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王凯 刘远 陈海波 邓婉玲 恩云飞 张平



王凯, 刘远, 陈海波, 邓婉玲, 恩云飞, 张平

Low frequency noise behaviors in the partially depleted silicon-on-insulator device

Wang Kai, Liu Yuan, Chen Hai-Bo, Deng Wan-Ling, En Yun-Fei, Zhang Ping
  • 针对部分耗尽结构绝缘体上硅(silicon-on-insulator, SOI)器件低频噪声特性展开实验与理论研究. 实验结果表明, 器件低频噪声主要来源于SiO2-Si界面附近缺陷态对载流子的俘获与释放过程; 基于此理论可提取前栅和背栅氧化层界面附近缺陷态密度分别为8×1017 eV-1·cm-3和2.76×1017 eV-1·cm-3. 基于电荷隧穿机理, 在考虑隧穿削弱因子、隧穿距离与时间常数之间关系的基础上, 提取了前、背栅氧化层内缺陷态密度随空间的分布情况. 此外, SOI器件沟道电流归一化噪声功率谱密度随沟道长度的增加而线性减小, 这表明器件低频噪声主要来源于沟道的闪烁噪声. 最后, 基于电荷耦合效应, 分析了背栅电压对前栅阈值电压、沟道电流以及沟道电流噪声功率谱密度的影响.
    Low frequency noise in the partially depleted silicon-on-insulator (SOI) NMOS device is investigated in this paper. The experimental results show low frequency noise behaviors are in good consistence with classical noise model. Based on McWhorter model, the low frequency noise in the SOI device results from the exchange of carriers between channel and oxide. The densities of trapped charges in the front gate oxide and buried oxide are extracted. Due to the difference between manufacture processes, the extracted density of trapped charges in the buried oxide (Nt=8×1017 eV-1·cm-3) is larger than that in the gate oxide (Nt=2.767×1017 eV-1·cm-3), and the result is in good agreement with testing result of transfer characteristics in part 2. Based on the charge tunneling mechanism, the spatial distribution of trapped charges in the gate oxide and buried oxide are extracted by using the tunneling attenuation coefficient (λ=0.1 nm for SiO2) and time constant (τ0=10-10 s), and the result also proves that the trap in buried oxide is larger than that in gate oxide. In addition, the influence of channel length on the low frequency noise in the SOI device is discussed. The variations of normalized channel current noise power spectral density with channel length are investigated at four frequencies(10 Hz, 25 Hz, 50 Hz, and 100 Hz). The experimental results show that the normalized noise power spectral density decreases linearly with the increase of channel length, which indicates the low frequency noise of SOI device is mainly caused by the flicker noise in the channel, and the contribution of source/drain contact and parasitic resistances could be ignored. Finally, the dependences of back gate voltage on the front gate threshold voltage, front channel current and front channel noise are discussed by considering the charge coupling effect. The experimental results show the measured channel current and channel noise with applying front gate voltage and back gate voltage simultaneously are larger than those with applying the front gate voltage and back gate voltage separately.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61204112, 61204116)、中国博士后科学基金(批准号: 2012M521628)和SOI 研发中心基金(批准号: 62401110320)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61204112, 61204116), the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant No. 2012M521628), and the SOI Research Institute Foundation, China (Grant No. 62401110320).

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    Eggert D, Huebler P, Huerrich A, Kuerck H, Budde W, Vorwerk M 1997 IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. 44 1981


    Rozeau O, Jomaah J, Haendler S, Boussey J, Balestra F 2000 Analog Integr. Circ. Sign. Process. 25 93


    Liu Y, Wu W J, Li B, En Y F, Wang L, Liu Y R 2014 Acta Phys. Sin. 63 098503 (in Chinese) [刘远, 吴为敬, 李斌, 恩云飞, 王磊, 刘玉荣 2014 物理学报 63 098503]


    Fung T C, Baek G, Kanicki J 2010 J. Appl. Phys. 108 074518


    Alok K, Manoj K P, Sujata P, Gupta A K 2005 J. Semicond. Technol. Sci. 5 187


    Akarvardar K, Dufrene B M, Cristoloveanu M, Gentil P, Blalock B J, Mojarradi M M 2006 IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. 53 829


    McWhorter A L 1957 Semiconductor Surface Physics (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press) pp207-228


    Jomaah J, Balestra 2004 IEE Proc. Circ. Dev. Syst. 151 111


    Ghibaudo G, Roux O, Nguyen-Duc C, Balestra F, Brini J 1991 Phys. Status Solidi A 124 571


    Christensson S, Lundstrom I, Svensson C 1968 Solid State Electron. 11 797


    Liu Y, Wu W J, En Y F, Wang L, Lei Z F, Wang X H 2014 IEEE Electron. Dev. Lett. 35 369


    Jayarman R, Sodini C G 1989 IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. 36 1773


    Lukyanchikova N, Garbar N, Smoianka A 2004 IEEE Electron. Dev. Lett. 25 433


    Ohata A, Pretet J, Cristoloveanu S, Zaslavsky A 2005 IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev. 52 124

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-10-09
  • 修回日期:  2014-12-02
  • 刊出日期:  2015-05-05

