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Motion of a circular particle in the power-law lid-driven cavity flow

Yang Xiao-Feng Liu Jiao Shan Fang Chai Zhen-Hua Shi Bao-Chang


Motion of a circular particle in the power-law lid-driven cavity flow

Yang Xiao-Feng, Liu Jiao, Shan Fang, Chai Zhen-Hua, Shi Bao-Chang
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
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  • In this paper, the motion of a circular particle in a lid-driven square cavity with the power-law fluid is studied by using the diffuse interface lattice Boltzmann method, and the study mainly considers the effects of the particle's initial position, the power-law index, the Reynolds number, and the particle size. The numerical results show that the circular particle is first in a centrifugal motion under the effect of inertia, and it finally moves steadily on the limit cycle. Furthermore, it is also found that the initial position of the particle has no influence on the limit cycle. For a shear-thinning fluid flow, the limit cycle moves towards the bottom right corner of the square cavity. Moreover, the particle velocity is small, and the period of the particle motion is long. On the other hand, in the case of shear-thickening fluid flow, the limit cycle moves towards the top left corner of the cavity. In addition, the particle velocity is large, and the period of the particle motion is short.With the increase of Reynolds number, the limit cycle moves towards the bottom right corner of the square cavity, which is caused by a strong fluid flow field. Meanwhile, the particle velocity becomes larger, and the period of the particle motion is shorter. With the increase of particle size, the effect of confinement of the cavity boundary becomes significant, and the circular particle is pushed towards the center of the cavity. In this case, the limit cycle shrinks towards the center of the cavity. The circular particle squeezes the secondary vortices, especially when the circular particle is located in the bottom left, bottom right and top left corners. Additionally, the appearance of the circular particle has a significant influence on the position of the primary vortex, which changes periodically near the position of the primary vortex without the particle. It is also observed that the influence of the circular particle becomes more significant as its size increases and the power-law index decreases.
      Corresponding author: Chai Zhen-Hua,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12072127, 123B2018), the Interdisciplinary Research Program of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China (Grant Nos. 2023JCJY002, 2024JCYJ001), and the Fundamental Research Fund for the Central Universities, China (Grant Nos. YCJJ20241101, 2023JY-CXJJ046).

    Chhabra R P 2006 Bubbles, Drops, and Particles in Non-Newtonian Fluids (Boca Raton: CRC Press) pp40-74


    朱克勤 2006 力学与实践 28 1Google Scholar

    Zhu K Q 2006 Mech. Eng. 28 1Google Scholar


    Saramito P, Roquet N 2001 Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 190 5391Google Scholar


    Neofytou P 2005 Adv. Eng. Software 36 664Google Scholar


    Rafiee A 2008 Anziam J. 49 411Google Scholar


    Bell B C, Surana K S 1994 Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 18 127Google Scholar


    Papanastasiou T C, Boudouvis A G 1997 Comput. Geotech. 64 677


    Papanastasiou T C 1987 J. Rheol. 31 385Google Scholar


    Roquet N, Saramito P 2008 J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 155 101Google Scholar


    Tazangi H R, Goharrizi A S, Javaran E J 2021 Korea-Aust. Rheol. J. 33 293Google Scholar


    Schreiber R, Keller H B 1983 J. Comput. Phys. 49 310Google Scholar


    Botella O, Peyret R 1998 Comput. Fluids 27 421Google Scholar


    Erturk E, Corke T C 2005 Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 48 747Google Scholar


    Mendu S S, Das P K 2012 J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 175–176 10


    Li Q X, Hong N, Shi B C, Chai Z H 2014 Commun. Comput. Phys. 15 265Google Scholar


    Aguirre A, Castillo E, Cruchaga M, Codina R, Baiges J 2018 J. Non-Newton. Fluid Mech. 257 22Google Scholar


    Alleborn N, Raszillier H, Durst F 1999 Int. J. Heat Mass Trans. 42 833Google Scholar


    Stephen T, Nathan E 2007 Geology 35 1027


    Zhong H C, Zhou J, Du Z X, Xie L 2018 J. Aerosol Sci. 121 31Google Scholar


    Madankan R, Pouget S, Singla P, Bursik M, Dehn J, Jones M, Patra A, Pavolonis M, Pitman E B, Singh T, Webley P 2014 J. Comput. Phys. 271 39Google Scholar


