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李腾飞 钟哲强 张彬



李腾飞, 钟哲强, 张彬

Novel dynamic wavefront control scheme for ultra-fast beam smoothing

Li Teng-Fei, Zhong Zhe-Qiang, Zhang Bin
  • 提出了利用光克尔效应实现激光束波前动态调控,进而实现焦斑超快束匀滑(ps量级)的方案,其原理是利用抽运光动态改变光克尔介质的折射率分布,以对透射主激光束附加时空耦合的动态波前,进而使激光束在靶面的焦斑散斑产生更加快速、多样的变化,最终实现焦斑的超快束匀滑.当抽运光时间波形为高斯脉冲序列,且以小角度倾斜入射至光克尔介质时,由于抽运光和光克尔介质对主激光附加随时间横向移动的周期性球面相位,且球面相位的幅值随时间不断变化,因而可以同步实现激光束焦面散斑的横向和径向超快速扫动,从而更为有效地改善靶面辐照均匀性.
    In inertial confinement facilities, the irradiation uniformity of the lasers is highly required to suppress the laser plasma instabilities. In order to realize the ultrafast smoothing of the focal spot, a novel scheme by using an optical Kerr medium and a high-power pump laser is proposed. The principle of the ultrafast beam smoothing scheme is to change the refractive index of the Kerr medium with the pump laser, which appends a spatiotemporal wavefront to the main laser beam in the beamline. The dynamic wavefront modulation of the main laser beam further makes the speckles within the focal spot redistributed rapidly and complicatedly, which contributes to the smoothing of the focal spot. A Gaussian beam with a temporal profile of a Gaussian pulse train is obliquely incident on the optical Kerr medium at a small angle. As a result, the spherical wavefront of the main laser beam is rapidly changed in the direction perpendicular to the propagation direction of the main laser beam. Thus the transverse and the radial redistribution of the speckles within the focal spot are both generated simultaneously. Comparing with the simple radial smoothing scheme, the spherical phase of the main laser beam always changes perpendicularly to the propagation direction in the novel scheme, and thus achieving a more stable beam smoothing effect. Besides, the phase gradient in the center region of the main laser beam changes greatly over time, making the irradiation uniformity on the focal plane further improved. The optimal deflection angle in the optical Kerr medium of the pump laser is obtained. By controlling the deflection angle of the pump laser, the spatial period of the pump laser in the transverse direction is set to be equal to the waist diameter of the main laser, which is identical with one color cycle in the typical smoothing by spectral dispersion technique. Moreover, a relatively low control precision of the deflection angle of the pump laser is required.
      通信作者: 张彬, zhangbinff@sohu.com
    • 基金项目: 国家重大专项(批准号:JG2017037)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhang Bin, zhangbinff@sohu.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Major Project of China (Grant No. JG2017037).

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    Zhong Z Q, Hou P C, Zhang B 2015 Opt. Lett. 40 5850


    Hou P C, Zhong Z Q, Zhang B 2016 Opt. Laser Technol. 85 48


    Haynam C A, Wegner P J, Auerbach J M, Bowers M W, Dixit S N, Erbert G V, Heestand G M, Henesian M A, Hermann M R, Jancaitis K S, Manes K R, Marshall C D, Mehta N C, Menapace J, Moses E, Murray J R, Nostrand M C, Orth C D, Patterson R, Sacks R A, Shaw M J, Spaeth M, Sutton S B, Williams W H, Widmayer C C, White R K, Yang S T, van Wonterghem B M 2007 Appl. Opt. 46 3276


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    Henesian M A, Haney S W, Thomas M, Trenholme J B 1997 Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion:Second Annual International Conference Paris, France, October 22-25, 1996 p783


    Kedenburg S, Steinmann A, Hegenbarth R, Steinle T, Giessen H 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 117 803


    Li T F, Hou P C, Zhang B 2016 Acta Opt. Sin. 36 144 (in Chinese)[李腾飞, 侯鹏程, 张彬 2016 光学学报 36 144]


    Zhang R 2013 Ph. D. Dissertation (Hefei:University of Science and Technology of China) (in Chinese)[张锐 2013 博士学位论文 (合肥:中国科学技术大学)]


    Skupsky S, Short R W, Kessler T J, Craxton R S, Letzring S, Soures J M 1989 J. Appl. Phys. 66 3456


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  • [1]

    Lindl J D, Amendt P, Berger R L, Glendinning S G, Glenzer S H, Haan S W, Kauffman R L, Landen O L, Suter L J 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 339


