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Research on the electronic phase transitions in strongly correlated oxides and multi-field regulation

Zhou Xuan-Chi Li Hai-Fan


Research on the electronic phase transitions in strongly correlated oxides and multi-field regulation

Zhou Xuan-Chi, Li Hai-Fan
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  • External-field-triggered multiple electronic phase transitions within correlated oxides open up a new paradigm to explore exotic physical functionalities and new quantum transitions via regulating the electron correlations and the interplay in the degrees of freedom, which makes the multidisciplinary fields have the promising application prospects, such as neuromorphic computing, magnetoelectric coupling, smart windows, bio-sensing, and energy conversion. This review presents a comprehensive picture of regulating the electronic phase transitions for correlated oxides via multi-field covering the VO2 and ReNiO3, thus highlighting the critical role of external field in exploring the exotic physical property and designing new quantum states. Beyond conventional semiconductors, the complex interplay in the charge, lattice, orbital and spin degrees of freedom within correlated oxides triggers abundant correlated physical functionalities that are rather susceptible to the external field. For example, hydrogen-related electron-doping Mottronics makes it possible to discover new electronic phase and magnetic ground states in the hydrogen-related phase diagram of correlated oxides. In addition, filling-controlled Mottronics by using hydrogenation triggers multiple orbital reconfigurations for correlated oxides away from the correlated electronic ground state that results in new quantum transitions via directly manipulating the d-orbital configuration and occupation, such as unconventional Ni-based superconductivity. The transition metals of correlated oxides are generally substituted by dopants to effectively adjust the electronic phase transitions via introducing the carrier doping and/or lattice strain. Imparting an interfacial strain to correlated oxides introduces an additional freedom to manipulate the electronic phase transition via distorting the lattice framework, owing to the interplay between charge and lattice degrees of freedom. In recent years, the polarization field associated with BiFeO3 or PMN-PT material triggered by a cross-plane electric field has been used to adjust the electronic phase transition of correlated oxides that enriches the promising correlated electronic devices. The exotic physical phenomenon as discovered in the correlated oxides originates from the non-equilibrium states that are triggered by imparting external fields. Nevertheless, the underneath mechanism as associated with the regulation in the electronic phase transitions of correlated oxides is still in a long-standing puzzle, owing to the strong correlation effect. As a representative case, hydrogen-associated Mottronic transition introduces an additional ion degree of freedom into the correlated oxides that is rather difficult to decouple from the correlated system. In addition, from the perspective of material synthesis, the above-mentioned correlated oxides are expected to be compatible with conventional semiconducting process, by which the prototypical correlated electronic devices can be largely developed. The key point that accurately adjusts and designs the electronic phase transitions for correlated oxides via external fields is presented to clarify the basic relationship between the microscopic degrees of freedom and macroscopic correlated physical properties. On the basis, the multiple electronic phase transitions as triggered by external field within correlated oxides provide new guidance for designing new functionality and interdisciplinary device applications.
      Corresponding author: Zhou Xuan-Chi,
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12174237, 52171183).

    Morin F J 1959 Phys. Rev. Lett. 3 34Google Scholar


    Li L L, Wang M, Zhou Y D, Zhang Y, Zhang F, Wu Y S, Wang Y J, Lyu Y J, Lu N P, Wang G P, Peng H N, Shen S C, Du Y G, Zhu Z H, Nan C W, Yu P 2022 Nat. Mater. 21 1246Google Scholar


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    Zhou X, Li H, Jiao Y, Zhou G, Ji H, Jiang Y, Xu X 2024 Adv. Funct. Mater. 2316536Google Scholar


    Zhou X, Li H, Meng F, Mao W, Wang J, Jiang Y, Fukutani K, Wilde M, Fugetsu B, Sakata I, Chen N, Chen J 2022 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13 8078Google Scholar


    Wang S, Jiang T, Meng Y, Yang R, Tan G, Long Y 2021 Science 374 1501Google Scholar


    Tang K, Dong K, Li J, Gordon M P, Reichertz F G, Kim H, Rho Y, Wang Q, Lin C Y, Grigoropoulos C P, Javey A, Urban J J, Yao J, Levinson R, Wu J 2021 Science 374 1504Google Scholar


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    Lao B, Zheng X, Li S, Wang Z M 2023 Acta Phys. Sin. 72 097702Google Scholar


    Zhou X, Wu Y, Yan F, Zhang T, Ke X, Meng K, Xu X, Li Z, Miao J, Chen J, Jiang Y 2021 Ceram. Int. 47 25574Google Scholar


