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肖峥嵘 张恒之 华林强 唐丽艳 柳晓军



肖峥嵘, 张恒之, 华林强, 唐丽艳, 柳晓军
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241231

Precision spectroscopic measurements of few-electron atomic systems in extreme ultraviolet region

Xiao Zheng-Rong, Zhang Heng-Zhi, Hua Lin-Qiang, Tang Li-Yan, Liu Xiao-Jun
cstr: 32037.14.aps.73.20241231
Article Text (iFLYTEK Translation)
  • 基于少电子原子体系的精密光谱测量为 “质子半径之谜”、量子电动力学高精度检验等重大科学问题的解决带来曙光, 因此备受关注. 然而, 少电子体系许多重要的跃迁谱线位于真空/极紫外波段, 缺少合适的 窄线宽光源是阻碍其测量精度进一步提升的主要原因之一. 近年来, 基于稀有气体高次谐波过程产生的极紫外窄线宽相干光源为精密测量这些跃迁谱线带来了新的机遇. 最新研究表明, 极紫外光梳的最短波长可至12 nm, 最高功率可至mW量级, 线宽可至0.3 MHz; 而极紫外波段的拉姆齐光梳亦可以实现kHz量级的光谱精度, 且其工作波长有潜力覆盖整个极紫外波段. 本文重点介绍少电子原子极紫外波段精密光谱测量相关技术方法与研究进展. 首先简要介绍基于少电子原子体系精密光谱测量的科学意义; 随后介绍极紫外波段少电子原子体系精密光谱测量方法, 即基于极紫外光梳的直接频率梳光谱方法和极紫外波段的拉姆齐频率梳光谱方法; 然后介绍利用这些方法开展少电子原子体系精密光谱实验测量以及相关精密谱理论计算方面的研究进展, 以及这些方法在其他相关研究中面临的重要机遇; 最后给出未来工作展望.
    Precision spectroscopic measurements on the few-electron atomic systems have attracted much attention because they shed light on important topics such as the “proton radius puzzle” and testing quantum electrodynamics (QED). However, many important transitions of few-electron atomic systems are located in the vacuum/extreme ultraviolet region. Lack of a suitable narrow linewidth light source is one of the main reasons that hinder the further improvement of the spectral resolution.Recently, narrow linewidth extreme ultraviolet (XUV) light sources based on high harmonic processes in rare gases have opened up new opportunities for precision measurements of these transitions. The recently implemented XUV comb has a shortest wavelength of about 12 nm, a maximum power of milliwatts, and a linewidth of about 0.3 MHz, making it an ideal tool for precision measurements in the XUV band. At the same time, the Ramsey comb in the XUV band can achieve a spectral resolution of the kHz range, and may operate throughout the entire XUV band.With these useful tools, direct frequency spectroscopy and Ramsey comb spectroscopy in the XUV region are developed, and precision spectroscopic measurements of few-electron atomic systems with these methods are becoming a hot topic in cutting-edge science. In this paper, we provide an overview of the current status and the progress of relevant researches, both experimentally and theoretically, and discuss the opportunities for relevant important transitions in the extreme ultraviolet band.
      通信作者: 华林强, hualq@wipm.ac.cn ; 柳晓军, xjliu@wipm.ac.cn
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 12121004, U21A20435, 12393823, 92265206, 12174402, 12393821)、中国科学院基础与交叉前沿科研先导专项(B类先导专项)(批准号: 0920000)和中国科学院稳定支持基础研究领域青年团队计划(批准号: YSBR-055)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Hua Lin-Qiang, hualq@wipm.ac.cn ; Liu Xiao-Jun, xjliu@wipm.ac.cn
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12121004, U21A20435, 12393823, 92265206, 12174402, 12393821), the Pioneer Research Project for Basic and Interdisciplinary Frontiers of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Category B) (Grant No. 0920000), and the CAS Project for Young Scientists in Basic Research (Grant No. YSBR-055).

