A series of aluminum matrix nanocomposite films are synthesized by magnetron sputtering of Al and TiN targets. The composition, microstructure and mechanical property of the composite film are characterized by energy dispersive spectroscopic, X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscope and nanoindenter. The influences of (Ti, N) content of supersaturated solute Ti,N atoms on the microstructure and mechanical property of the composite films are investigated. The results reveal that the composite film with adding Ti,N atoms together forms a dual-supersaturated solid solution exhibiting both features of substitutional and interstitial solid solution. Higher solute content induced gradual evolutions of nanocrystallization and amorphization of grains in film and solute enrichment occured at the grain boundaries. Correspondingly, the composite film containing 1.8 at.% (Ti, N) can rapidly reach a hardness of 3.9 GPa, and further increasing TiN content to 17.1 at% (Ti, N) the film hardness achieves 8.8 GPa demonstrating the significant strengthening effect of dual-supersaturation of Ti and N on aluminum film.
- magnetron sputtering /
- aluminum matrix nanocomposite film /
- microstructure /
- mechanical property
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[1] Sanchette F, Billard A 2001 Surf. Coat. Technol. 142 218
[2] Boukhris N, Lallouche S, Debilia M Y, Draissia M 2009 Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 45 30501
[3] Perez A, Sanchette F, Billard A, Rébéré C, Berziou C, Touzain S, Creus J 2012 Mater. Chem. Phys. 132 154
[4] Rupert T J, Trenkle J C, Schuh C A 2011 Acta Mater. 59 1619
[5] Mayrhofer P H, Mitterer C, Hultman L, Clemens H 2006 Prog. Mater. Sci 51 1032
[6] Silva M, Wille C, Klement U, Choi P, Al-Kassab T 2007 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 445 31
[7] Liu F 2005 Appl. Phys. A 81 1095
[8] Meng Q P, Rong Y H, Hsu T Y 2007 Mater. Sci. Eng. A 471 22
[9] Pinkas M, Frage N, Froumin N, Pelleg J, Dariel M P 2002 J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 20 887
[10] Fleischer R L 1964 The Strengthening of Metals (New York, NY: Reinhold Publishing Corp.) p93
[11] Labusch R 1970 Phys. Status Solidi 41 659
[12] Suzuki H 1957 Dislocations and Mechanical Properties of Crystals (New York: J. Wiley) p361
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