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帅陈杨 郑月军 陈强 马燕利 付云起



帅陈杨, 郑月军, 陈强, 马燕利, 付云起
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241019

Optimization of electrical properties and radio frequency applications of GeTe thin film

Shuai Chen-Yang, Zheng Yue-Jun, Chen Qiang, Ma Yan-Li, Fu Yun-Qi
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241019
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • GeTe属于硫系相变材料中的一种, 利用热致相变特性可以动态实现低电阻率的晶态与高电阻率的非晶态之间可逆切换, 是忆阻器和非易失射频开关领域的重要功能材料. 本文以面向射频开关应用为出发点, 重点对磁控溅射制备的GeTe薄膜进行电性能优化研究. 通过综合分析衬底材料、溅射条件以及退火条件等因素对晶态GeTe薄膜电阻率的影响, 探索出低电阻率GeTe薄膜的有效制备条件. 结果表明, 制备的GeTe薄膜最低晶态电阻率达到3.6×10–6 Ω·m, 电阻比大于106. 此外, 基于规则的方形薄膜切片, 构建了一款零静态功耗并联型毫米波开关, 在1—40 GHz频带内, 插损小于2.4 dB, 隔离度大于19 dB, 展示了GeTe薄膜在宽带高性能分立式非易失射频开关领域的应用潜力.
    GeTe belongs to a chalcogenide phase change material, which can dynamically achieve reversible switching between the crystalline state of low resistivity and the amorphous state of high resistivity by utilizing the thermally induced phase change characteristics. The GeTe is an important functional material in the fields of memristors and nonvolatile radio frequency (RF) switches. For RF switch applications, this paper focuses on optimizing the electrical performance of GeTe thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering. By comprehensively analyzing the effects of substrate materials, sputtering conditions, and annealing conditions on the resistivity of crystalline GeTe films, effective conditions for preparing low resistivity GeTe films are explored. Fig. (a) shows that compared with the GeTe film on a SiO2 substrate, the film on an Al2O3 substrate can obtain higher crystallinity and lower resistivity. For the deposition power and pressure shown in Fig. (b), the combination of medium power (50–80 W) and low pressure (2–3 mTorr) is beneficial for low crystalline resistivity of GeTe film. Additionally, Fig. (c) shows that higher annealing temperature (350–400 ℃) can realize lower film resistivity. Finally, the experimental results show that the lowest crystalline resistivity of the prepared GeTe thin film reaches 3.6×10–6 Ω·m, and the resistance ratio is more than 106. Based on rectangular chips of GeTe film, a parallel millimeter-wave switch with zero static power is also constructed. As shown in Fig. (d), the insertion loss is less than 2.4 dB, and the isolation is greater than 19 dB in a 1–40 GHz frequency band, demonstrating the potential application of GeTe thin films in the field of broadband high-performance discrete nonvolatile RF switches.
      通信作者: 郑月军, zhengyuejun18@nudt.edu.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(批准号: 61901492, 61901493)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zheng Yue-Jun, zhengyuejun18@nudt.edu.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61901492, 61901493).

    Rangan S, Rappaport T S, Erkip E 2014 Proc. IEEE 102 366Google Scholar


    Wu Z Y, Lu W, Bao X Y, Meng F B, Yang Z B, Sun Q, Zhao F Z, Wang Y T 2021 Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 35 15017Google Scholar


    Sun P, Upadhyaya P, Jeong D, Jeong D H, Heo D, La Rue G S 2007 IEEE Microw. Wirel. Co. 17 352Google Scholar


    Doan C H, Emami S, Niknejad A M, Brodersen R W 2005 IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 40 144Google Scholar


    Wolf R, Joseph A, Botula A, Slinkman J 2009 IEEE Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems San Diego, USA, January 19–21, 2009 p1


    Campbell C F, Dumka D C 2010 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Anaheim, USA, May 23–28, 2010 p145


    Daneshmand M, Mansour R R 2011 IEEE Microw. Mag. 12 92Google Scholar


    Boles T, Brogle J, Hoag D, Curcio D 2011 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems (COMCAS 2011) Tel Aviv, Israel, November 7–9, 2011 p1


    Jaffe M, Abou-Khalil M, Botula A, Ellis-Monaghan J, Gambino J, Gross J, He Z X, Joseph A, Phelps R, Shank S, Slinkman J, Wolf R 2015 IEEE 15th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems San Diego, USA, January 26–28, 2015 p30


    Stefanini R, Chatras M, Blondy P, Rebeiz G M 2011 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Baltimore MD, USA, June 5–10, 2011 p1


    Grant P, Denhoff M, Mansour R R 2004 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on MEMS, NANO and Smart Systems (ICMENS) Banff, Canada, August 25–27, 2004 p515


    Tabata O, Tsuchiya T 2014 Reliability of MEMS: Testing of Materials and Devices (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons) pp124–130


