By using non-equilibrium Green’s function method, we investigate the thermoelectric properties of molecular junctions based on acene-linked graphene nanoribbons. The effects of the length of the acene molecule, the contact position between the acene molecule and graphene nanoribbon electrode on the thermoelectric parameters are mainly considered in this work. It is found that the phonon contribution is dominant in the thermal conductance corresponding to the maximum of the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZTmax). As the length of the acene molecule increases, the phonon thermal conductance decreases monotonically, and eventually becomes almost independent of the acene molecule’ length. When the acene molecules contact the middle (upper) part of the left (right) electrode of graphene nanoribbon, the corresponding ZTmax is the highest. However, when the acene molecules contact the middle (middle) part of the left (right) electrode of graphene nanoribbons, the corresponding ZTmax is the lowest. As the temperature increases, ZTmax has a monotonically increasing tendency, regardless of the contact position. With the increase of the length of the acene molecule, the chemical potential corresponding to ZTmax becomes closer to the intrinsic Fermi level. The above findings may provide the valuable reference for the future design of thermoelectric devices based on the acene molecular junctions.
- thermal transport /
- electronic transmission /
- thermoelectric properties /
- acene molecular junctions
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图 1 并苯连接石墨烯纳米带形成分子结的几何结构示意图. 并苯分子与石墨烯纳米带电极间的接触位置用整数1, 2, 3表示. 为了方便描述, 统一用AN(mn)来表示几何结构, 其中, “N”代表并苯分子长度(也就是苯环的数目), “m, n”分别表示左电极、右电极与中间并苯分子的接触位置. 例如: 本图可以用A5(22)表示
Figure 1. Schematic geometric structure of the molecule junction formed by the acene linked with graphene nanoribbons. The contact positions between the acene molecule and graphene nanoribbon electrodes are denoted by the integers 1, 2, and 3. For the sake of description, we uniformly apply “AN(mn)” to represent the geometric structures, where “N” denotes the length of the acene molecule (namely the number of benzene rings), “m, n” denote the contact position between the left, right electrodes and the acene molecule, respectively. For example, this geometric structure is denoted by A5(22).
图 2 声子热导
$ {\sigma }_{{\rm{p}}} $ 与温度T的关系. 右下角的插图呈现了低温时声子热导$ {\sigma }_{{\rm{p}}} $ 与温度T关系的细节行为Figure 2. Phononic thermal conductance
$ {\sigma }_{{\rm{p}}} $ versus the temperature T. The bottom-right inset shows the detailed behavior of the phononic thermal conductance$ {\sigma }_{{\rm{p}}} $ versus the temperature T at low temperatures.图 4 A3(31), A3(22), A3(21)和A3(11)的(a)电导、(b) Seebeck系数、(c)热导和(d)ZT. 实线、划线、双点划线和点划线分别对应着A3(31), A3(22), A3(21)和A3(11). 图(c)中, 四条平整的曲线对应着声子热导
Figure 4. (a) Electrical conductance, (b) Seebeck coefficient, (c) thermal conductance, and (d) ZT of A3(31), A3(22), A3(21)和A3(11). The solid, dashed, double-dot-dashed, and dot-dashed curves correspond to A3(31), A3(22), A3(21), and A3(11), respectively. In panel (c), four flat curves correspond to the phononic thermal conductance.
图 5 电子输运系数和对应的投影局域态密度. (a1)和(a2), (b1)和(b2), (c1)和(c2), (d1)和(d2)分别对应着A3(31), A3(22), A3(21), A3(11)
Figure 5. Electronic transmission coefficient and projected local density of states. (a1) and (a2), (b1) and (b2), (c1) and (c2), (d1) and (d2) correspond to A3(31), A3(22), A3(21), A3(11), respectively.
图 7 (a) 电导
$ G $ 和(b) 电子热导$ {\sigma }_{{\rm{e}}} $ 与化学势$ \mu $ 的关系. 实线、划线、双点划线、点划线分别对应着并三苯(N = 3)、并五苯(N = 5)、并七苯(N = 7)、并九苯(N = 9). 图(b)中插图表示的是温度为300 K时的声子热导Figure 7. (a) Electrical conductance and (b) electronic thermal conductance versus the versus the chemical potential
$ \mu $ . The solid, dashed, double-dot-dashed, and dot-dashed curves correspond to anthracene (N = 3), pentacene (N = 5), heptacene (N = 7), and nonacene (N = 9). The inset in (b) denotes the phononic thermal conductance at T = 300 K.图 8 (a) Seebeck系数和(b) 热电优值ZT与化学势
$ \mu $ 的关系. 实线、划线、双点划线、点划线分别对应着并三苯(N = 3)、并五苯(N = 5)、并七苯(N = 7)、并九苯(N = 9)Figure 8. (a) Seebeck coefficient and (b)
$ {ZT}_{{\rm{m}}{\rm{a}}{\rm{x}}} $ versus the versus the chemical potential$ \mu $ . The solid, dashed, double-dot-dashed, and dot-dashed curves correspond to anthracene (N = 3), pentacene (N = 5), heptacene (N = 7), and nonacene (N = 9), respectively.表 1 最大热电优值ZT(
$ {ZT}_{{\rm{m}}{\rm{a}}{\rm{x}}} $ )对应的热电参数Table 1. Thermoelectric parameters corresponding to the maximum of the thermoelectric figure of merit (ZTmax).
N 接触位置 $ {ZT}_{{\rm{m}}{\rm{a}}{\rm{x}}} $ G/mS S/(mV·K–1) σp/(nW·K–1) σe/(nW·K–1) σp+σe/(nW·K–1) N = 3 (31) 0.34 0.012 –0.194 0.342 0.044 0.385 (22) 0.09 0.037 0.065 0.264 0.246 0.510 (21) 0.51 0.032 0.150 0.242 0.184 0.425 (11) 0.16 0.046 0.085 0.336 0.293 0.630 N = 5 (31) 0.28 0.015 –0.155 0.314 0.076 0.390 (22) 0.10 0.030 0.071 0.232 0.217 0.449 (21) 0.32 0.010 0.174 0.231 0.052 0.283 (11) 0.14 0.027 –0.092 0.311 0.171 0.483 N = 7 (31) 0.42 0.017 –0.178 0.305 0.080 0.385 (22) 0.23 0.025 0.103 0.210 0.144 0.350 (21) 0.44 0.012 0.183 0.221 0.053 0.274 (11) 0.40 0.017 0.176 0.304 0.086 0.390 N = 9 (31) 0.41 0.023 0.149 0.301 0.069 0.370 (22) 0.35 0.017 –0.141 0.205 0.086 0.291 (21) 0.44 0.018 –0.155 0.217 0.076 0.293 (11) 0.36 0.016 0.163 0.298 0.055 0.353 -
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