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陈睿 梁亚楠 韩建伟 王璇 杨涵 陈钱 袁润杰 马英起 上官士鹏



陈睿, 梁亚楠, 韩建伟, 王璇, 杨涵, 陈钱, 袁润杰, 马英起, 上官士鹏

Single event effect and total dose effect of GaN high electron mobility transistor using heavy ions and gamma rays

Chen Rui, Liang Ya-Nan, Han Jian-Wei, Wang Xuan, Yang Han, Chen Qian, Yuan Run-Jie, Ma Ying-Qi, Shangguan Shi-Peng
  • 利用重离子加速器和60Co γ射线实验装置, 开展了p型栅和共栅共源级联结构增强型氮化镓基高电子迁移率晶体管的单粒子效应和总剂量效应实验研究, 给出了氮化镓器件单粒子效应安全工作区域、总剂量效应敏感参数以及辐射响应规律. 实验发现, p型栅结构氮化镓器件具有较好的抗单粒子和总剂量辐射能力, 其单粒子烧毁阈值大于37 MeV·cm2/mg, 抗总剂量效应水平高于1 Mrad (Si), 而共栅共源级联结构氮化镓器件则对单粒子和总剂量辐照均很敏感, 在线性能量传输值为22 MeV·cm2/mg的重离子和累积总剂量为200 krad (Si)辐照时, 器件的性能和功能出现异常. 利用金相显微镜成像技术和聚焦离子束扫描技术分析氮化镓器件内部电路结构, 揭示了共栅共源级联结构氮化镓器件发生单粒子烧毁现象和对总剂量效应敏感的原因. 结果表明, 单粒子效应诱发内部耗尽型氮化镓器件的栅肖特基势垒发生电子隧穿可能是共栅共源级联结构氮化镓器件发生源漏大电流的内在机制. 同时发现, 金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管是导致共栅共源级联结构氮化镓器件对总剂量效应敏感的可能原因.
    The single event effect (SEE) and the total ionizing dose (TID) effect of a commercial enhancement mode gallium nitride (GaN) high electron nobility transistor (HEMT) with p-type gate structure and cascode structure are studied by using the radiation of heavy ions and 60Co gamma in this paper. The safe operating areas ofSEE, the sensitive parameters degradation of TID effect and the SEE and TID characteristics of GaN HEMT device are respectively presented. The experimental results show that the SEE and TID effect have less influence on the p-type gate GaN device. The linear energy transfer (LET) threshold of the single event Burnout effect (SEB) is higher than 37 MeV·cm2/mg and the failure threshold of TID effect is above 1M rad (Si) for p-type gate GaN device. However, the GaN HEMT device with cascode structure is much more sensitive to SEE and TID effect than p-type gate GaN device. Under heavy ions at LET of 22 MeV·cm2/mg and a cumulative dose of 200 krad (Si), the SEB phenomenon and parameters-degradation of cascode-type GaN HEMT are respectively observed. Besides, the circuit structure of the cascode-type GaN HEMT device is analyzed by using metallographic microscope imaging and focused ions beam technology. It reveals the possible reason why it is sensitive to SEB and TID for cascode-type GaN HEMT. These results show that the extra carriers caused by heavy ion radiation can tunnel the Schottky barrier formed by gate metal and AlGaN layer, leading to a large source-drain current in GaN HEMT device. Meanwhile, it is shown that the metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor in cascode circuit for TP90H180PS GaN HEMT may be the main reason why the cascode-type GaN HEMT is sensitive to TID.
      通信作者: 陈睿, ch.ri.520@163.com
    • 基金项目: 北京市科委项目(批准号: E039360101)和中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)(批准号: XDA17010301)资助的课题
      Corresponding author: Chen Rui, ch.ri.520@163.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, China (Grant No. E039360101) and the Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (Grant No. XDA17010301)

    Scheick L Z 2017 Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems Geneva, Switzerland, October 2−6, 2017 pp 1−7


    Bazzoli S, Girard S, Ferlet-Cavrois V, Baggio J, Paillet P, Duhamel O 2007 Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems Deauville, France, September 10−14, 2007 pp1−5


