隙放电中的压降由阴极位降区逐渐转移至正柱区. 仿真结果表明, 预电离能够有效增强放电均匀性, 并降低放电维持电压和能量消耗. 该工作对进一步优化电极配置和等离子体源的运行参数具有重要指导意义.In this paper, the effect of pre-ionization on the small-gap and large-gap direct-current glow discharge at atmospheric pressure are investigated based on a two-dimensional self-consistent fluid model. For both the discharges, the results show that with the enhancement of pre-ionization, the charged particle distribution gradually shifts toward the cathode along the discharge direction, making the cathode fall zone shrink continuously. The width of the positive column region, negative glow space, and cathode fall zone continuously extend along the vertical discharge direction, and the distribution of electron density and ion density are more uniform. For the electric field, with the enhancement of pre-ionization, the longitudinalal component distribution of the electric field in the cathode fall zone gradually contracts toward the cathode, and the overall electric field near the cathode decreases and becomes more uniformly distributed. The transverse component distribution of the electric field gradually decreases and shrinks toward the wall. The overall electron temperature in the discharge space decreases with the enhancement of the pre-ionization level, and the electron temperature distribution in the cathode fall zone gradually shrinks toward the cathode. In addition, the overall potential of the discharge space also decreases. The introduction of pre-ionization significantly reduces the maintaining voltage and discharge power of the direct-current glow discharge. Furthermore, the potential drop in the small-gap discharge is always concentrated in the cathode fall zone as the pre-ionization increases, while the potential drop in the large-gap discharge is gradually shifted from the cathode fall zone to the positive column region. This simulation shows that the pre-ionization not only effectively enhances the discharge uniformity, but also largely reduces the maintaining voltage and energy consumption of the direct-current glow discharge. This work is an important guideline for further optimizing the electrode configuration and the operating parameters of the plasma source.
- pre-ionization /
- fluid model /
- direct-current glow discharge
[1] Hansen L, Kohlmann N, Kienle L, Kersten H 2023 Thin Solid Films 765 139633
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[2] Marcus R K, Hoegg E D, Hall K A, Williams T J, Koppenaal D W 2021 Mass Spec. Rev. 42 652
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[3] Zheng P C, Luo Y J, Wang J M, Yang Y, Hu Q, Mao X F, Lai C H 2022 Microchem. J. 172 106883
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[4] Ibrahim J, Al-Bataineh S A, Michelmore A, Whittle J D 2021 Plasma Chem. Plasma P. 41 47
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[5] Schoenbach K H, Becker K 2016 Eur. Phys. J. D 70 29
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[6] Wanten B, Maerivoet S, Vantomme C, Slaets J, Trenchev G, Bogaerts A 2022 J. CO2 Util. 56 101869
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[7] Stolárik T, Henselová M, Martinka M, Novák O, Zahoranová A, Černák M 2015 Plasma Chem. Plasma P. 35 659
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[8] 刘定新, 何桐桐, 张浩 2019 高电压技术 45 14
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Zhu H L, Shi Y J, Wang J W, Zhang Z L, Gao Y N, Zhang F B 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 145201
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[11] 李成榕, 王新新, 詹花茂, 张贵新 2003 高压电器 39 4
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Qi B, Tian X, Wang J, Wang Y S, Si J H, Tang J 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 245202
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[15] Massines F, Gherardi N, Naude N, Segur P 2009 Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 47 22805
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[16] Sremački I, Gromov M, Leys C, Morent R, Snyders R, Nikiforov A 2020 Plasma Process. Polym. 17 1900191
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[17] Mohamed A A H, Kolb J F, Schoenbach K H 2010 Eur. Phys. J. D 60 517
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[18] Rathore K, Wakim D, Chitre A, Staack D 2020 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29 055011
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[19] Hansen L, Kohlmann N, Schürmann U, Kienle L, Kersten H 2022 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 035013
