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Quantum information technology: Current status and prospects

Pan Jian-Wei


Quantum information technology: Current status and prospects

Pan Jian-Wei
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  • In the early decades of the 20th century, the inception of quantum mechanics catalyzed the first quantum revolution, resulting in groundbreaking technological advances, such as nuclear energy, semiconductors, lasers, nuclear magnetic resonance, superconductivity, and global satellite positioning systems. These innovations have promoted significant progress in material civilization, fundamentally changed the way of life and societal landscape of humanity. Since the 1990s, quantum control technology has made significant strides forward, ushering in a rapid evolution of quantum technologies, notably exemplified by quantum information science. This encompasses domains such as quantum communication, quantum computing, and quantum precision measurement, offering paradigm-shifting solutions for enhancing information transmission security, accelerating computational speed, and elevating measurement precision. These advances hold the potential to provide crucial underpinning for national security and the high-quality development of the national economy. The swift progression of quantum information technology heralds the advent of the second quantum revolution. Following nearly three decades of concerted efforts, China’s quantum information technology field as a whole has achieved a leap. Specifically, China presently assumes a prominent international role in both the research and practical application of quantum communication, leading the global domain in quantum computing, and achieving international preeminence or advanced standing across various facets of quantum precision measurement. Presently, it is imperative to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the developmental priorities in the realm of quantum information in China for the forthcoming 5 to 10 years, in alignment with national strategic priorities and the evolving landscape of international competition. This will enable the proactive establishment of next-generation information technology systems that are secure, efficient, autonomous, and controllable.
      Corresponding author: Pan Jian-Wei,

    Bennett C H, Brassard G 1984 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computers, Systems, and Signal Processing Bangalore, India, December 4, 1984 pp175–179


    Ekert A K 1991 Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 661Google Scholar


    Gisin N, Ribordy G, Tittel W, Zbinden H 2002 Rev. Mod. Phys. 74 145Google Scholar


    Scarani V, Bechmann-Pasquinucci H, Cerf N J, Dušek M, Lütkenhaus N, Peev M 2009 Rev. Mod. Phys. 81 1301Google Scholar


    Gisin N 2015 Front. Phys. 10 100307Google Scholar


    Pirandola S, Andersen U L, Banchi L, et al. 2020 Adv. Opt. Photonics 12 1012Google Scholar


    Bennett C H, Brassard G, Crépeau C, Jozsa R, Peres A, Wotters W K 1993 Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 1895Google Scholar


    D Bouwmeester, Pan J W, Mattle K, Eibl M, Weinfurter H, Zeilinger A 1997 Nature 390 575Google Scholar


    Boschi D, Branca S, De Martini F, Hardy L, Popescu S 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 1121Google Scholar


    Zukowski M, Zeilinger A, Horne M A, Ekert A K 1993 Phys Rev. Lett. 71 4287Google Scholar


    Pan J W, Bouwmeester D, Weinfurter H, Zeilinger A 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 3891Google Scholar


    Feynman R P 1982 Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21 467Google Scholar


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    Preskill J 2018 Quantum 2 79Google Scholar


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    Liao S K, Cai W Q, Liu W Y, et al. 2017 Nature 549 43Google Scholar


    Ren J G, Xu P, Yong H L, et al. 2017 Nature 549 70Google Scholar


    Liao S K, Cai W Q, Handsteiner J, et al. 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 030501Google Scholar


    Xu P, Ma Y Q, Ren J G, et al. 2019 Science 366 132Google Scholar


    Chen Y A, Zhang Q, Chen T Y, et al. 2021 Nature 589 214Google Scholar


    Zhong H S, Wang H, Deng Y H, et al. 2020 Science 370 1460Google Scholar


    Madsen L S, Laudenbach F, Askarani M F, et al. 2022 Nature 606 75Google Scholar


    Zhong H S, Deng Y H, Qin J, et al. 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 180502Google Scholar


    Deng Y H, Gu Y C, Liu H L, et al. 2023 Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 150601Google Scholar


    Deng Y H, Gong S Q, Gu Y C, et al. 2023 Phys. Rev. Lett. 130 190601Google Scholar


    Gong M, Wang S, Zha C, et al. 2021 Science 372 948Google Scholar


    Wu Y L, Bao W S, Cao S, et al. 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 180501Google Scholar


    Pan F, Chen K, Zhang P 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 090502Google Scholar


