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Quasi-two-dimensional van der Waals ferromagnetic semiconductor CrGeTe3 studied by THz spectroscopy

Wang Chen Xia Wei Suo Peng Wang Wei Lin Xian Guo Yan-Feng Ma Guo-Hong


Quasi-two-dimensional van der Waals ferromagnetic semiconductor CrGeTe3 studied by THz spectroscopy

Wang Chen, Xia Wei, Suo Peng, Wang Wei, Lin Xian, Guo Yan-Feng, Ma Guo-Hong
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  • The quasi-two-dimensional van der Waals intrinsic ferromagnetic semiconductor CrGeTe3 possesses both a narrow semiconductor band gap and ferromagnetic properties, which makes it have a broad application prospect in the fields of spintronics and optoelectronics. In recent years, CrGeTe3 has received extensive attention from researchers. To the best of our knowledge, so far, these studies have mainly focused on the optical response in near infrared and visible light range, but little has been done in THz frequency range. Therefore, it is upmost importance to obtain the complex dielectric constant as well as the photocarrier dynamics of the CrGeTe3 at the THz frequency. Herewith, we use time-domain THz spectroscopy and time-resolved THz spectroscopy to investigate the fundamental properties of the CrGeTe3 crystal in the THz range, including refractive index and absorption coefficient in THz frequency, as well as the THz photocarrier dynamics under 780-nm optical excitation. The fundamental characterizations are carried out on a 33-μm-thick CrGeTe3 wafer by Fourier infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and Raman scattering. It is concluded that the CrGeTe3 wafer shows an indirect band gap of 0.38 eV and good crystalline quality. The THz time domain spectroscopy presents that the CrGeTe3 wafer has a refractive index and an absorption coefficient of 3.2 and 380 cm–1, respectively, both of which show almost negligible dispersion in the investigated THz frequency. Under the optical excitation of 780 nm, the subsequent photocarrier relaxation can be well reproduced by a double exponential function: the fast relaxation shows a lifetime of 1–2 ps, depending on pump fluence, which is contributed by electron-phonon coupling; the slow relaxation has a typical lifetime of 7–8 ps, which is due to phonon-assisted electron-phonon recombination. The Pump fluence and delay time dependence of THz photoconductivity dispersion can be well fitted with Drude-Smith model, and the fitted results demonstrate that the plasma frequency increases with pump fluence in a fixed delay time, and then decreases with delay time increasing at a fixed pump fluence. The momentum scattering time shows that it decreases with pump fluence increasing, and increases with delay time increasing. These pump fluence and delay time dependent fitting microscopic parameters show similar tendencies to those of a conventional semiconductor. In a word, the experimental study here demonstrates that the narrow band-gap CrGeTe3 wafer is well transparent and disperionless in a THz frequency range. From the above bandgap photoexcitation it follows that the wafer shows fast response and high modulation depth in THz radiation, providing a useful reference for the application of CrGeTe3 in optoelectronics and related fields.
      Corresponding author: Ma Guo-Hong,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 92150101, 61735010) and the Science and Technology Innovation Action Program of the Shanghai Committee of Science and Technology, China (Grant No. 21JC1402600).

    Novoselov K S, Geim A K, Morozov S V, Jiang D, Zhang Y, Dubonos S V, Grigorieva I V, Firsov A A 2004 Science 306 666Google Scholar


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    Desai S B, Madhvapathy S R, Sachid A B, Llinas J P, Wang Q, Ahn G H, Pitner G, Kim M J, Bokor J, Hu C 2016 Science 354 99Google Scholar


    Suo P, Yan S, Pu R, Zhang W, Li D, Chen J, Fu J, Lin X, Miao F, Liang S J 2022 Photonics Res. 10 653Google Scholar


    Waters D, Nie Y, Lüpke F, Pan Y, Flsch S, Lin Y C, Jariwala B, Zhang K, Wang C, Lü H 2020 ACS Nano 14 7564Google Scholar


