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Quantum transport phenomena in magnetic topological insulators

Liu Chang Wang Ya-Yu


Quantum transport phenomena in magnetic topological insulators

Liu Chang, Wang Ya-Yu
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In the past decade, magnetic topological insulators have been an important focus in condensed matter physics research. The intricate interplay between the nontrivial band topology and spin, orbit, charge, and dimensionality degrees of freedom can give rise to abundant exotic topological quantum states and topological phase transitions. Measuring the transport properties of magnetic topological insulators is a crucial approach to exploring their exotic properties, which is of significant scientific importance in deepening our understanding of topological quantum states. Simultaneously, it also holds substantial potential applications in the development of novel low-power electronic devices. In this work, experimental progress of transport researches of magnetic topological insulators is reviewed, including quantum anomalous Hall effect and topological quantum phase transitions in magnetically doped topological insulators, the quantum anomalous Hall phase, axion insulator phase and Chern insulator phase in intrinsic antiferromagnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4, as well as the helical phase emerged from the Chern insulator in pulsed high magnetic fields. Finally, this work analyzes the future direction of development in magnetic topological insulators, and the transport phenomena that have not been understood in these systems, offering an insight into and perspectives on the potential breakthroughs to be achieved in this area of research.
      Corresponding author: Liu Chang,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12274453) and the Innovation Program for Quantum Science and Technology, China (Grant No. 2021ZD0302502).

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  • 图 1  磁性拓扑绝缘体中关于拓扑量子物态和拓扑相变研究的关键进展时间线

    Figure 1.  Timeline of the key developments in the studies of topological quantum state and topological phase transition in magnetic TIs.

    图 2  磁性拓扑绝缘体结构示意图 (a)磁性掺杂拓扑绝缘体MnxBi2–xTe3晶格结构和磁结构, 红色箭头表示随机分布磁矩的磁化方向; (b)本征反铁磁拓扑绝缘体MnBi2Te4的晶格结构和磁结构, 红色和绿色箭头表示层间反平行排列磁矩的磁化方向

    Figure 2.  Schematic layer structure of magnetic topological insulators (TIs): (a) Crystal and magnetic structures of magnetically doped TI MnxBi2–xTe3, the red arrows represent the magnetizations of the randomly distributed magnetic moments; (b) crystal and magnetic structures of the intrinsic AFM TI MnBi2Te4. The red and green arrows denote the magnetization of the oppositely aligned magnetic moments between neighboring layers.

    图 3  MnBi2Te4块体和薄膜的基本表征 (a)磁化(沿着c轴方向)和电阻随着温度变化曲线; (b)在2 K温度下, 厚度为4 SL到8 SL的薄膜的反射型磁圆二向色谱信号随着磁场的变化; (c)由拓扑表面态形成的线性狄拉克锥色散关系以及其在狄拉克点附近的放大图; 图(a)和(c)来自文献[107], 图(b)来自文献[110]

    Figure 3.  Basic characterization of MnBi2Te4 bulk crystal and thin flakes: (a) Magnetization (with magnetic field applied along c axis) and resistance as functions of T; (b) reflective magnetic circular dichroism (RCMD) measurements as a function of magnetic field for 4 SL to 8 SL flakes at T = 2 K; (c) linear band dispersion with a clear Dirac cone formed by surface states and the enlarged plot of the dispersion near the Dirac point; (a) and (c) are adopted from Ref.[107], (b) is adopted from Ref.[110].