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[20] Bieniek M S, Hasan M I 2022 Phys. Plasmas 29 034503
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[21] Tochikubo F, Shirai N, Uchida S 2011 Appl. Phys. Express 4 056001
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[22] Saifutdinov A I 2021 J. Appl. Phys. 129 093302
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[23] Wang Q, Economou D J, Donnelly V M 2006 J. Appl. Phys. 100 023301
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[24] 齐冰, 任春生, 马腾才, 王友年, 王德真 2006 物理学报 55 331
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Qi B, Ren C S, Ma T C, Wang Y N, Wang D Z 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 331
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[25] Tang J, Li S B, Zhao W, Wang Y S, Duan Y X 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 253505
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[26] Li X M, Tang J, Zhan X F, Yuan X, Zhao Z J, Yan Y Y, Duan Y X 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 033519
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[27] Jiang W M, Tang J, Wang Y S, Zhao W, Duan Y X 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 013505
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[28] Li J, Wang J, Lei B Y, Zhang T Y, Tang J, Wang Y S, Zhao W, Duan Y X 2020 Adv. Sci. 7 1902616
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[29] Sasaki K, Hosoda R, Shirai N 2020 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29 085012
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[30] 王晓臣, 王宁会, 李国峰 2007 高电压技术 33 2
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[31] Hagelaar G J M, Pitchford L C 2005 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 14 722
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[32] Laca M, Kaňka A, Schmiedt L, Hrachová V, Morávek M J 2019 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 59 e201800190
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[33] Park G, Lee H, Kim G, Lee J K 2008 Plasma Process Polym. 5 569
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[34] Wang Y H, Wang D Z 2004 Chin. Phys. Lett. 21 2234
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[35] Kong M G, Xu T D 2003 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 31 7
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[36] Yuan X, Raja L L 2003 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 31 495
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[37] 张百灵, 王宇天, 李益文, 樊昊, 高岭, 段成铎 2016 高电压技术 42 7
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Zhang B L, Wang Y T, Li Y W, Fan H, Gao L, Duan C D 2016 High Voltage Engineering 42 7
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图 3 不同预电离下带电粒子密度的空间分布 (a)正柱区空间分布; (b)正柱区空间分布的放大图; (c) y = 0.5 mm处电子密度峰值的空间分布; (d) y = 0.5 mm处离子密度峰值的空间分布
Fig. 3. Spatial distributions of charged particles densities under different pre-ionization: (a) Spatial distributions of the positive column region; (b) enlarged view of spatial distributions of the positive column region; (c) spatial distributions at the peak of electron density at y = 0.5 mm; (d) spatial distributions at the peak of ion density at y = 0.5 mm.
图 5 (a) 不同预电离下, 阴极处电场纵向分量的空间分布; (b)不同预电离下, 电场横向分量峰值处的空间分布
Fig. 5. (a) Spatial distributions of longitudinal component of the electric field in the cathode under different pre-ionization; (b) spatial distributions at the peak of transverse component of the electric field under different pre-ionization.
图 7 不同预电离下 (a) x = 0.8 mm处的电势空间分布; (b) y = 0.5 mm处电子温度峰值处的空间分布; (c)维持电压和放电电流的变化; (d)放电功率的变化
Fig. 7. Under different pre-ionization: (a) Spatial distribution of potential at x = 0.8 mm; (b) spatial distributions at the peak of the electron temperature at y = 0.5 mm; (c) variations of sustaining voltage, discharge current; (d) variations of discharge power.
图 9 不同预电离下, 带电粒子密度的空间分布 (a)正柱区的空间分布; (b)正柱区空间分布的放大图; (c) y = 0.5 mm电子密度峰值的空间分布; (d) y = 0.5 mm离子密度峰值的空间分布
Fig. 9. Spatial distributions of charged particles densities under different pre-ionization: (a) Spatial distributions of the positive column region; (b) enlarged view of spatial distributions of the positive column region; (c) spatial distributions at the peak of electron density at y = 0.5 mm; (d) spatial distributions at the peak of ion density at y = 0.5 mm.