    Hänsch T W, Shaolow A L, Series G W 1979 Sc. Am. 240 94Google Scholar


    Hänsch T W, Alnis J, Fendel P, Fischer M, Gohle C, Herrmann M, Holzwarth R, Kolachevsky N, Udem T, Zimmermann M 2005 Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 363 2155Google Scholar


    Gao H, Vanderhaeghen M 2022 Rev. Mod. Phys. 94 015002Google Scholar


    Rooij R van, Borbely J S, Simonet J, Hoogerland M D, Eikema K S E, Rozendaal R A, Vassen W 2011 Science 333 196Google Scholar


    Sun Y R, Hu S M 2020 Natl. Sci. Rev. 7 1818Google Scholar


    Jentschura U D, Hass M 2004 Can. J. Phys. 82 103


    Rengelink  R J, Werf Y, Notermans  R, Jannin R, Eikema K S E, Hoogerland  M D Vassen W 2018 Nat. Phys. 14 1132Google Scholar


    Qi X Q, Zhang P P, Yan Z C, Drake G W, Zhong Z X, Shi T Y, Chen S L, Huang Y, Guan H, Gao K L 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 183002Google Scholar


    Sun W, Zhang P P, Zhou P P, Chen S L, Zhou Z Q, Huang Y, Qi X Q, Yan Z C, Shi T Y, Drake G W, Zhong Z X 2023 Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 103002Google Scholar


    Cozijn F, Diouf M, Ubachs W 2023 Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 073001Google Scholar


    Schiller S 2022 Contemporary Phys. 63 247Google Scholar


    Beyer A, Maisenbacher L, Matveev A, Pohl R, Khabarova K, Grinin A, Lamour T, Yost D C, Hänsch T W, Kolachevsky N, Udem T 2017 Science 358 79Google Scholar


    Zheng X, Sun Y R, Chen J J, Jiang W, Pachucki K, Hu S M 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 263002Google Scholar


    Indelicato P 2019 J. Phys. B 52 232001Google Scholar


    Karshenboim S G 2005 Phys. Rep. 422 1Google Scholar


    Hänsch T 2006 Rev. Mod. Phys. 78 1297Google Scholar


    Parthey C, Matveev A, Alnis J, Bernhardt B, Beyer A, Holzwarth R, Maistrou A, Pohl R, Predehl K, Udem T, Wilken T, Kolachevsky N, Abgrall M, Rovera D, Salomon C, Laurent P, and Hänsch T 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 203001Google Scholar


    Grinin A, Matveev A, Yost D C, Maisenbacher L, Wirthl V, Pohl R, Hänsch T W, Udem T 2020 Science 370 1061Google Scholar


    Bergeson S D, Balakrishnan A, Baldwin K G, Lucatorto T B, Marangos J P, McIlrath T J, O'Brian T R, Rolston S L, Sansonetti C J, Wen J, Westbrook N, Cheng C H, Eyler E E 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 3475Google Scholar


    Semczuk M 2009 M. S. Thesis (Warsaw: University of Warsaw


    Gohle C, Udem T, Herrmann M, Rauschenberger J, Holzwarth R, Schuessler H A, Krausz F, Hänsch T W 2005 Nature 436 234Google Scholar


    Jones R J, Moll K D, Thorpe M J, Ye J 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 193201Google Scholar


    Morgenweg J, Barmes I, Eikema K S 2014 Nat. Phys. 10 30Google Scholar


    Pupeza I, Holzberger S, Eidam T, Carstens H, Esser D, Weitenberg J, Rußbüldt P, Rauschenberger J, Limpert J, Udem T, Tünnermann A, Hänsch T W, Apolonski A, Krausz F, Fill E 2013 Nat. Photonics 7 608Google Scholar


    Porat G, Heyl C M, Schoun S B, Benko C, Dörre N, Corwin K L, Ye J 2018 Nat. Photonics 12 387Google Scholar


    Zhang C, Ooi T, Higgins J S, Doyle J F, von der Wense L, Beeks K, Leitner A, Kazakov G, Li P, Thirolf P G, Schumm T, Ye J 2024 Nature 633 63Google Scholar


    Dreissen L S, Roth C, Gründeman E L, Krauth J J, Favier M G, Eikema K S 2020 Phys. Rev. A 101 052509Google Scholar


    Altmann R, Galtier S, Dreissen L, Eikema K 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 173201Google Scholar


    Haas M, Jentschura U, Keitel C, Kolachevsky N, Herrmann M, Fendel P, Fischer M, Udem T, Holzwarth R, Hänsch T, Scully M, Agarwal G 2006 Phys. Rev. A 73 052501Google Scholar


