The slit imaging spectrometer is one of the important tools for solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectral imaging detection. However, at present, there is no such instrument load in China. The research of solar physics and space weather in the field of EUV spectral diagnosis mainly depends on foreign instrument data, which seriously restricts the development of related disciplines. The spectral imaging instruments that have been launched internationally have only a spatial resolution of
$2''$ , and it is difficult to observe the core characteristics of the plasma related to the coronal heating mechanism predicted by the theoretical model. In order to better understand the coupling process between different layers of the sun’s atmosphere, solar physics research requires the observed data with wider spectral coverage. In light of this, we propose and design a sub-angular second spatially resolved solar extreme ultraviolet broadband imaging spectrometer operating in a band range of 62–80 nm and 92–110 nm. Compared with the existing instruments, the system can achieve high spatial resolution and spectral resolution, and wide spectral range coverage. Performance evaluation results indicate that the imaging spectrometer’s spatial resolutions in both bands are better than 0.4'', and their spectral resolutions are both better than 0.007 nm, with spectral imaging quality approaching the diffraction limit. The system designed in this work holds significant reference value for developing the first Chinese space-based solar EUV spectroscopic instrument in the future.-
- solar extreme ultraviolet /
- optical design /
- imaging spectrometer /
- toroidal varied line-space grating
[1] 杨孟飞, 代树武, 王颖, 朱成林, 杨尚斌, 张也驰 2022 中国空间科学技术 42 1
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Yang M F, Dai S W, Wang Y, Zhu C L, Yang S B, Zhang Y C 2022 Chin. Space Sci. Technol. 42 1
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[2] 颜毅华, 邓元勇, 甘为群, 丁明德, 田晖, 朱小帅 2023 空间科学学报 43 199
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Yan Y H, Deng Y Y, Gan W Q, Ding M D, Tian H, Zhu X S 2023 Chin. J. Space Sci. 43 199
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[3] 陈鹏飞 2021 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 51 119632
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Chen P F 2021 Sci. Sin. -Phys. Mech. Astron. 51 119632
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[4] 白先勇, 田晖, 邓元勇, 陈亚杰, 侯振永, 杨子浩, 张志勇, 段帷, 李文显, 郭思璠 2023 空间科学学报 43 406
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[5] Domingo V, Fleck B, Poland A I 1995 Sol. Phys. 162 1
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[6] Wilhelm K, Axford W I, Curdt W, Gabriel A H, Grewing M, Huber M C E, Jordan S D, Kuehne M, Lemaire P, Marsch E 1995 Sol. Phys. 162 189
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[12] Anderson M, Appourchaux T, Auchère F, et al. 2020 Astron. Astrophys. 642 A14
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[14] Li C, Fang C, Li Z, et al. 2022 Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 65 289602
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[15] Gan W Q, Zhu C, Deng Y Y, et al. 2019 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 19 156
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[16] Zhang P, Hu X Q, Lu Q F, Zhu A J, Lin M Y, Sun L, Chen L, Xu N 2022 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 39 1
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[17] Chen B, Zhang X X, He L P, et al. 2022 Light-Sci. Appl. 11 329
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[20] Poletto L, Thomas R J 2004 Appl. Opt. 43 2029
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[21] Poletto L, Gasparotto A, Tondello G, Thomas R J 2004 UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 21–25, 2004 p898
[22] Larruquert J I, Keski-Kuha R A M 2000 Appl. Opt. 39 1537
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[23] 王丽辉, 何玲平, 王孝坤, 尼启良, 陈波 2008 光学精密工程 16 42
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Wang L H, He L P, Wang X K, Ni Q L, Chen B 2008 Opt. Precis. Eng. 16 42
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[24] 汪毓明, 季海生, 王亚敏, 等 2020 中国科学: 技术科学 50 1243
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[25] 林隽, 黄善杰, 李燕, 等 2021 空间科学学报 41 183
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Ji H S, Wang Y M, Wang J X 2019 Sci. Sin. Phys. Mech. Astron. 49 059605
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[27] 杨孟飞, 汪景琇, 王赤, 等 2023 科学通报 68 859
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[28] 邓元勇, 周桂萍, 代树武, 等 2023 科学通报 68 298
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图 9 系统像元空间分辨率评价 (a) 垂直狭缝方向的像元空间分辨率; (b) 62—80 nm波段平行狭缝方向的像元空间分辨率; (c) 92—110 nm波段平行狭缝方向的像元空间分辨率
Figure 9. System spatial plate scale evaluation: (a) Spatial plate scale perpendicular to the slit; (b) spatial plate scale parallel to the slit in 62–80 nm wavelengths; (c) spatial plate scale parallel to the slit in 92–110 nm wavelengths.
