激光锡(Sn)等离子体光源是当前先进极紫外(EUV)光刻机中最为核心的分系统, 其辐射出的13.5 nm附近2%带宽内的EUV光的功率值和稳定性是决定整个光刻机是否成功的关键指标之一. 本文针对激光Sn等离子体光源这一复杂系统, 开展了详细的关于等离子体状态参数分布以及EUV辐射光谱的数值模拟研究. 首先基于细致能级模型, 在局域热动平衡近似条件下计算得到了Sn等离子体在12—16 nm波段的辐射不透明度数据. 随后利用激光等离子体辐射流体力学程序RHDLPP, 分别模拟了纳秒激光脉冲作用于Sn平面固体靶和液滴靶所产生的等离子体的温度和电子密度等状态参数的分布. 结合辐射不透明度数据和等离子体状态数据, 利用光谱模拟后处理子程序SpeIma3D完成了平面靶等离子体的空间分辨EUV光谱以及液滴靶等离子体在60°观测角下的角分辨EUV光谱的模拟. 最后, 得到了液滴靶等离子体在13.5 nm, 2%带宽内的带内辐射强度随观测角度的变化规律. 本文获得的所有等离子体状态参数分布和EUV光谱模拟结果与现有的实验结果具有很好的一致性, 证明了RHDLPP程序在激光Sn等离子体EUV光源方面的模拟能力, 相关结果可以为EUV光刻以及国产化EUV光源的研制提供一定的支持.The laser-produced Sn plasma light source is a critical component in advanced extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography. The power and stability of EUV radiation within a 2% bandwidth centered at 13.5 nm are key indicators that determine success of the entire lithography process .The plasma state parameter distributions and the EUV radiation spectrum for a laser-produced Sn plasma light source are numerically simulated in this work. The radiative opacity of Sn plasma within the 12–16 nm range is calculated using a detailed-level-accounting model in the local thermodynamic equilibrium approximation. Next, the temperature distribution and the electron density distribution of plasma generated by nanosecond laser pulses interacting with both a Sn planar solid target and a liquid droplet target are simulated using the radiation hydrodynamics code for laser-produced plasma, RHDLPP. By combining the radiative opacity data with the plasma state data, the spectral simulation subroutine SpeIma3D is employed to model the spatially resolved EUV spectra for the planar target plasma and the angle-resolved EUV spectra for the droplet target plasma at a 60-degree observation angle. The variation of in-band radiation intensity at 13.5 nm within the 2% bandwidth as a function of observation angle is also analyzed for the droplet-target plasma. The simulated plasma state parameter distributions and EUV spectral results closely match existing experimental data, demonstrating the ability of RHDLPP code to model laser-produced Sn plasma EUV light sources. These findings provide valuable support for the development of EUV lithography and EUV light sources.
- extreme ultraviolet lithography light source /
- laser-produced tin plasma /
- radiation hydrodynamics code /
- extreme ultraviolet spectra
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图 3 不同$ \left({T}_{{\mathrm{e}}}, {n}_{{\mathrm{e}}}\right) $下离子电荷态分布的对比结果, 其中红色柱状图代表 LTE条件下基于细致能级的结果(LTE-DLA), 蓝色柱状图代表LTE条件下基于屏蔽氢近似的结果(LTE-SH), 灰色柱状图代表non-LTE条件下基于屏蔽氢近似的结果
Fig. 3. Comparison of ion charge state distributions under different $ \left({T}_{{\mathrm{e}}}, {n}_{{\mathrm{e}}}\right) $ conditions. The red bar chart represents results based on DLA model under LTE conditions (LTE-DLA), the blue bar chart represents results based on the screened hydrogenic approximation under LTE conditions (LTE-SH), and the gray bar chart represents results based on the screened hydrogenic approximation under non-LTE conditions.
图 5 延迟时间10.5 ns时, 模拟和实验测量的激光Sn等离子体(a)温度和(b)电子密度在距离靶面130, 200, 300 μm 处沿着r轴的分布
Fig. 5. Simulated and experimentally measured distributions of laser-produced Sn plasma (a) temperature and (b) electron density along the r-axis are presented at distances of 130, 200, and 300 μm from the target surface, with a delay time of 10.5 ns.
图 9 延迟时间为4, 7, 10, 13 ns时, 模拟得到的Sn液滴等离子体的温度(第一行)和密度(第二行)的二维分布, 图中激光自左向右沿着z轴入射
Fig. 9. Two-dimensional distributions of temperature (the first row) and density (the second row) of Sn droplet plasma, obtained from simulations, when the delay times is 4, 7, 10, and 13 ns. In the panel, the laser propagates along the z-axis from left to right.
