利用量子S-矩阵理论, 借助一致近似方法, 研究了波长分别为800, 1300与2000 nm的强激光场下氩原子高阶阈上电离光电子能谱的类共振增强结构. 结果表明: 在近红外和中红外波段的强激光场下, 阈上电离光电子能谱中均会出现类共振增强结构, 而出现的光强正好满足通道关闭条件, 从而进一步证实了类共振增强的通道关闭机理解释; 发现随着激光波长和光强的增加, 光电子能谱中类共振增强和抑制会交替出现, 该原因可能是电子返回次数不同的“量子轨道”间的相干叠加, 这可以解释实验观察到的长波长下出现的类共振增强能量范围展宽的现象. 研究表明, 在中红外波段的强激光场下, 也会出现与近红外波段类似的type-Ⅰ和type-Ⅱ类共振增强结构.Quantum S-matrix theory and “uniform approximation” method are used to study the resonance-like enhancement (RLE) structures in photoelectron spectrum of high-order above-threshold ionization (HATI) for argon atoms subjected to strong laser fields at different wavelengths. Our results show that both in the near infrared and mid-infrared fields, the RLE structures in the photoelectron spectra will appear, which manifests as a group of adjacent HATI peaks that show a significant enhancement when the laser intensity increases only a few percent. The RLE occurs precisely when the laser intensity satisfies the channel-closing (CC) condition, and this further confirms the explanation of CC mechanism of the RLE. More importantly, we find that with increasing laser wavelength, the resonance-like enhancement and suppression will appear alternately in the photoelectron energy spectrum, and this alternation phenomenon will be more pronounced as the intensity increases. This phenomenon may be attributed to the interference of “quantum orbital” of electrons which collide with the core at different return time. Since in the condition of long wavelength, the alternation phenomenon of the RLE is more pronounced, the RLE is distributed from the low-energy regime to the cutoff-regime in the photoelectron energy spectrum, thus making the RLE broader than that in the case of short wavelength. This may be used to explain the experimentally observed extension of the RLE energy region at longer wavelength. In addition, it is also shown that similar to the case of the near infrared laser fields, two types of RLE structures are also found in strong mid-infrared laser fields, where type-Ⅰ enhancement occurs in the region 5%-10% below even CC for Ar atom whose ground state has an odd parity, and its intensity dependence is comparatively smooth; and type-Ⅱ enhancement appears exactly at the channel closing and has a particularly sharp intensity dependence. And both types of enhancements are due to the constructive interference of a large amount of quantum orbits.
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[26] Agostini P, DiMauro L F 2008 Contemp. Phys. 49 179
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[1] Agostini P, Fabre F, Mainfray G, Petite G, Rahman N K 1979 Phys. Rev. Lett. 42 1127
[2] Paulus G G, Nicklich W, Xu H L, Lambropoulos P, Walther H 1994 Phys. Rev. Lett. 72 2851
[3] Yu X G, Wang B B, Cheng T W, Li X F, Fu P M 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3542 (in Chinese) [余晓光, 王兵兵, 程太旺, 李晓峰, 傅盘铭 2005 物理学报 54 3542]
[4] Schafer K J, Baorui Yang, DiMauro L F, Kulander K C 1993 Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 1599
[5] Corkum P B 1993 Phys. Rev. Lett. 71 1994
[6] Hertlein M P, Bucksbaum P H, Muller H G 1997 J. Phys. B 30 L197
[7] Hansch P, Walker M A, van Woerkom L D 1997 Phys. Rev. A 55 R2535
[8] Muller H G, Kooiman F C 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 1207
[9] Muller H G 1999 Ibid 83 3158
[10] Muller H G 1999 Phys. Rev. A 60 1341
[11] Cormier E, Garzella D, Breger P, Agostini P, Cheriaux G, Leblanc C 2001 J. Phys. B 34 L9
[12] Wassaf J, Veniard V, Taieb R, Maquet A 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 013003
[13] Potvliege R M, Vucic S 2006 Phys. Rev. A 74 023412
[14] Potvliege R M, Vucic S 2009 J. Phys. B 42 055603
[15] Kopold R, Becker W 1999 J. Phys. B 32 L419
[16] Kopold R, Becker W, Kleber M, Paulus G G 2002 J. Phys. B 35 217
[17] Popruzhenko S V, Korneev Ph A, Goreslavski S P, Becker W 2002 Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 023001
[18] Hasovic E, Busuladzic M, Gazibegovic-Busuladzic A, Milosevic D B, Becker W 2007 Laser Phys. 17 376
[19] Milosevic D B, Hasovic E, Busuladzic M, Gazibegovic-Busuladzic A, Becker W 2007 Phys. Rev. A 76 053410
[20] Milosevic D B, Hasovic E, Odzak S, Busuladzic M, Gazibegovi'c-Busuladzic A, Becker W 2008 J. Mod. Opt. 55 2653
[21] Milosevic D B, Becker W, Okunishi M, Prumper G, Shimada K, Ueda K 2010 J. Phys. B 43 015401
[22] Quan W, Lai X Y, Chen Y J, Wang C L, Hu Z L, Liu X J, Hao X L, Chen J, Hasovic E, Busuladzic M, Becker W, Milosevic D B 2013 Phys. Rev. A 88 R021401
[23] Quan W, Lin Z, Wu M, Kang H, Liu H, Liu X, Chen J, Liu J, He X T, Chen S G, Xiong H, Guo L, Xu H, Fu Y, Cheng Y, Xu Z Z 2009 Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 093001
[24] Blaga C I, Catoire F, Colosimo P, Paulus G G, Muller H G, Agostini P, DiMauro L F 2009 Nat. Phys. 5 335
[25] Wu C Y, Yang Y D, Liu Y Q, Gong Q H, Wu M Y, Liu X, Hao X L, Li W D, He X T, Chen J 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 109 043001
[26] Agostini P, DiMauro L F 2008 Contemp. Phys. 49 179
[27] Lin Z Y, Wu M Y, Q W, Liu X J, Chen J, Cheng Y 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 023201
[28] Keldysh L V 1965 Sov. Phys. JETP 20 1307
[29] Faisal F H M 1973 J. Phys. B 6 L89
[30] Reiss H R 1980 Phys. Rev. A 22 1786
[31] Lohr A, Kleber M, Kopold R, Becker W 1997 Phys. Rev. A 55 R4003
[32] Figueira de Morisson Faria C, Schomerus H, Becker W 2002 Phys. Rev. A 66 043413
[33] Milosevic D B, Becker W 2002 Phys. Rev. A 66 063417
[34] Chipperfield L E, Gaier L N, Knight P L, Marangos J P, Tisch J W G 2005 J. Mod. Opt. 52 243
[35] Frolov M V, Manakov N L, Pronin E A, Starace A F 2003 Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 053003
[36] Frolov M V, Manakov N L, Pronin E A, Starace A F 2003 J. Phys. B 36 L419
[37] Manakov N L, Frolov M V 2006 JETP Lett. 83 536
[38] Krajewska K, Fabrikant I I, Starace A F 2006 Phys. Rev. A 74 053407
[39] Krajewska K, Fabrikant I I, Starace A F 2007 Laser Phys. 17 368
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