    Zhang X, Jiang W J, Deng J F, et al. 2022 Nature 607 468Google Scholar


    Cao S R, Wu B J, Chen F S, et al. 2023 Nature 619 738Google Scholar


    Yang B, Sun H, Huang C J, Wang H Y, Deng Y, Dai H N, Yuan Z S, Pan J W 2020 Science 369 550Google Scholar


    Wu Z, Zhang L, Sun W, Xu X T, Wang B Z, Ji S C, Deng Y, Chen S, Liu X J, Pan J W 2016 Science 354 83Google Scholar


    Wang Z Y, Cheng X C, Wang B Z, Zhang J Y, Lu Y H, Yi C R, Niu S, Deng Y, Liu X J, Chen S, Pan J W 2021 Science 372 271Google Scholar


    Yang H, Zhang D C, Liu L, Liu Y X, Nan J, Zhao B, Pan J W 2019 Science 363 261Google Scholar


    Yang H, Wang X Y, Su Z, Cao J, Zhang D C, Rui J, Zhao B, Bai C L, Pan J W 2022 Nature 602 229Google Scholar


    Yang H, Cao J, Su Z, Rui J, Zhao B, Pan J W 2022 Science 378 1009Google Scholar


    Yang B, Sun H, Ott R, Wang H Y, Zache T V, Halimeh J C, Yuan Z S, Hauke P, Pan J W 2020 Nature 587 392Google Scholar


    Zhou Z Y, Su G X, Halimeh J C, Ott R, Sun H, Hauke P, Yang B, Yuan Z S, Berges J, Pan J W 2022 Science 377 311Google Scholar


    Li X, Luo X, Wang S, Xie K, Liu X P, Hu H, Chen Y A, Yao X C, Pan J W 2022 Science 375 528Google Scholar


    Zhang X T, Chen Y, Wu Z M, Wang J, Fan J J, Deng S J, Wu H B 2021 Science 373 1359Google Scholar


    Huang Q, Yao R X, Liang L B, Wang S, Zheng Q P, Li D P, Xiong W, Zhou X J, Chen W L, Chen X Z, Hu J Z 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 200601Google Scholar


    Jin S J, Zhang W J, Guo X X, Chen X Z, Zhou X J, Li X P 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 035301Google Scholar


    Zhang D F, Gao T Y, Zou P, Kong L R, Li R Z, Shen X, Chen X L, Peng S G, Zhan M S, Pu H, Jiang K J 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 110402Google Scholar


    Cui Y, Shen C Y, Deng M, Dong S, Chen C, Lü R, Gao B, Tey M K, You L 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 203402Google Scholar


    Deng S J, Diao P P, Li F, Yu Q L, Yu S, Wu H B 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 125301Google Scholar


    Deng S J, Shi Z Y, Diao P P, Yu Q L, Zhai H, Qi R, Wu H B 2016 Science 353 371Google Scholar


    Xie D Z, Deng T S, Xiao T, Gou W, Chen T, Yi W, Yan B 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 050502Google Scholar


    Wang P, Luan C, Qiao M, Um M, Zhang J, Wang Y, Yuan X, Gu M, Zhang J, Kim K 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 233Google Scholar


    Mei Q X, Li B W, Wu Y K, Cai M L, Wang Y, Yao L, Zhou Z C, Duan L M 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 160504Google Scholar


    Li B W, Mei Q X, Wu Y K, Cai M L, Wang Y, Yao L, Zhou Z C, Duan L M 2022 Phys Rev. Lett. 129 140501Google Scholar


    Yang H X, Ma J Y, Wu Y K, Wang Y, Cao M M, Guo W X, Huang Y Y, Feng L, Zhou Z C, Duan L M 2022 Nat. Phys. 18 1058Google Scholar


    Zhang Q, Guo Y H, Ji W T, Wang M Q, Yin J, Kong F, Lin Y H, Yin C M, Shi F Z, Wang Y, Du J F 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 1529Google Scholar


    Wang M Q, Sun H Y, Ye X Y, Yu P, Liu H Y, Zhou J W, Wang P F, Shi F Z, Wang Y, Du J F 2022 Sci. Adv. 8 eabn9573Google Scholar


    Beullens W 2022 Annual International Cryptology Conference Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 15–18, 2022 p464


    Castryck W, Decru T 2023 42nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques Lyon, France, April 23–27, 2023 pp423–447


    Lu B K, Sun Z, Yang T, et al. 2022 Chin. Phys. Lett. 39 080601Google Scholar


    Zhang A, Xiong Z X, Chen X T, Jiang Y Y, Wang J Q, Tian C C, Zhu Q, Wang B, Xiong D Z, He L X, Ma L S, Lü B L 2022 Metrologia 59 065009Google Scholar


