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Prediction of ferromagnetic materials with high Curie temperature based on material composition information

Sun Jing-Qi Wu Xu-Cai Que Zhi-Xiong Zhang Wei-Bing


Prediction of ferromagnetic materials with high Curie temperature based on material composition information

Sun Jing-Qi, Wu Xu-Cai, Que Zhi-Xiong, Zhang Wei-Bing
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • The search for ferromagnetic materials with high Curie temperature (Tc) is a hot issue in condensed matter physics. In this work, an effective machine learning model of Curie temperature based on material component information is established to predict a variety of ferromagnetic materials with high Curie temperature. Based on the collected data of 1568 ferromagnetic materials, and taking the component information of ferromagnetic materials as descriptors, in this work four efficient machine learning models are constructed, namely support vector regression, kernel ridge regression, random forest and extremely randomized trees, through hyperparameter optimization and ten-break cross-validation. Of them, extremely randomized tree model has the best prediction performance, and its cross-validation R2 score can reach 81.48%. At the same time, the extremely randomized tree model is also used to predict 36949 materials in the materials project database, and 338 ferromagnetic materials with Tc greater than 600 K are found in this work. The method proposed in this paper can help obtain ferromagnetic materials with high Curie temperature and accelerate the process of ferromagnetic material design.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Wei-Bing,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11874092), the Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation, China (Grant No. 161005), and the Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of Hunan Province, China (Grant No. 2021JJ10039).

    Sanvito S, Oses C, Xue J, Tiwari A, Zic M, Archer T, Tozman P, Venkatesan M, Coey M, Curtarolo S 2017 Sci. Adv. 3 e1602241Google Scholar


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    Kabiraj A, Kumar M, Mahapatra S 2020 npj Comput. Mater. 6 35Google Scholar


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    Xue Y F, Shen Z, Wu Z B, Song C S 2022 J. Appl. Phys. 132 053901Google Scholar


    Zhang B, Zheng X Q, Zhao T Y, Hu F X, Sun J R, Shen B G 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 067503Google Scholar


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    Kwon H Y, Kim N J, Lee C K, Won C 2019 Phys. Rev. B 99 024423Google Scholar


    Choudhary K, Garrity K F, Ghimire N J, Anand N, Tavazza F 2021 Phys. Rev. B 103 155131Google Scholar


    Coey J M D 2011 IEEE Trans. Magn. 47 4671Google Scholar


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    Jain A, Ong S P, Hautie G, Chen W, Richards W D, Dacek S, Cholia S, Gunter D, Skinner D, Ceder G 2013 APL Mater. 1 011002Google Scholar


    Popoel E, Tuszynski M, Zarek W, Rendecki T 1989 J. Less-Common Met. 146 127Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  1568个铁磁材料数据集Tc的分布情况

    Figure 1.  Distribution of Tc in 1568 ferromagnetic material data sets.

    图 2  数据集中铁磁材料的元素分布情况 (a) Tc大于300 K时元素分布; (b) Tc大于600 K时元素分布

    Figure 2.  Element distribution of ferromagnetic materials in data set: (a) Element distribution when Tc is greater than 300 K; (b) element distribution when Tc is greater than 600 K.

    图 3  均匀网格搜索 (a) 随机森林参数优化图; (b) 极端随机树参数优化图

    Figure 3.  Uniform grid search: (a) Random forest parameter optimization map; (b) extreme random tree parameter optimization map

    图 4  四种机器学习模型实验值和预测值对比的二维散点图 (a) 核岭回归; (b) 支持向量机; (c) 随机森林; (d) 极端随机树

    Figure 4.  Two-dimensional scatter plots comparing experimental and predicted values of four machine learning models: (a) Kernel ridge regression; (b) support vector machine; (c) random forests; (d) extremely random tree.

    图 5  基于极端随机数模型的特征重要性排序图

    Figure 5.  Feature importance ranking graph based on extreme random number model.

    图 6  预测集中铁磁材料元素分布情况 (a) 2531个Tc大于300 K数据的元素分布图; (b) 338个Tc大于600 K数据的元素分布图

    Figure 6.  Element distribution of ferromagnetic materials in prediction set: (a) Element distribution of 2531 data with Tc greater than 300 K; (b) element distribution of 338 data with Tc greater than 600 K.

    图 7  预测集中338个Tc > 600 K的铁磁材料的Tc分布情况

    Figure 7.  Curie temperature distribution of 338 ferromagnetic materials with Tc >600 K in prediction set.

    表 1  本研究中四种机器学习模型的超参数

    Table 1.  Hyperparameters of four machine learning models in this study.

    模型 超参数
    KRR alpha = 0.00567165, kernel = “rbf”
    SVR kernel = “rbf”, C = 181.8797945, gamma = 0.18646131
    RF n_estimators = 170, max_features = 0.30, min_samples_leaf = 0.001
    EXT n_estimators = 180, max_features = 0.58, min_samples_leaf = 0.001
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 2  基于特征筛选获得的化学参数描述符

    Table 2.  Chemical parameter descriptors obtained based on feature screening.

    No. Meanings Features
    1 Mean atomic number MAN
    2 Mean IonicRadius MIR
    3 Mean Modulus of Elasticity MME
    4 Mean melting point MMP
    5 Mean GSmagmom MGSM
    6 Mean covalentradius MCR
    7 Mean IonizationEnergy MIE
    8 Mean ElectronAffinity MEA
    9 Mean AtomicVolume MAV
    10 Mean MendeleevNumber MMN
    11 Composition of Mn CMn
    12 Composition of Fe CFe
    13 Composition of Co CCo
    14 Composition of Ni CNi
    15 range AtomicRadius RAR
    16 range Electronegativity REE
    17 avg p valence electrons ApV
    18 avg d valence electrons AdV
    19 frac f valence electrons FfV
    20 transition metal fraction TMF
    21 2-norm 2N
    DownLoad: CSV

    表 3  本研究中四种机器学习模型的最终评估结果

    Table 3.  Final evaluation results of four machine learning models in this study.

    MAE 89.43 83.21 76.52 70.86
    RMSE 125.50 125.77 114.71 109.32
    R2/% 80.75 80.67 83.92 85.39
    CS MAE 95.41 88.64 81.18 74.04
    CS RMSE 141.21 137.62 124.13 117.98
    CS R2/% 73.70 74.92 79.45 81.48
    DownLoad: CSV
  • [1]

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    Mirjalili 2019 Enetic Algorithm (Berlin: Springer) pp43–55


    Syarif I, Prugel A, Wills G 2016 Telecommun. Comput. Electron. Control 14 1502Google Scholar


    杨自欣, 高章然, 孙晓帆, 蔡宏灵, 张凤鸣, 吴小山 2019 物理学报 68 210502Google Scholar

    Yang Z X, Gao Z R, Sun X F, Cai H L, Zhang F M, Wu X S 2019 Acta Phys. Sin. 68 210502Google Scholar


    Benesty J, Chen J, Huang Y, Cohen I 2009 Pearson Correlation Coefficient (Berlin: Springer) pp1–4


    Jain A, Ong S P, Hautie G, Chen W, Richards W D, Dacek S, Cholia S, Gunter D, Skinner D, Ceder G 2013 APL Mater. 1 011002Google Scholar


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  • Received Date:  12 March 2023
  • Accepted Date:  19 June 2023
  • Available Online:  19 July 2023
  • Published Online:  20 September 2023

