High-energy spin-polarized electron and positron beams and γ-rays have plenty of significant applications in high-energy, laboratory astro- and nuclear physics, and the efficient generation of such polarized beams attracts a broad research interest. Recently, with the rapid development of ultrashort ultraintense laser pulse technology, the modern laser pulses can achieve a peak intensity in a range of 1022—
$10^{23}$ W/cm2 with a pulse duration of tens of femtoseconds. The interaction mechanisms between such a laser pulse and matter have been spanned from linear regime to nonlinear regime due to multiphoton absorbtion, such as nonlinear Compton scattering and Breit-Wheeler pair production. Employing spin-dependent nonlinear Compton scattering and multiphoton Breit-Wheeler scattering in laser-matter interaction paves a new way for generating the high-polarized high-density high-energy electron and positron beams and γ-rays with tens of femtoseconds in pulse duration. This article briefly reviews the research progress of polarized electron and positron beams and γ-rays generated by laser-matter interaction, and also introduces the principles and main conclusions.-
- quantum electrodynamics /
- relativistic laser pulse /
- polarized electron and positron beams /
- polarized γ-rays
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图 1 (a)电子的空间轨迹; (b)相向传播的强度分别为a0 = 200, 600与2000的两束圆偏振激光脉冲形成的驻波磁节点上电子的极化度随时间的变化. 实线代表电子初始时间处于静止状态, 虚线表示初始做螺旋运动的电子[65]
Figure 1. (a) Spatial trajectory and (b) relative degree of spin polarization antiparallel for electrons at the magnetic node of two counter-propagating laser fields with a0 = 200, 600 and 2000. Continuous lines refer to electrons initially at rest and dashed lines to electrons settled in the circular trajectory from the outset[65]
图 2 散射电子的横向动量与自旋(箭头)的分布. 箭头的长短表示动量为
${ p}_\perp^\prime$ 的电子极化度的大小[66]Figure 2. Transverse momentum distribution of the scattered electrons (as a heatmap) and the polarization of scattered electrons transverse to the beam axis (arrows). The length of the arrows indicates the magnitude of the polarization for a given
${ p}_\perp^\prime$ [66]图 3 (a)散射电子束的自旋分量
$S_y$ 的横向角分布; (b)散射电子束数密度${\rm{log}}_{10}[{\rm{d}}^2 N_{\rm e}/({\rm{d}}\theta_x{\rm{d}}{\theta_y})]$ ${\rm {rad}}^{-2}$ 的横向角分布; (c)散射电子束的平均自旋$\overline{S}_y$ (紫红色实线)与电子数密度${\rm{log}}_{10}({\rm{d}}N_{{e}}/{\rm{d}}{\theta_y})$ (黑色虚线)随$\theta_y$ 的变化; (d)电子自旋在$y$ 方向的平均值$\overline{S}_y$ 与被极化电子束数目与电子总数的比值$N_{\rm{e}}^{\rm p}/N_{\rm e}$ 的关系, 红色与蓝色的曲线分别代表电子的自旋与$+y$ 轴平行或者反平行[71]Figure 3. (a) Transverse distribution of the electron spin component
$S_y$ vs. the deflection angles$\theta_x$ =arctan$(p_x/p_z)$ and$\theta_y$ =arctan$(p_y/p_z)$ ; (b) transverse distribution of the electron density${\rm{log}}_{10}[{\rm{d}}^2 N_{\rm e}/({\rm{d}}\theta_x{\rm{d}}{\theta_y})]$ ${\rm {rad}}^{-2}$ ; (c) averagy spin$\overline{S}_y$ (magenta solid) and electron distribution${\rm {log}}_{10}({\rm{d}}N_{\rm e}/{\rm{d}}\theta_y)$ (black dashed) vs.$\theta_y$ ; (d) ratio of polarized electron number$N_{\rm e}^{\rm p}$ to total electron number$N_{\rm e}$ vs. the beam average spin$\overline{S}_y$ . The rad (right) and blue (left) curves repersent the polarization parallel and antiparallel to the$+y$ axis, respectively[71]图 4 (a)
$\chi_{\rm e}=1$ , (b)$\chi_{\rm e}=0.1$ 时方程(2)中与电子自旋有关的一项占总概率的比重,$\text {δ} W_{\rm spin}\equiv W_{\rm spin}/(W_{\rm rad}-W_{\rm spin})$ ,$W_{\rm rad}$ 与$W_{\rm spin}$ 分别是总辐射概率与方程(2)中和自旋相关的项, 红色与蓝色实线分别表示电子初始自旋${ S}_{\rm i}$ 与SQA轴平行或者反平行; (c) 椭圆(线)偏振平面波中的电子动量. 在图(c2)和图(c3)中红色向上(蓝色向下)的箭头表示自旋与$+y$ 方向平行(反平行)[71]Figure 4. Relative magnitude of the spin-dependent term in the radiation probability of Eq.(2) with (a)
$\chi_{\rm e}=1$ and (b)$\chi_{\rm e}=0.1$ , respectively.$\text {δ} W_{\rm spin}\equiv W_{\rm spin}/(W_{\rm rad}-W_{\rm spin})$ ,$W_{\rm rad}$ and$W_{\rm spin}$ are the total radiation probability and the spin-dependent term in Eq.(2), respectively. Red and blue curves denote${ S}_{\rm i}$ parallel and antiparallel to SQA, respectively. (c) Electron momenta in elliptically polarized (linearly polarized) plane waves. The colored circles indicate the photon emission points in the laser field and the corresponding electron final momenta. The red-up (blue-down) arrows indicate “pin-up” (“spin-down”) with respect to$+y$ axis in panel (c2) and panel (c3)[71].图 5 相对相位
$\phi=\pi/2$ 时 (a)横向电场分量$E_x$ 随激光相位$\eta$ 的变化; (b)平均极化度$\overline{S}_y$ 在横向和纵向动量$p_x$ ,$p_z$ 上的分布; (c)电子数密度的分布; (d)自旋向上(红色实线)与自旋向下(蓝色虚线)电子的能谱. 自旋向上与自旋向下分别指电子自旋平行或者反平行于$+y$ 方向[77]Figure 5.
$\phi=\pi/2$ : (a) Laser field$E_x$ with respect to$\eta$ ; (b) distribution of the average polarization$\overline{S}_y$ vs. longitudinal and transverse momenta$p_x$ and$p_z$ , respectively; (c) number density distributions of electrons vs.$p_x$ and$p_z$ ; (d) energy spectra of spin-up and spin-down electrons, respectively. Note that “spin-up” and “spin-down” indicate the electron spin parallel and antiparallel to the$+y$ axis, respectively[77].图 9 (a)一束沿
$+z$ 方向传播的任意偏振(AP)的激光脉冲与相向运动的纵向自旋极化(LSP)电子束对撞产生圆偏振(CP)伽马射线示意图; (b)一束沿$+z$ 方向传播的椭圆偏振(EP)激光脉冲与相向运动的横向自旋极化(TSP)电子束对撞产生线偏振(LP)伽马射线示意图[118]Figure 9. (a) An arbitrarily polarized (AP) laser pulse propagating along
$+z$ direction and head-on colliding with a longitudinally spin-polarized (LSP) electron bunch produces circularly polarized (CP)$\gamma$ -rays; (b) an elliptically polarized (EP) laser pulse propagating along$+z$ direction and head-on colliding with a transversely spin-polarized (TSP) electron bunch produces linearly polarized (LP)$\gamma$ -rays[118]. -
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