图 11 反射膜层、滤光片、TVLS光栅效率和探测器量子效率随波长的变化曲线 (a) 热压B4C单层膜的反射率曲线; (b) 厚度为150 nm铝滤光片的透过率曲线; (c) 光栅效率; (d) 探测器量子效率
Figure 11. Curves of reflective film, filter, TVLS grating efficiency and detector quantum efficiency change with wavelength: (a) Reflectance curve of hot-pressed B4C single-layer film; (b) transmission curve of Al filter with thickness of 150 nm; (c) grating efficiency; (d) detector quantum efficiency.
图 13 光谱(Smile)畸变和空间(Keystone)畸变 (a) 不同波长的Smile畸变; (b) 62—80 nm波段不同视场的Keystone畸变; (c) 92—110 nm波段不同视场的Keystone畸变
Figure 13. Spectral (Smile) distortion and spatial (Keystone) distortion: (a) Smile distortion of different wavelengths; (b) Keystone distortion of different field of view in 62–80 nm wavelengths; (c) Keystone distortion of different field of view in 92–110 nm wavelengths.
表 1 亚角秒空间分辨的太阳极紫外宽波段成像光谱仪技术指标
Table 1. Specifications of the sub-angular second spatial resolved solar extreme ultraviolet broadband imaging spectrometer.
Performance parameters Design values Satellite orbit Dawn-dusk solar
synchronous orbitEntrance aperture/mm2 156 × 156 Slit FOV/('' ) 4.8 Wavelength range/nm 62—80 & 92—110 & 46—55 (2nd order) Spectral resolution/nm ≤ 0.007 Spatial plate scale/(('' )·pixel–1) ≤ 0.5 Spatial resolution/('' ) ≤ 1.0 System focal length/mm 11000 Optical volume/mm3 ≤ 2800 × 500 × 450 Pixel size of detector/μm 15 (1536 × 1536) 表 2 亚角秒空间分辨的太阳极紫外宽波段成像光谱仪技术指标和元件参数
Table 2. Specifications and optical element parameters of sub-angular second spatial resolved solar extreme ultraviolet broadband imaging spectrometer.
Specification Wavelength range@SW/nm 62—80 Wavelength range@LW/nm 92—110 & 46—55
(2nd order)Spectral resolution@SW/nm 0.00615 Spectral resolution@LW/nm 0.00642 Spatial plate scale
@SW/(('' )·pixel–1)0.340(@71 nm) Spatial plate scale
@LW/(('' )·pixel–1)0.382(@101 nm) System focal length/mm 11000 Optical volume/mm3 2600 × 420 × 400 Detector/μm 15 (1536 × 1536) Telescope design Aperture/mm2 156 × 156 RT/mm 4320.025 Conic –1 $\varDelta $/mm 120 Slit design Slits width/('' ) 0.28, 1, 2, 40 Slits length/('' ) 288 Raster coverage/('' ) ±144 TVLS grating design m +1 order 1/d0/mm–1 1500 β 5.177×@SW;
5.261×@LWi/(°) 0.909 rA/mm 440.667 R/mm 735.545 ρ/mm 737.138 b2 0.0349 Groove density/(lines·mm–1) 1500 ± 4 Ruling area/mm2 36 × 36 Two independent detectors design Wavelength range/nm Tilt angle/(°) 62—80 15.259 92—110 17.824 表 3 系统关键元件的公差容限
Table 3. Tolerance limits of key components of the system.