    Lu X T, Guo F, Wang Y B, Xu Q F, Zhou C H, Xia J J, Wu W J, Chang H 2023 Metrologia 60 015008Google Scholar


    Oelker E, Hutson R B, Kennedy C J, Sonderhouse L, Bothwell T, Goban A, Kedar D, Sanner C, Robinson J M, Marti G E, Matei D G, Legero T, Giunta M, Holzwarth R, Riehle F, Sterr U, Ye J 2019 Nat. Photon. 13 714Google Scholar


    Bothwell T, Kennedy C J, Aeppli A, Kedar D, Robinson J M, Oelker E, Staron A, Ye J 2022 Nature 602 420Google Scholar


    Takamoto M, Ushijima I, Ohmae N, Yahagi T, Kokado K, Shinkai H, Katori H 2020 Nat. Photon. 14 411Google Scholar


    Ohmae N, Takamoto M, Takahashi Y, et al. 2021 Advanced Quantum Technologies 4 2100015


    Shen Q, Guan J Y, Ren J G, et al. 2022 Nature 610 661Google Scholar


    Fan W F, Quan W, Liu F, et al. 2019 Chinese Phys. B 28 110701Google Scholar


    Yang Y H, Chen D Y, Jin W, Quan W, Liu F, Fang J C 2019 IEEE Access 7 148176Google Scholar


    Xie H T, Chen B, Long J B, Xue C, Chen L K, Chen S 2020 Chin. Phys. B 29 093701Google Scholar


    Chen B, Long J B, Xie H T, Li C Y, Chen L K, Jiang B N, Chen S 2020 Chin. Opt. Lett. 18 090201Google Scholar


    吴彬, 周寅, 程冰, 朱栋, 王凯楠, 朱欣欣, 陈佩军, 翁堪兴, 杨秋海, 林佳宏, 张凯军, 王河林, 林强 2020 物理学报 69 060302Google Scholar

    Wu B, Zhou Y, Cheng B, Zhu D, Wang K N, Zhu X X, Chen P J, Weng K X, Yang Q H, Lin J H, Zhang K J, Wang H L, Lin Q 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 060302Google Scholar


    Xie T Y, Zhao Z Y, Kong X, Ma W C, Wang M Q, Ye X Y, Yu P, Yang Z P, Xu S Y, Wang P F, Wang Y, Shi F Z, Du J F 2021 Sci. Adv. 7 eabg9204Google Scholar


    Wei K, Zhao T, Fang X J, Xu Z T, Liu C, Cao Q, Wickenbrock A, Hu Y H, Ji W, Fang J C, Budker D 2023 Phys. Rev. Lett. 130 063201Google Scholar


    Li Z P, Ye J T, Huang X, Jiang P Y, Cao Y, Hong Y, Yu C, Zhang J, Zhang Q, Peng C Z, Xu F, Pan J W 2021 Optica 8 344Google Scholar


    Wang B, Zheng M Y, Han J J, Huang X, Xie X P, Xu F, Zhang Q, Pan J W 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 053602Google Scholar


    Xia T Y, Sun W W, Ebser S, Jiang W, Yang G M, Zhu H M, Fu Y C, Huang F, Ming G D, Xia T, Lu Z T 2023 Nat. Phys. 19 904Google Scholar


    Xu J Y, Zhu X, Tan S J, Zhang Y, Li B, Tian Y Z, Shan H, Cui X F, Zhao A D, Dong Z C, Yang J L, Luo Y, Wang B, Hou J G 2021 Science 371 818Google Scholar


    H.R.6227–National Quantum Initiative Act, Smith L [2018-12-21


    H.R.4346–Chips and Science Act, Ryan T [2021-07-01


    Quantum Technologies Flagship, European Commission [2021-10-29


    Space-based Secure Connectivity Initiative, European Commission [2021-08-26


    Handlungskonzept Quantentechnologien, der Bundesregierung [2023-04-26


    French Research at the Heart of the Quantum Plan, Felix S [2021-02-17


    National Quantum Strategy, GOV. UK [2023-12-14


    Arute F, Arya K, Babbush R, et al. 2019 Nature 574 505Google Scholar


    Zhao Y W, Ye Y S, Huang H L, et al. 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 030501Google Scholar


    Ni Z C, Li S, Deng X W, Cai Y Y, Zhang L B, Wang W T, Yang Z B, Yu H F, Yan F, Liu S, Zou C L, Sun L Y, Zheng S B, Xu Y, Yu D P 2023 Nature 616 56Google Scholar

  • 图 1  量子计算的3个发展阶段

    Figure 1.  Three steps of achieving universal quantum computing.