    图 4  磁性掺杂拓扑绝缘体中的量子反常霍尔效应 (a), (b) 5-QL厚Cr0.15(Bi0.1Sb0.9)1.85Te3中不同栅极电压下霍尔电阻率ρyx和纵向电阻率ρxx随着磁场的变化; (c)零磁场下霍尔电阻率ρyx(0)(蓝色空心方块)和纵向电阻率ρxx(0)(红色空心圆形)随栅压变化, 以上数据在30 mK温度下采集; (d), (e) 5-QL厚(Cr0.16V0.84)0.19(Bi0.1Sb0.9)1.81Te3在电荷中性点处霍尔电阻率ρyx和纵向电阻率ρxx随着磁场的变化; (f)零磁场下霍尔电阻率ρyx(0)(蓝色实线)和纵向电阻率ρxx(0)(红色实线)随栅压变化, 以上数据在300 mK温度下采集. 图(a)—(c)来自文献[35], 图(d)—(f)来自文献[40]

    Figure 4.  The optimization of the QAH effect in magnetically doped TIs. (a), (b) Magnetic field dependences of ρyx and ρxx at different Vg in a 5-QL Cr0.15(Bi0.1Sb0.9)1.85Te3 film; (c) dependence of ρyx(0) (empty blue squares) and ρxx(0) (empty red circles) on Vg, all the above data was measured at T = 30 mK; (d), (e) magnetic field dependences of ρyx and ρxx at the charge neutrality point in a 5-QL (Cr0.16V0.84)0.19(Bi0.1Sb0.9)1.81Te3 thin film; (f) dependence of ρyx(0) (blue line) and ρxx(0) (red line) on Vg. All the data in the Cr- and V-codoped TI was measured at T = 300 mK. (a)–(c) are adopted from Ref.[35], (d)–(f) are adopted Ref.[40].

    图 5  磁无序引起的不同量子反常霍尔基态 (a), (b)处于量子反常霍尔相和反常霍尔绝缘体相的两块磁性掺杂拓扑绝缘体的霍尔电阻率ρyx和纵向电阻率ρxx随着磁场的变化, 两块样品的化学组成分别是(Cr0.16V0.84)0.19(Bi0.1Sb0.9)1.81Te3和Cr0.23(Bi0.4Sb0.6)1.77Te3; (c)从82块样品中总结出的峰值纵向电阻率$ \rho _{xx}^{H{\text{c}}} $和零磁场纵向电阻率$ \rho _{xx}^0 $之间的关系; (d)处于反常霍尔绝缘体相的样品在不同温度下ρxx随磁场变化曲线; (e)从图(d)中提取出的不同磁场下ρxx随着温度的演化; (f)量子临界点附近关于ρxx的标度行为分析. 当临界指数κ取0.31时所有数据都重合在一条曲线上. 图片来自文献[77]

    Figure 5.  Distinct QAH ground states induced by magnetic disorder: (a), (b) Magnetic field dependent ρyx and ρxx for magnetically doped TIs in the ground states of QAH state and the AH insulator state, respectively, the chemical compositions of the two magnetically doped TIs are (Cr0.16V0.84)0.19(Bi0.1Sb0.9)1.81Te3 and Cr0.23(Bi0.4Sb0.6)1.77Te3; (c) relationship between peak value of longitudinal resistivity $ \rho _{xx}^{H{\text{c}}} $ and zero field longitudinal resistivity $ \rho _{xx}^0 $ summarized from the transport results of 82 magnetic TIs; (d) magnetic field dependent ρxx at different T in an AH insulator sample; (e) T-dependent ρxx extracted from (d) at different magnetic fields; (f) finite size scaling analysis of ρxx in the vicinity of the quantum critical point, all the curves collapse together for the critical exponent κ~ 0.31. The figures are adopted from Ref. [77].