    Gao L, Wang H, Meng F, Peng H, Lyu X, Zhu M, Wang Y, Lu C, Liu J, Lin T, Ji A, Zhang Q, Gu L, Yu P, Meng S, Cao Z, Lu N 2023 Adv. Mater. 2300617Google Scholar


    Chen J K, Mao W, Ge B H, Wang J, Ke X Y, Wang V, Wang Y P, Dobeli M, Geng W T, Matsuzaki H, Shi J, Jiang Y 2019 Nat. Commun. 10 694Google Scholar


    Zhang Z, Schwanz D, Narayanan B, et al. 2018 Nature 553 68Google Scholar


    Zhou Y, Guan X F, Zhou H, Ramadoss K, Adam S, Liu H J, Lee S, Shi J, Tsuchiya M, Fong D D, Ramanathan S 2016 Nature 534 231Google Scholar


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    Zhang Z, Zhang L, Zhou Y, Cui Y, Chen Z, Liu Y, Li J, Long Y, Gao Y 2023 Chem. Rev. 123 7025Google Scholar


    Yajima T, Nishimura T, Toriumi A 2015 Nat. Commun. 6 10104Google Scholar


    Victor J L, Gaudon M, Salvatori G, Toulemonde O, Penin N, Rougier A 2021 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12 7792Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  强关联氧化物金属-绝缘体转变(MIT)机理的示意图 (a) 二氧化钒(VO2); (b) 稀土镍酸盐(ReNiO3), 图(a)中标注的SPT为结构相变(structure phase transition)的缩写

    Figure 1.  Schematic of the mechanism associated with the metal-to-insulator transition: (a) VO2; (b) ReNiO3, SPT is structure phase transition.

    图 2  多场调控强关联氧化物电子相变特性的示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic of regulating the electronic phase transitions for correlated oxides via multiple fields.

    图 3  化学掺杂调控强关联氧化物的电子相变特性 (a) 放电等离子体辅助的反应掺杂策略示意图[42]; (b) 掺杂VO2的相变温度随掺杂量的变化关系图[42]; (c) 掺杂VO2的相变尖锐度随相变温度的变化关系图[43]

    Figure 3.  Regulating the electronic phase transition for correlated oxides via chemical doping: (a) Schematic of spark plasma assisted reactive doping strategy[42]; (b) the transition temperature for doped VO2 plotted as a function of doping concentration[42]; (c) the transition sharpness for doped VO2 plotted as a function of doping concentration[43].

    图 4  质子化调控强关联氧化物的电子相变特性 (a) 质子化触发VO2发生多重轨道重构的示意图[5]; (b) 氢化VO2的氢含量深度分布图及其阻温特性[5]; (c) VO2中氢含量随W6+掺杂含量的变化关系图[57]

    Figure 4.  Regulating the electronic phase transition for correlated oxides via protonation: (a) Schematic of hydrogen-induced multiple orbital reconfigurations within VO2[5]; (b) the depth profile of the hydrogen concentration and the temperature dependence of the resistivity for hydrogenated VO2[5]; (c) the hydrogen content for W6+-substituted VO2 plotted as a function of W6+ doping concentration[57].

    图 5  界面应力调控强关联氧化物的电子相变特性 (a) 质子化触发NiO发生多重电子相变示意图[53]; (b) NiO/PMN-PT异质结的阻态翻转[53]; (c) 界面应力调控NiO的载流子跃迁激活能[53]

    Figure 5.  Regulating the electronic phase transition for correlated oxides via interfacial strain: (a) Schematic of hydrogen-triggered multiple electronic phase transitions[53]; (b) the resistive switching of NiO/PMN-PT heterostructure[53]; (c) manipulating the carrier hooping energy of NiO by using interfacial strain[53].

    图 6  特征电场调控氢化强关联氧化物的电子相变特性 (a) 特征电场触发VO2 可逆的氢致电子相变[5]; (b) 特征电场诱导氢化SmNiO3中类二极管的奇异输运行为[70]; (c) SmNiO3基海洋电场传感器原理图[71]; (d) SmNiO3海洋电场传感的晶体学各向异性[71]

    Figure 6.  Regulating the electronic phase transition for hydrogenated correlated oxides via imparting a critical electric field: (a) Voltage-actuated reversible hydrogen-associated electronic phase transition of VO2 [5]; (b) electrically tunable diode-like transport behavior of hydrogenated SmNiO3 [70]; (c) schematic of SmNiO3-based ocean electric field sensor[71]; (d) the crystallographic anisotropy in the ocean electric field sensing of SmNiO3[71].

  • [1]

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  • Received Date:  25 February 2024
  • Accepted Date:  02 April 2024
  • Available Online:  09 April 2024
  • Published Online:  05 June 2024