    图 2  “九章”系列光量子计算原型机

    Figure 2.  “Jiuzhang” series photonics quantum computing prototype.

    图 3  “祖冲之”系列超导量子计算原型机

    Figure 3.  “Zuchongzhi” series superconducting quantum computing prototype.

    图 4  我国在国际上首次实现百公里级自由空间时间频率传递[65]

    Figure 4.  Free-space dissemination of time and frequency with 10–19 instability over 113 km[65].

  • [1]

    Bennett C H, Brassard G 1984 Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computers, Systems, and Signal Processing Bangalore, India, December 4, 1984 pp175–179


    Ekert A K 1991 Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 661Google Scholar


    Gisin N, Ribordy G, Tittel W, Zbinden H 2002 Rev. Mod. Phys. 74 145Google Scholar


    Scarani V, Bechmann-Pasquinucci H, Cerf N J, Dušek M, Lütkenhaus N, Peev M 2009 Rev. Mod. Phys. 81 1301Google Scholar


    Gisin N 2015 Front. Phys. 10 100307Google Scholar


    Pirandola S, Andersen U L, Banchi L, et al. 2020 Adv. Opt. Photonics 12 1012Google Scholar


    Bennett C H, Brassard G, Crépeau C, Jozsa R, Peres A, Wotters W K 1993 Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 1895Google Scholar


    D Bouwmeester, Pan J W, Mattle K, Eibl M, Weinfurter H, Zeilinger A 1997 Nature 390 575Google Scholar


    Boschi D, Branca S, De Martini F, Hardy L, Popescu S 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 1121Google Scholar


    Zukowski M, Zeilinger A, Horne M A, Ekert A K 1993 Phys Rev. Lett. 71 4287Google Scholar


    Pan J W, Bouwmeester D, Weinfurter H, Zeilinger A 1998 Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 3891Google Scholar


    Feynman R P 1982 Int. J. Theor. Phys. 21 467Google Scholar


    Benioff P 1980 J. Stat. Phys. 22 563Google Scholar


    Grover L K 1997 Phys. Rev. Lett. 79 325Google Scholar


    Preskill J 2018 Quantum 2 79Google Scholar


    Shor P W 1999 Siam Rev. 41 303Google Scholar


    Yin J, Cao Y, Li Y H, et al. 2017 Science 356 1140Google Scholar


    Liao S K, Cai W Q, Liu W Y, et al. 2017 Nature 549 43Google Scholar


    Ren J G, Xu P, Yong H L, et al. 2017 Nature 549 70Google Scholar


    Liao S K, Cai W Q, Handsteiner J, et al. 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 030501Google Scholar


    Xu P, Ma Y Q, Ren J G, et al. 2019 Science 366 132Google Scholar


    Chen Y A, Zhang Q, Chen T Y, et al. 2021 Nature 589 214Google Scholar


    Zhong H S, Wang H, Deng Y H, et al. 2020 Science 370 1460Google Scholar


    Madsen L S, Laudenbach F, Askarani M F, et al. 2022 Nature 606 75Google Scholar


    Zhong H S, Deng Y H, Qin J, et al. 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 180502Google Scholar


    Deng Y H, Gu Y C, Liu H L, et al. 2023 Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 150601Google Scholar


    Deng Y H, Gong S Q, Gu Y C, et al. 2023 Phys. Rev. Lett. 130 190601Google Scholar


    Gong M, Wang S, Zha C, et al. 2021 Science 372 948Google Scholar


    Wu Y L, Bao W S, Cao S, et al. 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 180501Google Scholar


    Pan F, Chen K, Zhang P 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 090502Google Scholar


    Zhang X, Jiang W J, Deng J F, et al. 2022 Nature 607 468Google Scholar


    Cao S R, Wu B J, Chen F S, et al. 2023 Nature 619 738Google Scholar


    Yang B, Sun H, Huang C J, Wang H Y, Deng Y, Dai H N, Yuan Z S, Pan J W 2020 Science 369 550Google Scholar


    Wu Z, Zhang L, Sun W, Xu X T, Wang B Z, Ji S C, Deng Y, Chen S, Liu X J, Pan J W 2016 Science 354 83Google Scholar


