The spin-orbit interaction and spin Hall effect have drawn special attention. Not only theoretical predictions have been made, but also the generation of spin currents has been achieved in experiment. In this paper, we study the spin current and the spin Hall conductivity under the influence of rotation in the curved space-time. Our work shows that the nontrivial geometries could modify the spin-orbital interaction. By using the extended Drude model, we calculate the spin-dependent force and obtain a correction to this force by non-mediocre geometry. When considering the rotation effect, the general Dirac equation is given. The Hamiltonian under the non-relativistic approximation is obtained by the Foldy-Wouthuysen transform. According to this, we calculate the spin current and spin Hall conductance. The polarization vector is deformed due to the effect of the rotation in the curved space-time. The magnitude and direction of the spin current are changed because of the correction to rotation, and the spin Hall conductivity. The nontrivial space-time geometry leads to the anisotropic nature of the spin current. Our work uses a general method that does not depend on the model, so the result can be used to analyze the electromagnetic dynamics of charged spin particles in quantum Hall systems, and it also helps to theoretically study the defects in crystals. Our results can also be extended to the optical subsystem. Considering the spin effect of photons, based on the spin-orbit coupling of photon, a light splitting phenomenon emerges in an inhomogeneous medium, which is the spin hall effect of photon. Our discussion has a certain reference value for studying the behavior of the photonic spin Hall effect in the static gravitational field. At the same time, using the optical chips to simulate curved space-time, photon manipulation and precision measurement can give some theoretical support.
- spin Hall effect /
- curved space-time /
- cosmic string
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