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余波 丁永坤 蒋炜 黄天晅 陈伯伦 蒲昱东 晏骥 陈忠靖 张兴 杨家敏 江少恩 郑坚



余波, 丁永坤, 蒋炜, 黄天晅, 陈伯伦, 蒲昱东, 晏骥, 陈忠靖, 张兴, 杨家敏, 江少恩, 郑坚

Laser irradiation uniformity for polar direct drive on ShenGuang III facility

Yu Bo, Ding Yong-Kun, Jiang Wei, Huang Tian-Xuan, Chen Bo-Lun, Pu Yu-Dong, Yan Ji, Chen Zhong-Jing, Zhang Xing, Yang Jia-Min, Jiang Shao-En, Zheng Jian
  • 极向驱动是在间接驱动构型的激光装置中,通过重瞄各束激光的位置,实现较均匀的靶丸表面激光辐照,以研究直接驱动惯性约束聚变的关键物理问题.介绍了神光III主机装置的激光排布和焦斑特点,以及激光束重瞄方法和靶丸表面激光辐照均匀性优化原则.给出了三阶和五阶超高斯近似下的激光焦斑强度分布,540 m靶丸在能量沉积满足cos2和cos 假设时靶丸表面最均匀辐照的移束参数,以及二维辐射流体程序模拟最优移束时的内爆对称性结果.二维模拟结果表明,按cos假设移束的热斑更对称.分析了激光的束间功率不平衡、激光束重瞄精度和靶丸定位精度对靶丸表面辐照均匀性的影响.模拟结果表明,为了不显著降低靶丸表面辐照均匀性,需要将束间功率不平衡控制在5%以内,激光束重瞄精度和靶丸定位精度控制在7 m以内.
    Inertial confinement fusion utilizes sufficient laser beams to directly illuminate a spherical capsule, or convert the laser into thermal X-rays inside a high Z hohlraum to drive capsule implosion. The direct drive implosion is one of ways toward central ignition and similar to the indirect drive implosion, but has higher laser energy coupling efficiency and the potential for higher-gain implosion than indirect drive, and needs stringent laser condition. In order to develop and execute the direct drive experiment on the laser facility, which is configured initially for indirect drive, the polar direct drive has been proposed and validated on the Omega laser facility and the National Ignition Facility. The polar direct drive repoints some of the beams toward the polar and equator of the target, thus increasing the drive energy on the polar and equator of capsule and achieving the most uniform irradiation. The present article focuses on the laser irradiation uniformity of the target in polar direct drive on ShenGuangIII (SGIII) facility. Firstly, the laser beam configuration of the SGIII, the characteristics of laser spots, the laser beam repointing strategy and the principle of optimization are introduced. The 48 laser beams are distributed over four cones per hemisphere and the beam centerlines are repointed in polar direct drive. The continuous phase plates (CPPs) of the SGIII are designed to have unique shape to make the laser beam with a 250 m-radius circular section at the laser entrance hole in indirect drive, and thus the laser beams have ellipse cross sections with fixed major axis and different minor axes in different cones. Then, the irradiation uniformity of 540 m target is optimized by the three-dimensional (3D) view factor method on the assumption that the laser intensity distribution is super-Gaussian with three and five orders, and the energy deposition distributions are expressed as cos2 and cos . The irradiation nonuniformity of less than 5% on the polar direct drive capsule of 540 m in diameter is achieved. The pressure distribution of the hot spot at the neutron bang time with the optimized parameter is also simulated by Multi2D, and the results of 2D hydrodynamics simulation indicate that the hot spot under the assumption of cos distribution is more symmetric. Finally, the effects on irradiation uniformity of the beam-to-beam power imbalance, the repointing error and the target pointing error are estimated by the Monte Carlo method. According to the simulation results, the laser root mean square nonuniformity on the target will not become worse observably when the maximal beam-to-beam power imbalance is limited to a value of 5%, and the repointing error and the target pointing error are better than 7 m.
      通信作者: 余波, yubobnu@163.com
      Corresponding author: Yu Bo, yubobnu@163.com

    Nuckolls J, Wood L, Thiessen A, Zimmerman G 1972 Nature 239 129


    Atzeni S, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 2004 The Physics of Inertial Fusion: Beam Plasma Interaction, Hydrodynamics, Hot Dense Matter (Oxford: Clarendon Press) p32


    Lindl J D 1995 Phys. Plasmas 2 3933


    Lindl J D, Amendt P, Berger R L, Glendinning S G, Glenzer S H, Haan S W, Kauffman R L, Landen O L, Suter L J 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 339


