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Sol-gel indium-zinc-tin-oxide thin film transistor pixel array with superior stabilityunder negative bias illumination stress

Jing Bin Xu Meng Peng Cong Chen Long-Long Zhang Jian-Hua Li Xi-Feng


Sol-gel indium-zinc-tin-oxide thin film transistor pixel array with superior stabilityunder negative bias illumination stress

Jing Bin, Xu Meng, Peng Cong, Chen Long-Long, Zhang Jian-Hua, Li Xi-Feng
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  • In this paper, we fabricate a back channel etched structure thin film transistor (TFT) pixel array with hafnium-aluminum oxide dielectric and indium-zinc-tin-oxide (IZTO) semiconductor using a solution process. The electrical characteristics of IZTO TFT are modified by N2O plasma treatment. In comparison with the subthreshold swing and saturation mobility of the device untreated by plasma , the subthreshold swing decreases from 204 to 137 mV·dec–1, and the saturation mobility increases from 29.12 to 51.52 cm2·V–1·s–1. Improvement in the mobility and the subthreshold swing (SS) demonstrate that interface states may be passivated by reactive O radicals that are generated by N2O plasma, which is confirmed by the result of X-ray photoelectron spectrum analysis. In addition, the stability of negative bias illumination stress (NBIS) shift is only 0.1V for 3600 s with an illumination intensity of 10000 lux. This result indicates that its superior stability meets the requirements for the display driver. Therefore, N2O plasma treatment is verified to be an effective method to improve device performance and light stability for IZTO TFT pixel array.
      Corresponding author: Li Xi-Feng,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62174105, 61674101), the Program of Academic/Technology Research Leader of Shanghai, China (Grant No. 18XD1424400), the Shanghai Education Development Foundation and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, CHina (Grant No. 18SG38).

    Saito N, Ueda T, Tezuka T, Ikeda K 2018 IEEE J. Electron Devices Soc. 6 1253Google Scholar


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    Karteri İ, Karataş Ş, Al-Ghamdi A A, Yakuphanoğlu F 2015 Synth. Met. 199 241Google Scholar


    Liu X Q, Wang J L, Liao C N, Xiao X H, Guo S S, Jiang C Z, Fan Z Y, Wang T, Chen X S, Lu W, Hu W D, Liao L 2014 Adv. Mater. 26 7399Google Scholar


    Liu L C, Chen J S, Jeng J S 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 023509Google Scholar


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    Xu H, Lan L, Xu M, Zou J, Wang L, Wang D, Peng J 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 253501Google Scholar


    Xu Y L, Li X F, Zhu L Y, Zhang J H 2016 Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 46 23Google Scholar


    Cho S H, Ko J B, Ryu M K, Yang J H, Yeom H I, Lim S K, Hwang C S, Park S H K 2015 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 62 3653Google Scholar


    Yang J H, Choi J H, Cho S H, Pi J E, Kim H O, Hwang C S, Park K, Yoo S 2018 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 39 508Google Scholar


    Zhao M J, Zhang Z W, Xu Y C, Xu D S, Zhang J Y, Huang Z C 2020 Phys. Status Solidi A 217 1900773Google Scholar


    Li Z Y, Yang H Z, Chen S C, Lu Y B, Xin Y Q, Yang T L, Sun H 2018 J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 51 175101Google Scholar


    Cathleen A H, Gaillard J F, Kenneth R P 2010 J. Solid State Chem. 183 761Google Scholar


    Jeong J K, Jeong J H, Yang H W, Park J S, Mo Y G, Kim H D 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 113505Google Scholar


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    Ye Z Z, Yue S L, Zhang J, Li X F, Chen L X, Lu J G 2016 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 63 3547Google Scholar


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    Hsieh T Y, Chang T C, Chen T C, Tsai M Y, Lu W H, Chen S C, Jian F Y, Lin C S 2011 Thin Solid Films 520 1427Google Scholar


    Pan C C, Yang S B, Chen L L, Shi J F, Sun X, Li X F, Zhang J H 2020 IEEE J. Electron Devices Soc. 8 524Google Scholar


    Xu W X, Hu L Y, Zhao C, Zhang L J, Zhu D L, Cao P J, Liu W J, Han S, Liu X K, Jia F, Zeng Y X, Lu Y M 2018 Appl. Surf. Sci. 455 554Google Scholar