    Herrmann M, Haas M, Jentschura U D, Kottmann F, Leibfried D, Saathoff G, Gohle C, Ozawa A, Batteiger V, Knünz S, Kolachevsky N, Schüssler H, Hänsch T, Udem T 2009 Phys. Rev. A 79 052505Google Scholar


    Moreno J, Schmid F, Weitenberg J, Karshenboim S G, Hänsch T W, Udem T, Ozawa A 2023 Eur. Phys. J. D 77 67Google Scholar


    Krauth J J, Dreissen L S, Roth C, Gründeman E L, Collombon M, Favier M, Eikema K S 2019 arXiv: 1910.13192


    Chen T, Du L J, Song H F, Liu P L, Huang Y, Tong X, Guan H, Gao K L 2015 Chin. Phys. Lett. 32 083701Google Scholar


    Eyler1 E, Chieda1 D, Stowe M, Thorpe M, Schibli T, Ye J 2008 Eur. Phys. J. D 48 43Google Scholar


    Kandula D Z, Gohle C, Pinkert T J, Ubachs W, Eikema K S 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 063001Google Scholar


    Scheidegger S , Merkt F 2024 Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 113001Google Scholar


    Zhang J, Hua L Q, Yu S G, Chen Z, Liu X J 2019 Chin. Phys. B 28 044206


    Zhang J, Hua L Q, Chen Z, Zhu M, Gong C, Liu X J, 2020 Chin. Phys. Lett. 37 124203


    Holzwarth R, Nevsky A Y, Zimmermann M, Udem T, Hänsch T W, Von Zanthier J, Walther H, Knight J C, Wadsworth W J, Russell P S, Skvortsov M N, Bagayev N 2001 Appl. Phys. B 73 269Google Scholar


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  • 图 1  直接频率梳光谱方法原理示意图 (a)重复频率和相位精确锁定的飞秒脉冲; (b)频率域对应的梳齿; (c)原子能级

    Fig. 1.  A schematically view of the principle of the direct frequency comb spectroscopy: (a) Femtosecond pulse trains after carrier-envelop phase stabilization; (b) comb teeth in the frequency domain; (c) atomic energy level.

    图 2  大范围扫描光梳重复频率得到原子上能态布居数演化的示意图

    Fig. 2.  A schematically view of the population oscillation when scanning the fr of the frequency comb for a large range.

    图 3  拉姆齐频率梳光谱方法原理示意图[23] (a)单一原子能级情况下扫描脉冲延时布居数的演化规律; (b)多原子能级情况下扫描脉冲延时布居数的演化规律

    Fig. 3.  A schematically view of the principle of the Ramsey comb spectroscopy[23]: (a) The population of the upper state oscillate with a single frequency if only one transition is excited; (b) the population of the upper state oscillate with multiple frequencies if multiple transitions are excited.

    图 4  利用极紫外光梳测量冷却氦离子1s→2s跃迁的方案示意图[31]

    Fig. 4.  A schematic view of measuring the 1s→2s transition in cold He+ with extreme ultraviolet comb [31].

    图 5  利用极紫外波段的拉姆齐光梳测量冷却氦离子1s→2s跃迁的方案示意图[32]

    Fig. 5.  A schematically view of measuring the 1s→2s transition in cold He+ with Ramsey comb spectroscopy in the extreme ultraviolet region [32].

    图 6  基于(2+1) REMPI方案激发氦原子1s→2s跃迁并测量氦离子随激光频率变化的离子产率[19]

    Fig. 6.  Measurement of the 1s→2s transition of He using the (2+1) REMPI scheme and measurement of the yield of He+ while tuning the excitation frequency[19].

    图 7  H原子1s→2s跃迁频率的各种修正计算[52]

    Fig. 7.  Corrections of different effects to the 1s→2s transition of H atom [52].

    图 8  氢原子1s→2s跃迁频率的比较, 蓝色代表的是实验测量结果, 洋红色代表的是理论计算值

    Fig. 8.  Comparison of the experimental (blue) and calculated (magenta) results of the 1s→2s transition of H atom.

