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周梅 赵德刚



周梅, 赵德刚

Barrier and well thickness designing of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well for better performances of GaN based laser diode

Zhou Mei, Zhao De-Gang
  • 采用LASTIP软件研究了InGaN/GaN(In组分为15%)量子阱垒层和阱层厚度对GaN基蓝紫光激光器性能的影响及机理. 模拟计算结果表明, 当阱层太薄或太厚时, GaN基激光器的阈值电流增加、输出功率下降, 最优的阱层厚度为4.0 nm左右; 当阱层厚度太薄时, 载流子很容易泄漏, 而当阱层厚度太厚时, 极化效应导致发光效率降低, 研究还发现, 与垒层厚度为7 nm 相比, 垒层厚度为15 nm时激光器的阈值电流更低、输出功率更高, 因此适当地增加垒层厚度能显著抑制载流子泄漏, 从而改善激光器性能.
    The effects of barrier and well thickness in InGaN/GaN (with in content of 15%) multiple quantum well (MQW) on the performances of GaN based laser diode (LD) are investigated by using LASTIP software, and the relevant physical mechanisms are discussed. It is found that when the barrier-thickness in InGaN/GaN MQW is fixed to be 7 nm, for the well thickness values of 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, and 5.0 nm, the threshold currents of LD are 76.31, 67.96, 57.60, 64.62, and 74.59 mA, and the output light powers of LD are 12.05, 15.64, 24.70, 18.21, and 11.35 mW under an injection current of 100 mA, respectively. It indicates that too thick or too thin well may lead to a higher threshold current and a lower output power of GaN based LD. A high performance device can be obtained by using an optimized well thickness of around 4.0 nm. It is found that the LD performance is degraded by using too thin well in the device structure mainly due to the high leakage current, while strong polarization will lead to the decrease of overlap integral and luminescence intensity if the well layer is too thick, and thus a poor performance is obtained. It is found that the LD performance can be improved obviously by appropriately increasing barrier thickness from 7 nm to 15 nm. When the barrier thickness in InGaN/GaN MQW is fixed at 15 nm and the well thickness values are 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5 and 5.0 nm, the threshold currents of LD are 59.54, 52.42, 52.17, 51.38, and 58.99 mA, and the output light powers of LD are 36.12, 39.69, 40.79, 40.27, and 33.19 mW under an injection current of 100 mA, respectively, i.e., LD device parameters are improved. It suggests that the higher performances of GaN based laser diode can be realized by appropriately increasing the thickness of barrier when the thickness of well is optimized to be around 4 nm.
      通信作者: 赵德刚, dgzhao@red.semi.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 61474142)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Zhao De-Gang, dgzhao@red.semi.ac.cn
    • Funds: Projects Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61474142).

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    Nakamura S, Senoh M, Nagahama S, Iwasa N, Yamada T, Matsushita T, Kiyoku H, Sugimoto Y 1996 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 35 L74


    Nakamura S, Senoh M, Nagahama S, Iwasa N, Yamada T, Matsushita T, Sugimoto Y, Kiyoku H 1997 Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 1417


    Nakamura S 1998 Science 281 956


    Hardy M T, Feezell D F, DenBaars S P, Nakamura S 2011 Mater. Today 14 408


    Yang H, Chen L H, Zhang S M 2005 J. Semicond. 26 414


    Zhang L Q, Zhang S M, Jiang D S, Wang H, Zhu J J, Zhao D G, Liu Z S, Yang H 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 5350


    Ji L, Jiang D S, Zhang S M, Liu Z S, Zeng C, Zhao D G, Zhu J J, Wang H, Duan L H, Yang H 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 124211


    Liu J P, Li Z C, Zhang L Q, Zhang F, Tian A Q, Zhou K, Li D Y, Zhang S M, Yang H 2014 Appl. Phys. Express 7 111001


    Chen P, Feng M X, Jiang D S, Zhao D G, Liu Z S, Li L, Wu L L, Le L C, Zhu J J, Wang H, Zhang S M, Yang H 2012 J. Appl. Phys. 112 113105


    Le L C, Zhao D G, Jiang D S, Chen P, Liu Z S, Yang J, He X G, Li X J, Liu J P, Zhu J J, Zhang S M, Yang H 2014 Opt. Express 22 11392


    Li X, Zhao D G, Jiang D S, Chen P, Liu Z S, Zhu J J, Shi M, Zhao D M, Liu W 2016 J. Semicond. 37 014007


    Bernardini F, Fiorentini V, Vanderbilt D 1997 Phys. Rev. B 56 10024


    Kim K C, Schmidt M C, Sato H, Wu F, Fellows N, Jia Z, Saito M, Nakamura S, DenBaars S P, Speck J S, Fujito K 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 181120


    Bai J, Wang T, Sakai S 2000 J. Appl. Phys. 88 4729


    Takeuchi T, Sota S, Katsuragawa M, Komori M, Takeuchi H, Amano H, Akasaki I 1997 Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 36 L382


    Takeuchi T, Wetzel C, Yamaguchi S, Sakai H, Amano H, Akasaki I 1998 Appl. Phys. Lett. 73 1691


    Nardelli M B, Rapcewicz K, Bernholc J 1997 Appl. Phys. Lett. 71 3135


    Hansen M, Piprek J, Pattison P M, Speck J S, Nakamura S, DenBaars S P 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 81 4275


    Kuo Y K, Chang Y A 2004 IEEE J. Quantum Electron. 40 437


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