    Meyerhofer D D, Delettrez J A, Epstein R, Glebov V Y, Goncharov V N, Keck R L, McCrory R L, McKenty P W, Marshall F J, Radha P B, Regan S P, Roberts S, Seka W, Skupsky S, Smalyuk V A, Sorce C, Stoeckl C, Soures J M, Town R P J, Yaakobi B, Zuegel J D 2001 Phys. Plasmas 8 2251


    Wen S L, Yan H, Zhang Y H, Yang C L, Wang J, Shi Q K 2014 Acta Opt. Sin. 34 162 (in Chinese)[温圣林, 颜浩, 张远航, 杨春林, 王健, 石琦凯 2014 光学学报 34 162]


    Jiang X J, Zhou S L, Lin Z Q 2007 Chin. J. Laser 11 1533 (in Chinese)[江秀娟, 周申蕾, 林尊琪 2007 中国激光 11 1533]


    Li P, Wang W, Zhao R C, Geng Y C, Jia H T, Su J Q 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 215202 (in Chinese)[李平, 王伟, 赵润昌, 耿远超, 贾怀庭, 粟敬钦 2014 物理学报 63 215202]


    Lehmberg R H, Schmitt A J, Bodner S E 1987 J. Appl. Phys. 62 2680


    Regan S P, Marozas J A, Craxton R S, Kelly J H, Donaldson W R, Jaanimagi P A, Jacobs-Perkins D, Keck R L, Kessler T J, Meyerhofer D D, Sangster T C, Seka W, Smalyuk V A, Skupsky S, Zuegel J D 2005 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 22 998


    Berger R L, Lefebvre E, Langdon A B, Rothenberg J E, Still C H, Williams E A 1999 Phys. Plasmas 6 1043


    Yahia V, Masson-Laborde P E, Depierreux S, Goyon C, Loisel G, Baccou C, BorisenkoN G, Orekhov A, Rienecker T, Rosmej O, Teychenné D, Labaune C 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 042707


    Couris S, Renard M, Faucher O, Lavorel B, Chaux R, Koudoumas E, Michaut X 2003 Chem. Phys. Lett. 369 318


    Zhong Z Q, Hou P C, Zhang B 2015 Opt. Lett. 40 5850


    Hou P C, Zhong Z Q, Zhang B 2016 Opt. Laser Technol. 85 48


    Haynam C A, Wegner P J, Auerbach J M, Bowers M W, Dixit S N, Erbert G V, Heestand G M, Henesian M A, Hermann M R, Jancaitis K S, Manes K R, Marshall C D, Mehta N C, Menapace J, Moses E, Murray J R, Nostrand M C, Orth C D, Patterson R, Sacks R A, Shaw M J, Spaeth M, Sutton S B, Williams W H, Widmayer C C, White R K, Yang S T, van Wonterghem B M 2007 Appl. Opt. 46 3276


    Zeng S G, Hu J, Wang F 2013 Acta Opt. Sin. 33 156 (in Chinese)[曾曙光, 胡静, 王飞 2013 光学学报 33 156]


    Bowers M W, Burkhart S C, Cohen S J, Erbert G V, Heebner J E, Hermann M R, Jedlovec D 2007 Proc. SPIE 6451 Solid State Lasers XVI:Technology and Devices San Jose, CA, United States, January 20-25, 2007 p64511


    Henesian M A, Haney S W, Thomas M, Trenholme J B 1997 Solid State Lasers for Application to Inertial Confinement Fusion:Second Annual International Conference Paris, France, October 22-25, 1996 p783


    Kedenburg S, Steinmann A, Hegenbarth R, Steinle T, Giessen H 2014 J. Appl. Phys. 117 803


    Li T F, Hou P C, Zhang B 2016 Acta Opt. Sin. 36 144 (in Chinese)[李腾飞, 侯鹏程, 张彬 2016 光学学报 36 144]


    Zhang R 2013 Ph. D. Dissertation (Hefei:University of Science and Technology of China) (in Chinese)[张锐 2013 博士学位论文 (合肥:中国科学技术大学)]


    Skupsky S, Short R W, Kessler T J, Craxton R S, Letzring S, Soures J M 1989 J. Appl. Phys. 66 3456


    Rothenberg J E 1997 JOSA B 14 1664

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-11-24
  • 修回日期:  2018-05-31
  • 刊出日期:  2018-09-05

