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Design of new Al-Si-Mg alloys by multi-modal mixed input simulation experiment

Duan Zhi-Qiang Pei Xiao-Long Guo Qing-Wei Hou Hua Zhao Yu-Hong


Design of new Al-Si-Mg alloys by multi-modal mixed input simulation experiment

Duan Zhi-Qiang, Pei Xiao-Long, Guo Qing-Wei, Hou Hua, Zhao Yu-Hong
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  • On the basis of a large number of experimental data, it is a challenge to establish a data-driven non-linear law between mixing characteristics and mechanical properties for the proportioning and process design of new alloy compositions. This paper proposes a performance-oriented “composition-process-property” design strategy for Al-Si-Mg alloys based on a machine learning approach, aiming to adopt multimodal experimental data on the composition, melting and heat treatment processes of divergent grades of the same system as features, and a random forest algorithm is used to find the non-linear pattern between the features and the tensile strength. Afterward, this paper sets the composition and process parameters of some of the alloys in the dataset as the target null values and uses the chain equation multiple interpolation algorithms to predict the interpolation of the target missing data. The errors of both experimental and predicted values of tensile strength of the alloys predicted or guided by this strategy are kept within ±5%; The composition ratio of Al-6.8Si-0.6Mg-0.05Sr and the heat treatment scheme of 540 ℃×10 h+170 ℃×10 h are experimentally confirmed to have a quality index QDJR of 517.3 for comprehensive tensile properties, which is higher than that of similar alloys below a QDJR value of 500. The result indicates that this strategy helps to enhance the long cycle time, high cost, and low efficiency of the traditional design method for Al-Si-Mg system alloys.
      Corresponding author: Zhao Yu-Hong,
    • Funds: Project supported by the Graduate Innovation Project of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2021Y595)

    Ceschini L, Messieri S, Morri A, Seifeddine S, Toschi S, Zamani M 2020 Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 30 2861Google Scholar


    Fu J N, Yang Z, Deng Y L, Wu Y F, Lu J Q 2020 Mater. Charact. 159 110021Google Scholar


    Tzeng Y C, Wu C T, Bor H Y, Horng J L, Tsai M L, Lee S L 2014 Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. 593 103Google Scholar


    Tzeng Y C, Nieh J K, Bor H Y, Lee S L 2018 Metals 8 194Google Scholar


    Jiang W M, Fan Z T, Dai Y C, Li C 2014 Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. 597 237Google Scholar


    Wang X F, Guo M X, Cao L Y, Luo J R, Zhang J S, Zhuang L H 2015 Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct 621 8Google Scholar


    Jiang L T, Wu G H, Yang W s, Zhao Y G, Liu S S 2010 Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 20 2124Google Scholar


    Cheng W, Liu C Y, Huang H F, Zhang L, Zhang B, Shi L 2021 Mater. Charact. 178 111278Google Scholar


    Chen L W, Zhao Y H, Li M X, Li L M, Hou L F, Hou H 2021 Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. 804 140793Google Scholar


    Chen L W, Zhao Y H, Hou H, Zhang T, Liang J Q, Li M X, Li J 2019 J. Alloys Compd. 778 359Google Scholar


    Wang C S, Fu H D, Jiang L, Xue D Z, Xie J X 2021 Acta Mater. 215 117118


    Wang C S, Fu H D, Jiang L, Xue D Z, Xie J X 2019 npj Comput. Mater. 5 87


    Su Y J, Fu H D, Bai Y, Jiang X, Xie J X 2020 Acta. Metall. Sin. 56 1313


    Agrawal A, Choudhary A 2016 APL Mater. 4 053208Google Scholar


    Wang C H, Shen C G, Cui Q, Zhang C, Xu W 2020 J. Nucl. Mater. 529 151823Google Scholar


    Guo S, Yu J X, Liu X J, Wang C P, Jiang Q S 2019 Comp. Mater. Sci. 160 95Google Scholar