    Wang Z Y, Cheng X C, Wang B Z, Zhang J Y, Lu Y H, Yi C R, Niu S, Deng Y, Liu X J, Chen S, Pan J W 2021 Science 372 271Google Scholar


    Yang H, Zhang D C, Liu L, Liu Y X, Nan J, Zhao B, Pan J W 2019 Science 363 261Google Scholar


    Yang H, Wang X Y, Su Z, Cao J, Zhang D C, Rui J, Zhao B, Bai C L, Pan J W 2022 Nature 602 229Google Scholar


    Yang H, Cao J, Su Z, Rui J, Zhao B, Pan J W 2022 Science 378 1009Google Scholar


    Yang B, Sun H, Ott R, Wang H Y, Zache T V, Halimeh J C, Yuan Z S, Hauke P, Pan J W 2020 Nature 587 392Google Scholar


    Zhou Z Y, Su G X, Halimeh J C, Ott R, Sun H, Hauke P, Yang B, Yuan Z S, Berges J, Pan J W 2022 Science 377 311Google Scholar


    Li X, Luo X, Wang S, Xie K, Liu X P, Hu H, Chen Y A, Yao X C, Pan J W 2022 Science 375 528Google Scholar


    Zhang X T, Chen Y, Wu Z M, Wang J, Fan J J, Deng S J, Wu H B 2021 Science 373 1359Google Scholar


    Huang Q, Yao R X, Liang L B, Wang S, Zheng Q P, Li D P, Xiong W, Zhou X J, Chen W L, Chen X Z, Hu J Z 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 200601Google Scholar


    Jin S J, Zhang W J, Guo X X, Chen X Z, Zhou X J, Li X P 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 035301Google Scholar


    Zhang D F, Gao T Y, Zou P, Kong L R, Li R Z, Shen X, Chen X L, Peng S G, Zhan M S, Pu H, Jiang K J 2019 Phys. Rev. Lett. 122 110402Google Scholar


    Cui Y, Shen C Y, Deng M, Dong S, Chen C, Lü R, Gao B, Tey M K, You L 2017 Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 203402Google Scholar


    Deng S J, Diao P P, Li F, Yu Q L, Yu S, Wu H B 2018 Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 125301Google Scholar


    Deng S J, Shi Z Y, Diao P P, Yu Q L, Zhai H, Qi R, Wu H B 2016 Science 353 371Google Scholar


    Xie D Z, Deng T S, Xiao T, Gou W, Chen T, Yi W, Yan B 2020 Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 050502Google Scholar


    Wang P, Luan C, Qiao M, Um M, Zhang J, Wang Y, Yuan X, Gu M, Zhang J, Kim K 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 233Google Scholar


    Mei Q X, Li B W, Wu Y K, Cai M L, Wang Y, Yao L, Zhou Z C, Duan L M 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 128 160504Google Scholar


    Li B W, Mei Q X, Wu Y K, Cai M L, Wang Y, Yao L, Zhou Z C, Duan L M 2022 Phys Rev. Lett. 129 140501Google Scholar


    Yang H X, Ma J Y, Wu Y K, Wang Y, Cao M M, Guo W X, Huang Y Y, Feng L, Zhou Z C, Duan L M 2022 Nat. Phys. 18 1058Google Scholar


    Zhang Q, Guo Y H, Ji W T, Wang M Q, Yin J, Kong F, Lin Y H, Yin C M, Shi F Z, Wang Y, Du J F 2021 Nat. Commun. 12 1529Google Scholar


    Wang M Q, Sun H Y, Ye X Y, Yu P, Liu H Y, Zhou J W, Wang P F, Shi F Z, Wang Y, Du J F 2022 Sci. Adv. 8 eabn9573Google Scholar


    Beullens W 2022 Annual International Cryptology Conference Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 15–18, 2022 p464


    Castryck W, Decru T 2023 42nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques Lyon, France, April 23–27, 2023 pp423–447


    Lu B K, Sun Z, Yang T, et al. 2022 Chin. Phys. Lett. 39 080601Google Scholar


    Zhang A, Xiong Z X, Chen X T, Jiang Y Y, Wang J Q, Tian C C, Zhu Q, Wang B, Xiong D Z, He L X, Ma L S, Lü B L 2022 Metrologia 59 065009Google Scholar


    Lu X T, Guo F, Wang Y B, Xu Q F, Zhou C H, Xia J J, Wu W J, Chang H 2023 Metrologia 60 015008Google Scholar


