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王艳红 王磊 武京治



王艳红, 王磊, 武京治

Nanoscale electromagnetic field interaction generated by microtubule vibration in neurons

Wang Yan-Hong, Wang Lei, Wu Jing-Zhi
  • 生物体经过神经元进行信息处理产生指令, 控制各种功能和活动. 神经元可通过神经微管维持动态生长, 辅助蛋白转运等, 微管蛋白可产生电磁信号进行信息交换. 微管蛋白具有强极性分布, 本文通过研究微管不同振动模式产生的电磁特性, 分析微管周围的电磁场分布和相互作用. 结果表明, 微管蛋白在太赫兹波段有众多振动模式. 在多微管间纳米尺度内, 细胞溶液介电系数在太赫兹波段随频率增加而减小, 在相邻微管间可产生强于热噪声的电磁场. 合理调节微管长度、振动振幅等参数可能获得溶液中可探测太赫兹电磁场. 微管振动产生电磁场, 可用于疾病诊断和脑机接口等.
    Neurons collect information from different parts of the biological body, generate signals and control their functions and activities. There are electromagnetic communication channels between neurons apart from the action potentials. Microtubules are the largest cytoskeletal filaments in neurons, with a diameter of about 25 nm. Microtubule is composed of alpha- and beta-tubulin subunits assembled into hollow cylindrical polymers supporting dynamical growth, and facilitate transport of proteins. In axons, dendrites, growth cones, and migratory neurons, microtubules are generally tightly organized in array and uniformly oriented. Because of the polarity and charge distribution of tubulins, the vibrations of microtubules generate electromagnetic fields. In this paper, electromagnetic fields induced by different vibrational modes of microtubules are studied. The vibrational mode of tubulins calculated using the normal mode analysis shows that there are abundant vibrational modes in the terahertz range. The electric fields of different vibration modes show distinct distribution features. The induced electromagnetic fields of microtubules can be stronger than thermal noise because of reduced permittivity of intracellular fluid for higher frequencies in a nanometric confined region. Since water exhibits layered structuring near all surfaces independent of their hydrophilicity, the permittivity of water surrounding tubulins between microtubules is expected to decrease significantly because of surface-induced alignment of water molecular dipoles. While the permittivity of surrounding medium decreases to 5, the electromagnetic potential energy between two 100-nm-long microtubules can be stronger than the thermal energy within a 30-nm-long distance. As high frequency vibrations are generally localized in the microtubule, terahertz electromagnetic interactions can be present between tubulins and short microtubules. Because the separation between microtubule arrays in neurons is in a range from 20 nm to 100 nm, electromagnetic interactions between microtubules can dominate the thermal motions, and affect the biological functions. Simulation results show that the electromagnetic potential energy increases over one order of magnitude when the vibration amplitude is changed from 0.1 nm to 0.4 nm. The results indicate that the electromagnetic interaction between microtubules is important for a better understanding of neural functions and communication. Terahertz stimulations can be used to detect and modulate the neural signals. The microtubule vibration generated magnetic field can be applied to disease diagnosis and brain-machine interface.
      通信作者: 武京治, Jingzhi.wu@outlook.com
    • 基金项目: 国防科技创新特区(批准号: 02-ZT-008)资助的课题.
      Corresponding author: Wu Jing-Zhi, Jingzhi.wu@outlook.com
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Defense Science and Technology Innovation Special Zone of China (Grant No. 02-ZT-008)

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    Deriu M A, Soncini M, Orsi M, Patel M, Essex J W, Montevecchi F M, Redaelli A 2010 Biophys. J. 99 2190Google Scholar


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    Hölzel R 2001 Electro-Magnetobiol. 20 1Google Scholar


    Pokorný J, Hašek J, Jelínek F, Šaroch J, Palán B 2001 Electro-Magnetobiol. 20 371Google Scholar


    Tuszyński J A, Brown J A, Crawford E, Carpenter E J, Nip M L A, Dixon J M, Satarić M V 2005 Math. Comput. Modell. 41 1055Google Scholar


    van den Heuvel M G L, de Graaff M P, Lemay S G, Dekker C 2007 Proc. Natl. Acad. 104 7770Google Scholar

  • 图 1  神经元和微管蛋白构成

    Fig. 1.  Neuron and microtubules.

    图 2  (a)微管蛋白异二聚体(PDB:1TUB)电荷分布; (b)微管(PDB:6EW0)电荷分布(swiss model)

    Fig. 2.  (a) Charge distribution of tubulin alpha-beta dimer; (b) charge distribution of GDP-microtubule (PDB:6EW0).

    图 3  微管不同振动模式示意图 (a) 轴向振动; (b) 弯曲振动; (c) 扭转振动; (d) 屈曲振动

    Fig. 3.  Schematic diagram of microtubule vibrations modes: (a) Axial vibration; (b) bending vibration; (c) twisting vibration; (d) flexing vibration.