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    Cao Y, Fatemi V, Fang S, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Kaxiras E, Jarillo-Herrero P 2018 Nature 556 43Google Scholar


    Ma Q S, Zhang W, Wang C, Pu R, Ju C W, Lin X, Zhang Z, Liu W, Li R 2021 J. Phys. Chem. C 125 9296Google Scholar


    Chen J, Suo P, Zhang W, Ma H, Fu J, Li D, Lin X, Yan X, Liu W, Jin Z 2022 J. Phys. Chem. C 126 9407Google Scholar


    Gong C, Li L, Li Z, Ji H, Stern A, Xia Y, Cao T, Bao W, Wang C, Wang Y 2017 Nature 546 265Google Scholar


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    Deng Y, Yu Y, Song Y, Zhang J, Wang N Z, Sun Z, Yi Y, Wu Y Z, Wu S, Zhu J 2018 Nature 563 94Google Scholar


    Liu B, Liu S, Yang L, Chen Z, Zhang E, Li Z, Wu J, Ruan X, Xiu F, Liu W 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 267205Google Scholar


    Li X, Yang J 2014 J. Mater. Chem. C 2 7071Google Scholar


    Zhang J, Zhao B, Yao Y, Yang Z 2015 Phys. Rev. B 92 165418Google Scholar


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    Tian Y, Gray M J, Ji H, Cava R J, Burch K S 2016 2 D Mater. 3 025035Google Scholar


    Ji H, Stokes R A, Alegria L D, Blomberg E C, Tanatar M A, Reijnders A, Schoop L M, Tian L, Prozorov R, Burch K S 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 114 045302Google Scholar


    Li Y F, Wang W, Guo W, Gu C Y, Sun H Y, He L, Zhou J, Gu Z B, Nie Y F, Pan X Q 2018 Phys. Rev. B 98 125127Google Scholar


    Zhu F, Zhang L, Wang X, Dos Santos F J, Song J, Mueller T, Schmalzl K, Schmidt W F, Ivanov A, Park J T 2021 Sci. Adv. 7 eabi7532Google Scholar


    索鹏, 夏威, 张文杰, 朱晓青, 国家嘉, 傅吉波, 林贤, 郭艳峰, 马国宏 2020 物理学报 69 207302Google Scholar

    Suo P, Xia W, Zhang W J, Zhu X Q, Guo J J, Fu J B, Lin X, Guo Y F, Ma G H 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 207302Google Scholar


    Tauc J, Grigorovici R, Vancu A 1966 Phys. Status Solidi B 15 627Google Scholar


    Davis E, Mott N 1970 Philos. Mag. 22 0903Google Scholar


    Mott N F, Davis E A 2012 Electronic Processes in non-Crystalline Materials (New York: Oxford University Press) pp608−622


    Dorney T D, Baraniuk R G, Mittleman D M 2001 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 18 1562


    Hebling J, Hoffmann M C, Hwang H Y, Yeh K L, Nelson K A 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 035201Google Scholar


    Zou Y, Ma Q S, Zhang Z, Pu R, Zhang W, Suo P, Sun K, Cheng J, Li D, Ma H, Lin X, Leng Y, Liu W, Du J, Ma G 2022 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13 5123Google Scholar


    Xing X, Zhao L, Zhang W, Wang Z, Su H, Chen H, Ma G, Dai J, Zhang W 2020 Nanoscale 12 2498Google Scholar


    Li D, Zhang W, Suo P, Chen J, Sun K, Zou Y, Ma H, Lin X, Yan X, Zhang S 2022 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13 2757Google Scholar


    Suo P, Xia W, Zhang W, Zhu X, Fu J, Lin X, Jin Z, Liu W, Guo Y, Ma G 2020 Laser Photonics Rev. 14 2000025Google Scholar

  • 图 1  时间分辨超快光泵浦-THz探测实验光路示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of the experimental setup for time-resolved ultrafast optical pump-terahertz probe spectroscopy.