    Pan K, Wang W, Shin E, Freeman K, Subramanyam G 2015 IEEE T. Electron Dev. 62 2959Google Scholar


    Morin F J 1959 Phys. Rev. Lett. 3 34Google Scholar


    Bahl S K, Chopra K L 1970 J. Appl. Phys. 41 2196Google Scholar


    Raoux S, Cheng H Y, Munoz B, Jordan-Sweet J 2009 European Phase Change and Ovonic Science Symposium, 2009 p91


    Raoux S, Ielmini D, Wuttig M, Karpov I 2012 MRS Bull. 37 118Google Scholar


    Raoux S, Cheng H Y, Caldwell M A, Wong H S P 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 071910Google Scholar


    Fantini P 2020 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 53 283002Google Scholar


    Chua K, Shi L P, Zhao R, Lim K G, Chong T C, Schlesinger T E, Bain J A 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 183506Google Scholar


    Wuttig M 2005 Nat. Mater. 4 265Google Scholar


    Iwasaki H, Ide Y, Harigaya M, Kageyama Y, Fujimura I 1992 J. Appl. Phys. 31 461Google Scholar


    Singh T, Mansour R R 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP) Ann Arbor, USA, July 16–18, 2018 p3


    Bettoumi I, Gall N L, Blondy P 2022 IEEE Microw. Wirel. Co 32 52Google Scholar


    Cruz L D L, Ivanov T, Birdwell A G, Weil J D, Kingkeo K, Zaghloul M 2023 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 70 4178Google Scholar


    Charlet I, Guerber S, Naoui A, Charbonnier B, Dupré C, Lugo-Alvarez J, Hellion C, Allain M, Podevin F, Perret E 2024 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 45 500Google Scholar


    Kolobov A V, Fons P, Frenkel A I, Ankudinov A L, Tominaga J, Uruga T 2004 Nat. Mater. 3 703Google Scholar

  • 图 1  Ge-Sb-Te系统的三元相图

    Fig. 1.  Ternary phase diagram of Ge-Sb-Te system.

    图 2  GeTe材料随温度变化的相变机制

    Fig. 2.  Phase transition mechanism in GeTe materials with the variation of temperature.

    图 3  样品5和样品6的XRD图谱

    Fig. 3.  XRD patterns of sample 5 and 6.

    图 4  AFM三维图像 (a) 玻璃衬底; (b) 蓝宝石衬底

    Fig. 4.  The 3D AFM patterns: (a) Glass substrate; (b) sapphire substrate.

    图 5  沉积条件对沉积速率的影响

    Fig. 5.  Influence of deposition condition on the deposition rate.

    图 6  三种样品的EDS能谱分析 (a) 3 mTorr; (b) 5 mTorr; (c) 10 mTorr

    Fig. 6.  EDS mapping for three samples: (a) 3 mTorr; (b) 5 mTorr; (c) 10 mTorr.

    图 7  沉积条件对薄膜方阻的影响

    Fig. 7.  Sheet resistance with the variation of deposition power and pressure.

    图 8  薄膜方阻随退火温度的变化

    Fig. 8.  Sheet resistance change of GeTe samples with the variation of annealing temperature.

    图 9  非晶态和晶态GeTe单元

    Fig. 9.  GeTe units for the amorphous state and crystalline state.

    图 10  GeTe薄膜样品照片 (a) 非晶态; (b) 晶态

    Fig. 10.  Photos of GeTe films: (a) Amorphous state; (b) crystalline state.

    图 11  AFM图谱 (a) 非晶态; (b) 晶态

    Fig. 11.  AFM patterns: (a) Amorphous state; (b) crystalline state.

    图 12  非晶态和晶态下, GeTe的XRD图谱

    Fig. 12.  XRD patterns of GeTe film in the amorphous and crystalline states.

    图 13  GeTe薄膜切片照片

    Fig. 13.  Photo of GeTe chips.

    图 14  基于GeTe的并联型开关 (a) 几何结构; (b) 实物样品

    Fig. 14.  Proposed parallel switch using GeTe chip: (a) Geometry; (b) sample.

    图 15  基于GeTe的并联型开关等效电路

    Fig. 15.  Equivalent circuit model of the proposed parallel switch using GeTe chip.

    图 16  衬底材料对隔离度的影响

    Fig. 16.  Effect of the substrate material on isolation.

    图 19  退火温度对隔离度的影响

    Fig. 19.  Effect of the annealing temperature on isolation.

    图 17  功率对隔离度的影响

    Fig. 17.  Effect of the deposition power on isolation.

    图 18  压强对隔离度的影响

    Fig. 18.  Effect of the deposition pressure on isolation.

    图 20  基于GeTe的并联型开关电阻测试图

    Fig. 20.  Schematic diagram of resistance measurement for GeTe parallel switch.