    Bodner S E, Colombant D G, Gardner J H, Lehmberg R H, Obenschain S P, Phillips L, Schmitt A J, Sethian J D, McCrory R L, Seka W, Verdon C P, Knauer J P, Afeyan B B, Powell H T 1998 Phys. Plasmas 5 1901


    Craxton R S, Anderson K S, Boehly T R, Goncharov V N, Harding D R, Knauer J P, McCrory R L, McKenty P W, Meyerhofer D D, Myatt J F, Schmitt A J, Sethian J D, Short R W, Skupsky S, Theobald W, Kruer W L, Tanaka K, Betti R, Collins T J B, Delettrez J A, Hu S X, Marozas J A, Maximov A V, Michel D T, Radha P B, Regan S P, Sangster T C, Seka W, Solodov A A, Soures J M, Stoeckl C, Zuegel J D 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 110501


    Lindl J, Landen O, Edwards J, Moses E D, NIC Team 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 020501


    Skupsky S, Marozas J A, Craxton R S, Betti R, Collins T J B, Delettrez J A, Goncharov V N, McKenty P W, Radha P B, Boehly T R, Knauer J P, Marshall F J, Harding D R, Kilkenny J D, Meyerhofer D D, Sangster T C, McCrory R L 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 2763


    Cok A M, Craxton R S, McKenty P W 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 082705


    Collins T J B, Marozas J A, Anderson K S, Betti R, Craxton R S, Delettrez J A, Goncharov V N, Harding D R, Marshall F J, McCrory R L, Meyerhofer D D, McKenty P W, Radha P B, Shvydky A, Skupsky S, Zuegel J D 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 056308


    Craxton R S, Marshall F J, Bonino M J, Epstein R, McKenty P W, Skupsky S, Delettrez J A, Igumenshchev I V, Jacobs-Perkins D W, Knauer J P, Marozas J A, Radha P B, Seka W 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 056304


    Radha P B, Marozas J A, Marshall F J, Shvydky A, Collins T J B, Goncharov V N, McCrory R L, McKenty P W, Meyerhofer D D, Sangster T C, Skupsky S 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 082704


    Krasheninnikova N S, Cobble J A, Murphy T J, Tregillis I L, Bradley P A, Hakel P, Hsu S C, Kyrala G A, Obrey K A, Schmitt M J, Baumgaertel J A, Batha S H 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 042703


    Radha P B, Marshall F J, Marozas J A, Shvydky A, Gabalski I, Boehly T R, Collins T J B, Craxton R S, Edgell D H, Epstein R, Frenje R A, Froula D H, Goncharov V N, Hohenberger M, McCrory R L, McKenty P W, Meyerhofer D D, Petrasso R D, Sangster T C, Skupsky S 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 056306


    Moses E I 2008 Fusion Sci. Technol. 54 361


    Schmitt M J, Bradley P A, Cobble J A, Fincke J R, Hakel P, Hsu S C, Krasheninnikova N S, Kyrala G A, Magelssen G R, Montgomery D S, Murphy T J, Obrey K A, Shah R C, Tregillis I L, Baumgaertel J A, Wysocki F J, Batha S H, Craxton R S, McKenty P W, Fitzsimmons P, Nikroo A, Wallace R 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 056310


    Hohenberger M, Radha P B, Myatt J F, LePape S, Marozas J A, Marshall F J, Michel D T, Regan S P, Seka W, Shvydky A, Sangster T C, Bates J W, Betti R, Boehly T R, Bonino M J, Casey D T, Collins T J B, Craxton R S, Delettrez J A, Edgell D H, Epstein R, Fiksel G, Fitzsimmons P, Frenje J A, Froula D H, Goncharov V N, Harding D R, Kalantar D H, Karasik M, Kessler T J, Kilkenny J D, KnauerJ P, Kurz C, Lafon M, LaFortune K N, MacGowan B J, Mackinnon A J, MacPhee A G, McCrory R L, McKenty P W, Meeker J F, Meyerhofer D D, Nagel S R, Nikroo A, Obenschain S, Petrasso R D, Ralph J E, Rinderknecht H G, Rosenberg M J, Schmitt A J, Wallace R J, Weaver J, Widmayer W, Skupsky S, Solodov A A, Stoeckl C, Yaakobi B, Zuegel J D 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 056308