    图 2  (a) CGT原子结构的顶视图和侧视图; (b) 利用红外透射光谱计算得到的间接带隙; (c) 参考信号与透过样品后的THz时域信号; (d) 通过THz时域光谱得到的CGT晶体在THz波段的折射率和吸收系数

    Figure 2.  (a) Top and side views of the atomic structure of CGT; (b) indirect band gap obtained from Fourier infrared spectroscopy; (c) the reference signal without placing sample and the THz-TDs signal through the sample; (d) the calculated refractive index and absorption coefficient of CGT crystal in the investigated THz frequency range.

    图 3  (a) 不同泵浦功率下的瞬态THz透过率((ΔT/T0)%); (b) 泵浦-探测零延迟时间泵浦功率依赖的调制深度, 实线是线性拟合的结果; (c) 快慢过程的振幅占比随泵浦功率的依赖关系; (d) 快慢寿命随泵浦功率的依赖关系

    Figure 3.  (a) Transient dynamic evolution (ΔT/T0)% under different pump fluence; (b) pump power-dependent modulation depth at zero pump-probe time delay, the solid line is the result of a linear fit; (c) the fitting fast (A1) and slow (A2) amplitudes with respect to pump fluence; (d) the fitting fast (τ1) and slow (τ2) lifetimes with respect to pump fluence.

    图 4  (a) 泵浦-探测延迟时间为2 ps、不同泵浦功率下光电导的色散曲线, 实线是Drude-Smith模型拟合的结果; (b) 75.3 μJ/cm2泵浦功率、不同泵浦-探测延迟时间下THz光电导色散曲线. 利用Drude-Smith模型拟合的在不同泵浦功率下随延迟时间演化的参数 (c) 等离子体频率ωp; (d) 背散射因子c; (e) 载流子动量散射时间τ

    Figure 4.  (a) Real and imaginary parts of THz photoconductivity dispersion measured at delay time of 2 ps for different pump fluences, the solid lines are the fitting curves with of Drude-Smith model; (b) the real and imaginary parts of THz photoconductivity dispersion under pump fluence of 75.3 μJ/cm2 at various delay times. The fitting parameters obtained with Drude-Smith model with respect to delay time: (c) plasma frequency, ωp; (d) backscattering factor, c; (e) carrier momentum scattering time, τ.

  • [1]

    Novoselov K S, Geim A K, Morozov S V, Jiang D, Zhang Y, Dubonos S V, Grigorieva I V, Firsov A A 2004 Science 306 666Google Scholar


    Tongay S, Schumann T, Miao X, Appleton B R, Hebard A F 2011 Carbon 49 2033Google Scholar


    Tongay S, Schumann T, Hebard A 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 222103Google Scholar


    Desai S B, Madhvapathy S R, Sachid A B, Llinas J P, Wang Q, Ahn G H, Pitner G, Kim M J, Bokor J, Hu C 2016 Science 354 99Google Scholar


    Suo P, Yan S, Pu R, Zhang W, Li D, Chen J, Fu J, Lin X, Miao F, Liang S J 2022 Photonics Res. 10 653Google Scholar


    Waters D, Nie Y, Lüpke F, Pan Y, Flsch S, Lin Y C, Jariwala B, Zhang K, Wang C, Lü H 2020 ACS Nano 14 7564Google Scholar


    Tran K, Moody G, Wu F, Lu X, Choi J, Kim K, Rai A, Sanchez D A, Quan J, Singh A 2019 Nature 567 71Google Scholar


    Cao Y, Fatemi V, Fang S, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Kaxiras E, Jarillo-Herrero P 2018 Nature 556 43Google Scholar


    Ma Q S, Zhang W, Wang C, Pu R, Ju C W, Lin X, Zhang Z, Liu W, Li R 2021 J. Phys. Chem. C 125 9296Google Scholar