    图 9  氦-4原子1s→2s跃迁频率的比较, 蓝色代表的是实验测量值, 洋红色代表的是唯一的理论计算结果

    Fig. 9.  Comparison of the experimental (blue) and calculated (magenta) results of the 1s→2s transition of He atom.

    图 10  利用真空紫外光梳直接测量钍的核能级跃迁[26]

    Fig. 10.  Direct spectroscopic measurement of Th nuclear electric quadrupole structure [26].

  • [1]

    Hänsch T W, Shaolow A L, Series G W 1979 Sc. Am. 240 94Google Scholar


    Hänsch T W, Alnis J, Fendel P, Fischer M, Gohle C, Herrmann M, Holzwarth R, Kolachevsky N, Udem T, Zimmermann M 2005 Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 363 2155Google Scholar


    Gao H, Vanderhaeghen M 2022 Rev. Mod. Phys. 94 015002Google Scholar


    Rooij R van, Borbely J S, Simonet J, Hoogerland M D, Eikema K S E, Rozendaal R A, Vassen W 2011 Science 333 196Google Scholar


    Sun Y R, Hu S M 2020 Natl. Sci. Rev. 7 1818Google Scholar


    Jentschura U D, Hass M 2004 Can. J. Phys. 82 103


    Rengelink  R J, Werf Y, Notermans  R, Jannin R, Eikema K S E, Hoogerland  M D Vassen W 2018 Nat. Phys. 14 1132Google Scholar


    Qi X Q, Zhang P P, Yan Z C, Drake G W, Zhong Z X, Shi T Y, Chen S L, Huang Y, Guan H, Gao K L 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 183002Google Scholar


    Sun W, Zhang P P, Zhou P P, Chen S L, Zhou Z Q, Huang Y, Qi X Q, Yan Z C, Shi T Y, Drake G W, Zhong Z X 2023 Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 103002Google Scholar


    Cozijn F, Diouf M, Ubachs W 2023 Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 073001Google Scholar


    Schiller S 2022 Contemporary Phys. 63 247Google Scholar


    Beyer A, Maisenbacher L, Matveev A, Pohl R, Khabarova K, Grinin A, Lamour T, Yost D C, Hänsch T W, Kolachevsky N, Udem T 2017 Science 358 79Google Scholar


    Zheng X, Sun Y R, Chen J J, Jiang W, Pachucki K, Hu S M 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 263002Google Scholar


    Indelicato P 2019 J. Phys. B 52 232001Google Scholar


    Karshenboim S G 2005 Phys. Rep. 422 1Google Scholar


    Hänsch T 2006 Rev. Mod. Phys. 78 1297Google Scholar


    Parthey C, Matveev A, Alnis J, Bernhardt B, Beyer A, Holzwarth R, Maistrou A, Pohl R, Predehl K, Udem T, Wilken T, Kolachevsky N, Abgrall M, Rovera D, Salomon C, Laurent P, and Hänsch T 2011 Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 203001Google Scholar


    Grinin A, Matveev A, Yost D C, Maisenbacher L, Wirthl V, Pohl R, Hänsch T W, Udem T 2020 Science 370 1061Google Scholar


    Bergeson S D, Balakrishnan A, Baldwin K G, Lucatorto T B, Marangos J P, McIlrath T J, O'Brian T R, Rolston S L, Sansonetti C J, Wen J, Westbrook N, Cheng C H, Eyler E E 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 3475Google Scholar


    Semczuk M 2009 M. S. Thesis (Warsaw: University of Warsaw


    Gohle C, Udem T, Herrmann M, Rauschenberger J, Holzwarth R, Schuessler H A, Krausz F, Hänsch T W 2005 Nature 436 234Google Scholar


    Jones R J, Moll K D, Thorpe M J, Ye J 2005 Phys. Rev. Lett. 94 193201Google Scholar


    Morgenweg J, Barmes I, Eikema K S 2014 Nat. Phys. 10 30Google Scholar


    Pupeza I, Holzberger S, Eidam T, Carstens H, Esser D, Weitenberg J, Rußbüldt P, Rauschenberger J, Limpert J, Udem T, Tünnermann A, Hänsch T W, Apolonski A, Krausz F, Fill E 2013 Nat. Photonics 7 608Google Scholar


