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石磊 冯士维 石帮兵 闫鑫 张亚民



石磊, 冯士维, 石帮兵, 闫鑫, 张亚民

Degradation induced by voltage and current for AlGaN/GaN high-electron mobility transistor under on-state stress

Shi Lei, Feng Shi-Wei, Shi Bang-Bing, Yan Xin, Zhang Ya-Min
  • 通过采集等功率的两种不同开态直流应力作用下AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMTs)漏源电流输出特性、源区和漏区大信号寄生电阻、转移特性、阈值电压随应力时间的变化, 并使用光发射显微镜观察器件漏电流情况, 研究了开态应力下电压和电流对AlGaN/GaN高电子迁移率晶体管的退化作用. 结果表明, 低电压大电流应力下器件退化很少, 高电压大电流下器件退化较明显. 高电压是HEMTs退化的主要因素, 栅漏之间高电场引起的逆压电效应对参数的永久性退化起决定性作用. 除此之外, 器件表面损坏部位的显微图像表明低电压大电流下器件失效是由于局部电流密度过高, 出现热斑导致器件损伤引起的.
    Voltage and current degrade the AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) under on-state stress. To determine which one dominates the degradation, two on-state stresses which have equal power are exerted on AlGaN/GaN HEMTs: high voltage and low current on sample A, low voltage and high current on sample B. In the former stress, drain-source voltage (VDS) is 28 V, drain-source current (IDS) is 75 mA/mm. In the latter stress, VDS is 14 V and IDS is 150 mA/mm. The package temperatures of samples A and B are kept at 150 ℃. The samples are measured every 24 hours, with an extra measurement at the 8th hour in the first 24 hours (note that the time refers to the stressing time). There is an interval of 4 hours between the stressing and the measurement. The device parameters include drain-source current-voltage (IDS-VDS) characteristics, large-signal parasitic source resistance (RS), large-signal parasitic drain resistance (RD), and transfer characteristics between IDS and gate-source voltage (VGS). The emission microscope (EMMI) is used to study the leakage current after experiment. The IDS-VDS characteristics of sample B are kept constant after being stressed, while that of device A shifts downward after being stressed. RS of sample A, RS of sample B, and RD of sample B increase slightly, RD of sample A increases more obviously with most change happening in the first 8 hours. IDS-VGS characteristics of sample B kept constant, IDS-VGS characteristics of sample A shift downward. The changes of threshold voltage (VGS(th)) is obtained from the transfer characteristics, and it is similar to the changes of transfer characteristics. The VGS(th) magnitude (absolute value) of sample A decreases obviously while that of sample B decreases slightly. The measurements show that the device under low voltage and high current stress degrades little and the device under high voltage and low current stress degrades more obviously. The EMMI images show that the leakage of sample A is greater than that of sample B. The analyses of the parameter change, experiment setting and EMMI image indicate that the voltage, rather than the current, dominates the degradation for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs. The influences of hot electron effect, gate electron injection, and self-heating are recoverable, and they vanish in the interval between the stressing and the measurements. The permanent degradation of device parameter is caused by the inverse piezoelectric effect induced by high electrical field between the gate and the drain. Besides, it is found that sudden failure without precursor is easy to happen to the device under low voltage and high current stress. The microscope image of damaged area shows that the failure is due to hot spot induced by high current density.
    • 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(批准号:61376077)和北京市自然科学基金(批准号:4132022,2132023)资助的课题.
    • Funds: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61376077) and the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing, China (Grant Nos. 4132022, 2132023).

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    Soltani A, Rousseau M, Gerbedoen J C, Mattalah M, Bonanno P L, Telia A, Bourzgui N, Patriarche G, Ougazzaden A, BenMoussa A 2014 Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 233506


    Perez-Tomas A, Fontsere A, Sanchez S, Jennings M R, Gammon P M, Cordier Y 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 0235112


    Huang J, Li M, Tang C W, Lau K M 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 128102


    Jungwoo J, Xia L 2007 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting Washington DC, USA, December 10-12, 2007 p385


    Jungwoo J, del Alamo J A 2008 IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 29 287


    Dammann M, Pletschen W, Waltereit P, Bronner W, Quay R, Mller S, Mikulla M, Ambacher O, van der Wel P J, Murad S, Rödle T, Behtash R, Bourgeois F, Riepe K, Fagerlind M, Sveinbjörnsson E Ö 2009 Microelectron Reliab. 49 474


    Gu W P, Hao Y, Zhang J C, Wang C, Feng Q, Ma X H 2009 Acta Phys. Sin. 58 511 (in Chinese) [谷文萍, 郝跃, 张进城, 王冲, 冯倩, 马晓华 2009 物理学报 58 511]


    Greenberg D R, del Alamo J A, Bhat R 1995 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 42 1574


    Greenberg D R, del Alamo J A 1996 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 43 1304


    Barry E A, Kim K W, Kochelap V A 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 2317


    Wang X D, Hu W D, Chen X S, Lu W 2012 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 59 1393


    Meneghini M, Stocco A, Silvestri R, Meneghesso G, Zanoni E 2012 Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 233508


    Joh J, Del Alamo J A 2011 IEEE Trans. Electron Dev. 58 132


    Shi L, Feng S W, Guo C S, Zhu H, Wan N 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 027201


    Gaska R, Osinsky A, Yang J W, Shur M S 1998 IEEE Electron Dev. Lett. 19 89

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  • 收稿日期:  2014-12-10
  • 修回日期:  2015-01-30
  • 刊出日期:  2015-06-05