    刘彬, 汤爱涛, 潘复生, 黄光杰, 毛建军 2011 重庆大学学报 34 44Google Scholar

    Liu B, Tang A T, Pan F S, Huang G J, Mao J J 2011 J. Chongqing Univ. 34 44Google Scholar


    Xu X N, Wang L Y, Zhu G M, Zeng X Q 2020 JOM 72 3935Google Scholar


    Chaudry U M, Hamad K, Abuhmed T 2021 Mater. Today Commun. 26 101897Google Scholar


    Yang X W, Zhu J C, Nong Z S, He D, Lai Z H, Liu Y, Liu F W 2013 Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 23 788Google Scholar


    Yi W, Liu G C, Lu Z, Gao J B, Zhang L J 2022 J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 112 277Google Scholar


    徐晓峰, 赵宇光, 张阳阳 2016 第十三届全国铸造年会暨2016中国铸造活动周 成都, Octorber 26, 2016 第401页

    Xu X F, Zhao Y G, Zhang Y Y 2016 The 13th National Foundry Annual Meeting and 2016 China Foundry Week (Chendu) p401 (in Chinese)


    Yu L, Zhou R T, Chen R D, Lai K K 2020 Emerg. Mark. Financ. Tr 58 472


    Luor D-C 2015 Intell. Data. Anal. 19 529Google Scholar


    van den Heuvel E, Zhan Z 2022 Am. Statist. 76 44Google Scholar


    Xiao C W, Ye J Q, Esteves R M, Rong C M 2016 Concurr. Comp-Pract. E. 28 3866Google Scholar


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    van Buuren S, Boshuizen H C, Knook D L 1999 Stat. Med. 18 681Google Scholar


    黄子洋, 黄登一, 皮海亚 2016 科技尚品 91 172

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    谷海彤, 陈邵华, 吴晓强, 蔡妙妆, 崔卓, 曾小林 2017 广西科技大学学报 28 103

    Gu H T, Chen S H, Wu X Q, Cai M Z, Cui Z, Zeng X L 2017 J. Guangxi Univ. Sci. Technol. 28 103


    刘凤芹 2009 统计研究 26 71Google Scholar

    Liu F Q 2009 Statist. Res. 26 71Google Scholar


    Hemphill, James F 2003 Am. Psychol. 58 78Google Scholar


    Drouzy M, Jacob S, Richard M 1980 Int. Cast Metals J. 5 43


    胥晓强, 范建业, 董立新, 刘力菱, 吴成辉 2018 热加工工艺 47 38

    Xu X Q, Fan J Y, Dong L X, Liu L L, Wu C H 2018 Hot Working Technol. 47 38


    胥晓强, 董立新, 刘力菱, 吴成辉, 魏善涛 2018 特种铸造及有色合金 38 568

    Xu X Q, Dong L X, Liu L L, Wu C H, Wei S T 2018 Spec. Cast. Nonferrous Alloys 38 568


    胡兴业, 张永, 刘野, 乔昕, 刘洪汇 2015 铸造 64 1132Google Scholar

    Hu X Y, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Qiao X, Liu H H 2015 Foundry 64 1132Google Scholar


    李云亮, 张文达, 杨晶, 范耀强, 党惊知 2016 热加工工艺 45 225

    Li Y L, Zhang W D, Yang J, Fan Y Q, Dang J Z, 2016 Hot Working Technol. 45 225

  • 图 1  Al-Si-Mg系合金设计示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of Al-Si-Mg alloys design.

    图 2  Al-Si-Mg合金“成分-工艺-性能”双向设计示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of bidirectional prediction of Al-Si-Mg alloy composition-process-property.

    图 3  链式方程多重插补示意图

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of chain equation multiple imputation.

    图 4  斯皮尔曼相关系数矩阵图. 紫色代表正相关, 黄色代表负相关; 椭圆越扁, 数值越大; *号为显著性标记, 根据显著性水平变化进行设置, 小于0.05和小于0.01分别显示*和**

    Figure 4.  Spearman correlation coefficient matrix plot. Purple represents a positive correlation, and yellow represents a negative correlation; the flatter the ellipse, the larger the value; the * sign is a significant mark, which is set according to the change of the significance level, and it is displayed as * and ** when it is less than 0.05 and less than 0.01.