    Porat G, Heyl C M, Schoun S B, Benko C, Dörre N, Corwin K L, Ye J 2018 Nat. Photonics 12 387Google Scholar


    Zhang C, Ooi T, Higgins J S, Doyle J F, von der Wense L, Beeks K, Leitner A, Kazakov G, Li P, Thirolf P G, Schumm T, Ye J 2024 Nature 633 63Google Scholar


    Dreissen L S, Roth C, Gründeman E L, Krauth J J, Favier M G, Eikema K S 2020 Phys. Rev. A 101 052509Google Scholar


    Altmann R, Galtier S, Dreissen L, Eikema K 2016 Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 173201Google Scholar


    Haas M, Jentschura U, Keitel C, Kolachevsky N, Herrmann M, Fendel P, Fischer M, Udem T, Holzwarth R, Hänsch T, Scully M, Agarwal G 2006 Phys. Rev. A 73 052501Google Scholar


    Herrmann M, Haas M, Jentschura U D, Kottmann F, Leibfried D, Saathoff G, Gohle C, Ozawa A, Batteiger V, Knünz S, Kolachevsky N, Schüssler H, Hänsch T, Udem T 2009 Phys. Rev. A 79 052505Google Scholar


    Moreno J, Schmid F, Weitenberg J, Karshenboim S G, Hänsch T W, Udem T, Ozawa A 2023 Eur. Phys. J. D 77 67Google Scholar


    Krauth J J, Dreissen L S, Roth C, Gründeman E L, Collombon M, Favier M, Eikema K S 2019 arXiv: 1910.13192


    Chen T, Du L J, Song H F, Liu P L, Huang Y, Tong X, Guan H, Gao K L 2015 Chin. Phys. Lett. 32 083701Google Scholar


    Eyler1 E, Chieda1 D, Stowe M, Thorpe M, Schibli T, Ye J 2008 Eur. Phys. J. D 48 43Google Scholar


    Kandula D Z, Gohle C, Pinkert T J, Ubachs W, Eikema K S 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 063001Google Scholar


    Scheidegger S , Merkt F 2024 Phys. Rev. Lett. 132 113001Google Scholar


    Zhang J, Hua L Q, Yu S G, Chen Z, Liu X J 2019 Chin. Phys. B 28 044206


    Zhang J, Hua L Q, Chen Z, Zhu M, Gong C, Liu X J, 2020 Chin. Phys. Lett. 37 124203


    Holzwarth R, Nevsky A Y, Zimmermann M, Udem T, Hänsch T W, Von Zanthier J, Walther H, Knight J C, Wadsworth W J, Russell P S, Skvortsov M N, Bagayev N 2001 Appl. Phys. B 73 269Google Scholar


    Cingöz A, Yost D C, Allison T K, Ruehl A, Fermann M E, Hartl I, Ye J 2012 Nature 482 68Google Scholar


    Ozawa A, Kobayashi Y 2013 Phys. Rev. A 87 022507Google Scholar


    Zhu M F, Xiao Z R, Zhang H Z, Hua L Q, Liu Y N, Zuo Z, Xu S P, Liu X J 2024 Opt. Lett. 49 3757Google Scholar


    Cavalieri S, Materazzi M, Eramo R 2002 Opt. Lasers Eng. 37 577Google Scholar


    Witte S, Zinkstok R T, Ubachs W, Hogervorst W, Eikema K S 2005 Science 307 400Google Scholar


    Ramsey N F 1949 Phys. Rev. 76 996Google Scholar


    Pohl R, Antognini1A, Nez F, Amaro F, Biraben F, Cardoso J, Covita D, Dax A, Dhawan S, Fernandes L, Giesen A, Graf T, Hansch T, Indelicato P, Julien L, Kao C, Knowles P, Bigot E, Liu Y, Lopes J, Ludhova L, Monteiro C, Mulhauser F, Nebel T, Rabinowitz P, Santos J, Schaller L, Schuhmann K, Schwob C, Taqqul1 D, Veloso J, Kottmann F 2010 Nature 466 213Google Scholar


    Brandt A D, Cooper S F, Rasor C, Burkley Z, Matveev A, Yost D 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 023001Google Scholar


    Karshenboim S G., Ivanov V G 2002 Eur. Phys. J. D 19 13Google Scholar


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