    Yue G X, Cai R X, Lu J F, Zhang H 2017 Powder Technol. 316 18Google Scholar


    He W C, Lv X W, Pan F F, Li X Q, Yan Z M 2019 Powder Technol. 356 1087Google Scholar


    Sidik N A C, Attarzadeh S M R 2011 Int. J. Mech. 5 123


    Romanò F, Kuhlmann H C 2017 Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 31 427Google Scholar


    Hu J J, Sun D K, Mao S H, Wu H M, Yu S Y, Xu M S 2022 J. Comput. Theor. Transp. 51 222Google Scholar


    Hu J J 2021 Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 32 1


    Hu J J 2020 Phys. Fluids 32 222


    Safdari A, Kim K C 2014 Comput. Math. Appl. 68 606Google Scholar


    Francescò R, Hendrik H C 2017 Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 31 1


    Chen S, Doolen G D 1998 Rev. Fluid Mech. 30 329Google Scholar


    Succi S 2001 The Lattice Boltzmann Equation for Fluid Dynamics and Beyond (Oxford: Oxford University Press) pp3-38


    Guo Z L, Shu C 2013 Lattice Boltzmann Method and Its Applications in Engineering (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.) pp10-21


    Krüger T, Kusumaatmaja H, Silva G, Shardt O, Kuzmin A, Viggen E M 2017 The Lattice Boltzmann Method: Principles and Practice (Switzerland: Springer International Publishing) pp61-65


    Feng J, Hu H H, Joseph D D 1994 J. Fluid Mech. 277 271Google Scholar


    Inamuro T, Maeba K, Ogino F 2000 Int. J. Multiphase. Flow 26 1981Google Scholar


    Shao X, Yu Z, Sun B 2008 Phys. Fluids 20 103307Google Scholar


    Noble D R, Torczynski J R 1998 Int. J. Modern Phys. C 9 1189Google Scholar


    Liu J, Huang C S, Chai Z H, Shi B C 2022 Comput. Fluids 233 105240Google Scholar


    Liu J, Chai Z H, Shi B C 2022 Phys. Rev. E 106 015306Google Scholar


    Boyd J, Buick J, Green S 2006 J. Phys. A 39 14241Google Scholar


    Tang G H, Li X F, He Y L, Tao W Q 2009 J. Non-Newton. Fluid Mech. 157 133Google Scholar


    Chai Z H, Shi B C, Guo Z L, Rong F M 2011 J. Non-Newton. Fluid Mech. 166 332Google Scholar


    Guo Z L, Zheng C G, Shi B C 2002 Chin. Phys. 11 366Google Scholar

  • 图 1  不同幂律指数下的中心线速度分布($ Re = 100 $) (a)垂直速度; (b) 水平速度

    Figure 1.  The velocity profiles along the centerlines at different power-law indices ($ Re = 100 $): (a) The vertical velocity profile; (b) the horizontal velocity profile.

    图 2  圆形颗粒在顶盖驱动流中运动的示意图

    Figure 2.  The schematic of a circular particle moving in a lid-driven square cavity.

    图 3  不同雷诺数下圆形颗粒的极限环

    Figure 3.  The limit cycles of a circular particle at different Reynolds numbers.

    图 4  $ Re = 1000 $时中心线速度分布对比 (a)垂直速度; (b)水平速度

    Figure 4.  The comparisons of the velocity profiles along the centerlines at $ Re = 1000 $: (a) The vertical velocity profile; (b) the horizontal velocity profile.

    图 5  圆形颗粒在不同网格尺寸顶盖驱动流中的运动轨迹($ N_{x}\times N_{y} = 256\times 256 $, $ 512\times 512 $, $ 1024\times 1024 $)

    Figure 5.  The trajectories of a circular particle moving in a lid-driven cavity with three different grid sizes ($ N_{x}\times $$ N_{y} = 256\times 256 $, $ 512\times 512 $, $ 1024\times 1024 $).

