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Iterative denoising of ghost imaging based on adaptive threshold method

Zhou Yang Zhang Hong-Wei Zhong Fei Guo Shu-Xu


Iterative denoising of ghost imaging based on adaptive threshold method

Zhou Yang, Zhang Hong-Wei, Zhong Fei, Guo Shu-Xu
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  • Ghost imaging (GI) is an important technique in the fields of quantum imaging and classical optical imaging, and it can solve the problems which are difficult to solve by the traditional imaging techniques in the optically harsh environments. In this paper, we present the iterative denoising of GI based on an adaptive threshold method. This method is abbreviated as IDGI-AT, which takes the advantages of adaptive threshold, differential, binarization and iterative operation method, and can enhance image quality in GI. In addition, this method can reduce the number of measurements. As is well known, the enormous number of measurements and poor reconstruction quality are obstacles to the engineering application of GI. The correlation noise leads to low signal-to-noise ratio and low imaging efficiency in GI as well. Therefore, we establish a denoising model, which can reduce correlation noise and improve reconstruction quality. We first analyze the iterative denoising of ghost imaging (IDGI) theory, and use the adaptive threshold technique to calculate the ideal threshold associated with the correlation noise. It should be noted that the threshold can be obtained by this method under the condition without requiring prior knowledge of the object. Afterwards, we can construct the correlation noise in this denoising model. In the IDGI, the differential ghost imaging (DGI) image is taken as the initial iteration value. We use the adaptive threshold method, which is different from IDGI, to binarize the initial value of each iteration to make it closer to the original object's transmission coefficient. After three iterations, we can obtain a higher-quality reconstruction image. In order to demonstrate that the IDGI-AT is available, a GI experimental system with a pseudo-thermal light source is set up. The considerable simulation and experimental results show the advantage of our scheme in terms of removing reconstruction image background noise. Especially, the visual effects and peak signal-to-noise ratio values are improved in comparison with those from the traditional GI, DGI and IDGI. Besides, we demonstrate the role of binarization in our scheme. For a binary object, the iterative value binarization can achieve better image quality than that in the case without binarizing the iterative initial value. Therefore, this novel method is likely to provide an alternative mean for GI and further pave the way for the application fields of GI, such as lidar, biomedical engineering, etc.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61627823).

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    Bertolotti J, van Putten E G, Blum C, Lagendijk A, Vos W L, Mosk A P 2012 Nature 491 232


    Zhao C, Gong W, Chen M, Li E, Wang H, Xu W, Han S 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 141123


    Zhao S, Wang L, Liang W, Cheng W, Gong L 2015 Opt. Commun. 353 90


    Li S, Yao X R, Yu W K, Wu L A, Zhai G J 2013 Opt. Lett. 38 2144


    Le M, Wang G, Zheng H, Liu J, Zhou Y, Xu Z 2017 Opt. Express 25 22859


    Ren H, Zhao S, Gruska J 2018 Opt. Express 26 550


    Brown R H, Twiss R Q 1956 Nature 177 27


    Klyshko D N 1988 Sov. Phys. JETP 67 1131


    Pittman T B, Shih Y H, Strekalov D V, Sergienko A V 1995 Phys. Rev. A 52 R3429


    Bai Y, Han S 2009 J. Mod. Opt. 56 851


    Zerom P, Shi Z, O'Sullivan M N, Chan K W C, Krogstad M, Shapiro J H, Boyd R W 2012 Phys. Rev. A 86 063817


    Luo K, Huang B, Zheng W, Wu L 2012 Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 074216


    Yuan S, Liu X, Zhou X, Li Z, Yang Y 2016 J. Opt. 45 92


    Ferri F, Magatti D, Lugiato L A, Gatti A 2010 Phys. Rev. Lett. 104 253603


    Sun B, Welsh S S, Edgar M P, Shapiro J H, Padgett M J 2012 Opt. Express 20 16892


    Katz O, Bromberg Y, Silberberg Y 2009 Appl. Phys. Lett. 95 131110


    Zhao S, Zhuang P 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 054203


    Huo Y, He H, Chen F 2016 Appl. Opt. 55 3356


    Zhang C, Guo S, Cao J, Guan J, Gao F 2014 Opt. Express 22 30063


    Gong W 2015 Photon. Res. 3 234


    Yao X R, Yu W K, Liu X F, Li L Z, Li M F, Wu L A, Zhai G J 2014 Opt. Express 22 24268


    Li G, Yang Z, Zhao Y, Yan R, Liu X, Liu B 2017 Laser Phys. Lett. 14 025207


    Li G, Yang Z, Yan R, Zhang A, Wu L A, Qu S 2018 Optik 161 20


    Yang C, Wang C, Guan J, Zhang C, Guo S, Gong W, Gao F 2016 Photon. Res. 4 281

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  • Received Date:  27 June 2018
  • Accepted Date:  29 August 2018
  • Published Online:  20 December 2019