    郭伟玲, 陈艳芳, 李松宇, 雷亮, 柏常青 2007 发光学报 38 760

    Guo W L, Chen Y F, Li S Y, Lei L, Bai C Q 2007 Chinese J. Lumin. 38 760


    何亮, 刘扬 2016 电源学报 14 1

    He L, Liu Y 2016 J. Power Supply 14 1


    Martinez M J, King M. P, Baca A G, Aller-man A A, Armstrong A A, Klein B A, Douglas E A, Kaplar R J, Swanson S E 2019 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 66 344Google Scholar


    Onoda S, Hasuike A, Nabeshima Y, Sasaki H, Yajima K, Sato S I, Ohshima T 2013 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 60 4446Google Scholar


    Mizuta E, Kuboyama S, Nakada Y, Takeyama A, Ohshima T, Iwata Y, Suzuki K 2018 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 65 1956Google Scholar


    谷文萍, 张进城, 王冲, 冯倩, 马晓华, 郝跃 2009 物理学报 58 1161Google Scholar

    Gu W P, Zhang J C, Wang C, Feng Q, Ma X H, Hao Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1161Google Scholar


    Xiao S, Saadat O I, Chen J, Zhang E X, Cui S, Palacios T, Fleetwood D M, Ma T P 2013 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 60 4074Google Scholar


    董世剑, 郭红霞, 马武英, 吕玲, 潘霄宇, 雷志锋, 岳少忠, 郝蕊静, 琚安安, 钟向丽, 欧阳晓平 2020 物理学报 69 078501Google Scholar

    Dong S J, Guo H X, Ma W Y, Lv L, Peng X Y, Lei Z F, Yue S Z, Hao R J, Ju A A, Zhong X L, Ouyang X P 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 078501Google Scholar


    Jiang R, Zhang E X, Mccurdy M W, Wang P, Gong H, Yan D, Schrimpf R D, Fleetwood D M 2019 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 66 170Google Scholar


    Aktas O, Kuliev A, Kumar V, Schwindt R, Toshkov S, Costescu D, Stubbins J, Adesida I 2004 Solid State Electron. 48 471Google Scholar


    张明兰, 杨瑞霞, 李卓昕, 曹兴忠, 王宝义, 王晓辉 2013 物理学报 62 117103Google Scholar

    Zhang M L, Yang R X, Li Z X, Cao X Z, Wang B Y, Wang X H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 117103Google Scholar


    Wrobel F, Touboul A D, Pouget V, Dilillo L, Boch J, Saigne F 2017 Microelectron Reliab. 76 644


    Rowena I B, Selvaraj S L, Egawa T 2011 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 32 1534Google Scholar


    Khachatrian A, Roche N J H, Buchner S P, Koehler A D, Greenlee J D, Anderson T J, Warner J H, McMorrow D 2016 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 63 1995Google Scholar


    Zerarka M, Austin P, Bensoussan A, Morancho F, Durier A 2017 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 64 2242


    Scheick L 2014 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 61 2881Google Scholar


    Oldham T, Mclean F 2003 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 50 483Google Scholar


    Fleetwood D M 2018 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 65 1465Google Scholar

  • 图 1  实验现场 (a)单粒子效应实验现场; (b)总剂量效应实验现场

    Fig. 1.  Experiment setup: (a) SEE experiment; (b) TID experiment.

    图 2  GaN器件开封装图 (a) GS0650111L; (b) TP90H180PS

    Fig. 2.  The decapping photograph of GaN device: (a) GS0650111L; (b) TP90H180PS.

    图 3  单粒子和总剂量效应实验电路原理图

    Fig. 3.  Schematic diagram of SEE and TID test circuit.

    图 4  (a) GS0650111L和TP90H180PS器件安全工作区域; (b)漏、栅端电流随时间的变化

    Fig. 4.  (a) Safe operating area of GS0650111L and TP90H180PS; (b) the variations of drain current and gate current with time.

    图 5  TP90H180PS器件发生SEB的实物图 (a) SEB敏感区域; (b) SEB区域局部示意图

    Fig. 5.  The SEB photograph of TP90H180PS: (a) SEB sensitive areas; (b) partial enlargement of SEB sensitive areas.

    图 6  器件漏极电流随辐照累积剂量及退火时间(168 h)的变化 (a)开态偏置; (b)关态偏置

    Fig. 6.  The variations of drain current with cumulative dose and annealing time: (a) On-state bias; (b) off-state bias.

    图 7  器件阈值电压随辐照累积剂量及退火时间(168 h)的变化关系 (a)开态偏置; (b)关态偏置

    Fig. 7.  The variations of threshold voltage with cumulative dose and annealing time: (a) On-state bias; (b) off-state bias.

