To further reveal the physical mechanism of the saturated electron temperature which is about 50-60 eV in the discharge channel of Hall thruster, the effect of electron temperature anisotropy (ETA) on plasma-wall interaction in Hall thruster is studied by using a 2D3V particle-in-cell sheath dynamic model. Some important physical parameters such as electron-wall collision frequency, electron energy deposition at wall and the cooling effect of near-wall sheath on channel electron are calculated. Numerical results indicate that the influence of ETA on plasma-wall interaction is neglectable when electron temperature is low. However, when Te>24 eV, the ETA can significantly reduce electron-wall collision frequency, thereby reducing the electron energy deposition at wall and weakening the cooling effect of near-wall sheath on channel electron. It suggests that the anisotropy of electron temperature tends to increase the saturated electron temperature in the discharge channel of Hall thruster through remarkably weakening the interaction between channel electron and wall.
- Hall thruster /
- electron temperature anisotropy /
- plasma-wall interaction /
- particle-in-cell simulation
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[1] Kim V 1998 J. Propul. Power. 14 736
[2] Zhurin V V, Kaufman H R, Robinson R S 1999 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 8 R1
[3] Raitses Y, Ashkenazy J, Appelbaum G 1997 25th International Electric Propulsion Conference Cleveland, USA, October, 1997 97-056
[4] Ahedo E, Gallardo J M, Martinez-Sanchez M 2003 Phys. Plasmas 10 3397
[5] Yu D R, Zhang F K, Li H, Liu H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 3 (in Chinese) [于达仁, 张凤奎, 李鸿, 刘辉 2009 物理学报 58 3]
[6] Barral S, Makowski K, Peradzynski Z, Gascon N, Dudeck M 2003 Phys. Plasmas 10 4137
[7] Sydorenko D, Smolyakov A, Kaganovich I, Raitses Y 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 014501
[8] Sydorenko D, Smolyakov A, Kaganovich I, Raitses Y 2006 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 34 815
[9] Raitses Y, Staack D, Keidar M, Fisch N J 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 057104
[10] Yu D R, Zhang F K, Liu H, Li H, Yan G J, Liu J Y 2008 Phys. Plasmas 15 104501
[11] Yu D R, Li H, Wu Z W, Mao W 2007 Phys. Plasmas 14 064505
[12] Smirnov A, Raitses Y, Fisch N J 2003 J. Appl. Phys. 94 852
[13] Hobbs G D, Wesson J A 1967 Plasma Phys. 9 85
[14] Raitses Y, Staack D, Smirnov A, Fisch N J 2005 Phys. Plasmas 12 073507
[15] Raitses Y, Smirnov A, Staack D, Fisch N J 2006 Phys. Plasmas 13 014502
[16] Zhang F K, Ding Y J 2011 Acta Phys. Sin. 60 065203 (in Chinese) [张凤奎, 丁永杰 2011 物理学报 60 065203]
[17] Morozov A I, Savelyev V V 2004 Plasma Phys. Rep. 30 299
[18] Morozov A I, Savelyev V V 2002 Plasma Phys. Rep. 28 1017
[19] Mazouffre S, Echegut P, Dudeck M 2007 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 16 13
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