    Mude N N, Bukke R N, Saha J K, Avis C, Jang J 2019 Adv. Electron. Mater. 5 1900768Google Scholar


    Zhang Q, Xia G D, Li L B, Xia W W, Gong H Y, Wang S M 2019 Curr. Appl. Phys. 19 174Google Scholar


    Hsu C C, Chou C H, Chen Y T, Jhang W C 2019 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 66 2631Google Scholar


    Lee C G, Dodabalapur A 2012 J. Electron. Mater. 41 895Google Scholar


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    Park J, Kim S, Kim C, Kim S, Song I, Yin H, Kim K K, Lee S, Hong K, Lee J, Jung J, Lee E, Kwon K W, Park Y 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 053505Google Scholar


    Bukke R N, Avis C, Jang J 2016 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 37 433Google Scholar


    Biswas P K, De A, Dua L K, Chkoda L 2006 Indian Acad. Sci. 29 323Google Scholar


    Chen T C, Chang T C, Hsieh T Y, Tsai C T, Chen S C, Lin C S, Jian F Y, Tsai M Y 2011 Thin Solid Films 520 1422Google Scholar


    Chowdhury H M D, Migliorato P, Jang J 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 143506Google Scholar

  • 图 1  IZTO TFT (a) 器件截面示意图; (b) 像素阵列10倍显微镜图像(插图为50倍)

    Figure 1.  (a) Schematic cross section of an IZTO TFT; (b) microscope images of the IZTO TFTs array with magnification 10 times (Inset shows 50 times).

    图 2  IZTO薄膜AFM图 (a) 无处理; (b) N2O等离子体处理

    Figure 2.  AFM images of the IZTO film: (a) without N2O plasma treatment ; (b) with N2O plasma treatment.

    图 3  (a) 有无N2O等离子体处理的IZTO TFT转移曲线; (b) 无处理的IZTO TFT输出曲线; (c) N2O等离子处理的IZTO TFT输出曲线

    Figure 3.  (a) Transfer characteristics of an IZTO TFT without and with N2O plasma treatment; output characteristics of an IZTO TFT (b) without and (c) with N2O plasma treatment.

    图 4  IZTO薄膜O 1s XPS图谱 (a) 无处理; (b) N2O等离子体处理

    Figure 4.  XPS of O 1s spectra on the surface of IZTO film (a) without and (b) with N2O plasma treatment.

    图 5  IZTO TFT的PBIS和NBIS稳定性 (a) 和(b) 为无处理, (c) 和(d) 为N2O等离子体处理; (e) 阈值电压随偏压时间的变化; (f) N2O等离子体处理后IZTO TFT的能带图示意图

    Figure 5.  Stability for IZTO TFT: Stability of (a) untreated and (c) treated PBIS; stability of (b) untreated and (d) treated NBIS; (e) plots of voltage shift versus time; (f) band diagram of IZTO TFT with N2O plasma treatment.

    图 6  IZTO薄膜的原子模型 (a) 无处理; (b) N2O等离子处理

    Figure 6.  Atomic model of the IZTO film (a) without and (b) with N2O plasma treatment.

    图 7  阵列中各个位置器件负偏压光照稳定性分布 (a) 左上; (b)右上; (c) 中间; (d)左下; (e) 右下; (f) 阵列整体负偏压光照稳定性

    Figure 7.  Illumination stability distribution of devices under negative bias in the array: (a) Top-left; (b) top-right; (c) middle; (d) bottom-left; (e) bottom-right; (f) the negative bias illumination stress stability of the array.

    图 8  20个器件迁移率和亚阈值摆幅分布 (a), (b) N2O等离子体处理; (c), (d) 无处理

    Figure 8.  Histogram of threshold voltage and mobility for the IZTO TFTs: (a) , (b) With N2O plasma treatment; (c), (d) without N2O plasma treatment. The data are collected from 20 TFTs.

    表 1  有无N2O等离子体处理的IZTO TFT性能对比

    Table 1.  Device performance comparison of IZTO TFT without and with N2O plasma treatment.