    图 4  不同长度微管屈曲振动势能的传播特性 (A = 0.1 nm, ${\varepsilon }_{\rm{r}}=80)$

    Fig. 4.  Vibrating potential transferring performance in different length of microtubule at A = 0.1 nm, ${\varepsilon }_{\rm{r}}=80$.

    图 5  水溶液介电系数的频率响应

    Fig. 5.  Permittivity of intracellular fluid of neuron as a function of frequency.

    图 6  微管蛋白异二聚体太赫兹振动频谱

    Fig. 6.  Frequency modes of tubulin alpha-beta dimer.

    图 7  四种振动模态的势能 (L = 100 nm, A = 0.1 nm) (a) 轴向振动; (b) 弯曲振动; (c) 扭转振动; (d) 屈曲振动

    Fig. 7.  Electromagnetic potential of four modes of microtubule vibration at L = 100 nm, A = 0.1 nm: (a) Axial vibration; (b) bending vibration; (c) twisting vibration; (d) flexing vibration.

    图 8  不同振动振幅对势能的影响$({\varepsilon }_{\rm{r}}=80)$ (a) 轴向振动; (b) 弯曲振动; (c) 扭转振动; (d) 屈曲振动

    Fig. 8.  Potential in various vibration magnitude at ${\varepsilon }_{\rm{r}}=80$: (a) Axial vibration; (b) flexing vibration; (c) twisting vibration; (d) flexing vibration.

    图 9  不同振动模式电场分布 $({\varepsilon }_{\rm{r}}=80,\;A=0.1\;{\rm{nm}})$ (a) 轴向振动; (b) 弯曲振动; (c) 扭转振动; (d) 屈曲振动

    Fig. 9.  Electric field distribution at ${\varepsilon }_{\rm{r}}=80$ and A = 0.1 nm: (a) Axial vibration; (b) bending vibration; (c) twisting vibration; (d) flexing vibration.

    图 10  不同振动模式电场分布$({\varepsilon }_{\rm{r}}=5\;A=0.1\;{\rm{nm}})$ (a) 轴向振动; (b) 弯曲振动; (c) 扭转振动; (d) 屈曲振动

    Fig. 10.  Electric field distribution at ${\varepsilon }_{\rm{r}}=5,$ A = 0.1 nm: (a) Axial vibration; (b) bending vibration; (c) twisting vibration; (d) flexing vibration.

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    Hodgkin A L, Huxley A F 1952 Physiol. 116 497Google Scholar


    刘延生, 吴开杰, 刘春良, 崔刚强, 常超, 刘国志 2020 中国科学: 物理 力学 天文学 63 274211Google Scholar

    Liu Y S, Wu K J, Liu C L, Cui G Q, Chang C, Liu G Z 2020 Sci. China, Ser. G 63 274211Google Scholar


    Kučera O, Havelka D, Cifra M 2017 Wave Motion 72 13Google Scholar


    Cifra M, Fields J Z, Farhadi A 2011 Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 105 223Google Scholar


    赵月, 詹启民 2012 理论生物学与医学模型 9 26Google Scholar

    Zhao Y, Zhan Q M 2012 Theor. Biol. Med. Modell. 9 26Google Scholar


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    Pokorný J, Jelínek F, Trkal V, Lamprecht I, Hölzel R 1997 J. Biol. Phys. 23 171Google Scholar


    Cifra M, Pokorný J, Havelka D 2010 Biosystems 100 122Google Scholar


    Deriu M A, Soncini M, Orsi M, Patel M, Essex J W, Montevecchi F M, Redaelli A 2010 Biophys. J. 99 2190Google Scholar


    Sirenko Y M, Stroscio M A, Kim K W 1996 Phy. Rev. E 53 1003Google Scholar


    Thackston K, Deheyn D, Sievenpiper D 2019 Phys. Rev. E 100 022410Google Scholar


    Akhmanova A, Steinmetz M O 2015 Nat. Rev. Mol. Cell Biol. 16 711Google Scholar


    Amos L A 1995 Trends Cell Biol. 5 48Google Scholar


    Mershin A, Kolomenski A.A, Schuessler H A, Nanopoulos D V 2004 Biosystems 77 73Google Scholar


    Pohl H A, Braden T, Robinson S, Piclardi J, Pohl D G 1981 J. Biol. Phys. 9 133Google Scholar


    Hölzel R 2001 Electro-Magnetobiol. 20 1Google Scholar


    Pokorný J, Hašek J, Jelínek F, Šaroch J, Palán B 2001 Electro-Magnetobiol. 20 371Google Scholar


    Tuszyński J A, Brown J A, Crawford E, Carpenter E J, Nip M L A, Dixon J M, Satarić M V 2005 Math. Comput. Modell. 41 1055Google Scholar


    van den Heuvel M G L, de Graaff M P, Lemay S G, Dekker C 2007 Proc. Natl. Acad. 104 7770Google Scholar

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  • 收稿日期:  2021-03-05
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