    Murphy T J, Krasheninnikova N S, Kyrala G A, Bradley P A, Baumgaertel J A, Cobble J A, Hakel P, Hsu S C, Kline J L, Montgomery D S, Obrey K A D, Shah R C, Tregillis I L, Schmitt M J, Kanzleiter R J, Batha S H, Wallace R J, Bhandarkar S D, Fitzsimmons P, Hoppe M L, Nikroo A, Hohenberger M, McKenty P W, Rinderknecht H G, Rosenberg M J, Petrasso R D 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 092707


    Weilacher F, Radha P B, Collins T J B, Marozas J A 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 032701


    Temporal M, Canaud B, Garbett W J, Ramis R 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 012710


    Ramis R, Temporal M, Canaud B, Brandon V 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 082710


    Deng X W, Zhou W, Yuan Q, Dai W J, Hu D X, Zhu Q H, Jing F 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 195203 (in Chinese) [邓学伟,周维,袁强,代万俊,胡东霞,朱启华,景峰 2015 物理学报 64 195203]


    Deng X W, Zhu Q H, Zheng W G, Wei X F, Jing F, Hu D X, Zhou W, Feng B, Wang J J, Peng Z T, Liu L Q, Chen Y B, Ding L, Lin D H, Guo L F, Dang Z 2014 Proc. of SPIE 9266 926607


    Schmitt A J 1984 Appl. Phys. Lett. 44 399


    Yang C L, Zhang R Z, Xu Q, Ma P 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 1465


    Basko M 1996 Phys. Plasmas 3 4148


    Froula D H, Igumenshchev I V, Michel D T, Edgell D H, Follett R, Glebov V Y, Goncharov V N, Kwiatkowski J, Marshall F J, Radha P B, Seka W, Sorce C, Stagnitto S, Stoeckl C, Sangster T C 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 125003


    Ramis R, Meyer-ter-Vehn J, Ramireza J 2009 Comput. Phys. Commun. 180 977

  • [1]

    Nuckolls J, Wood L, Thiessen A, Zimmerman G 1972 Nature 239 129


    Atzeni S, Meyer-ter-Vehn J 2004 The Physics of Inertial Fusion: Beam Plasma Interaction, Hydrodynamics, Hot Dense Matter (Oxford: Clarendon Press) p32


    Lindl J D 1995 Phys. Plasmas 2 3933


    Lindl J D, Amendt P, Berger R L, Glendinning S G, Glenzer S H, Haan S W, Kauffman R L, Landen O L, Suter L J 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 339


    Bodner S E, Colombant D G, Gardner J H, Lehmberg R H, Obenschain S P, Phillips L, Schmitt A J, Sethian J D, McCrory R L, Seka W, Verdon C P, Knauer J P, Afeyan B B, Powell H T 1998 Phys. Plasmas 5 1901


    Craxton R S, Anderson K S, Boehly T R, Goncharov V N, Harding D R, Knauer J P, McCrory R L, McKenty P W, Meyerhofer D D, Myatt J F, Schmitt A J, Sethian J D, Short R W, Skupsky S, Theobald W, Kruer W L, Tanaka K, Betti R, Collins T J B, Delettrez J A, Hu S X, Marozas J A, Maximov A V, Michel D T, Radha P B, Regan S P, Sangster T C, Seka W, Solodov A A, Soures J M, Stoeckl C, Zuegel J D 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 110501


    Lindl J, Landen O, Edwards J, Moses E D, NIC Team 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 020501


    Skupsky S, Marozas J A, Craxton R S, Betti R, Collins T J B, Delettrez J A, Goncharov V N, McKenty P W, Radha P B, Boehly T R, Knauer J P, Marshall F J, Harding D R, Kilkenny J D, Meyerhofer D D, Sangster T C, McCrory R L 2004 Phys. Plasmas 11 2763


    Cok A M, Craxton R S, McKenty P W 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 082705


    Collins T J B, Marozas J A, Anderson K S, Betti R, Craxton R S, Delettrez J A, Goncharov V N, Harding D R, Marshall F J, McCrory R L, Meyerhofer D D, McKenty P W, Radha P B, Shvydky A, Skupsky S, Zuegel J D 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 056308


    Craxton R S, Marshall F J, Bonino M J, Epstein R, McKenty P W, Skupsky S, Delettrez J A, Igumenshchev I V, Jacobs-Perkins D W, Knauer J P, Marozas J A, Radha P B, Seka W 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 056304


    Radha P B, Marozas J A, Marshall F J, Shvydky A, Collins T J B, Goncharov V N, McCrory R L, McKenty P W, Meyerhofer D D, Sangster T C, Skupsky S 2012 Phys. Plasmas 19 082704


