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郭颖 潘峰 姚彬彬 孟豪 吕劲



郭颖, 潘峰, 姚彬彬, 孟豪, 吕劲

High-performance Sub-5nm Monolayer Tin Sulfide (SnS) Field-effect Transistors: a First principles Study

Guo Ying, Pan Feng, Yao Binbin, Meng Hao, Lu Jin
  • 基于硅基材料的逻辑器件由于其短沟道效应,使摩尔定律失效,二维半导体材料被认为是继续缩小晶体管尺寸以生产更多摩尔电子器件的潜在沟道材料。最近在实验上突破了技术瓶颈的限制,实现了二维场效应晶体管突破亚1 nm沟道极限,并且表现出优异的器件性能(Wu F, etc. 2022 Nature 603 259)。这极大地鼓舞了在理论上进一步探索二维器件的性能。二维SnS具有高的载流子迁移率和各向异性的电子性能,且材料性能环境稳定。本文应用第一性原理研究了亚5 nm SnS 场效应晶体管的量子输运特性,鉴于SnS的各向异性,文章将器件沿单层SnS的armchair和zigzag两个方向进行构造,发现p型zigzag方向的器件性能优于其他类型(包括n型、p型的armchair方向和n型的zigzag方向)。p型zigzag方向器件的开态电流在栅长缩短到1 nm也能满足国际半导体技术路线图的高性能(HP)器件要求,其值高达1934 μA/μm。据我们所知,这是目前所报道的1 nm栅长上性能最好的器件材料。
    Presently Si-based field-effect transistors (FET) are approaching their physical limit and challenging Moore's law for their short-channel effect, and further scaling their gate length down to the sub-10 nm region is becoming extremely difficult. Two-dimensional (2D) layered semiconductors with atom-scale uniform thicknesses and absence of dangling bonds on the interface are considered as potential channel materials to support further miniaturization and integrated electronics. Wu F, et al. (2022 Nature 603 259) have successfully fabricated a FET with gate lengths below 1 nm using atomically thin molybdenum disulfide with exceptional device performance. This breakthrough has greatly encouraged further theoretical predictions regarding the performance of 2D devices. Additionally, 2D SnS exhibits high carrier mobility, anisotropic electronic properties, and stabilized in ambient condition conducive to advanced applications in 2D semiconductor technology. Herein, we explore the quantum transport properties of sub-5 nm monolayer (ML) SnS FET using first-principles quantum transport simulation. Considering the anisotropic electronic SnS, the double-gated-two-probe device model is constructed along the armchair and zigzag directions of ML SnS. After test five kinds of doping concentrations, a doping concentration of 5×1013 cm-2 is the best one for SnS FET. We also used the underlap (UL) with range of 0, 2, and 4 nm to improve the device performance. On-state current (Ion) is an important parameter for evaluating the transition speed of a logic device. A higher Ion of a device can help to increase the switching speed of high-performance (HP) servers. The main conclusions are as follows.
    1) Ion of the n-type 2 nm (UL=4 armchair), 3 nm (UL=2), 4 nm (UL=3), 5 nm (UL=0) and the p-type 1 nm (UL=2 zigzag), 2 nm (UL=2 zigzag), 3 nm (UL=2,4 zigzag), 4 nm (UL=2,4 zigzag), and 5 nm (UL=0, armchair/zigzag) gate-length devices can meet the standards for HP applications for the next decade in the International Technology Roadmap for semiconductors (ITRS, 2013 version).
    2) Ion of the n-type device along the armchair direction (31-2369μA/μm) are larger than that in the zigzag direction (4.04-1943μA/μm), while p-type along the zigzag direction (545-4119μA/μm) are larger than that in the armchair direction (0.7-924μA/μm). Therefore, the p-type ML GeSe MOSFETs have a predominantly anisotropic current.
    3) Ion of the p-type 3 nm gate-length (UL=0) device along the zigzag direction has the highest valued 4119 μA/μm is 2.93 times larger than that in the same gate-length UL=2 (1407μA/μm). Hence, an overlong UL will weaken the performance of the device because the gate of the device cannot well control the UL region. Thus, a suitable length of UL for FET is very important.
    4) Remarkably, Ion of the p-type devices (zigzag), even at a 1 nm gate-length, can fulfill the requirements of HP applications for the next decade in the ITRS, with a value as high as 1934 μA/μm. To our knowledge, this is the best-performing device material reported at 1 nm gate length.
    5) Subthreshold swing (SS) evaluates the control ability of the gate in the subthreshold region. The better the gate control, the smaller SS the device has. The limit of SS for traditional FETs is 60 mV/dec (at room temperature). Values of SS for ML SnS FET alone zigzag direction are less than those along the armchair direction because the leakage current is influenced by the effective mass.
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