    图 6  两种不同手性的反常霍尔效应 (a)具有逆时针手性的反常霍尔效应回滞曲线, 当磁化方向为正时反常霍尔电阻率$ \rho _{yx}^0 $ 符号为“+”; (b)具有顺时针手性的反常霍尔效应回滞曲线, 当磁化方向为正时反常霍尔电阻率$ \rho _{yx}^0 $ 符号为“–”; (c), (d)不同磁性掺杂拓扑绝缘体中狄拉克点能隙打开示意图, 对于Mn掺杂体系, 巡游电子自旋方向与Mn2+离子3d轨道占据态电子自旋方向相反, 对于Cr掺杂体系, 巡游电子自旋方向与Cr3+离子3d轨道占据态电子自旋方向相同. 图片来自文献[141]

    Figure 6.  AH effect with different chirality: (a) AH effect hysteresis with counter-clockwise chirality, the AH resistivity $ \rho _{yx}^0 $ is “+” when the magnetization is positive; (b) AH effect hysteresis with clockwise chirality, the AH resistivity $ \rho _{yx}^0 $ is “–” when the magnetization is positive; (c), (d) schematic illustrations of the Dirac gap opening process in different magnetic TI systems, for Mn-doped system, the spin of itinerant electrons is antiparallel to the spin of the 3d electrons in the occupied states in Mn2+ ions. Whereas for Cr-doped system, the spin of itinerant electrons is parallel to the spin of the 3d electrons in the occupied states in Cr3+ ions. The figures are adopted from Ref. [141].

    图 7  厚度为5-SL的MnBi2Te4样品中观测到的量子反常霍尔效应 (a), (b)在1.4 K温度下霍尔电阻Ryx和纵向电阻Rxx随着磁场的变化曲线, 在零磁场条件下, 霍尔电阻达到0.97h/e2, 纵向电阻降至0.061h/e2. 在磁场超过2.5 T条件下, 量子化程度被提升至Ryx ~ 0.998h/e2; (c)通过纵向电阻数值随1/T变化的Arrhenius拟合获得的能隙随着磁场的变化曲线. 图片来自文献[56]

    Figure 7.  QAH effect in a five-layer MnBi2Te4 flake: (a), (b) Magnetic field dependent Ryx and Rxx acquired at 1.4 K. Ryx reaches 0.97h/e2 concomitant with Rxx of 0.061h/e2 at zero magnetic field, under magnetic field above 2.5 T, the QAH quantization is improved to Ryx ~ 0.998h/e2; (c) energy gap as a function of magnetic field extracted from fitting the Arrhenius plots of Rxx as a function of 1/T. The figures are adopted from Ref. [56].

    图 8  厚度为6-SL的MnBi2Te4在不同电压下的输运行为 (a), (b)在1.6 K温度时不同栅压下霍尔电阻率ρyx和纵向电阻率ρxx随着磁场的变化曲线, 当费米能级被调节到带隙中时(22 V ≤ Vg ≤ 30 V, 如蓝色区间所示), 零磁场巨大的纵向电阻率和很宽的零级霍尔平台揭示了轴子绝缘相存在的重要证据, 在高磁场下, 量子化的霍尔电阻平台和消失的纵向电阻率表明系统进入陈绝缘体相; (b)零磁场纵向电阻率ρxx和霍尔电阻率ρyx在磁场下的斜率随着栅极电压变化图; (c) 磁场–9 T时纵向电阻率ρxx和霍尔电阻率ρyx随着栅极电压变化图; (d)轴子绝缘体相和陈绝缘体相磁结构和电子结构示意图. 图片来自文献[57]

    Figure 8.  Gate dependent transport properties in a six-layer MnBi2Te4: (a) Magnetic field dependence of ρyx and ρxx at different gate voltages at T = 1.6 K, when Fermi level EF lies within the band gap for 22 V ≤ Vg ≤ 30 V (blue square envelope), both the large longitudinal resistivity ρxx and wide zero Hall plateau are key signatures of the axion insulator state, at high magnetic field, the nearly quantized Hall plateau and vanishing ρxx are characteristics of a Chern insulator; (b) the Vg dependence of ρxx and the slope of ρyx vs. H measured at T = 1.6 K around zero magnetic field; (c) the evolution of ρxx and ρyx as a function Vg at T = 1.6 K and μ0H = –9 T, which reveals the Chern insulator state; (d) the schematic pictures of the magnetic order and electronic structure of the axion insulator and Chern insulator state. The figures are adopted from Ref. [57].

