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代冰 王朋 周宇 游承武 胡江胜 杨振刚 王可嘉 刘劲松



代冰, 王朋, 周宇, 游承武, 胡江胜, 杨振刚, 王可嘉, 刘劲松

Wavelet transform in the application of three-dimensional terahertz imaging for internal defect detection

Dai Bing, Wang Peng, Zhou Yu, You Cheng-Wu, Hu Jiang-Sheng, Yang Zhen-Gang, Wang Ke-Jia, Liu Jin-Song
  • 采用Syn View Head 300对内部有胶和空气孔的样件进行了太赫兹二维扫描(xy轴方向),系统通过线性调频连续波技术得到样件内部的三维信息. 检测薄层时,由于太赫兹源的波长在亚毫米量级,薄层的上下表面反射峰相距太近而难以辨别. 为了提高太赫兹探测的纵向分辨率,采用小波变换对探测信号进行处理,对小波系数进行三维重构,获得的三维小波系数图像比原始三维探测信号更加精确. 该方法有效提高了太赫兹成像的纵向检测精度,纵向分辨率可达1 mm.
    Spatial resolution and spectral contrast are two major bottlenecks for non-destructive testing of complex samples with current imaging technologies. We use a three-dimensional terahertz (THz) imaging system to obtain the internal structure of the sample, and exploit the wavelet transform algorithm to improve the spatial resolution and the spectral contrast. With this method, the longitudinal resolution of terahertz imaging system can be improved to the wavelength comparable thickness, while the x-y plane resolution can be as high as 0.2 mm0.2 mm, which benefits from the point-to-point scanning on the x-y plane. In this three-dimensional terahertz imaging system, the Syn View Head 300 with light source/detector frequency of 0.3 THz is used for two-dimensional scanning (x-y direction) of the sample, and the linear frequency modulated continuous wave technique is used to obtain the reflected terahertz light intensity at different depths (z axis) of the sample. When the sample is thin, the upper and lower interface reflection peaks are difficult to distinguish due to broad peak width of the THz source. To solve this problem efficiently, continuous wavelet transform (CWT) is used. In recent years, CWT is applied widely because of its particular mathematical properties in the feature signal recognition. Since the Gaus2 wavelet basis is better to highlight the peak signal, we choose it for CWT. After CWT, one scale of the wavelet coefficients is chosen for three-dimensional data reconstruction, for which the widths of the reflection peaks are narrower and the noise signals are weaker. That means if we reconstruct the three-dimensional wavelet coefficient data on the chosen scale, the three-dimensional image of the tested sample will be enhanced. In order to demonstrate that, the three-dimensional images reconstructed by wavelet coefficients are compared with those by original data. The tested sample has holes inside with different depths. Based on the original three-dimensional THz image, it is hard to locate the top of 4 mm deep hole (1 mm deep photosensitive material plate), while the top of the inner 4 mm deep holes (the bottom of the 1 mm deep photosensitive material plate) can be distinctly located and the noises are greatly reduced based on the three-dimensional images reconstructed by wavelet coefficients. With this method, the longitudinal resolution of terahertz detection systems can be improved to 1 mm that is comparable to the wavelength, which demonstrates advantages of this method.
      通信作者: 刘劲松, jsliu4508@vip.sina.com
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:11574105,61475054,61405063,61177095)和湖北省科技条件资源开发项目(批准号:2015BCE052)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Liu Jin-Song, jsliu4508@vip.sina.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11574105, 61475054, 61405063, 61177095) and the Science and Technology Condition Resources Development Project of Hubei Province, China (Grant No. 2015BCE052).

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    Deng Y Q, Xing Q R, Lang L Y, Chai L, Wang Q Y, Zhang Z G 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 5224 (in Chinese) [邓玉强, 邢岐荣, 郎利影, 柴路, 王清月, 张志刚 2005 物理学报 54 5224]


    Yang Z G, Liu J S, Wang K J 2013 Journal of OptoelectronicsLaser 24 1158 (in Chinese) [杨振刚, 刘劲松, 王可嘉 2013 光电子激光 24 1158]


    Zhou S F, Reekie L, Chan H P, Luk K M, Chow Y T 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 260


    Sanchez A R, Karpowicz N, Xu J Z, Zhang X C 2006 Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Ultrasonic and Advanced Methods for Nondestructive Testing and Material Characterization Dartmouth, June 19, 2006 p67


    Stoik C D, Bohn M J, Blackshire J L 2008 Opt. Express 16 17039


    Dong J L, Kim B, Locque A, Keon P M, Declercq N, Citrin D S 2015 Compos. Part B 79 667


    Wietzke S, Jrdens C, Krumbholz N, Baudrit B, Bastian M, Koch M 2007 J. Eur. Opt. Soc. -Rapid 2 07013


    Jrdens C, Scheller M, Wietzke S, Romeike D, Jansen C, Zentgraf T, Wiesauer K, Reisecker V, Koch M 2010 Compos. Sci. Technol. 70 472


    Ren J J, Li L J, Zhang D D, Qiao X L, Lu Q Y, Cao G H 2016 Appl. Opt. 55 7024


    Yasui T, Yasuda T, Sawanaka K, Araki T 2005 Appl. Opt. 44 6849


    Sanchez A R, Heshmat B, Aghasi A, Naqvi S, Zhang M J, Romberg J, Raskar R 2016 Nat. Commun. 7 12665


    Yan G F, Markov A, Chinifooroshan Y, Tripathi S M, Bock W J, Skorobogatiy M 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 2200


    Cheng B B, Li H P, An J F , Jiang K, Deng X J, Zhang J 2015 Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology 13 843 (in Chinese) [成彬彬, 李慧萍, 安健飞, 江舸, 邓贤进, 张健 2015 太赫兹科学与电子信息学报 13 843]


    Di Z G, Yao J Q, Jia C R, Bing P B, Yang P F, Xu X Y 2011 Laser Infrared 41 1163 (in Chinese) [邸志刚, 姚建铨, 贾春荣, 邴丕彬, 杨鹏飞, 徐小燕 2011 激光与红外 41 1163]


    Ge X H, L M, Zhong H, Zhang C L 2010 J. Infrared Milli. Wave. 29 15 (in Chinese) [葛新浩, 吕默, 钟华, 张存林 2010 红外与毫米波学报 29 15]


    Chen P F, Tian D, Qiao S J, Yang G 2014 Spectrosc. Spect. Anal. 34 1969 (in Chinese) [陈鹏飞, 田地, 乔淑君, 杨光 2014 光谱学与光谱分析 34 1969]


    Mallat S, Hwang W L 1992 IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 38 617


    Yin X X, Ng B W H, Ferguson B, Abbott D 2009 Digit. Signal Process. 19 750


    Weg C A, Spiegela W V, Hennebergerb R, Zimmermannb R, Roskos H G 2009 Proceedings of Terahertz Technology and Applications II San Jose, September 15-19, 2008 p72150F-1


    Anastasi1 R F, Madaras E I 2006 Proceedings of Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring of Aerospace Materials, Composites, and Civil Infrastructure IV San Diego, March 6, 2005 p356


    Hong J C, Kim Y Y, Lee H C, Lee Y W 2002 Int. J. Solids. Struct. 39 1803

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  • 收稿日期:  2016-11-30
  • 修回日期:  2016-12-23
  • 刊出日期:  2017-04-05