    Oelker E, Hutson R B, Kennedy C J, Sonderhouse L, Bothwell T, Goban A, Kedar D, Sanner C, Robinson J M, Marti G E, Matei D G, Legero T, Giunta M, Holzwarth R, Riehle F, Sterr U, Ye J 2019 Nat. Photon. 13 714Google Scholar


    Bothwell T, Kennedy C J, Aeppli A, Kedar D, Robinson J M, Oelker E, Staron A, Ye J 2022 Nature 602 420Google Scholar


    Takamoto M, Ushijima I, Ohmae N, Yahagi T, Kokado K, Shinkai H, Katori H 2020 Nat. Photon. 14 411Google Scholar


    Ohmae N, Takamoto M, Takahashi Y, et al. 2021 Advanced Quantum Technologies 4 2100015


    Shen Q, Guan J Y, Ren J G, et al. 2022 Nature 610 661Google Scholar


    Fan W F, Quan W, Liu F, et al. 2019 Chinese Phys. B 28 110701Google Scholar


    Yang Y H, Chen D Y, Jin W, Quan W, Liu F, Fang J C 2019 IEEE Access 7 148176Google Scholar


    Xie H T, Chen B, Long J B, Xue C, Chen L K, Chen S 2020 Chin. Phys. B 29 093701Google Scholar


    Chen B, Long J B, Xie H T, Li C Y, Chen L K, Jiang B N, Chen S 2020 Chin. Opt. Lett. 18 090201Google Scholar


    吴彬, 周寅, 程冰, 朱栋, 王凯楠, 朱欣欣, 陈佩军, 翁堪兴, 杨秋海, 林佳宏, 张凯军, 王河林, 林强 2020 物理学报 69 060302Google Scholar

    Wu B, Zhou Y, Cheng B, Zhu D, Wang K N, Zhu X X, Chen P J, Weng K X, Yang Q H, Lin J H, Zhang K J, Wang H L, Lin Q 2020 Acta Phys. Sin. 69 060302Google Scholar


    Xie T Y, Zhao Z Y, Kong X, Ma W C, Wang M Q, Ye X Y, Yu P, Yang Z P, Xu S Y, Wang P F, Wang Y, Shi F Z, Du J F 2021 Sci. Adv. 7 eabg9204Google Scholar


    Wei K, Zhao T, Fang X J, Xu Z T, Liu C, Cao Q, Wickenbrock A, Hu Y H, Ji W, Fang J C, Budker D 2023 Phys. Rev. Lett. 130 063201Google Scholar


    Li Z P, Ye J T, Huang X, Jiang P Y, Cao Y, Hong Y, Yu C, Zhang J, Zhang Q, Peng C Z, Xu F, Pan J W 2021 Optica 8 344Google Scholar


    Wang B, Zheng M Y, Han J J, Huang X, Xie X P, Xu F, Zhang Q, Pan J W 2021 Phys. Rev. Lett. 127 053602Google Scholar


    Xia T Y, Sun W W, Ebser S, Jiang W, Yang G M, Zhu H M, Fu Y C, Huang F, Ming G D, Xia T, Lu Z T 2023 Nat. Phys. 19 904Google Scholar


    Xu J Y, Zhu X, Tan S J, Zhang Y, Li B, Tian Y Z, Shan H, Cui X F, Zhao A D, Dong Z C, Yang J L, Luo Y, Wang B, Hou J G 2021 Science 371 818Google Scholar


    H.R.6227–National Quantum Initiative Act, Smith L [2018-12-21


    H.R.4346–Chips and Science Act, Ryan T [2021-07-01


    Quantum Technologies Flagship, European Commission [2021-10-29


    Space-based Secure Connectivity Initiative, European Commission [2021-08-26


    Handlungskonzept Quantentechnologien, der Bundesregierung [2023-04-26


    French Research at the Heart of the Quantum Plan, Felix S [2021-02-17


    National Quantum Strategy, GOV. UK [2023-12-14


    Arute F, Arya K, Babbush R, et al. 2019 Nature 574 505Google Scholar


    Zhao Y W, Ye Y S, Huang H L, et al. 2022 Phys. Rev. Lett. 129 030501Google Scholar


    Ni Z C, Li S, Deng X W, Cai Y Y, Zhang L B, Wang W T, Yang Z B, Yu H F, Yan F, Liu S, Zou C L, Sun L Y, Zheng S B, Xu Y, Yu D P 2023 Nature 616 56Google Scholar

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Publishing process
  • Received Date:  13 November 2023
  • Accepted Date:  19 December 2023
  • Available Online:  20 December 2023
  • Published Online:  05 January 2024

