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曹涧秋 周尚德 刘鹏飞 黄值河 王泽锋 司磊 陈金宝



曹涧秋, 周尚德, 刘鹏飞, 黄值河, 王泽锋, 司磊, 陈金宝

Radiation Effect on Threshold of Transverse Mode Instability of Yb-Doped Fiber Amplifiers: Theoretical Study

Cao Jian-Qiu, Zhou Shang-De, Liu Peng-Fei, Huang Zhi-He, Wang Ze-Feng, Si Lei, Chen Jin-Bao
  • 光纤放大器在辐照环境中具有良好的应用前景,而模式不稳定(Transverse mode instability,TMI)效应则是制约光纤放大器功率提升的重要因素。因此,针对辐照效应对于掺镱光纤放大器TMI阈值的影响,开展了理论研究。通过将辐致损耗引入光纤放大器的TMI理论模型,率先给出了考虑辐照效应的TMI阈值表达式,探讨了TMI阈值随辐射剂量的变化规律,研究表明:辐照效应对于TMI阈值的影响,不仅与光纤的抗辐照性能有关,还与光纤放大器的增益系数有关。增益系数的增加,会减缓TMI阈值随辐射剂量的衰减,但也会导致TMI阈值的整体下降。通过对比辐照效应对于TMI阈值和输出功率的影响,发现:TMI阈值随辐致损耗衰减更快。这也使得TMI效应成为辐照条件下光纤放大器输出功率的限制因素。相关研究结果,对于辐射条件下光纤放大器的设计及应用研究具有指导意义。
    Yb-doped fiber amplifiers and their applications in the radiation environment become more and more attractive in recent years. However, the radiation effect will do harm to the Yb-doped fibers, which can give negative effect on the output properties of Yb-doped fiber amplifiers.In this paper, the radiation effect on the transverse mode instability (TMI) of Yb-doped fiber amplifiers is studied. TMI can make the single light coupled from the fundamental mode to high-order mode, and thus degenerate the beam quality of fiber amplifier. TMI is considered as one key limitation of power up-scaling of fiber amplifiers.
    In this paper, the radiation effect on the TMI is studied theoretically, and a formula of TMI threshold is presented with the radiation-indued attenuation (RIA, the most important radiation effect for the TMI) into account. The formula is deduced by introducing the loss of signal light induced by RIA into the formerly reported TMI-threshold formula which can be obtained by the linear stability analysis of the numerical model studying the TMI. Then, the relationship between the TMI and radiation dose is also given with the help of Power-Law describing the relationship between the RIA and radiation dose.
    With the formula, the variations of TMI threshold with the radiation dose and RIA are studied. It is found, as expect, that the TMI threshold decreases monotonously with the increment of RIA or radiation dose. In spite of that, it is also found, unexpectedly to some extent, that the gain coefficient of fiber amplifiers will also affect the radiation effect on TMI threshold. The results reveal that the increment of gain coefficient will lower the sensitivity of TMI threshold to the radiation dose. In spite of that, it is also implied that the gain coefficient cannot be too large because it can also make the TMI threshold lowered. Therefore, the well-enough radiation resistance of Yb-doped fiber should be indispensable, in order to keep high TMI threshold in the radiation environment.
    Because the RIA cannot only affect the TMI threshold but can also affect the output power or efficiency of Yb-doped fiber amplifier, the comparison of two effects of RIA is also discussed. It is found that the TMI threshold is more sensitive to the radiation than the output power or efficiency (see the abstract figure). It means that the TMI can be present in the irradiated Yb-doped fiber amplifier, although the output power is lowered because of RIA. This result can be verified by the experimental observation formerly reported. As a result, TMI can become the key limitation to the output power of Yb-doped fiber amplifiers in the radiation environment. The pertinent results can provide significant guidance for the applications of Yb-doped fiber amplifiers in the radiation environment.
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