Component Tolerance items Values of tolerances Primary mirror Surface irregularity (RMS) λ/20
(λ = 632.8 nm)Conic ±0.005 Radius of curvature/mm ±3.6 Microroughness (RMS)/nm 0.4 Element decenter/μm ±50 Element tilt/('' ) ±15 TVLS grating Substrate irregularity (RMS) λ/30
(λ = 632.8 nm)Line density/
(groove·mm–1)±0.65 Radius of curvature/mm ±0.3 Microroughness (RMS)/nm 0.8 Element decenter/μm ±20 Element tilt/('' ) ±60 Slit
assemblyElement decenter/μm ±20 Element tilt/(°) ±0.03 -
[1] 杨孟飞, 代树武, 王颖, 朱成林, 杨尚斌, 张也驰 2022 中国空间科学技术 42 1
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Yang M F, Dai S W, Wang Y, Zhu C L, Yang S B, Zhang Y C 2022 Chin. Space Sci. Technol. 42 1
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[2] 颜毅华, 邓元勇, 甘为群, 丁明德, 田晖, 朱小帅 2023 空间科学学报 43 199
Google Scholar
Yan Y H, Deng Y Y, Gan W Q, Ding M D, Tian H, Zhu X S 2023 Chin. J. Space Sci. 43 199
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[3] 陈鹏飞 2021 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 51 119632
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Chen P F 2021 Sci. Sin. -Phys. Mech. Astron. 51 119632
Google Scholar
[4] 白先勇, 田晖, 邓元勇, 陈亚杰, 侯振永, 杨子浩, 张志勇, 段帷, 李文显, 郭思璠 2023 空间科学学报 43 406
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Bai X Y, Tian H, Deng Y Y, Chen Y J, Hou Z Y, Yang Z H, Zhang Z Y, Duan W, Li W X, Guo S F 2023 Chin. J. Space Sci. 43 406
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[5] Domingo V, Fleck B, Poland A I 1995 Sol. Phys. 162 1
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[6] Wilhelm K, Axford W I, Curdt W, Gabriel A H, Grewing M, Huber M C E, Jordan S D, Kuehne M, Lemaire P, Marsch E 1995 Sol. Phys. 162 189
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[7] Harrison R A, Sawyer E C, Carter M K, et al. 1995 Sol. Phys. 162 233
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[8] Kosugi T, Matsuzaki K, Sakao T, et al. 2007 Sol. Phys. 243 3
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[9] Culhane J L, Harra L K, James A M, et al. 2007 Sol. Phys. 243 19
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[10] Brosius J W, Daw A N, Rabin D M 2014 Astrophys. J. 790 1
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[11] Müller D, St Cyr O C, Zouganelis I, et al. 2020 Astron. Astrophys. 642 A1
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[12] Anderson M, Appourchaux T, Auchère F, et al. 2020 Astron. Astrophys. 642 A14
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[13] Marirrodriga C G, Pacros A, Strandmoe S, et al. 2021 Astron. Astrophys. 646 A121
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[14] Li C, Fang C, Li Z, et al. 2022 Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 65 289602
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[15] Gan W Q, Zhu C, Deng Y Y, et al. 2019 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 19 156
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[16] Zhang P, Hu X Q, Lu Q F, Zhu A J, Lin M Y, Sun L, Chen L, Xu N 2022 Adv. Atmos. Sci. 39 1
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[17] Chen B, Zhang X X, He L P, et al. 2022 Light-Sci. Appl. 11 329
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[18] Bai X Y, Tian H, Deng Y Y, et al. 2023 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 23 065014
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[19] Tian H 2017 Res. Astron. Astrophys. 17 3
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[20] Poletto L, Thomas R J 2004 Appl. Opt. 43 2029
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[21] Poletto L, Gasparotto A, Tondello G, Thomas R J 2004 UV and Gamma-Ray Space Telescope Systems Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 21–25, 2004 p898
[22] Larruquert J I, Keski-Kuha R A M 2000 Appl. Opt. 39 1537
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[23] 王丽辉, 何玲平, 王孝坤, 尼启良, 陈波 2008 光学精密工程 16 42
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Wang L H, He L P, Wang X K, Ni Q L, Chen B 2008 Opt. Precis. Eng. 16 42
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[24] 汪毓明, 季海生, 王亚敏, 等 2020 中国科学: 技术科学 50 1243
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Wang Y M, Ji H S, Wang Y M, et al. 2020 Sci. Sin. Technol. 50 1243
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[25] 林隽, 黄善杰, 李燕, 等 2021 空间科学学报 41 183
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Liu J, Huang S J, Li Y, et al. 2021 Chin. J. Space Sci. 41 183
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[26] 季海生, 汪毓明, 汪景琇 2019 中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 49 059605
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Ji H S, Wang Y M, Wang J X 2019 Sci. Sin. Phys. Mech. Astron. 49 059605
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[27] 杨孟飞, 汪景琇, 王赤, 等 2023 科学通报 68 859
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Yang M F, Wang J X, Wang C, et al. 2023 Chin. Sci. Bull. 68 859
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[28] 邓元勇, 周桂萍, 代树武, 等 2023 科学通报 68 298
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