    图 5  随机森林算法泛化能力测试结果 (a)随机森林模型训练集的预测精度; (b)随机森林模型测试集的预测精度; (c)线性回归模型训练集的预测精度; (d)线性回归模型测试集的预测精度

    Figure 5.  Random forest algorithm generalization ability test results: (a) The prediction accuracy of the random forest model training set; (b) the prediction accuracy of the random forest model test set; (c) the prediction accuracy of the linear regression model training set; (d) the prediction accuracy of the linear regression model test set.

    图 6  新合金的成分及工艺的实验结果

    Figure 6.  Experimental results of the composition and process of the new alloy.

    图 7  性能预测结果 (a)变质剂K2ZrF6的含量对合金性能影响; (b)变质温度对合金性能的影响; (c)模具温度对合金性能的影响; (d)浇注温度对合金性能的影响

    Figure 7.  Performance prediction results: (a) The effect of the content of modifier K2ZrF6 on the properties of the alloy; (b) the effect of the modification temperature on the properties of the alloy; (c) the effect of the mold temperature on the properties of the alloy; (d) the effect of the pouring temperature on the properties of the alloy.

    图 8  基于控制变量法的合金性能预测结果 (a)固溶工艺对合金性能的影响; (b)时效工艺对合金性能的影响

    Figure 8.  Prediction Results of alloy properties based on controlled variable method: (a) Effect of solution process on alloy properties; (b) effect of aging process on alloy properties.

    图 9  合金性能定量比较

    Figure 9.  Quantitative comparison of alloy properties.

    图 10  预测概率分布图

    Figure 10.  Prediction probability distribution map.

    图 11  特征重要性分数

    Figure 11.  Feature importance.

    表 1  新合金的成分和工艺

    Table 1.  Composition and process of new alloys.

    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  实验结果及误差对比

    Table 2.  Experimental results and error comparison.

    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

    Ceschini L, Messieri S, Morri A, Seifeddine S, Toschi S, Zamani M 2020 Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 30 2861Google Scholar


    Fu J N, Yang Z, Deng Y L, Wu Y F, Lu J Q 2020 Mater. Charact. 159 110021Google Scholar


    Tzeng Y C, Wu C T, Bor H Y, Horng J L, Tsai M L, Lee S L 2014 Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. 593 103Google Scholar


    Tzeng Y C, Nieh J K, Bor H Y, Lee S L 2018 Metals 8 194Google Scholar


    Jiang W M, Fan Z T, Dai Y C, Li C 2014 Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. 597 237Google Scholar


    Wang X F, Guo M X, Cao L Y, Luo J R, Zhang J S, Zhuang L H 2015 Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct 621 8Google Scholar


    Jiang L T, Wu G H, Yang W s, Zhao Y G, Liu S S 2010 Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 20 2124Google Scholar


    Cheng W, Liu C Y, Huang H F, Zhang L, Zhang B, Shi L 2021 Mater. Charact. 178 111278Google Scholar


    Chen L W, Zhao Y H, Li M X, Li L M, Hou L F, Hou H 2021 Mat. Sci. Eng. A-Struct. 804 140793Google Scholar


    Chen L W, Zhao Y H, Hou H, Zhang T, Liang J Q, Li M X, Li J 2019 J. Alloys Compd. 778 359Google Scholar


    Wang C S, Fu H D, Jiang L, Xue D Z, Xie J X 2021 Acta Mater. 215 117118


    Wang C S, Fu H D, Jiang L, Xue D Z, Xie J X 2019 npj Comput. Mater. 5 87


    Su Y J, Fu H D, Bai Y, Jiang X, Xie J X 2020 Acta. Metall. Sin. 56 1313


    Agrawal A, Choudhary A 2016 APL Mater. 4 053208Google Scholar


    Wang C H, Shen C G, Cui Q, Zhang C, Xu W 2020 J. Nucl. Mater. 529 151823Google Scholar