图 11 (a) 不同预电离下, 阴极处电场纵向分量的空间分布; (b)不同预电离下, 电场横向分量峰值处的空间分布
Fig. 11. (a) Spatial distributions of longitudinal component of the electric field in the cathode under different pre-ionization; (b) spatial distributions at the peak of transverse component of the electric field under different pre-ionization.
图 13 不同预电离下 (a) x = 8 mm处的电势空间分布; (b) y = 0.5 mm电子温度峰值处的空间分布; (c)维持电压、放电电流和(d)放电功率的变化
Fig. 13. Under different pre-ionization: (a) Spatial distribution of potential at x = 8 mm; (b) spatial distributions at the peak of the electron temperature at y = 0.5 mm; (c) variations of sustaining voltage, discharge current and (d) discharge power.
表 1 模型中的化学反应
Table 1. Chemical reactions in the model.
No. Reaction Rate constant/
(cm–3·s–1)Ref. 1 e+He → e+He f(E/N) [31] 2 e+He → e+He* f(E/N) [32] 3 e+He → 2e+He+ f(E/N) [32] 4 2e+He+ → He*+e 7.1$ \times $10–20a) [32] 5 2e+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{+} $ → 2He+e 2.0$ \times $10–20a) [32] 6 2e+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{+} $ → He+He*+e 2.8$ \times $10–20a) [33] 7 e+He+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{+} $ → 3He 2.0$ \times $10–27a) [33] 8 e+He* → 2e+He+ 1.28$ \times $10–7$ {T}_{{\mathrm{e}}}^{0.6} $
exp(–4.78/$ {T}_{{\mathrm{e}}} $)[33] 9 e+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{+} $ → He*+He 1$ \times $10–8 [33] 10 He*+e → He+e 2$ \times $10–10 [33] 11 2e+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{+} $ → 2He*+e 6.18$ \times $10–39$ {T}_{{\mathrm{e}}}^{4.4} $a) [33] 12 e+He+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{+} $ → He*+2He 5.0$ \times $10–27a) [35] 13 e+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{+} $ → $ {\text{He}}_{2}^{\text{*}} $ 5.0$ \times $10–16 [35] 14 e+He+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{+} $ → $ {\text{He}}_{2}^{\text{*}} $+He 5.0$ \times $10–27a) [35] 15 e+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{\text{*}} $ → 2e+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{+} $ 3.8$ \times $10–9 [36] 16 e+He+ He+ → He*+He 1.0$ \times $10–27a) [36] 17 2e+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{+} $ → $ {\text{He}}_{2}^{\text{*}} $+e 7.1$ \times $10–20a) [35] 18 2He+He+ → He+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{+} $ 6.5$ \times $10–32a) [32] 19 He*+He → 2He+$ h\nu $ 6.0$ \times $10–15 [32] 20 He*+He* → e+$ {\text{He}}_{2}^{+} $ 2.0$ \times $10–9 [34] 21 He*+He* → e+He+He+ 2.9$ \times $10–9 [35] a) Rate constant is in cm6·s–1. -
[1] Hansen L, Kohlmann N, Kienle L, Kersten H 2023 Thin Solid Films 765 139633
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[2] Marcus R K, Hoegg E D, Hall K A, Williams T J, Koppenaal D W 2021 Mass Spec. Rev. 42 652
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[3] Zheng P C, Luo Y J, Wang J M, Yang Y, Hu Q, Mao X F, Lai C H 2022 Microchem. J. 172 106883
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[4] Ibrahim J, Al-Bataineh S A, Michelmore A, Whittle J D 2021 Plasma Chem. Plasma P. 41 47
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[5] Schoenbach K H, Becker K 2016 Eur. Phys. J. D 70 29
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[6] Wanten B, Maerivoet S, Vantomme C, Slaets J, Trenchev G, Bogaerts A 2022 J. CO2 Util. 56 101869
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[7] Stolárik T, Henselová M, Martinka M, Novák O, Zahoranová A, Černák M 2015 Plasma Chem. Plasma P. 35 659
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[8] 刘定新, 何桐桐, 张浩 2019 高电压技术 45 14
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Liu D X, He T T, Zhang H 2019 High Voltage Engineering 45 14
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[9] Lei B Y, Xu B P, Wang J, Mao X L, Li J, Wang Y S, Zhao W, Duan Y X, Zorba V, Tang J 2023 Cell Rep. Phys. Sci. 4 101267
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[10] 朱海龙, 师玉军, 王嘉伟, 张志凌, 高一宁, 张丰博 2022 物理学报 71 145201
Google Scholar
Zhu H L, Shi Y J, Wang J W, Zhang Z L, Gao Y N, Zhang F B 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 145201
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[11] 李成榕, 王新新, 詹花茂, 张贵新 2003 高压电器 39 4
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Li C R, Wang X X, Zhan H M, Zhang G X 2003 High Voltage Apparatus 39 4