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    Kim J, Park J, Yoon G, Khushabu A, Kim J S, Pae S, Cho E C, Yi J 2020 Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 120 105264Google Scholar


    Karteri İ, Karataş Ş, Al-Ghamdi A A, Yakuphanoğlu F 2015 Synth. Met. 199 241Google Scholar


    Liu X Q, Wang J L, Liao C N, Xiao X H, Guo S S, Jiang C Z, Fan Z Y, Wang T, Chen X S, Lu W, Hu W D, Liao L 2014 Adv. Mater. 26 7399Google Scholar


    Liu L C, Chen J S, Jeng J S 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 023509Google Scholar


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    Xu H, Lan L, Xu M, Zou J, Wang L, Wang D, Peng J 2011 Appl. Phys. Lett. 99 253501Google Scholar


    Xu Y L, Li X F, Zhu L Y, Zhang J H 2016 Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 46 23Google Scholar


    Cho S H, Ko J B, Ryu M K, Yang J H, Yeom H I, Lim S K, Hwang C S, Park S H K 2015 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 62 3653Google Scholar


    Yang J H, Choi J H, Cho S H, Pi J E, Kim H O, Hwang C S, Park K, Yoo S 2018 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 39 508Google Scholar


    Zhao M J, Zhang Z W, Xu Y C, Xu D S, Zhang J Y, Huang Z C 2020 Phys. Status Solidi A 217 1900773Google Scholar


    Li Z Y, Yang H Z, Chen S C, Lu Y B, Xin Y Q, Yang T L, Sun H 2018 J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 51 175101Google Scholar


    Cathleen A H, Gaillard J F, Kenneth R P 2010 J. Solid State Chem. 183 761Google Scholar


    Jeong J K, Jeong J H, Yang H W, Park J S, Mo Y G, Kim H D 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 113505Google Scholar


    Chong E, Jo K C, Lee S Y 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 152102Google Scholar


    Ye Z Z, Yue S L, Zhang J, Li X F, Chen L X, Lu J G 2016 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 63 3547Google Scholar


    Jhu J C, Chang T C, Chang G W, Tai Y H, Tsai W W, Chiang W J, Yan J Y 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 114 204501Google Scholar


    Lu R K, Lu J G, Wei X S, Yue S L, Li S Q, Lu B J, Zhao Y, Zhu L P, Chen L X, Ye Z Z 2020 Adv. Electron. Mater. 6 2000233Google Scholar


    Umeda K, Miyasako T, Sugiyama A, Tanaka A, Suzuki M, Tokumitsu E, Shimoda T 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 113 184509Google Scholar


    Hsieh T Y, Chang T C, Chen T C, Tsai M Y, Lu W H, Chen S C, Jian F Y, Lin C S 2011 Thin Solid Films 520 1427Google Scholar


    Pan C C, Yang S B, Chen L L, Shi J F, Sun X, Li X F, Zhang J H 2020 IEEE J. Electron Devices Soc. 8 524Google Scholar


    Xu W X, Hu L Y, Zhao C, Zhang L J, Zhu D L, Cao P J, Liu W J, Han S, Liu X K, Jia F, Zeng Y X, Lu Y M 2018 Appl. Surf. Sci. 455 554Google Scholar


    Mude N N, Bukke R N, Saha J K, Avis C, Jang J 2019 Adv. Electron. Mater. 5 1900768Google Scholar


    Zhang Q, Xia G D, Li L B, Xia W W, Gong H Y, Wang S M 2019 Curr. Appl. Phys. 19 174Google Scholar


    Hsu C C, Chou C H, Chen Y T, Jhang W C 2019 IEEE Trans. Electron Devices 66 2631Google Scholar


    Lee C G, Dodabalapur A 2012 J. Electron. Mater. 41 895Google Scholar


    Ohara H, Sasaki T, Noda K, Ito S, Sasaki M, Endo Y, Yoshitomi S, Sakata J, Serikawa T, Yamazaki S 2010 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 49 03cd02Google Scholar


    Park J, Kim S, Kim C, Kim S, Song I, Yin H, Kim K K, Lee S, Hong K, Lee J, Jung J, Lee E, Kwon K W, Park Y 2008 Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 053505Google Scholar


    Bukke R N, Avis C, Jang J 2016 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 37 433Google Scholar


    Biswas P K, De A, Dua L K, Chkoda L 2006 Indian Acad. Sci. 29 323Google Scholar


    Chen T C, Chang T C, Hsieh T Y, Tsai C T, Chen S C, Lin C S, Jian F Y, Tsai M Y 2011 Thin Solid Films 520 1422Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  21 January 2022
  • Accepted Date:  23 March 2022
  • Available Online:  24 June 2022
  • Published Online:  05 July 2022