    Krasheninnikova N S, Cobble J A, Murphy T J, Tregillis I L, Bradley P A, Hakel P, Hsu S C, Kyrala G A, Obrey K A, Schmitt M J, Baumgaertel J A, Batha S H 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 042703


    Radha P B, Marshall F J, Marozas J A, Shvydky A, Gabalski I, Boehly T R, Collins T J B, Craxton R S, Edgell D H, Epstein R, Frenje R A, Froula D H, Goncharov V N, Hohenberger M, McCrory R L, McKenty P W, Meyerhofer D D, Petrasso R D, Sangster T C, Skupsky S 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 056306


    Moses E I 2008 Fusion Sci. Technol. 54 361


    Schmitt M J, Bradley P A, Cobble J A, Fincke J R, Hakel P, Hsu S C, Krasheninnikova N S, Kyrala G A, Magelssen G R, Montgomery D S, Murphy T J, Obrey K A, Shah R C, Tregillis I L, Baumgaertel J A, Wysocki F J, Batha S H, Craxton R S, McKenty P W, Fitzsimmons P, Nikroo A, Wallace R 2013 Phys. Plasmas 20 056310


    Hohenberger M, Radha P B, Myatt J F, LePape S, Marozas J A, Marshall F J, Michel D T, Regan S P, Seka W, Shvydky A, Sangster T C, Bates J W, Betti R, Boehly T R, Bonino M J, Casey D T, Collins T J B, Craxton R S, Delettrez J A, Edgell D H, Epstein R, Fiksel G, Fitzsimmons P, Frenje J A, Froula D H, Goncharov V N, Harding D R, Kalantar D H, Karasik M, Kessler T J, Kilkenny J D, KnauerJ P, Kurz C, Lafon M, LaFortune K N, MacGowan B J, Mackinnon A J, MacPhee A G, McCrory R L, McKenty P W, Meeker J F, Meyerhofer D D, Nagel S R, Nikroo A, Obenschain S, Petrasso R D, Ralph J E, Rinderknecht H G, Rosenberg M J, Schmitt A J, Wallace R J, Weaver J, Widmayer W, Skupsky S, Solodov A A, Stoeckl C, Yaakobi B, Zuegel J D 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 056308


    Murphy T J, Krasheninnikova N S, Kyrala G A, Bradley P A, Baumgaertel J A, Cobble J A, Hakel P, Hsu S C, Kline J L, Montgomery D S, Obrey K A D, Shah R C, Tregillis I L, Schmitt M J, Kanzleiter R J, Batha S H, Wallace R J, Bhandarkar S D, Fitzsimmons P, Hoppe M L, Nikroo A, Hohenberger M, McKenty P W, Rinderknecht H G, Rosenberg M J, Petrasso R D 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 092707


    Weilacher F, Radha P B, Collins T J B, Marozas J A 2015 Phys. Plasmas 22 032701


    Temporal M, Canaud B, Garbett W J, Ramis R 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 012710


    Ramis R, Temporal M, Canaud B, Brandon V 2014 Phys. Plasmas 21 082710


    Deng X W, Zhou W, Yuan Q, Dai W J, Hu D X, Zhu Q H, Jing F 2015 Acta Phys. Sin. 64 195203 (in Chinese) [邓学伟,周维,袁强,代万俊,胡东霞,朱启华,景峰 2015 物理学报 64 195203]


    Deng X W, Zhu Q H, Zheng W G, Wei X F, Jing F, Hu D X, Zhou W, Feng B, Wang J J, Peng Z T, Liu L Q, Chen Y B, Ding L, Lin D H, Guo L F, Dang Z 2014 Proc. of SPIE 9266 926607


    Schmitt A J 1984 Appl. Phys. Lett. 44 399


    Yang C L, Zhang R Z, Xu Q, Ma P 2008 Appl. Opt. 47 1465


    Basko M 1996 Phys. Plasmas 3 4148


    Froula D H, Igumenshchev I V, Michel D T, Edgell D H, Follett R, Glebov V Y, Goncharov V N, Kwiatkowski J, Marshall F J, Radha P B, Seka W, Sorce C, Stagnitto S, Stoeckl C, Sangster T C 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 125003


    Ramis R, Meyer-ter-Vehn J, Ramireza J 2009 Comput. Phys. Commun. 180 977

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  • 收稿日期:  2017-03-26
  • 修回日期:  2017-05-02
  • 刊出日期:  2017-07-05