    图 6  圆形颗粒在幂律流体顶盖驱动流中的运动轨迹 (a) $ n = 0.5 $; (b) $ n = 1.0 $; (c) $ n = 1.5 $

    Figure 6.  The trajectories of the circular particle moving in the lid-driven cavity flows under different power-law indices and different initial positions: (a) $ n = 0.5 $; (b) $ n = 1.0 $; (c) $n = 1.5 $.

    图 7  圆形颗粒在幂律流体顶盖驱动流中运动的极限环 (a) $ Re = 500 $; (b) $ Re = 1000 $; (c) $ Re = 2000 $

    Figure 7.  The limit cycles of the circular particle moving in the power-law lid-driven cavity flows with different power-law indices and Reynolds numbers: (a) $ Re = 500 $; (b) $ Re = 1000 $; (c) $ Re = 2000 $.

    图 8  幂律流体顶盖驱动流的流线及圆形颗粒的位置 (a) $ n = 0.5 $; (b) $ n = 1.0 $; (c) $ n = 1.5 $

    Figure 8.  The streamlines of power-law fluid flows and the positions of the circular particle under different power-law indices: (a) $ n = 0.5 $; (b) $ n = 1.0 $; (c) $ n = 1.5 $.

    图 9  不同幂律指数($ n = 0.5 $, $ 1.0 $和$ 1.5 $)下圆形颗粒的速度 (a) $ Re = 500 $; (b) $Re = 1000 $; (c) $Re = 2000 $

    Figure 9.  The evolutions of particle velocity under different power-law indices: (a) $ Re = 500 $; (b) $ Re = 1000 $; (c) $Re = 2000 $.

    图 10  不同颗粒尺寸和幂律指数下颗粒运动的极限环 (a) $ n = 0.5 $; (b) $ n = 1.0 $; (c) $ n = 1.5 $

    Figure 10.  The limit cycles of the moving particle in the power-law lid-driven cavity flows with different particle sizes and power-law indices: (a) $ n = 0.5 $; (b) $ n = 1.0 $; (c) $ n = 1.5 $.

    图 11  不同颗粒尺寸和幂律指数下颗粒的运动速度 (a) $ n = 0.5 $; (b) $ n = 1.0 $; (c) $ n = 1.5 $

    Figure 11.  The evolutions of particle velocity under different particle sizes and power-law indices: (a) $ n = 0.5 $; (b) $ n = 1.0 $; (c) $ n = 1.5 $.

    图 12  不同幂律指数下幂律流体顶盖驱动流(Re = 1000, r = 0.2)的圆形颗粒位置和流线 (a) n = 0.5; (b) n = 1.0; (c) n = 1.5

    Figure 12.  The positions of circular particle and the streamlines of the power-law lid-driven cavity flows (Re = 1000, r = 0.2) with different power-law indices: (a) n = 0.5; (b) n = 1.0; (c) n = 1.5.

    图 13  主涡涡心位置的水平、竖直坐标坐标随时间变化图 (a) $ x $轴坐标, $ r = 0.1 $; (b) $ y $轴坐标, $ r = 0.1 $; (c) $ x $轴坐标, $ r = 0.2 $; (d) $ y $轴坐标, $ r = 0.2 $

    Figure 13.  The evolutions of the x-axis and y-axis coordinates of position of primary vortex: (a) x-axis, $ r = 0.1 $; (b) y-axis, $ r = 0.1 $; (c) x-axis, $ r = 0.2 $; (d) y-axis, $ r = 0.2 $.

  • [1]

    Chhabra R P 2006 Bubbles, Drops, and Particles in Non-Newtonian Fluids (Boca Raton: CRC Press) pp40-74


    朱克勤 2006 力学与实践 28 1Google Scholar

    Zhu K Q 2006 Mech. Eng. 28 1Google Scholar


    Saramito P, Roquet N 2001 Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 190 5391Google Scholar


    Neofytou P 2005 Adv. Eng. Software 36 664Google Scholar


    Rafiee A 2008 Anziam J. 49 411Google Scholar


    Bell B C, Surana K S 1994 Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 18 127Google Scholar


    Papanastasiou T C, Boudouvis A G 1997 Comput. Geotech. 64 677


    Papanastasiou T C 1987 J. Rheol. 31 385Google Scholar


    Roquet N, Saramito P 2008 J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 155 101Google Scholar