    图 8  重离子辐照后关态模式下Cascode器件的栅漏电流随漏极电压的变化

    Fig. 8.  The variations of gate/drain current with drain voltage for Cascode device in off-state mode after heavy ion irradiation.

    图 9  (a) Cascode型GaN HEMT电路结构原理图; (b)耗尽型GaN HEMT的剖面示意图

    Fig. 9.  (a) The circuit schematic diagram of Cascode type GaN HEMT device; (b) the cross-section diagram of the depletion type GaN HEMT.

    图 10  p型栅GaN HEMT的剖面示意图

    Fig. 10.  The cross-section diagram of the p-type gate GaN HEMT.

    表 1  实验样品的参数

    Table 1.  Parameters of the tested sample.

    GS0650111L增强型p型栅650150GaN Systems
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    Scheick L Z 2017 Proceedings of the 19th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems Geneva, Switzerland, October 2−6, 2017 pp 1−7


    Bazzoli S, Girard S, Ferlet-Cavrois V, Baggio J, Paillet P, Duhamel O 2007 Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems Deauville, France, September 10−14, 2007 pp1−5


    郭伟玲, 陈艳芳, 李松宇, 雷亮, 柏常青 2007 发光学报 38 760

    Guo W L, Chen Y F, Li S Y, Lei L, Bai C Q 2007 Chinese J. Lumin. 38 760


    何亮, 刘扬 2016 电源学报 14 1

    He L, Liu Y 2016 J. Power Supply 14 1


    Martinez M J, King M. P, Baca A G, Aller-man A A, Armstrong A A, Klein B A, Douglas E A, Kaplar R J, Swanson S E 2019 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 66 344Google Scholar


    Onoda S, Hasuike A, Nabeshima Y, Sasaki H, Yajima K, Sato S I, Ohshima T 2013 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 60 4446Google Scholar


    Mizuta E, Kuboyama S, Nakada Y, Takeyama A, Ohshima T, Iwata Y, Suzuki K 2018 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 65 1956Google Scholar


    谷文萍, 张进城, 王冲, 冯倩, 马晓华, 郝跃 2009 物理学报 58 1161Google Scholar

    Gu W P, Zhang J C, Wang C, Feng Q, Ma X H, Hao Y 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 1161Google Scholar


    Xiao S, Saadat O I, Chen J, Zhang E X, Cui S, Palacios T, Fleetwood D M, Ma T P 2013 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 60 4074Google Scholar


    董世剑, 郭红霞, 马武英, 吕玲, 潘霄宇, 雷志锋, 岳少忠, 郝蕊静, 琚安安, 钟向丽, 欧阳晓平 2020 物理学报 69 078501Google Scholar

    Dong S J, Guo H X, Ma W Y, Lv L, Peng X Y, Lei Z F, Yue S Z, Hao R J, Ju A A, Zhong X L, Ouyang X P 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 078501Google Scholar


    Jiang R, Zhang E X, Mccurdy M W, Wang P, Gong H, Yan D, Schrimpf R D, Fleetwood D M 2019 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 66 170Google Scholar


    Aktas O, Kuliev A, Kumar V, Schwindt R, Toshkov S, Costescu D, Stubbins J, Adesida I 2004 Solid State Electron. 48 471Google Scholar


    张明兰, 杨瑞霞, 李卓昕, 曹兴忠, 王宝义, 王晓辉 2013 物理学报 62 117103Google Scholar

    Zhang M L, Yang R X, Li Z X, Cao X Z, Wang B Y, Wang X H 2013 Acta Phys. Sin. 62 117103Google Scholar


    Wrobel F, Touboul A D, Pouget V, Dilillo L, Boch J, Saigne F 2017 Microelectron Reliab. 76 644


    Rowena I B, Selvaraj S L, Egawa T 2011 IEEE Electron Device Lett. 32 1534Google Scholar


    Khachatrian A, Roche N J H, Buchner S P, Koehler A D, Greenlee J D, Anderson T J, Warner J H, McMorrow D 2016 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 63 1995Google Scholar


    Zerarka M, Austin P, Bensoussan A, Morancho F, Durier A 2017 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 64 2242


    Scheick L 2014 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 61 2881Google Scholar


    Oldham T, Mclean F 2003 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 50 483Google Scholar


    Fleetwood D M 2018 IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 65 1465Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2020-12-01
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