    图 21  电阻随脉冲电压的变化

    Fig. 21.  Change curve of the resistance as a function of pulse magnitude.

    图 22  GeTe薄膜温度随时间的变化

    Fig. 22.  Temperature change on the surface of GeTe film as a function of time.

    图 23  并联开关测试结果

    Fig. 23.  Measured results for the proposed parallel switch.

    表 1  不同衬底的GeTe薄膜方阻

    Table 1.  Sheet resistance of GeTe Films for different substrates.

    溅射条件 退火条件 方阻/
    ($\Omega\cdot \square^{-1} $)
    1 SiO2 120 W, 10 mTorr 350 ℃, 30 min 67.8
    2 Al2O3 120 W, 10 mTorr 350 ℃, 30 min 66
    3 SiO2 80 W, 4 mTorr 350 ℃, 30 min 37.2
    4 Al2O3 80 W, 4 mTorr 350 ℃, 30 min 33.8
    5 SiO2 60 W, 3 mTorr 350 ℃, 30 min 36
    6 Al2O3 60 W, 3 mTorr 350 ℃, 30 min 30
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    Rangan S, Rappaport T S, Erkip E 2014 Proc. IEEE 102 366Google Scholar


    Wu Z Y, Lu W, Bao X Y, Meng F B, Yang Z B, Sun Q, Zhao F Z, Wang Y T 2021 Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 35 15017Google Scholar


    Sun P, Upadhyaya P, Jeong D, Jeong D H, Heo D, La Rue G S 2007 IEEE Microw. Wirel. Co. 17 352Google Scholar


    Doan C H, Emami S, Niknejad A M, Brodersen R W 2005 IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits 40 144Google Scholar


    Wolf R, Joseph A, Botula A, Slinkman J 2009 IEEE Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems San Diego, USA, January 19–21, 2009 p1


    Campbell C F, Dumka D C 2010 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Anaheim, USA, May 23–28, 2010 p145


    Daneshmand M, Mansour R R 2011 IEEE Microw. Mag. 12 92Google Scholar


    Boles T, Brogle J, Hoag D, Curcio D 2011 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas and Electronic Systems (COMCAS 2011) Tel Aviv, Israel, November 7–9, 2011 p1


    Jaffe M, Abou-Khalil M, Botula A, Ellis-Monaghan J, Gambino J, Gross J, He Z X, Joseph A, Phelps R, Shank S, Slinkman J, Wolf R 2015 IEEE 15th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems San Diego, USA, January 26–28, 2015 p30


    Stefanini R, Chatras M, Blondy P, Rebeiz G M 2011 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Baltimore MD, USA, June 5–10, 2011 p1


    Grant P, Denhoff M, Mansour R R 2004 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on MEMS, NANO and Smart Systems (ICMENS) Banff, Canada, August 25–27, 2004 p515


    Tabata O, Tsuchiya T 2014 Reliability of MEMS: Testing of Materials and Devices (Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons) pp124–130


    Pan K, Wang W, Shin E, Freeman K, Subramanyam G 2015 IEEE T. Electron Dev. 62 2959Google Scholar


    Morin F J 1959 Phys. Rev. Lett. 3 34Google Scholar


    Bahl S K, Chopra K L 1970 J. Appl. Phys. 41 2196Google Scholar


    Raoux S, Cheng H Y, Munoz B, Jordan-Sweet J 2009 European Phase Change and Ovonic Science Symposium, 2009 p91


    Raoux S, Ielmini D, Wuttig M, Karpov I 2012 MRS Bull. 37 118Google Scholar


    Raoux S, Cheng H Y, Caldwell M A, Wong H S P 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 071910Google Scholar


    Fantini P 2020 J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 53 283002Google Scholar


    Chua K, Shi L P, Zhao R, Lim K G, Chong T C, Schlesinger T E, Bain J A 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 183506Google Scholar


    Wuttig M 2005 Nat. Mater. 4 265Google Scholar


    Iwasaki H, Ide Y, Harigaya M, Kageyama Y, Fujimura I 1992 J. Appl. Phys. 31 461Google Scholar


    Singh T, Mansour R R 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP) Ann Arbor, USA, July 16–18, 2018 p3


    Bettoumi I, Gall N L, Blondy P 2022 IEEE Microw. Wirel. Co 32 52Google Scholar


    Cruz L D L, Ivanov T, Birdwell A G, Weil J D, Kingkeo K, Zaghloul M 2023 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 70 4178Google Scholar


    Charlet I, Guerber S, Naoui A, Charbonnier B, Dupré C, Lugo-Alvarez J, Hellion C, Allain M, Podevin F, Perret E 2024 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 45 500Google Scholar


    Kolobov A V, Fons P, Frenkel A I, Ankudinov A L, Tominaga J, Uruga T 2004 Nat. Mater. 3 703Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2024-07-21
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