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[12] Staack D, Farouk B, Gutsol A, Fridman A 2005 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 14 700
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[13] 王艳辉, 王德真 2003 物理学报 52 1694
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Wang Y H, Wang D Z 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 1694
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[14] 齐兵, 田晓, 王静, 王屹山, 司金海, 汤洁 2022 物理学报 71 245202
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Qi B, Tian X, Wang J, Wang Y S, Si J H, Tang J 2022 Acta Phys. Sin. 71 245202
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[15] Massines F, Gherardi N, Naude N, Segur P 2009 Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 47 22805
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[16] Sremački I, Gromov M, Leys C, Morent R, Snyders R, Nikiforov A 2020 Plasma Process. Polym. 17 1900191
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[17] Mohamed A A H, Kolb J F, Schoenbach K H 2010 Eur. Phys. J. D 60 517
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[18] Rathore K, Wakim D, Chitre A, Staack D 2020 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29 055011
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[19] Hansen L, Kohlmann N, Schürmann U, Kienle L, Kersten H 2022 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 31 035013
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[20] Bieniek M S, Hasan M I 2022 Phys. Plasmas 29 034503
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[21] Tochikubo F, Shirai N, Uchida S 2011 Appl. Phys. Express 4 056001
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[22] Saifutdinov A I 2021 J. Appl. Phys. 129 093302
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[23] Wang Q, Economou D J, Donnelly V M 2006 J. Appl. Phys. 100 023301
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[24] 齐冰, 任春生, 马腾才, 王友年, 王德真 2006 物理学报 55 331
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Qi B, Ren C S, Ma T C, Wang Y N, Wang D Z 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 331
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[25] Tang J, Li S B, Zhao W, Wang Y S, Duan Y X 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 253505
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[26] Li X M, Tang J, Zhan X F, Yuan X, Zhao Z J, Yan Y Y, Duan Y X 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 033519
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[27] Jiang W M, Tang J, Wang Y S, Zhao W, Duan Y X 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 013505
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[28] Li J, Wang J, Lei B Y, Zhang T Y, Tang J, Wang Y S, Zhao W, Duan Y X 2020 Adv. Sci. 7 1902616
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[29] Sasaki K, Hosoda R, Shirai N 2020 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 29 085012
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[30] 王晓臣, 王宁会, 李国峰 2007 高电压技术 33 2
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Wang X C, Wang N H, Li G F 2007 High Voltage Engineering 33 2
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[31] Hagelaar G J M, Pitchford L C 2005 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 14 722
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[32] Laca M, Kaňka A, Schmiedt L, Hrachová V, Morávek M J 2019 Contrib. Plasma Phys. 59 e201800190
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[33] Park G, Lee H, Kim G, Lee J K 2008 Plasma Process Polym. 5 569
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[34] Wang Y H, Wang D Z 2004 Chin. Phys. Lett. 21 2234
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[35] Kong M G, Xu T D 2003 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 31 7
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[36] Yuan X, Raja L L 2003 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 31 495
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[37] 张百灵, 王宇天, 李益文, 樊昊, 高岭, 段成铎 2016 高电压技术 42 7
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Zhang B L, Wang Y T, Li Y W, Fan H, Gao L, Duan C D 2016 High Voltage Engineering 42 7
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