    Tazangi H R, Goharrizi A S, Javaran E J 2021 Korea-Aust. Rheol. J. 33 293Google Scholar


    Schreiber R, Keller H B 1983 J. Comput. Phys. 49 310Google Scholar


    Botella O, Peyret R 1998 Comput. Fluids 27 421Google Scholar


    Erturk E, Corke T C 2005 Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids 48 747Google Scholar


    Mendu S S, Das P K 2012 J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 175–176 10


    Li Q X, Hong N, Shi B C, Chai Z H 2014 Commun. Comput. Phys. 15 265Google Scholar


    Aguirre A, Castillo E, Cruchaga M, Codina R, Baiges J 2018 J. Non-Newton. Fluid Mech. 257 22Google Scholar


    Alleborn N, Raszillier H, Durst F 1999 Int. J. Heat Mass Trans. 42 833Google Scholar


    Stephen T, Nathan E 2007 Geology 35 1027


    Zhong H C, Zhou J, Du Z X, Xie L 2018 J. Aerosol Sci. 121 31Google Scholar


    Madankan R, Pouget S, Singla P, Bursik M, Dehn J, Jones M, Patra A, Pavolonis M, Pitman E B, Singh T, Webley P 2014 J. Comput. Phys. 271 39Google Scholar


    Yue G X, Cai R X, Lu J F, Zhang H 2017 Powder Technol. 316 18Google Scholar


    He W C, Lv X W, Pan F F, Li X Q, Yan Z M 2019 Powder Technol. 356 1087Google Scholar


    Sidik N A C, Attarzadeh S M R 2011 Int. J. Mech. 5 123


    Romanò F, Kuhlmann H C 2017 Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 31 427Google Scholar


    Hu J J, Sun D K, Mao S H, Wu H M, Yu S Y, Xu M S 2022 J. Comput. Theor. Transp. 51 222Google Scholar


    Hu J J 2021 Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 32 1


    Hu J J 2020 Phys. Fluids 32 222


    Safdari A, Kim K C 2014 Comput. Math. Appl. 68 606Google Scholar


    Francescò R, Hendrik H C 2017 Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn. 31 1


    Chen S, Doolen G D 1998 Rev. Fluid Mech. 30 329Google Scholar


    Succi S 2001 The Lattice Boltzmann Equation for Fluid Dynamics and Beyond (Oxford: Oxford University Press) pp3-38


    Guo Z L, Shu C 2013 Lattice Boltzmann Method and Its Applications in Engineering (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co.) pp10-21


    Krüger T, Kusumaatmaja H, Silva G, Shardt O, Kuzmin A, Viggen E M 2017 The Lattice Boltzmann Method: Principles and Practice (Switzerland: Springer International Publishing) pp61-65


    Feng J, Hu H H, Joseph D D 1994 J. Fluid Mech. 277 271Google Scholar


    Inamuro T, Maeba K, Ogino F 2000 Int. J. Multiphase. Flow 26 1981Google Scholar


    Shao X, Yu Z, Sun B 2008 Phys. Fluids 20 103307Google Scholar


    Noble D R, Torczynski J R 1998 Int. J. Modern Phys. C 9 1189Google Scholar


    Liu J, Huang C S, Chai Z H, Shi B C 2022 Comput. Fluids 233 105240Google Scholar


    Liu J, Chai Z H, Shi B C 2022 Phys. Rev. E 106 015306Google Scholar


    Boyd J, Buick J, Green S 2006 J. Phys. A 39 14241Google Scholar


    Tang G H, Li X F, He Y L, Tao W Q 2009 J. Non-Newton. Fluid Mech. 157 133Google Scholar


    Chai Z H, Shi B C, Guo Z L, Rong F M 2011 J. Non-Newton. Fluid Mech. 166 332Google Scholar


    Guo Z L, Zheng C G, Shi B C 2002 Chin. Phys. 11 366Google Scholar

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  • Received Date:  25 January 2024
  • Accepted Date:  13 May 2024
  • Available Online:  31 May 2024
  • Published Online:  20 July 2024