    Chen J, Suo P, Zhang W, Ma H, Fu J, Li D, Lin X, Yan X, Liu W, Jin Z 2022 J. Phys. Chem. C 126 9407Google Scholar


    Gong C, Li L, Li Z, Ji H, Stern A, Xia Y, Cao T, Bao W, Wang C, Wang Y 2017 Nature 546 265Google Scholar


    Huang B, Clark G, Navarro-Moratalla E, Klein D R, Cheng R, Seyler K L, Zhong D, Schmidgall E, McGuire M A, Cobden D H 2017 Nature 546 270Google Scholar


    Deng Y, Yu Y, Song Y, Zhang J, Wang N Z, Sun Z, Yi Y, Wu Y Z, Wu S, Zhu J 2018 Nature 563 94Google Scholar


    Liu B, Liu S, Yang L, Chen Z, Zhang E, Li Z, Wu J, Ruan X, Xiu F, Liu W 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 267205Google Scholar


    Li X, Yang J 2014 J. Mater. Chem. C 2 7071Google Scholar


    Zhang J, Zhao B, Yao Y, Yang Z 2015 Phys. Rev. B 92 165418Google Scholar


    Carteaux V, Moussa F, Spiesser M 1995 EPL-Europhys. Lett. 29 251Google Scholar


    Tian Y, Gray M J, Ji H, Cava R J, Burch K S 2016 2 D Mater. 3 025035Google Scholar


    Ji H, Stokes R A, Alegria L D, Blomberg E C, Tanatar M A, Reijnders A, Schoop L M, Tian L, Prozorov R, Burch K S 2013 J. Appl. Phys. 114 045302Google Scholar


    Li Y F, Wang W, Guo W, Gu C Y, Sun H Y, He L, Zhou J, Gu Z B, Nie Y F, Pan X Q 2018 Phys. Rev. B 98 125127Google Scholar


    Zhu F, Zhang L, Wang X, Dos Santos F J, Song J, Mueller T, Schmalzl K, Schmidt W F, Ivanov A, Park J T 2021 Sci. Adv. 7 eabi7532Google Scholar


    索鹏, 夏威, 张文杰, 朱晓青, 国家嘉, 傅吉波, 林贤, 郭艳峰, 马国宏 2020 物理学报 69 207302Google Scholar

    Suo P, Xia W, Zhang W J, Zhu X Q, Guo J J, Fu J B, Lin X, Guo Y F, Ma G H 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 207302Google Scholar


    Tauc J, Grigorovici R, Vancu A 1966 Phys. Status Solidi B 15 627Google Scholar


    Davis E, Mott N 1970 Philos. Mag. 22 0903Google Scholar


    Mott N F, Davis E A 2012 Electronic Processes in non-Crystalline Materials (New York: Oxford University Press) pp608−622


    Dorney T D, Baraniuk R G, Mittleman D M 2001 J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 18 1562


    Hebling J, Hoffmann M C, Hwang H Y, Yeh K L, Nelson K A 2010 Phys. Rev. B 81 035201Google Scholar


    Zou Y, Ma Q S, Zhang Z, Pu R, Zhang W, Suo P, Sun K, Cheng J, Li D, Ma H, Lin X, Leng Y, Liu W, Du J, Ma G 2022 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13 5123Google Scholar


    Xing X, Zhao L, Zhang W, Wang Z, Su H, Chen H, Ma G, Dai J, Zhang W 2020 Nanoscale 12 2498Google Scholar


    Li D, Zhang W, Suo P, Chen J, Sun K, Zou Y, Ma H, Lin X, Yan X, Zhang S 2022 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13 2757Google Scholar


    Suo P, Xia W, Zhang W, Zhu X, Fu J, Lin X, Jin Z, Liu W, Guo Y, Ma G 2020 Laser Photonics Rev. 14 2000025Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  07 August 2022
  • Accepted Date:  23 August 2022
  • Available Online:  28 November 2022
  • Published Online:  05 December 2022