    图 9  磁场极化的铁磁MnBi2Te4中高陈数量子化现象 (a), (b)厚度为10-SL 样品在2—15 K条件下霍尔电阻Ryx和纵向电阻Rxx随着磁场的变化. 在温度为13 K时霍尔电阻Ryx可以达到0.97h/e2; (c)—(e)厚度为7-SL的双栅极MnBi2Te4器件在不同载流子浓度下n1–3霍尔电阻率ρyx随磁场的变化; (f)—(h)纵向电阻率ρxx随磁场的变化, 在载流子浓度为n2时, 超过10 T的磁场可以引起了C = –2的高陈数的量子化现象, 其霍尔电阻率ρyx为0.5h/e2, 纵向电阻率ρxx为0.05h/e2. 图(a)和(b)来自文献[58], 图(c)—(h)来自文献[111]

    Figure 9.  Chern insulator quantization with high Chern number in magnetic-field polarized FM MnBi2Te4: (a), (b) Ryx and Rxx as a function of magnetic field at different Ts from 2 K to 15 K in a 10-SL sample, the Hall quantization can reach 0.97h/e2 at 13 K; (c)–(e) ρyx as a function of magnetic field under varied carrier density n1–3 for a 7-SL dual gated MnBi2Te4 devices; (f)–(h) the according variation of ρxx as a function of magnetic field under different carrier density n1–3. A C = –2 state with ρyx = 0.5h/e2 and ρxx = 0.05h/e2 appears when magnetic field is increased to above 10 T for carrier density n2. (a) and (b) are adopted from Ref. [58]. (c)–(h) are adopted from Ref. [111].

    图 10  磁场在MnBi2Te4陈绝缘体相中引起的C = 0的螺旋式拓扑态 (a)栅压在1—6 V之间时纵向电阻Rxx和霍尔电阻Ryx随磁场变化曲线, 栅压为4 V时, 30 T的磁场使C = –1陈绝缘体相被完全压制, 并引起一个以极宽零级霍尔平台为主要特征的C = 0态, 黑色虚线标注了零级平台出现位置时纵向电阻上的半整数量子化现象; (b)强磁场下塞曼效应引起的能带反转以及能带结构演化示意图; (c)在磁场引起的C = –1到C = 0拓扑相变过程中边缘态演化情况; (d)不同测量构型下的两端输运、三端输运以及非定域输运测量结果, 其中插图描述了不同的测量构型示意图, 玫红色虚线标记了由Landauer Büttiker公式预言的螺旋式边缘态贡献的量子化电阻数值. 图片来自文献[78]

    Figure 10.  Magnetic field driven helical state with C = 0 in a MnBi2Te4 Chern insulator: (a) Magnetic field dependent longitudinal resistance Rxx and Hall resistance Ryx at 1 V ≤ Vg ≤ 6 V, at Vg = 4 V, the C = –1 state is completely suppressed when magnetic field is increased to above 30 T, followed by the C = 0 state characterized with a broad zero Hall plateau, the black dashed line denotes the half-quantized plateau of Rxx = 0.5h/e2; (b) schematic illustration of the electronic band structure evolution in strong magnetic field with Zeeman-effect-induced band inversion; (c) the evolution of edge states in the magnetic field driven topological phase transition between C = –1 and C = 0 phase; (d) two-, three-terminal, and nonlocal measurements in various configurations, the insets display the schematic layouts of the experimental setup, the expected quantized values for R2T, R3T, and RNL derived from the Landauer Büttiker formalisms for helical edge transport are denoted by the broken magenta lines. The figures are adopted from Ref. [78].

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  • Received Date:  28 April 2023
  • Accepted Date:  18 May 2023
  • Available Online:  18 July 2023
  • Published Online:  05 September 2023