图 10 观测视线与激光入射方向成60º角时, 实验测量的[12] (黑色实线)、Torretti等[12]模拟的(红色实线)以及本文利用RHDLPP程序模拟的(蓝色实线) Sn液滴等离子体的EUV光谱
Fig. 10. The EUV spectra for the Sn droplet plasma, including the experimentally measured data[12] (black solid line), the simulation by Torretti et al. [12] (red solid line), and the simulation performed in this paper using the RHDLPP program (blue solid line). The spectra are observed at a 60º angle relative to the direction of laser incidence.
图 11 Sn液滴等离子体在13.5 nm, 2%带宽内的归一化辐射强度随观测角的变化, 其中红色实心圆表示本文的模拟结果, 蓝色虚线表示拟合曲线
Fig. 11. Variation of the normalized radiation intensity of the Sn droplet plasma at 13.5 nm with a 2% bandwidth as a function of the observation angle. The red solid circles represent the simulation results from this paper, while the blue dashed lines correspond to the fitted curves.
表 1 14组$ \left({T}_{{\mathrm{e}}}, {n}_{{\mathrm{e}}}\right) $下的比值R、电离温度$ {T}_{Z} $、LTE条件下基于细致能级的平均电荷态$ {\left\langle{Z}\right\rangle}_{{\mathrm{LTE}}\text-1} $、LTE条件下基于屏蔽氢近似的平均电荷态$ {\left\langle{Z}\right\rangle}_{{\mathrm{LTE}}\text-2} $及non-LTE条件下基于屏蔽氢近似的平均电荷态$ {\left\langle{Z}\right\rangle}_{{\mathrm{n}}{\mathrm{o}}{\mathrm{n}}{\text{-}}{\mathrm{LTE}}} $
Table 1. Ratios R, ionization temperatures $ {T}_{Z} $, average charge states $ {\left\langle{Z}\right\rangle}_{{\mathrm{LTE}}\text-1} $ based on DLA model under LTE conditions, $ {\left\langle{Z}\right\rangle}_{{\mathrm{LTE}}\text-2} $ based on the screened hydrogenic approximation under LTE conditions, and $ {\left\langle{Z}\right\rangle}_{{\mathrm{n}}{\mathrm{o}}{\mathrm{n}}{\text{-}}{\mathrm{LTE}}} $ based on the screened hydrogenic approximation under non-LTE conditions for 14 sets of $ \left({T}_{{\mathrm{e}}}, {n}_{{\mathrm{e}}}\right) $ values.
序号 $ {T}_{{\mathrm{e}}}/{\rm eV}$ $ {n}_{{\mathrm{e}}}/{\rm cm}^{-3} $ $ R $ $ {T}_{Z}/\rm eV $ $ {\left\langle{Z}\right\rangle}_{{\mathrm{LTE}}\text-1} $ $ {\left\langle{Z}\right\rangle}_{{\mathrm{LTE}}\text-2} $ $ {\left\langle{Z}\right\rangle}_{{\mathrm{n}}{\mathrm{o}}{\mathrm{n}}\text-{\mathrm{LTE}}} $ 1 38 5.10×1020 1.00754 37.72 12.57 12.60 12.60 2 2.05×1020 1.01839 37.31 13.20 13.35 13.34 3 5.97×1019 1.05867 35.89 13.91 14.09 14.08 4 32 5.07×1020 1.00418 31.87 11.10 11.14 11.13 5 1.26×1020 1.01645 31.48 12.39 12.58 12.57 6 5.34×1019 1.03737 30.85 13.17 13.25 13.23 7 28 3.18×1020 1.00418 27.88 10.44 10.41 10.41 8 1.15×1020 1.0114 27.68 11.32 11.46 11.46 9 4.31×1019 1.02944 27.20 12.14 12.39 12.37 10 23 1.00×1020 1.00664 22.85 9.87 9.82 9.81 11 5.26×1019 1.0125 22.72 10.37 10.39 10.38 12 2.23×1019 1.02862 22.36 11.00 11.11 11.10 13 20 4.77×1019 1.00851 19.83 9.40 9.30 9.29 14 1.06×1019 1.0364 19.30 10.42 10.44 10.43 表 2 COWAN计算采用的Sn11+—Sn14+离子的组态列表
Table 2. Configuration list of Sn11+ to Sn14+ ions.
