高能强流重离子束入射到固体物质中, 沿飞行路径的离子能量沉积密度将改变宏观靶物质的温度和压强等, 并可能在高压高密条件下产生新的材料缺陷. 本文利用兰州重离子加速器装置HIRFL-CSR引出的能量为264 MeV/u 的Xe36+离子束, 入射到LiF晶体靶物质中, 在线测量了LiF的发射光谱, 观测到沿离子路径的晶体颜色变化. 通过解离方法取得了不同位置处的X射线衍射(X-ray Diffraction)与X射线光电子能谱结果, 显示在Xe离子的布拉格峰区域出现了LiF3 (LiF+F2)结构相, 讨论了新的结构缺陷的产生与重离子束能量沉积密度间可能的相关性. 这为离子束驱动的高能量密度物理的能量沉积过程提供了一定参考.
When an incident high-energy heavy ion beam enters into solid material, the energy deposition density along the ion flight path can change the temperature and pressure of macroscopic target, and new material defects can be created under the high-pressure and high-density conditions. To accurately control the extreme state in material generated by heavy ion beam, it is necessary to conduct in-depth research on the energy deposition density of ions and ascertain the new potential defects in matter. Reported in this work is the new experiment conducted on the HIRFL-CSR at Lanzhou, with the extracted 264 MeV/u Xe36+ ion beams irradiating an LiF crystal target. The emission spectrum of the LiF is measured in-situ. Moreover, the crystal color is observed to vary along the ion path, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) are used to observe the potential new phases at different positions of crystal through the target dissociation method. It is apparent that in No. 3-front a new phase around 52.6° is found in XRD result, which is believed to be LiF3 (LiF+F2) structural phase and appears in the Bragg peak region of Xe ions in LiF. Furthermore, to verify this result, a similar experiment is done by using a 430 MeV/u 84Kr26+ ion beam, and the stacked layered LiF target is analyzed after the irradiation. The XPS result shows more complex defects aggregating in the Bragg peak region of Kr ions in LiF at room temperature. In previous study, such complex defects were all created under high temperature conditions. We find that these complex defects can be produced around the Bragg peak region of ions in LiF at room temperature, resulting in a temporally high temperature and high pressure condition. This paper can provide some experimental evidences and references for the target material modification in heavy ion beam driven high-energy density physics research. -
- LiF crystal /
- heavy ion beam /
- energy density /
- color center
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图 2 260 MeV/u的Xe36+ 离子轰击LiF晶体的在线发光光谱结果 (a)在线发光光谱的峰位分布; (b)不同辐射剂量下的光谱强度演化(其中p代表束流脉冲发次)
Fig. 2. Luminescence spectrum of 260 MeV/u Xe36+ ion bombardment on LiF crystals: (a) The peak position distribution of the luminescence spectrum; (b) the spectral intensity evolution at different radiation doses (where p represents the number of beam pulses).
图 3 Xe36+辐照后的LiF样品图以及沿束流方向解离示意图, 图中箭头指向面即图4(a)相应的测试面(不代表实际测试位置, 测试位置位于每个切面中心变色处)
Fig. 3. Diagram of LiF sample after irradiation with Xe36+ and schematic diagram of dissociation along the beam direction. The arrow in the figure points to the corresponding testing surface in Fig. 4(a) (which does not represent the actual testing position, and the testing position is located at the discoloration point at the center of each section).
[1] Kang W, Du Y, Cao S, et al. 2020 Sci. Sin. Phys. Mech. Astron. 50 112004
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[2] Yang J, Chen Y, Shen G, et al. 2020 Sci. Sin. Phys. Mech. Astron. 50 112011
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[16] Lushchik A, Lushchik Ch, Schwartz K, et al. 2007 Phys. Rev. B 76 054114
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[17] Thevenard P, Guiraud G, Dupuy C H S, Delaunay B 1977 Radiat. Eff. 32 83
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[19] Dauletbekova A, Schwartz K, Sorokin M V, et al. 2015 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B 359 53
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[20] Ditter M, Becher M, Orth S, et al. 2019 Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B 441 70
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