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Stability analysis in three-terminal magnetic tunnel junction

Wang Ri-Xing Li Xue Li Lian Xiao Yun-Chang Xu Si-Wei


Stability analysis in three-terminal magnetic tunnel junction

Wang Ri-Xing, Li Xue, Li Lian, Xiao Yun-Chang, Xu Si-Wei
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • Spin-transfer torque-based magnetic random access memory is becoming more and more attractive in industry due to its non-volatility, fast switching speed and infinite endurance. However, it suffers energy and speed bottlenecks, so the magnetic tunnel junction urgently needs a new write scheme. Compared with the spin-transfer torque, emerging spin-orbit torque will replace spin-transfer torque as a new write scheme of magnetic storage technology for its faster writing speed and avoiding the barrier breakdown. A three-terminal magnetic tunnel junction consists of magnetic tunnel junction/heavy metal structure offers a promising perspective from a technological point of view in the design of new generation of magnetic random access memory, for it is possible to control the magnetization dynamics through two current densities of spin-transfer torque and the spin-orbit torque. In this paper, the stability of magnetic states in the three-terminal magnetic tunnel junction is studied theoretically. Through linearizing the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation including the spin-transfer torque and the spin-orbit torque defined in the spherical coordinates, the new equilibrium directions and linear differential equations are obtained. Performing linear stability analysis of the new equilibrium directions, the phase diagrams defined by the direction of pinned-layer magnetization vector and the current density of spin-orbit torque are obtained. Several magnetic states are distinguished in the phase diagram, such as in-plane precessional and stable states, out-of-plane precessional and stable states. When the pinned-layer magnetization vector rotates out of the film plane, through adjusting the direction of pinned-layer magnetization vector, the switching from stable state to precessional one can be realized. Orientating the pinned-layer magnetization vector in the film plane, neither the out-of-plane precession nor stable states emerges for the current density of spin-orbit torque and spin-transfer torque are relatively small. The instability current takes a minimum value with the pinned-layer magnetization vector nearly parallel or antiparallel to the easy axis of free layer and increases with the direction of pinned-layer magnetization vector deviating from these two locations. The magnetization reversal can be realized through adjusting the current density of spin-transfer torque, and the reversal time can decrease greatly under the assisting of spin-orbit torque. By showing the dependence of magnetization vector on the time of different magnetic states, the validity of phase diagram is confirmed. The selecting of the different directions of the pinned-layer magnetization vector provides an alternative way to control the current-driven magnetization dynamics. This will provide useful guide for the application of three-terminal magnetic tunnel junction.
      Corresponding author: Wang Ri-Xing,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11704120, 11847159) and the Research Foundation of Science and Technology Bureau of Changde City (Grant Nos. 2016KZ22, 2018J048)

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    Zhao W S, Wang Z H, Peng S Z, Wang L Z, Chang L, Zhang Y G 2016 Sci. Sin.: Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica 46 107306


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    Li Z D, He P B, Liu W M 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 117502Google Scholar


    王日兴, 贺鹏斌, 肖运昌, 李建英 2015 物理学报 64 137201Google Scholar

    Wang R X, He P B, Xiao Y C, Li J Y 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 137201Google Scholar


    王日兴, 叶华, 王丽娟, 敖章洪 2017 物理学报 66 127201Google Scholar

    Wang R X, Ye H, Wang L J, Ao Z H 2017 Acta Phys. Sin. 66 127201Google Scholar


    Houssameddine D, Ebels U, Delaët B, Rodmacq B, Firastrau I, Ponthenier F, Brunet M, Thirion C, Michel J P, Buda-Prejbeanu L D, Cyrille M C, Redon O, Dieny B 2007 Nature Materials 6 447Google Scholar

  • 图 1  理论模型和坐标系

    Figure 1.  Theoretical mode and coordinate system.

    图 2  以钉扎层磁化向量极角$ \theta_{\rm p} $和自旋轨道矩电流密度$ J_{\rm SHE} $为控制参数的相图

    Figure 2.  The phase diagram defined in parameter space spanned by the polar angle of pinned-layer magnetization vector $ \theta_{\rm p} $ and the current density of spin-orbit torque $ J_{\rm SHE} $

    图 3  对于图2中不同区域a, b, c,$ a^{\prime} $,$ b^{\prime} $,$ c^{\prime} $六点, 自由层磁化向量随时间的演化轨迹 (a)和($ {\rm a}^{\prime} $)准平行稳定态或平面内的进动态; (b)和($ {\rm b}^{\prime} $)伸出膜面的进动态; (c)和($ {\rm c}^{\prime} $)伸出膜面的稳定态

    Figure 3.  The time evolutions of free-layer magnetization vector for six points a, b, $ c, a^{\prime} $,$ b^{\prime} $ and $ c^{\prime} $ in different regions of Fig. 2. (a) and ($ {\rm a}^{\prime} $) quasi-P or IPP state; (b) and ($ {\rm b}^{\prime} $) OPP state; (c) and ($ {\rm c}^{\prime} $) OPS states.

    图 4  以钉扎层磁化向量方位角$ \phi_{\rm p} $和自旋轨道矩电流密度$ J_{\rm SHE} $为控制参数的相图

    Figure 4.  The phase diagram defined in parameter space spanned by the azimuthal angle of pinned-layer magnetization vector $ \phi_{\rm p} $ and the current density of spin-orbit torque $ J_{\rm SHE} $.

    图 5  对应图4中的“a”点, 自由层初始磁化沿x方向时磁化向量三个分量$ m_{x} $, $ m_{y} $$ m_{z} $在不同自旋矩驱动下随时间的演化 (a)自旋转移矩激发的平面内的稳定态; (b)自旋转移矩驱动磁化翻转; (c)自旋转移矩和自旋轨道矩共同激发的平面内的进动态; (d)自旋转移矩和自旋轨道矩共同驱动磁化翻转

    Figure 5.  The time evolutions of three components $ m_{x} $, $ m_{y} $ and $ m_{z} $ driven by different spin torque in free-layer magnetization vector for point ‘a’ of Fig. 4 with the initial magnetization along x direction: (a) IPS state excited by spin-transfer torque; (b) magnetization reversal driven by spin-transfer torque; (c) IPP state excited by spin-transfer torque and spin-orbit torque; (d) magnetization reversal driven by spin-transfer torque and spin-orbit torque.

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    Taniguchi T 2019 J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 483 281Google Scholar


    赵巍胜, 王昭昊, 彭守仲, 王乐知, 常亮, 张有光 2016 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 46 107306

    Zhao W S, Wang Z H, Peng S Z, Wang L Z, Chang L, Zhang Y G 2016 Sci. Sin.: Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica 46 107306


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  • Received Date:  16 June 2019
  • Accepted Date:  13 August 2019
  • Available Online:  01 October 2019
  • Published Online:  20 October 2019