离子 组态 Sn11+ 4s24p6 + {4d3, 4d25s, 4d25d, 4d4f2, 4d4f5p, 4d5s2,
4d5p2, 4d5d2, 4d5p5d};4s24p5 + {4d34f, 4d35p, 4d35f, 4d24f5s, 4d24f5d,
4d25s5p};4s24p4 + {4d5, 4d45s, 4d45d, 4d34f2, 4d34f5p}; 4s24p3 + {4d54f, 4d55p, 4d44f5s, 4d44f5d}; 4s4p6 + {4d4, 4d35s, 4d35d, 4d24f2, 4d24f5p}; 4s4p5 + {4d44f, 4d45p, 4d34f5s, 4d34f5d}. 4s24p6 + {4d24f, 4d25p, 4d25f, 4d4f5s, 4d4f5d,
4d5s5p};4s24p5 + {4d4, 4d35s, 4d35d, 4d24f2, 4d25s2, 4d24f5p,
4d25s5d};4s24p4 + {4d44f, 4d45p, 4d34f5s, 4d34f5d}; 4s24p3 + {4d6, 4d55s, 4d55d, 4d44f2, 4d44f5p}; 4s4p6 + {4d34f, 4d35p, 4d24f5s, 4d24f5d}; 4s4p5 + {4d5, 4d45s, 4d45d, 4d34f2, 4d34f5p}. Sn12+ 4s24p6 + {4d2, 4d5s, 4d5d, 4f2, 4f5p, 5s2, 5p2,
5d2, 5p5d};4s24p5 + {4d24f, 4d25p, 4d25f, 4d4f5s, 4d4f5d, 4d5s5p}; 4s24p4 + {4d4, 4d35s, 4d35d, 4d24f2, 4d24f5p}; 4s24p3 + {4d44f, 4d45p, 4d34f5s, 4d34f5d}; 4s4p6 + {4d3, 4d25s, 4d25d, 4d4f2, 4d4f5p}; 4s4p5 + {4d34f, 4d35p, 4d24f5s, 4d24f5d}. 4s24p6 + {4d4f, 4d5p, 4d5f, 4f5s, 4f5d, 5s5p}; 4s24p5 + {4d3, 4d25s, 4d25d, 4d4f2, 4d5s2, 4d4f5p, 4d5s5d}; 4s24p4 + {4d34f, 4d35p, 4d24f5s, 4d24f5d}; 4s24p3 + {4d5, 4d45s, 4d45d, 4d34f2, 4d34f5p}; 4s4p6 + {4d24f, 4d25p, 4d4f5s, 4d4f5d}; 4s4p5 + {4d4, 4d35s, 4d35d, 4d24f2, 4d24f5p}. Sn13+ 4s24p6 + {4d, 5s, 5d}; 4s24p5 + {4d4f, 4d5p, 4d5f, 4f5s, 4f5d, 5s5p}; 4s24p4 + {4d3, 4d25s, 4d25d, 4d4f2, 4d4f5p}; 4s24p3 + {4d34f, 4d35p, 4d24f5s, 4d24f5d}; 4s4p6 + {4d2, 4d5s, 4d5d, 4f2, 4f5p}; 4s4p5 + {4d24f, 4d25p, 4d4f5s, 4d4f5d}. 4s24p6 + {4f, 5p, 5f}; 4s24p5 + {4d2, 4d5s, 4d5d, 4f2, 5s2, 4f5p, 5s5d}; 4s24p4 + {4d24f, 4d25p, 4d4f5s, 4d4f5d}; 4s24p3 + {4d4, 4d35s, 4d35d, 4d24f2, 4d24f5p}; 4s4p6 + {4d4f, 4d5p, 4f5s, 4f5d}; 4s4p5 + {4d3, 4d25s, 4d25d, 4d4f2, 4d4f5p}. Sn14+ 4s24p6; 4s24p5 + {4f, 5p, 5f}; 4s24p4 + {4d2, 4d5s, 4d5d, 4f2, 4f5p}; 4s24p3 + {4d24f, 4d25p, 4d4f5s, 4d4f5d}; 4s4p6 + {4d, 5s, 5d}; 4s4p5 + {4d4f, 4d5p, 4f5s, 4f5d}. 4s24p5 + {4d, 5s, 5d}; 4s24p4 + {4d4f, 4d5p, 4f5s, 4f5d}; 4s24p3 + {4d3, 4d25s, 4d25d, 4d4f2, 4d4f5p}; 4s4p6 + {4f, 5p}; 4s4p5 + {4d2, 4d5s, 4d5d, 4f2, 4f5p}. -
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[9] Hemminga D J, Versolato O O, Sheil J 2023 Phys. Plasmas 30 033301
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