The characteristics of the radio frequency plasma jets at atmospheric pressure in Ar/SiCl4/H2 gas mixture were studied in this paper by using optical emission spectroscopy. Firstly, the electron excitation temperature of plasmas was calculated from the Si atom spectral emission using Boltzmann plots, and then, based on the temperature, the number density of the Si atoms in the plasmas and the dissociation ratio of the SiCl4 were estimated. Finally, the dependence of the excitation temperature, the number density of the Si atoms and the dissociation ratio of the SiCl4 on the discharge power and the gas flow rate were presented.
- atmospheric pressure plasma jet /
- plasma emission spectra /
- electron excitation temperature /
- polycrystalline silicon thin film
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[1] [1]Guo Z Q, Shen H, Liu Z Y, Wen L S 2006 Mater. Rev. 20 41(in Chinese) [郭志球、沈辉、刘正义、闻立时 2006 材料导报 20 41]
[2] [2]Surek T 2005 J. Cryst. Growth 275 292
[3] [3]Slaoui A, Pihan E, Focsa A 2006 Solar En. Mater. Solar Cells 90 1542
[4] [4]Haijun Jia, Hajime Shirai 2006 Thin Solid Films 506-507 27
[5] [5]Focsa A, Gordon I, Auger J.M, Slaoui A, Beaucarne G, Poortmans J, Maurice C 2008 Renew. Energ. 33 267
[6] [6]Okada T, Higashi S, Kaku H, Koba N, Murakami H, Miyazaki S 2007 Thin Solid Films 515 4897
[7] [7]Kakiuchi H, Matsumoto M,Ebata Y, Ohmi H, Yasutake K, Yoshii K, Mori Y 2005 J. Non-Cryst. Solids 351 741
[8] [8]Wang L J, Zhu M F, Liu F Z, Liu J L, Han Y Q 2003 Acta Phys. Sin. 52 2934 (in Chinese) [汪六九、朱美芳、刘丰珍、刘金龙、韩一琴 2003 物理学报 52 2934]
[9] [9]Zhu Z S,Lin X Y, Yu Y P, Lin K X, Qiu G M, Huang R, Yu C Y 2005 Acta Phys. Sin. 54 3805 (in Chinese) [祝祖送、林璇英、余云鹏、林揆训、邱桂明、黄锐、余楚迎 2005 物理学报 54 3805]
[10] ]Liu L Y, Zhang J L, Wang D Z 2009 Plasma Sci. Technol. 11 69
[11] ]Schütze A, Jeong J Y, Babayan S E, Park J, Selwyn G S, HicksR F 1998 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 26 1685
[12] ]Cooper J 1964 Plasma Spectroscopy (Plasma Physics Group, Imperial College, London)43
[13] ]Sansonetti J E, Martin W C Handbook of Basic Atomic Spectrosco-pic Data,http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/Handbook
[14] ]Wang X C, Wang N H, Ding Z F 2007 Plasma Sci. Technol. 9 570
[15] ]Tu X, Lu S Y, Yan J H, Ma Z Y, Pan X C, Cen K F, Cheron Bruno 2006 Spectrosc. Spect. Ana. 26 1785 (in Chinese) [屠昕、陆胜勇、严建华、马增益、潘新潮、岑可法 2006 光谱学与光谱分析 26 1785]
[16] ]Yan J H, Tu X, Ma Z Y, Pan X C, Cen K F, Bruno C 2006 Acta Phys. Sin. 55 3451 (in Chinese) [严建华、屠昕、马增益、潘新潮、岑可法、Bruno C 2006 物理学报 55 3451]
[17] ]Dong L F, Ran J X, Mao Z G 2005 Acta. Phys. Sin. 54 2167 (in Chinese) [董丽芳、冉俊霞、毛志国 2005 物理学报 54 2167]
[18] ]Benson S W 1965 J. Chem. Educ. 42 502
[19] ]Martin W C,Zalubas R 1983 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 12 323
[20] ]Radziemski L J, Kaufman V J 1969 Opt. Soc. Am. 59 424
[21] ]Velchev I, Hogervorst W, Ubachs W 1999 Physica B 32 L511
[22] ]Johnson W R, Soff G 1985 At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 33 405
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