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李芳 赵刚 刘维新 张殊 毕红时



李芳, 赵刚, 刘维新, 张殊, 毕红时

Numerical simulation and experimental study on drag reduction performance of bionic jet hole shape

Li Fang, Zhao Gang, Liu Wei-Xin, Zhang Shu, Bi Hong-Shi
  • 针对横流中的侧向射流能够减小仿生射流表面摩擦阻力问题, 建立仿生射流表面模型, 利用SST k-湍模型对不同射流孔形状的仿生射流表面模型进行数值模拟, 并对数值模拟结果进行了实验验证. 结果表明: 当射流孔的流向长度和展向长度不变时, 3号模型的折线形射流孔减阻效果最好; 将折线形射流孔简化为圆弧形, 当r=35 mm时, 减阻率随着射流速度的增大而增大, 当r=4 mm时减阻效果最好, 最大减阻率为9.51%. 减阻原因: 通过射流孔向横向主流场中注入射流流体, 改变了射流表面附近边界层的流场结构, 使得边界层黏性底层厚度增加, 垂直于射流表面的法向速度梯度减小, 从而减小了壁面剪应力; 低速的射流流体被封锁在边界层内, 降低了高速流体对壁面的扫掠, 达到了减阻目的.
    Since the lateral jet in a horizontal stream can reduce the friction of bionic jet surface, a bionic jet surface model is established by using the SST k- turbulence model in numerical simulation of bionic jet surface for jet hole with different shape, and experimental verification of the numerical simulation results is done. Results show that, when the flow length and span length of the jet hole are kept constant, the drag reduction of the third model with broken-line jet hole is the best; the broken-line jet hole is simplified to an arc-shaped hole, when its radius r=35mm, the drag reduction rate increases with jet velocity; furthermore, the best drag reduction can be obtained when r = 4 mm, the maximum drag reduction rate is 9.51%. Drag reduction is produced because the jet fluid injected to the lateral mainstream field through jet holes, would change the flow field structure of boundary layer near jet surface, and make the thickness of the underlying viscous sublayer in boundary layer increase. As a result, the gradient of normal velocity, perpendicular to jet surface, is decreased, and thus reduces the wall shear stress. Meanwhile, the low speed jet fluid is blocked at the boundary layer, reducing the sweep of high speed fluid on the wall, which contributes to the drag reduction.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51275102)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51275102).

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    Zhang H, Fan B C, Chen Z H, Chen S, Li H Z 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 104701


    Mei D J, Fan B C, Chen Y H, Ye J F 2010 Acta Phys. Sin. 59 8335 (in Chinese) [梅栋杰, 范宝春, 陈耀慧, 叶经方 2010 物理学报 59 8335]


    Han Z W, Xu X X, Ren L Q 2005 Tribology 25 578 (in Chinese) [韩志武, 许小侠, 任露泉 2005 摩擦学学报 25 578]


    Wang B, Wang J D, Chen D R 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 074702 (in Chinese) [王宝, 汪家道, 陈大融 2014 物理学报 63 074702]


    Song B W, Ren F, Hu H B, Guo Y H 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 054708 (in Chinese) [宋保维, 任峰, 胡海豹, 郭云鹤 2014 物理学报 63 054708]


    Tian L M, Ren L Q, Li Q P, Han Z W, Jiang X 2007 J. Bionic. Eng. 4 109


    Lim H C, Lee S J 2004 Fluid Dyn. Res. 35 107


    Wang J J 1998 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 24 31 (in Chinese) [王晋军 1998 北京航空航天大学学报 24 31]


    Walsh M J 1983 AIAA J. 21 485


    Cai J S, Liu Q H 2010 Acta Aerodynamica Sinica 28 553 (in Chinese) [蔡晋生, 刘秋洪 2010 空气动力学学报 28 553]


    Venukumar B, Jagadeesh G, Reddy K P J 2006 Phys. Fluids 18 18101


    Jiang G Q, Ren X W, Li W 2010 Advances in Water Science 21 307 (in Chinese) [姜国强, 任秀文, 李炜 2010 水科学进展 21 307]


    Robert P W, Frank C T 1979 J. aircraft 16 701


    Matthew J B, Joseph A S, Larry A R 1997 J. Propul. Power 13 257


    Zhang D W, Wang Q, Hu H Y 2012 Journal of Aerospace Power 27 2378 (in Chinese) [张丁午, 王强, 胡海洋 2012 航空动力学报 27 2378]


    Gu Y Q, Zhao G, Zhao H L, Zheng J X, Wang F, Xiao L, Liu W B 2012 Acta Armamentarii 33 1230 (in Chinese) [谷云庆, 赵刚, 赵华琳, 郑金兴, 王飞, 肖磊, 刘文博 2012 兵工学报 33 1230]


    Li F, Zhao G, Liu W X, Sun Z Z 2014 Journal of Basic Science and Engineering 22 574 (in Chinese) [李芳, 赵刚, 刘维新, 孙壮志 2014 应用基础与工程科学学报 22 574]


    Menter F R 1994 AIAA J. 32 1598

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