    Guo S, Yu J X, Liu X J, Wang C P, Jiang Q S 2019 Comp. Mater. Sci. 160 95Google Scholar


    刘彬, 汤爱涛, 潘复生, 黄光杰, 毛建军 2011 重庆大学学报 34 44Google Scholar

    Liu B, Tang A T, Pan F S, Huang G J, Mao J J 2011 J. Chongqing Univ. 34 44Google Scholar


    Xu X N, Wang L Y, Zhu G M, Zeng X Q 2020 JOM 72 3935Google Scholar


    Chaudry U M, Hamad K, Abuhmed T 2021 Mater. Today Commun. 26 101897Google Scholar


    Yang X W, Zhu J C, Nong Z S, He D, Lai Z H, Liu Y, Liu F W 2013 Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 23 788Google Scholar


    Yi W, Liu G C, Lu Z, Gao J B, Zhang L J 2022 J. Mater. Sci. Technol. 112 277Google Scholar


    徐晓峰, 赵宇光, 张阳阳 2016 第十三届全国铸造年会暨2016中国铸造活动周 成都, Octorber 26, 2016 第401页

    Xu X F, Zhao Y G, Zhang Y Y 2016 The 13th National Foundry Annual Meeting and 2016 China Foundry Week (Chendu) p401 (in Chinese)


    Yu L, Zhou R T, Chen R D, Lai K K 2020 Emerg. Mark. Financ. Tr 58 472


    Luor D-C 2015 Intell. Data. Anal. 19 529Google Scholar


    van den Heuvel E, Zhan Z 2022 Am. Statist. 76 44Google Scholar


    Xiao C W, Ye J Q, Esteves R M, Rong C M 2016 Concurr. Comp-Pract. E. 28 3866Google Scholar


    Liaw A, Wiener M 2002 R News 2 18


    Grömping U 2009 Am. Statist. 63 308Google Scholar


    van Buuren S, Boshuizen H C, Knook D L 1999 Stat. Med. 18 681Google Scholar


    黄子洋, 黄登一, 皮海亚 2016 科技尚品 91 172

    Huang Z Y, Huang D Y, Pi H Y 2016 Premiere 91 172


    谷海彤, 陈邵华, 吴晓强, 蔡妙妆, 崔卓, 曾小林 2017 广西科技大学学报 28 103

    Gu H T, Chen S H, Wu X Q, Cai M Z, Cui Z, Zeng X L 2017 J. Guangxi Univ. Sci. Technol. 28 103


    刘凤芹 2009 统计研究 26 71Google Scholar

    Liu F Q 2009 Statist. Res. 26 71Google Scholar


    Hemphill, James F 2003 Am. Psychol. 58 78Google Scholar


    Drouzy M, Jacob S, Richard M 1980 Int. Cast Metals J. 5 43


    胥晓强, 范建业, 董立新, 刘力菱, 吴成辉 2018 热加工工艺 47 38

    Xu X Q, Fan J Y, Dong L X, Liu L L, Wu C H 2018 Hot Working Technol. 47 38


    胥晓强, 董立新, 刘力菱, 吴成辉, 魏善涛 2018 特种铸造及有色合金 38 568

    Xu X Q, Dong L X, Liu L L, Wu C H, Wei S T 2018 Spec. Cast. Nonferrous Alloys 38 568


    胡兴业, 张永, 刘野, 乔昕, 刘洪汇 2015 铸造 64 1132Google Scholar

    Hu X Y, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Qiao X, Liu H H 2015 Foundry 64 1132Google Scholar


    李云亮, 张文达, 杨晶, 范耀强, 党惊知 2016 热加工工艺 45 225

    Li Y L, Zhang W D, Yang J, Fan Y Q, Dang J Z, 2016 Hot Working Technol. 45 225

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  • Received Date:  04 September 2022
  • Accepted Date:  16 October 2022
  • Available Online:  19 October 2022
  • Published Online:  20 January 2023

